

  • 代数拓扑基础

    作者:[美]James R.Munkres

    本书根据James R.Munkres所著“Elements of Algebraic Topology” (Perseus出版社1993年版)译出。. 全书共分8章74节,内容丰富,论述精辟,主要内容包括单纯同调群及其拓扑不变性、Eilenberg-Steenrod公理系统、奇异同调论、上同调群与上同调环、同调代数、流形上的对偶等。.. 由于作者独具匠心的灵活编排,使得本书能适合于多种教学需要,如可作为研究生一学年或学期的教材,也可供本科高年级选修课选用,此外本书可供广大科技工作者和拓扑学爱好者阅读。...
  • 工程数学

    作者:王元明 编

    《工程数学:数学物理方程与特殊函数(第3版)》第三版是在1982年出版的第二版的基础上修订的,除保留了第二版原有特色以外,还根据工科各专业发展的需要对内容作了增减。全书共分九章,前四章及第七、第八章介绍数学物理方程的基本概念和常用解法;第五、六两章分别讨论了贝塞尔函数与勒让德多项式的基本性质及在求解数学物理方程定解问题中的应用;第九章简要地介绍了物理学、几何学中几个重要的非线性偏微分方程,其中包括激波与孤立波。 《工程数学:数学物理方程与特殊函数(第3版)》可作为高等学校理工科各专业的教材,也可供工程技术人员、数学系师生参考。
  • Optimization in Economic Theory

    作者:Avinash K. Dixit

    In the new edition of this student text, the author has made substantial revisions and additions to enhance the book's usefulness without destroying its character as a lucid and readable text. Most economics courses separate the teaching of the mathematics of constrained maximization from its economic applications. The aim of this book is to provide an integrated treatment of optimization that relates mathematics to economics from the outset, thus facilitating a quicker and deeper understanding. Proofs of the mathematical therorems are structured to bring out points of economic interest and to enable economic applications. The illustrative examples are also chosen for their economic interest and usefulness and suggestions for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter. This new edition has been revised to accommodate the siginificant changes the subject has undergone since the publication of the first edition. A chapter on uncertainty has been added with treatment of topics such as finance and asymmetric information, and the chapter on dynamic programmming has been expanded.
  • 幻想数学大战


  • 哥德尔不完备定理


    哥德尔不完全性定理 朱水林著 辽宁教育出版社1988年2月版 12万字 对哥德尔定理的背景、内容、证明和意义等作系统的介绍。哥德尔不完全性定理对逻辑学、数学、哲学和人工智能都具有深刻的影响。踏和塔斯基的形式语言的真理论及图灵机的判定问题理论,已被国际逻辑学界赞誉为现代逻辑的三大成果。收入“世界数学名题欣赏丛书”
  • 2012年李永乐.李正元·考研数学1:数学复习全书习题全解(数学1)(理工类)


    《北大燕园•李永乐•李正元考研数学1:数学复习全书习题全解(数学1)(2013年)》内容简介:2011年版是在2010年版的基础上进行修订的,更加完善,更具有针对性和适用性。高等数学部分:按考试大纲的要求及绝大多数考生系统复习的需要,《北大燕园•2012年李永乐•李正元考研数学1:数学复习全书(数学1)(理工类)》进行了调整,宗旨是重点内容重点讲解,如:求极限的方法,求积分(一元、多元函数)的方法,牛顿一莱布尼兹公式及其应用,二重积分的计算与应用,泰勒公式及其应用,求幂级数的收敛域或收敛区间,幂级数的求和,求函数的幂级数展开式等单独分离出来进行举例讲解,同时调换并增加了若干典型例题,并修改了部分例题的解法,使之更简捷,更易掌握。 线性代数部分:主要是针对一些重点概念和公式的运用,调换并增加了若干例题进行讲解,使考生对这些重点概念和公式能彻底理解、吃透,对一些常考题型,如:抽象行列式的计算,有关伴随矩阵的命题,n阶矩阵的特征值和特征向量以及线性相关与无关的证明、基础解系的证明等题型的解题方法和技巧进一步作了较详尽的归纳总结,并给典型例题进行讲解,消除考生对这些重要概念和公式的运用和常考题型解题方法的疑惑,以便考生在考试中应对自如,提高应试水平。 概率统计部分:与高等数学部分一样也进行了调整,调整后更适合考生进行系统复习,同时对重点概念、公式和常考题型从多角度命制典型例题进行讲解,以提高考生运用概念、公式综合分析能力,从而取得好成绩。
  • Our Mathematical Universe

