《不可思议:有悖直觉的难题及其令人惊叹的解答》是《不要大惊小怪》的续集,收集了另外18个有悖直觉的独特数学课题,纳入的标准是在不久以前或者很久以前,这些题材曾引起了作者的诧异。如果你去思考这些课题,会对你的推理能力有极大的考验。概率和统计构成了《不可思议:有悖直觉的难题及其令人惊叹的解答》中大约半数的素材,其余部分则是兼收并蓄的。一些素材有着有趣的历史,另一些则具有深远的后果。总的来说,我们收集了一部由令人迷惑的事物组成的合集,并试图做出解释。 -
Math, Better Explained: Learn to Unlock Your Math Intuition
"Math, Better Explained" is a clear, intuitive guide to math topics essential for high school, college and beyond. Whether you're a student, parent, or teacher, this book is your key to unlocking the aha! moments that make math truly click -- and make learning enjoyable. The book intentionally avoids mindless definitions and focuses on building a deep, natural intuition so you can integrate the ideas into your everyday thinking. Its explanations on the natural logarithm, imaginary numbers, exponents and the Pythagorean Theorem are among the most-visited in the world. The topics in Math, Better Explained include: 1. Developing Math Intuition 2. The Pythagorean Theorem 3. Pythagorean Distance 4. Radians and Degrees 5. Imaginary Numbers 6. Complex Arithmetic 7. Exponential Functions & e 8. The Natural Logarithm (ln) 9. Interest Rates 10. Understanding Exponents 11. Euler’s Formula 12. Introduction To Calculus The book is written as the author wishes math was taught: with a friendly attitude, vivid illustrations and a focus on true understanding. Learn right, not rote! Selected testimonials: "I have several books on calculus (Calculus for Dummys, Math for the Millions, etc. etc. - never was able to read them) but your explanation is what I have needed all these years." - D. Hogg, Former Principal "This is a great explanation! I am 49 years old and have never known what e is all about. It is thanks to your article that I get it and now can explain it to my son who is 13 years old..." - C. Dhaveji "I've been following you for nearly two years...I find the intuitive approach to the subject and lucid writing unparalleled." - D. Ezell About the Author Kalid Azad graduated from Princeton University and has been writing professionally for over a decade, from chapters in the best-selling "How to Program" textbooks (from Deitel, Inc.) to technical whitepapers for Microsoft, Corp. Kalid has tutored math since high school (99% percentile for SAT/GRE/GMAT) and is enamored with finding the clearest, most intuitive insights on seemingly-complicated topics. http://www.amazon.com/Math-Better-Explained-Intuition-ebook/dp/B006J5L3VU -
《幻想数学大战16:神秘的吠陀数学》——千年数学大战,代表正义的主人公、惊险刺激的故事情节,韩国知名漫画家图画树绘制精美图画,全彩大开本制作。著名数学家、北大教授张顺燕,北师大教育管理专家牛志奎、中国著名童书阅读推广人徐榕,韩国最权威的初等数学教育研究会强力推荐!《幻想数学大战16:神秘的吠陀数学》:时间的起点和终点在哪里?吠陀数学有哪些奇妙的用处呢?认识一下神奇的坐标吧!知修大败阿修罗,吠陀村祖传的歌声中隐藏着神奇的计算方法!知修和朋友们意外来到数学秩序和混沌和谐共存的吠陀村,这里的人都会唱古印度吠陀数学歌。知修专心学习神秘的吠陀数学,可矮人族长却想让知修当自己的女婿,知修怕了,和村长女儿阿娜萨逃离了村庄。另一方面,千年前被封印的乌勒突然出现,要见毕达哥拉斯。乌勒为什么会被封印一千年之久呢?他又是怎么熬过这一千年并重见天日的呢? -
《矢算场论札记》试图在数学和工程实际之间架起一座桥梁,给广大的初学者和工程技术人员提供重要的基本概念、清晰的数学构架、重要的方法工具和典型的应用范例。大量的物理场,包括数量场、矢量场和张量场是本书的研究对象;Hamilton算子是描述场与空间相互作用的统一工具;而各种不同的坐标系则是场发挥作用的不同场合。于是,场、算子和坐标系构成了本书的主要内容。《矢算场论札记》从最基本的矢量概念讲述到高维Stokes定理,内容上的大跨度可以适合各类读者的需要。书后完备的附录也给广大工程技术人员带来很大的方便。 点击链接进入新版 : 矢算场论札记 -
