最具創意享譽世界的新世代精神導師 詼諧幽默又字字珠璣 “唯明白人生即是劇場的真理,方能看清人間實相,持有正見。” 本書集結宗薩蔣揚欽哲諾布的珍貴法教,以簡單透徹的語言,說明佛教最核心的正知灼見。宗薩蔣揚欽哲諾布希望借由書中的文字,能夠帶領眾人更接近佛法。宗薩蔣揚欽哲諾布的文字看似簡單,卻包含了深入淺出的層層奧義。下筆行雲流水,詼諧幽默又字字珠璣。在輕快的字句後面,涵滿了引導無明眾生脫離輪回的佛菩薩大悲大願。而最為可喜的是他個人風格低調,修為高尚,擁有無數的讀者。 宗薩蔣揚欽哲諾布爽潔而利落地破除常人對佛教徒的誤解:對於要成為一位佛教徒,你必須接受佛教的四法印見地:一切和合現象都是無常,一切情緒都是痛苦,一切事物無自性,以及證悟超越概念。他以實證的經驗加以分析,體現四見地最精要的部分,對於修行者有甚大的幫助。有緣讀他的著作的人,都能更清楚地見識到法教的神髓,了悟無常,解脫萬千煩惱;原來,佛教徒不只是穿僧袍、坐禪、戒葷食與禁欲;而是覺知這四種見地,化解對如幻世事的執著。 本書特色 *宗薩蔣揚欽哲諾布把艱深的佛學奧義,結合日常修行實踐作分析,在他信手拈來的詮釋中,即便再深重的煩惱都可令你有破涕為笑,他獨特的清新詼諧風格使三洲五洋的學生們長隨其步。 *宗薩欽哲仁波切是位可遇不可求的精神導師,對於遍佈世界的學生們,他教化大家的悲心是如菩薩之於眾生,永不棄不離的慈憫照看。故不論是佛教徒或非佛教徒,本書都會幫助我們漸次笑看人間、認知因緣和合的運作走出困局,進而獲得精神上某種層次的解脫,是本人人都不容錯失的宗教哲學讀本。 -
Not for Happiness
Do you practise meditation because you want to feel good? Or to help you relax and be “happy”? Then frankly, according to Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, you are far better off having a full-body massage than trying to practise the Dharma. Genuine spiritual practice, not least the Ngöndro preliminaries, will not bring the kind of comfort and ease most worldly people crave. Quite the opposite, in fact. But if your ultimate goal is enlightenment, Ngöndro practice is a must, and Not for Happiness your perfect guide, as it contains everything an aspiring practitioner needs to get started, including advice about: developing “renunciation mind” discipline, meditation and wisdom using your imagination in visualization practice why you need a guru Students’ Reactions to Not for Happiness: “Having a map of the path that shows where each practice is headed helps me to see what each stage is preparing me for. Even the chapters that at first didn’t seem relevant to my current practice contained such great gems of teaching that they turned out to be extremely relevant and very helpful.”—Catherine Fordham “To me, this book is like the world’s best kind of GPS! I feel that by following its guidance, even though I am not a skilful driver, I will have the confidence to drive through my Ngöndro practice—and may even end up feeling quite good about it!”—Helena Wang
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友