    作者:Max Tegmark

    Max Tegmark leads us on an astonishing journey through past, present and future, and through the physics, astronomy and mathematics that are the foundation of his work, most particularly his hypothesis that our physical reality is a mathematical structure and his theory of the ultimate multiverse. In a dazzling combination of both popular and groundbreaking science, he not only helps us grasp his often mind-boggling theories, but he also shares with us some of the often surprising triumphs and disappointments that have shaped his life as a scientist. Fascinating from first to last—this is a book that has already prompted the attention and admiration of some of the most prominent scientists and mathematicians. “Tegmark offers a fascinating exploration of multiverse theories, each one offering new ways to explain ‘quantum weirdness’ and other mysteries that have plagued physicists, culminating in the idea that our physical world is ‘a giant mathematical object’ shaped by geometry and symmetry. Tegmark’s writing is lucid, enthusiastic, and outright entertaining, a thoroughly accessible discussion leavened with anecdotes and the pure joy of a scientist at work.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Lively and lucid, the narrative invites general readers into debates over computer models for brain function, over scientific explanations of consciousness, and over prospects for finding advanced life in other galaxies. Though he reflects soberly on the perils of nuclear war and of hostile artificial intelligence, Tegmark concludes with a bracingly upbeat call for scientifically minded activists who recognize a rare opportunity to make our special planet a force for cosmic progress. An exhilarating adventure for bold readers.” —Bryce Cristensen, Booklist (starred review) “Our Mathematical Universe boldly confronts one of the deepest questions at the fertile interface of physics and philosophy: why is mathematics so spectacularly successful at describing the cosmos? Through lively writing and wonderfully accessible explanations, Max Tegmark—one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists—guides the reader to a possible answer, and reveals how, if it’s right, our understanding of reality itself would be radically altered.” —Brian Greene, physicist, author of The Elegant Universe and The Hidden Reality “Daring, Radical. Innovative. A game changer. If Dr. Tegmark is correct, this represents a paradigm shift in the relationship between physics and mathematics, forcing us to rewrite our textbooks. A must read for anyone deeply concerned about our universe.” —Michio Kaku, author of Physics of the Future “Tegmark offers a fresh and fascinating perspective on the fabric of physical reality and life itself. He helps us see ourselves in a cosmic context that highlights the grand opportunities for the future of life in our universe.” —Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near “Readers of varied backgrounds will enjoy this book. Almost anyone will find something to learn here, much to ponder, and perhaps something to disagree with.” —Prof. Edward Witten, physicist, Fields Medalist & Milner Laureate “This inspirational book written by a true expert presents an explosive mixture of physics, mathematics and philosophy which may alter your views on reality.” —Prof. Andrei Linde, physicist, Gruber & Milner Laureate for development of inflationary cosmology “Galileo famously said that the universe is written in the language of mathematics. Now Max Tegmark says that the universe IS mathematics. You don’t have to necessarily agree, to enjoy this fascinating journey into the nature of reality.” —Prof. Mario Livio, astrophysicist, author of Brilliant Blunders and Is God a Mathematician? “Scientists and lay aficionados alike will find Tegmark’s book packed with information and very thought provoking. You may recoil from his thesis, but nearly every page will make you wish you could debate the issues face-to-face with him.” —Prof. Julian Barbour, physicist, author of The End of Time “In Our Mathematical Universe, renowned cosmologist Max Tegmark takes us on a whirlwind tour of the universe, past, present—and other. With lucid language and clear examples, Tegmark provides us with the master measure of not only of our cosmos, but of all possible universes. The universe may be lonely, but it is not alone.” —Prof. Seth Lloyd, Professor of quantum mechanical engineering, MIT, author of Programming the Universe “A lucid, engaging account of the various many-universes theories of fundamental physics that are currently being considered, from the multiverse of quantum theory to Tegmark’s own grand vision.” —Prof. David Deutsch, physicist, Dirac Laureate for pioneering quantum computing
  • 金融数学

    作者:Martin Baxter

    Baxter和Rennie极其出色地将困难而且不那么直观的概念讲述得通俗易懂。建议那些对现有的定量化金融思维模式有兴趣的读者,如果你还不知道为什么不是鞅就不可交易,那就立即购买这《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》,一页一页地阅读,或许还要多读几遍。 ——泰晤士高教增刊 《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》作为金融数学的基础教材,适用于相关专业的本科生和研究生课程.也可供金融行业的市场实践者、定量分析师和衍生品交易者等相关领域专业人士参考。 睿智、优雅、紧凑,为我们带来了一股清新的空气。这是一本优秀的关于衍生品定价理论的入门之书,应用了现代的概率方法,开金融数学书籍一代风气之先。                          ——Risk杂志   总之,Baxter和Rennie清楚地解释了鞅方法的目的,对更现代的数学方法也作了非常清晰的介绍,……他们对这一前沿理论的表述是如此得出色和清晰。强烈建议读者购买《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》,仅仅第三章就物有所值。                            ——英国  《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》揭示了隐藏在衍生证券定价、结构和套期保值背后的数学。作者既有相当深厚的数学功底,又长期在商学院执教。《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》精选素材,巧妙地将衍生产品定价的严格数学模型和推导加以简化,并与市场的实际相结合,成就了这本通俗易懂又不失科学性的教材。《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》原版自出版以来重印已经超过了11次,非常畅销。适用于商学院和数学系本科生作为金融数学或金融工程课程的教材,也是金融人员的必备参考书。
  • 近世代数