《几何与拓扑的概念导引》致力于对几何与拓扑的基本概念的解释及基本理论的综述,内容涉及古典几何、微分流形与李群、微分几何、拓扑学、代数曲线。《几何与拓扑的概念导引》叙述较为细致,语言较为通俗,需要的预备知识较少,特别注意从直观的几何现象入手讲解抽象的概念,尽量介绍本学科与其他学科的关系,以便照顾更多的读者群体。《几何与拓扑的概念导引》是了解近代几何与拓扑学的导引,可作为大学数学系及其他有关专业的研究生的公共课教材,也可以用作自学者的入门读物。 -
The Calculus Lifesaver
For many students, calculus can be the most mystifying and frustrating course they will ever take. The Calculus Lifesaver provides students with the essential tools they need not only to learn calculus, but to excel at it. All of the material in this user-friendly study guide has been proven to get results. The book arose from Adrian Banner's popular calculus review course at Princeton University, which he developed especially for students who are motivated to earn A's but get only average grades on exams. The complete course will be available for free on the Web in a series of videotaped lectures. This study guide works as a supplement to any single-variable calculus course or textbook. Coupled with a selection of exercises, the book can also be used as a textbook in its own right. The style is informal, non-intimidating, and even entertaining, without sacrificing comprehensiveness. The author elaborates standard course material with scores of detailed examples that treat the reader to an "inner monologue"--the train of thought students should be following in order to solve the problem--providing the necessary reasoning as well as the solution. The book's emphasis is on building problem-solving skills. Examples range from easy to difficult and illustrate the in-depth presentation of theory. The Calculus Lifesaver combines ease of use and readability with the depth of content and mathematical rigor of the best calculus textbooks. It is an indispensable volume for any student seeking to master calculus. Serves as a companion to any single-variable calculus textbook Informal, entertaining, and not intimidating Informative videos that follow the book--a full forty-eight hours of Banner's Princeton calculus-review course--is available at Adrian Banner lectures More than 475 examples (ranging from easy to hard) provide step-by-step reasoning Theorems and methods justified and connections made to actual practice Difficult topics such as improper integrals and infinite series covered in detail Tried and tested by students taking freshman calculus -
《复分析导论(第1卷)·单复变函数(第4版)》文字叙述极具特色,素材丰富,内容包括全纯函数及其性质、解析延拓、几何理论的基础、解析方法、调和与次调和函数等。《复分析导论(第1卷)·单复变函数(第4版)》可供高等学校数学、物理、力学及相关专业的本科生、研究生、教师,以及相关领域的研究人员参考使用。 复分析是研究复函数,特别是亚纯函数和复解析函数的数学理论,其应用领域极为广泛,在其他数学分支和物理学中均起着重要的作用。 《复分析导论》(二卷本)根据作者在莫斯科大学讲授的讲义编写而成,分别涉及复分析必修课程和专业基础课的基本内容。《复分析导论(第1卷)·单复变函数(第4版)》是第一卷,给出了单复变函数理论的基本概念的完整叙述,并从一开始引入高维复分析中的许多重要思想,并通过单变函数的内容加以解释,为第二卷讲述高维复分析的内容做了必要铺垫。书中配备许多问题和练习,并列举了许多应用例子,有助于读者的学习。 -
Linear Representations of Finite Groups
