泰戈尔诗选:精选典藏,ISBN:9787533917272,作者:(印)泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore)著;华宇清编;冰心等译 -
叶甫盖尼·奥涅金,ISBN:9787540215040,作者:(俄)普希金著;田国彬译 -
The Aeneid of Virgil
Publisher Comments: Aeneas flees the ashes of Troy to found the city of Rome and change forever the course of the Western world--as literature as well. Virgil's Aeneid is as eternal as Rome itself, a sweeping epic of arms and heroism--the searching portrait of a man caught between love and duty, human feeling and the force of fate--that has influenced writers for over 2,000 years. Filled with drama, passion, and the universal pathos that only a masterpiece can express. The Aeneid is a book for all the time and all people. Review "Allen Mandelbaum has produced a living Aeneid, a version that is unmistakably poetry." -- Erich Segal, The New York Times Book Review "A brilliant translation; the only one since Dryden which reads like English verse and conveys some of the majesty and pathos of the original." -- Bernard M. W. Knox "Mandelbaum has... given us a contemporary experience of the masterpiece, at last." -- David Ignatow "Allen Mandelbaum has produced a living Aeneid, a version that is unmistakably poetry." -- Erich Segal, The New York Times Book Review "A brilliant translation; the only one since Dryden which reads like English verse and conveys some of the majesty and pathos of the original." -- Bernard M. W. Knox "Mandelbaum has... given us a contemporary experience of the masterpiece, at last." -- David Ignatow About the Author Throughout his life Virgil was a poet and as far as we know had no interest in pursuing any other career. He was born Publius Vergilius Maro in 70 BC near Mantua, in what now is northern Italy. His parents, farm owners, were people of property and substance, if not wealth, and were able to obtain for their son a first-rate education. On completing his education, he returned home and possibly began work on the Eclogues, which appeared between the years of 42 and 37 BC. In 41 BC, the Emperor Octavian (later known as Augustus) confiscated Virgil's family's property, and Virgil was obliged to travel to Rome to negotiate for its return. Fortunately for Virgil, one of the officials secured for him an introduction to the emperor; not only was his land returned, but he also met Octavian's confidant Maecenas, who became Virgil's patron for the rest of his life. An industrious, meticulous writer, Virgil was not prolific. In addition to the ten Eclogues, which apparently took at least five years to publish, Virgil wrote the four Georgics, which took seven years, and the Aeneid, his great masterwork. Virgil worked on the Aeneid for eleven years, until his death in 19 BC. Feeling, apparently, that the epic was still unfinished, he directed in his will that the manuscript be destroyed. To the great fortune of succeeding generations, the emperor, Virgil's most prominent friend and admirer, intervened to countermand this provision. He turned the manuscript over to two of Virgil's friends, Varius and Tucca, to edit only obvious errors and repetitions, without adding to the text. The result of their work is the beautiful and