

  • Historical Fashion in Detail

    作者:Avril Hart,Susan Nor

    Now available from Abrams, this popular book offers a rare, close-up look at the exquisite, labor-intensive details seen in fine historical clothing. Perfect decorative seams, minute stitching, knife-sharp pleats, and voluptuous drapery--all are here, alongside more unusual techniques such as stamping, pinking, and slashing. Most of these effects cannot be replicated by machine, yet many of today's fashion designers take their inspiration from the past, adapting these details to a more contemporary idiom, and to the realities of modern manufacturing. Drawing from the Victoria and Albert Museum's world-famous collections, the book contains a gallery of exquisite photographs, accompanied by clear line drawings showing the construction of the complete garment and a text that sets each in the context of its time. This book will appeal to anyone interested in fashion, historical costume, or textile history, from cut and construct to fabric and trimmings.
  • Dr. Martens

    作者:Martin Roach

    Music and pop culture journalist Roach (This Is It: The First Biography of the Strokes) presents a cheeky tribute to a famous shoe in this brash, colorful volume. Roach chronicles how Dr. Martens evolved from the working man's footwear of choice to punk icon supreme, using chatty prose and gritty photos of the shoes and the people who wear them. The current form of the shoe was born in 1960, although German prototypes existed earlier. An unassuming ad in a footwear industry magazine kicked things off, and, as Roach shows, Docs quickly assumed a key position in youth pop culture. Roach's account is humorous and doesn't take itself too seriously; his book is a melange of fashion, music and general cultural history. Although some bits of the book are only tangentially related to Dr. Martens-e.g., Jimi Hendrix's quote about acting crazy or Freddie Mercury's thoughts on rock stardom-everything ties together thematically, making this an interesting analysis of not only an item of clothing but of music subcultures, as well.
  • 创客


    ★《长尾理论》、《免费》作者克里斯•安德森最新作品 ★ 创客运动,一场即将到来的革命 ★ 编辑推荐: 这是一场即将到来的革命。 这是一个创客的时代,他们引领科技行业走进了一个新的方向,即个体制造时代的到来。运用互联网和最新的工业技术进行创造,创客运动发出了最强音。 如果说《第三次工业革命》一书的核心是互联网与新能源融合在一起所引发的工业变革。那么《创客》一书的核心则是互联网和制造业融合在一起而引发的一场制造业革命。 ★ 内容简介: 本书作者安德森预测,在接下来的十年里,人们会将网络的智慧用于现实世界之中。未来不仅属于建立在虚拟原则之上的网络公司,也属于那些深深扎根于现实世界的产业。 “创客运动”是让数字世界真正颠覆现实世界的助推器,是一种具有划时代意义的新浪潮,全球将实现全民创造,掀起新一轮工业革命。 这本书讨论了全球最关注的领域——制造业,同时制造业的话题也越来越成为中国最关切的话题。从小的方面说,这本书涉及制造业的未来;从大的方面来说,这本书所谈及的话题和中国企业的生存息息相关。 在这本书中,克里斯•安德森深入到新工业革命的前沿阵地,深入考察了创业者是如何使用开源设计和3D打印,将制造业搬上自家桌面的。在这个定制制造、“自己动手”设计产品、创新的时代,数以百万计发明家和爱好者的集体潜力即将喷薄而出,全球制造业将由此而掀开新的一页。 安德森惊人地预测,随着数字设计与快速成型技术赋予每个人发明的能力,“创客”一代使用互联网的创新模式,必将成为下一次全球经济大潮的弄潮儿。