This book consists of three parts, rather different in level and purpose. The first part was originally written for quantum chemists. It describes the correspondence, due to Frobenius, between linear representations and characters. The second part is a course given in 1966 to second-year students of l'Ecole Normale. It completes in a certain sense the first part. The third part is an introduction to Brauer Theory. -
《最后的消遣:九头蛇、鸡蛋与其他数学之谜》内容简介:有3位传教士与3个食人者在河的右岸,打算利用一只小划子摆渡到左岸去。划子很小,一次至多只能搭载2个人。食人者毫无人性,不论在左岸还是右岸,只要人数占优(多出一人就行),传教士就会被他们杀死吃掉。现在问你:所有的6个人都能安然渡河吗?如果能,试问最少要渡几次? -
本书系统全面地介绍了数学常数e有关方面的知识,从其发现史、发现人到其在现代诸数学分支中的应用。叙述浅显易懂,适合于一般爱好者阅读。 -
《数值数学(影印版)》内容简介:数值数学是数学的一个分支,它提出、发展、分析并应用科学计算中的方法于若干领域,如分析学、线性代数、几何学、逼近论、函数方程、优化问题和微分方程等等。而其他领域,如物理学、自然和生物科学、工程、经济、金融科学也经常提出问题,而问题的解决同样需要科学计算。 因此可以说,数值数学是现代应用科学中具有很强相关性的不同学科的一个交叉学科,是这些学科中定性和定量分析的重要工具。 写作本书的目的之一,是给出数值方法的数学基础,分析其基本的理论性质(如稳定性、精度、计算复杂性),应用MATLAB这一界面友好并被广泛接受的软件,通过例子和反例说明其特征和优缺点。讨论每一类问题时,都评述最适合的算法,进行理论分析,并利用一个MATLAB程序验证理论结果。书中每一章都包含例子、练习,并运用所讨论的理论解决现实生活中的问题。 《数值数学(影印版)》主要写给本科高年级学生及工程、数学、物理和计算机科学各专业研究生;而强调应用性和对相关软件的发展的关注,也使《数值数学(影印版)》对各种专业领域的研究人员和科学计算的实践者都颇有价值。 -
The Language of Mathematics
"The great book of nature," said Galileo, "can be read only by those who know the language in which it was written. And this language is mathematics." In "The Language of Mathematics," award-winning author Keith Devlin reveals the vital role mathematics plays in our eternal quest to understand who we are and the world we live in. More than just the study of numbers, mathematics provides us with the eyes to recognize and describe the hidden patterns of life--patterns that exist in the physical, biological, and social worlds without, and the realm of ideas and thoughts within. Taking the reader on a wondrous journey through the invisible universe that surrounds us--a universe made visible by mathematics--Devlin shows us what keeps a jumbo jet in the air, explains how we can see and hear a football game on TV, allows us to predict the weather, the behavior of the stock market, and the outcome of elections. Microwave ovens, telephone cables, children's toys, pacemakers, automobiles, and computers--all operate on mathematical principles. Far from a dry and esoteric subject, mathematics is a rich and living part of our culture. An exploration of an often woefully misunderstood subject, "The Language of Mathematics" celebrates the simplicity, the precision, the purity, and the elegance of mathematics. -
Mathematics and Its History
From the reviews of the first edition: '[This book] can be described as a collection of critical historical essays dealing with a large variety of mathematical disciplines and issues, and intended for a broad audience - we know of no book on mathematics and its history that covers half as much nonstandard material. Even when dealing with standard material, Stillwell manages to dramatize it and to make it worth rethinking. In short, his book is a splendid addition to the genre of works that build royal roads to mathematical culture for the many' - ("Mathematical Intelligencer"). This second edition includes new chapters on Chinese and Indian number theory, on hypercomplex numbers, and on algebraic number theory. Many more exercises have been added, as well as commentary to the exercises explaining how they relate to the preceding section, and how they foreshadow later topics. -
