

  • 福柯的生存美学


    本书厘清近年来流行于学术界的有关福柯思想的各种观点。但是,它又不是仅仅单纯论述福柯关于“权力”和“性”的观点,而是结合福柯本人的生活和思想变化历程。全书系统完整、观点和思想富有创意,论证严谨细腻,行文深入浅出,是一部不可多得的全面研究福柯思想的中文著作。   本书是一部全面而细致地阐述福柯思想的著作。作者试图厘清近年来流行于学术界的有关福柯思想的各种观点,使全书不是仅仅单纯论述福柯关于“权力”和“性”的观点,而是结合福柯本人的生活和思想变化历程。依据多年来福柯对其思想的自我诠释及其思想风格和写作风格,以生存美学为基本线索,把福柯的“知识考古学”、“权力和道德系谱学”、“真理游戏”、“生命政治”、“自身的技术”、“关于我们自身的历史存在论”等等和“生存美学”融会贯通在一起。重点凸显了福柯“关怀自身”的核心思想,并深入分析了“语言游戏的审美艺术”、“身体,性和爱情的美学”、“生话的技艺”、“老年生活和死亡的美学”等生存美学具体内容,阐明了生存美学的实践智慧性质及其彻底重构西方思想的典范意义。   在材料引证上,本书参照自1994年以来最新发表的福柯对话录、文集以及在法兰西学院的讲演录法文原稿,由此探索了福柯晚期所进行的生存荚学研究对于其整个学术生涯的贯穿性和总结性意义。全书系统完整、观点和思想富有创意,论证严谨细腻,行文深入浅出,是一部不可多得的全面研究福柯思想的中文著作。
  • 可见的与不可见的


  • The Order of Things

    作者:Michel Foucault

    When one defines order as a sorting of priorities, it becomes beautifully clear as to what Foucault is doing here. With virtuoso showmanship, he weaves an intensely complex history of thought. He dips into literature, art, economics and even biology in The Order of Things, possibly one of the most significant, yet most overlooked, works of the twentieth century. Eclipsed by his later work on power and discourse, nonetheless it was The Order of Things that established Foucault's reputation as an intellectual giant. Pirouetting around the outer edge of language, Foucault unsettles the surface of literary writing. In describing the limitations of our usual taxonomies, he opens the door onto a whole new system of thought, one ripe with what he calls exotic charm. Intellectual pyrotechnics from the master of critical thinking, this book is crucial reading for those who wish to gain insight into that odd beast called Postmodernism, and a must for any fan of Foucault.