brilliant Aeneid we have today. Allen Mendelbaum's five verse volumes are: Chelmaxions; The Savantasse of Montparnasse; Journeyman; Leaves of Absence; and A Lied of Letterpress. His volumes of verse translation include The Aeneid of Virgil, a University of California Press volume (now available from Bantam) for which he won a National Book Award; the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso volumes of the California Dante (now available from Bantam); The Odyssey of Homer (now available from Bantam); The Metamorphoses of Ovid, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in poetry; Ovid in Sicily; Selected Poems of Giuseppe Ungaretti; Selected Writings of Salvatore Quasimodo; and David Maria Turoldo. Mandelbaum is co-editor with Robert Richardson Jr. of Three Centuries of American Poetry (Bantam Books) and, with Yehuda Amichai, of the eight volumes of the JPS Jewish Poetry Series. After receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia, he was in the Society of Fellows at Harvard. While chairman of the Ph.D. program in English at the Graduate Center of CUNY, he was a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and at the universities of Houston, Denver, Colorado, and Purdue. His honorary degrees are from Notre Dame University, Purdue University, the University of Assino, and the University of Torino. He received the Gold Medal of Honor from the city of Florence in 2000, celebrating the 735th anniversary of Dante's birth, the only translator to be so honored; and in 2003 he received the President of Italy's award for translation. He is now Professor of the History of Literary Criticism at the University of Turin and the W.R. Kenan Professor of Humanities at Wake Forest University. Book Dimension Height (mm) 177 Width (mm) 106 -
本书为插图本中国诗词经典之一。在中国文化史上,盛唐是一个辉煌灿烂的颠峰时期,诗、书、画、乐,名家并起,群雄竟秀,展示了非同凡响的盛唐气象。王维生前生后均享有盛名,有“天下文宗”、“诗佛”的美称。本诗集选取王维深受赞颂的代表作100首,做了较详尽的注解,加以白话串讲和佳句点评,使读者更容易进入王维的境界。此外,还选配了一些前人创作的王维诗意图以及与王维相关的一些图文资料,使本书更加精美。 -
本书是美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版的哥伦比亚文学史系列丛书的一本,反映了美国当代诗歌史研究的新成果。 全书汇集了美国当代著名诗哥研究专家、学者关于美国建国以来的诗人、诗歌流派和诗歌发展的评论文章或论文共31篇,按历史先后顺序编排,脉络清晰,内容涵盖美国各个时期的诗歌创作和主要诗人,适合广大美国诗歌研究者和诗歌爱好者阅读参考。 -
《先知》之所以历久弥新,让一代又一代的读者受益匪浅,在于它超越了时空、国界的限制,体现了人类共同的情感,满足了不同心灵的不同需求;在于它富于音韵之美的文字,宛如天籁之声,传达出人生的真理,让所有困顿彷徨的人们,都能从纪伯伦智的思考中,得到慰籍和鼓舞! 纪伯伦笔下的自然万物仿佛都是诗人的一个面影,一个道具,浸染着他的气息,跳动着他的诗心。在他的文学世界里,一切事物都仿佛汇流、回旋在一个巨大的合唱之中,歌颂着生命、自然和爱情,为了去印证一个最终的和谐——这样的思想对我们总有似曾相识的感觉,因为它的纯然东方的。 纪伯伦是位热爱祖国、热爱全人类的艺术家。爱与美是他的作品的主旋律,他认为诗人的职责是唱出“母亲心里的歌”。纪伯伦是阿拉伯近代文学史上第一个使用散文诗体的的作家,并组织领导过阿拉伯著名的海外学团体“笔会”,为发展阿拉伯新文学做出过重大贡献。 我构想《先知》一书开始,我就已和它寸步不离了,它仿佛是我身体的一部分……在我完成四年之后才将其付梓,因为我想要确定,非常地确定,书中的每一个字都必须是我的最佳贡献。 ——纪伯伦 这是一本奇妙的著作,它满足了个别心灵的不同需求。哲学家认为它是哲学,诗人称它是诗;青年则说:“这里有一切蕴含在我心中的东西。”老年人说:“我在这本书中找到我的宝藏。” ——《芝加哥邮报》 整个这个阿拉伯青年将成为伟大的艺术家。 ——罗丹 整个地球都是我的祖国,全部人类都是我的乡亲。 ——纪伯伦 -
本书从台北初版的《文学翻译谈》中增选几篇文章,第一篇是是作者在河南大学的讲稿《翻译的哲学》,讲稿中提到文学翻译的本体是“美”,方法是“化”,目的是“三之”(知之、好之、乐之),认识论是“艺术”论,简单说来,文学翻译廉洁是三美、三化、三之的艺术。 第二篇文章是《世界文学》发表的《文学翻译与翻译文学》,文中提到文学翻译的目标是要成为翻译文学,要把文学翻译提高到文学创作同等的地位,一流文学翻译家的作品,和一流作家的作品,读起来应该没有什么分别。 第三篇文章是上海《外国语》发表的《文学翻译:1+1=3》。如果说前一篇文章说的是翻译和文学的关系,这一篇说的却是翻译和科学的关系。 第四篇文章是《谈“比较翻译学”》。本书通论中的第一篇文章是《翻译中的矛盾论》,这一篇可能说是《翻译中的实践论》,用实际译例来说明《发挥优势竞争论》。其实,本书专论中的文章多半都是比较翻译的实例。 -