A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews
This book will prepare you for quantitative finance interviews by helping you zero in on the key concepts that are frequently tested in such interviews. In this book we analyze solutions to more than 200 real interview problems and provide valuable insights into how to ace quantitative interviews. The book covers a variety of topics that you are likely to encounter in quantitative interviews: brain teasers, calculus, linear algebra, probability, stochastic processes and stochastic calculus, finance and programming. -
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper
With the same user-friendly, quirky, and perceptive approach that made Innumeracy a bestseller, John Allen Paulos travels though the pages of the daily newspaper showing how math and numbers are a key element in many of the articles we read every day.From the Senate, SATs, and sex, to crime, celebrities, and cults, he takes stories that may not seem to involve mathematics at all and demonstrates how a lack of mathematical knowledge can hinder our understanding of them. -
《龙门名师系列之高中篇•名校名师课时作业:高中数学必修5(RB)》内容简介:一本使人聪明的书——有效高效的夯实基础。“基础知识全解”栏目采用工具化和能级化的编写方法,全面、细致、透彻讲解知识点的同时,标明知识点的能力考查要求及星级,起到导读作用,高效、实用、方便。一本影响深远的书——素质、能力与成绩同等重要。“方法能力探究”栏目采用案例化和自主探究式的编写形式,帮助读者突破思维瓶颈、引导思维发散、启发自主思考,实现知识向能力的转化。一本会说话的书——状元与您来互动。《龙门名师系列之高中篇•名校名师课时作业:高中数学必修5(RB)》中很多例题的讲解采用学生和状元模拟互动聊天的形式,在讲清易错点的同时,揭秘名校学生、高考状元的思维模式和学习秘籍。一本轻松应试的书——教你对比应试法。“从教材看高考”栏目采用高考真题与教材内容对比讲解的形式,培养学生的发散思维和迁移能力。针对读者:高中课标地区中等及中等偏上水平学生。 -
本书在中国科学技术大学讲授多年的讲义基础上修改写成,可作为高等学校数学系基础课教材,也可供数学工作者和通信、计算机科学等领域的工程技术人员参考。 -
《微积分(上)第3版》参照新修订的“工科类本科数学基础课程教学基 本要求”,结合当前的教学实际,在原书第二版的基础上修订而成。在保 持同济编教材优秀传统的同时,努力贯彻教学改革的精神,加强对微积分 的基本概念、理论、方法和应用实例的介绍,突出微积分的应用。本书结 构严谨,逻辑清晰,文字表述详尽通畅,平易近人,易教易学,改编后的 内容编排也更利于教学的组织和安排。所选用的习题突出数学基本能力的 训练而不过分追求技巧,既有传统的优秀题目,又从国外教材中吸取或改 编了一些有较高训练效能的新颖习题。通过数学实验将微积分与数学软件 的应用有机结合起来是本书的一个特色,经过改编,数学实验与教学内容 的结合更加紧密,有利于培养学生的数学建模能力。书中有些内容用楷书 排印或加了“*”号,教师可灵活掌握。本书可作为工科和其他非数学类专 业的高等数学(微积分)教材或参考书。 全书分上、下两册出版。同济大学数学系编著的《微积分(上)第3版》 的内容为函数、极限与连续,一元函数微分学,一元函数积分学和微分方 程,四个与一元函数微积分相关的数学实验,附录中有数学软件 Mathematica的简介。下册内容为向量代数与空间解析几何,多元函数微分 学,重积分,曲线积分与曲面积分,无穷级数,三个与多元微积分和级数 有关的数学实验。书末附有习题答案与提示。 -
离散数学是现代数学的一个重要分支和计算机科学基础理论的核心课程,它充分描述了计算机科学离散性的特点,是随着计算机科学的发展而逐步建立起来的新型基础性学科。本书从算法分析和问题求解的角度,全面系统地介绍了离散数学的基础概念及相关知识。本书内容叙述严谨、推演详尽,各章配有相当数量的习题与书后的提示和答案,为读者迅速掌握相关知识提供了有效的帮助。 本书从算法分析和问题求解的角度,全面系统地介绍了离散数学的基础概念及相关知识。书中通过大量实例,深入浅出地讲解了数理逻辑、组合算法、图论、Boole代数、网络模型、形式语言与自动机理论、计算几何等与计算机科学密切相关的前沿课题,既着重于各部分内容之间的紧密联系,又深入探讨了相关的概念、理论、算法和实际应用。本书内容叙述严谨、推演详尽,各章配有相当数量的习题与书后的提示和答案,为读者迅速掌握相关知识提供了有效的帮助。 本书既可作为计算机科学及计算数学等专业的本科生和研究生教材,也可作为工程技术人员和相关人员的参考书。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友