    本书系统介绍了群、环、域的基本概念与初步性质.全书共分三个部分.第一部分讲述群的基本概念与性质,除了通常的群、子群、正规子群及群同态的基本定理外,还介绍了群的应用.第二部分包括环、子环、理想与商环的基本概念与性质,特别讨论了整环的性质.第三部分讨论了域的扩张的理论. 本书可作为高等院校数学专业本科生的教材和参考书.
  • 统计决策论及贝叶斯分析

    作者:(美)James O.Berger

    统计决策论及贝叶斯分析:第二版,ISBN:9787503725333,作者:(美)[J.O.伯杰]James O.Berger著;贾乃光译
  • 抽象代数学


    内容提要 本书系统地介绍了抽象代数最基本的内容,其中包括群论、环论与 域论。在域论这一章中还比较全面地介绍了有限Galois理论。书中配 备了一定数量、难易不一的习题,习题均有解答或提示。 本书可供综合性大学、师范大学数学系学生阅读,也可供理科各系 以及通讯工程的大学生、研究生及教师参考。
  • Functional Analysis

    作者:Walter Rudin

    This classic text is written for graduate courses in functional analysis. This text is used in modern investigations in analysis and applied mathematics. This new edition includes up-to-date presentations of topics as well as more examples and exercises. New topics include Kakutani's fixed point theorem, Lamonosov's invariant subspace theorem, and an ergodic theorem. This text is part of the Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics.
  • 分形论-奇异性探索


      分形论是当代新兴学术思潮中的明珠。本书通俗系统地介绍了分形论的基本概念、原理和计算技巧,论述了混沌现象和奇异吸引子;讨论了分形论在物理、化学、材料、生物、医学、地震、计算机仿真、电子技术和社会科学中的应用。特别就凝聚、相变、渗流、自组织现象、表面、高分子、薄膜晶化、准晶形成、纳米晶体、断裂、灵感思维、人体科学、生理、穴位群、生命与健康、征服癌症、农业增产和石油开采等广泛领域中的分形问题作了探讨;介绍了诸位科学上的传奇人物。   本书可供大学师生、中小学教师科技工作才和社会科学工作者阅读与教学用书。
  • 矩阵计算

    作者:[美] Gene H. Golub,[美

    本书是数值计算领域的名著,系统介绍了矩阵计算的基本理论和方法。内容包括:矩阵乘法、矩阵分析、线性方程组、正交化和最小二乘法、特征值问题、Lanczos 方法、矩阵函数及专题讨论等。书中的许多算法都有现成的软件包实现,每节后附有习题,并有注释和大量参考文献。新版增加约四分之一内容,反映了近年来矩阵计算领域的飞速发展。 本书可作为高等院校数学系高年级本科生和研究生教材,亦可作为计算数学和工程技术人员参考书。
  • 数学的力量

    作者:李文林 任辛喜

  • 组合优化

    作者:William J. Cook W

    组合优化,作为应用数学中最年轻而又至关重要的领域之一,整合了组合数学、线性规划以及算法理论的方法和技巧。由于它在解决从远程通讯到超大规模集成电路、从产品运销到航班机组排班等领域内困难问题方面的成功,这一领域在过去的十年里取得了巨大的、超乎寻常的发展。 《组合优化》是对这一数学分支的一个理想介绍,它适用于离散数学、计算机科学以及运筹学专业的本科高年级学生和研究生。本书由公认的专家团队撰写而成,对经典概念和最新结果都提供了全面而又易懂的讲解。主要涉及以下课题: ·网络流问题 ·最优匹配 ·多面体的整性 ·拟阵 ·np-完全性 《组合优化》以通畅而连贯的讲解、基本和高深概念的清晰解释、众多现实生活中的实例、以及颇有助益的技巧训练习题为特征,一定会成为未来许多年里本领域内的标准教科书。
  • 计算统计

    作者:Geof H.Givens,Jennif

    随着计算机的快速发展, 数理统计中许多涉及大计算量的有效方法也得到了广泛应用与迅猛发展, 可以说, 计算统计已是统计中一个很重要的研究方向. 本书既包含一些经典的统计计算方法, 如求解非线性方程组的牛顿方法、传统的随机模拟方法等, 又全面地介绍了近些年来发展起来的某些新方法, 如模拟退火算法、基因算法、EM算法、MCMC方法、Bootstrap方法等, 并通过某些实例, 对这些方法的应用进行了较详细的说明. 本书最后还提供了各种难度的习题. 本书可作为数学、统计学、科学计算等专业的本科生教材, 也可供统计学方向的研究生、工程技术人员和应用工作者参考使用.
  • 微分几何


  • 分析中的问题与定理(第1卷)

    作者:George Pólya,Gábor S

    The present English edition is not a mere translation of the German original. Many new problems have been added and there are also other changes, mostly minor. Yet all the alterations amount to less than ten percent of the text. We intended to keep intact the general plan and the original flavor of the work. Thus we have not introduced any essentially new subject matter, although the mathematical fashion has greatly changed since 1024. We have restricted ours'elves to supplementing the topics originally chosen.   此书为英文版!