The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens
This definitive poetry collection, originally published in 1954 to honor Stevens on his 75th birthday, contains: - andquot; Harmoniumandquot; - andquot; Ideas of Orderandquot; - andquot; The Man With the Blue Guitarandquot; - andquot; Parts of the Worldandquot; - andquot; Transport Summerandquot; - andquot; The Auroras of Autumnandquot; - andquot; The Rockandquot; -
只留下隔玻璃這奇蹟難信,猶帶著后土依依的祝福,在時光以外奇異的光中。熟著,一個自足的宇宙,飽滿而不虞腐爛,一隻仙果不產在山山,產在人間。久朽了,你的前身,唉,久朽為你換胎的那手,那巧腕千眄萬睞巧將你引渡,笑對靈魂在白玉裡流轉,一首歌,詠生命曾經是瓜而苦,被永恒引渡,成果而甘。 -
Understanding Poetry
The fourth edition of UNDERSTANDING POETRY is a re-inspection of poetry. Keeping it teachable and flexible, the material allows for full and innocent immersion as well as raising inductive questions to develop critical and analytical skills. Students will be led to understand poetry as a means of imaginatively extending their own experience and indeed, probing the possibilities of the self. This latest incarnation of the landmark text facilitates a thorough study of poetry. -
The Well Wrought Urn
A classic that has been widely used by several generations, this book consists of detailed commentaries on ten famous English poems from the Elizabethan period to the present. Index. -
诗是语言艺术中的最高艺术,诗是一国民族精神的喷涌,诗艺海中最爱推陈出新的浪花.俄罗斯的诗歌同中国、英国、法国等国的诗歌享有同样的美誉.而俄罗斯白银时代的诗歌更是众星争妍,交相辉映.本书将这一时期主要诗人按流派汾九类编入,全面展示了俄罗斯“白银时代”诗歌的面貌. -
雪莱,是十九世纪英国著名的浪漫派诗人,他的诗作在内容上赞美革命,抨击传统,批判不合理的现实社会,主张纯洁的爱情。诗思无瑕,充满激情,节奏明快。《西风颂》为雪莱的代表作品,具有穿越时空的永恒魅力。全集将其诗作、散文、诗剧、论文、书信等尽量罗致,呈现给读者一个完整的形象。 珀西·毕希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792-1822),英国诗人。1792年生于苏塞克斯郡。这时期英国诗歌的创作,在一批青年诗人手里,经历了一场革命:抗议代替了因袭,抒情代替了说教,恣肆代替了拘谨。雪莱便是这些赞美革命、抨击传统的浪漫派诗人之一。1811年8月,雪莱和妹妹的朋友海里霭·威斯布鲁克出走,在爱丁堡结婚。1816年5月在瑞士,雪莱初识拜伦,两人相互仰慕,成为挚友。1822年7月8日,雪莱与友人驾船出海突遇暴风,不幸舟沉身死。 雪莱一生抨击不合理的社会制度,但主张用教育手段改革社会,又主张纯洁的自由的爱情。1818年底,雪莱从英国到意大利居住,从阳光淡薄的岛国进入明媚温丽的地中海,触发了他巨大的创作热情。他完成了四幕诗剧《解放了的普罗米修斯》。诗剧为普罗米修斯树立了新的形象,从一个与天神宙斯妥协者变成不屈的斗士。雪莱一生就是对人类任何形式的压迫进行斗争,他的普罗米修斯体现了这一斗争精神。1819年,雪莱写了著名的《西风颂》。从1820年起直至生命终止的两年半中,雪莱写了不少歌颂南欧民族革命的诗,如:《那不勒斯颂》、《自由》、《自由颂》。抒情诗有《云》、《致云雀》、《致月亮》等。雪莱的散文和他的诗一样也具有明快的节奏,我们在雪莱的诗中看到他是个哲学家,他的散文创作里又看到他的诗一样的激情。(江湖整理) -
俄罗斯“民族诗人”天才作家莱蒙托夫,虽然仅在世上生活了二十七个年头,但他以四百四十九首抒情诗和二十七篇长诗攀上了俄罗斯浪漫主义诗歌的顶峰,在读者心目中树立起一尊“自由之子”的雕像,飘扬着一面反抗暴政的大旗,唱响了一首首昂扬的战歌。不仅如此,他的《假面舞会》等戏剧,使他赢得戏剧家的荣誉;《当代英雄》等小说,更开创了俄罗斯现实主义小说的未来,成为屠格涅夫、列夫·托尔斯泰、陀思妥耶夫斯基等人心理描写小说的先驱。在这套国内的第一部莱蒙托夫的全集中,抒情诗的翻译以1989年的俄语原版为底本,其他作品以1986年版为底本,堪称最新最完备。力冈等十一位俄苏文学的专家及著名翻译家的鼎力合作,也使本书的翻译水平得到了根本保证。 莱蒙托夫(1814~1841),俄国诗人。1814年10月15日生于莫斯科。1828年入贵族寄宿中学,此时开始写诗。1834年于士官学校毕业,被派到彼得堡近郊近卫军骠骑兵团服役。1835年第一次发表作品长诗《哈吉—阿勃列克》,开始引起注意。同年写了剧本《假面舞会》,主人公是一个反抗上流社会的悲剧性人物。1837年 2月8 日普希金在决斗中受伤,两日后逝世。莱蒙托夫写了《诗人之死》一诗,指出杀死普希金的凶手就是俄国整个上流社会。这篇诗震动了整个俄国文坛,他被公认为普希金的继承人。 莱蒙托夫于1840年4月出版的长篇小说《当代英雄》,在高加索广阔的背景上展开了主人公毕巧林的复杂的性格,毕巧林是俄罗斯文学中继普希金的奥涅金之后又一个“多余的人”形象。《当代英雄》虽然带有浪漫主义色彩,但主要是现实主义的作品,结构完美,并富有特色,心理分析细致,语言准确优美,成为俄国文学中最早最出色的长篇小说之一。 长诗《恶魔》和《童僧》,是莱蒙托夫浪漫主义创作的最高成就,但都洋溢着现实主义的气氛。恶魔和童僧这两个性格,可以概括诗人全部作品中的形象。前者是个人主义者,后者则是自由的战士。1841年 7月27日诗人在一次决斗中被杀害。莱蒙托夫没有活到二十七岁,他成熟期的创作活动只有短短四年,但他的作品对俄国文学作出了巨大的贡献。在展示人物内心生活的心理描写方面他是俄国文学中的先驱,后来为陀思妥耶夫斯基、列·托尔斯泰等所师承和发展。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友