Many Particle Physics (Physics of Solids and Liquids)
This comprehensive textbook utilizes Green's functions and the equations derived from them to solve real physical problems in solid-state theoretical physics. Green's functions are used to describe processes in solids and quantum fluids and to address problems in areas such as electron gas, polarons, electron transport, optical response, superconductivity and superfluidity. The updated third edition features several new chapters on different mean-free paths, Hubbard model, Coulomb blockade, and the quantum Hall effect. New sections have been added, while original sections have been modified to include recent applications. This text is ideal for third- or fourth-year graduate students and includes numerous study problems and an extensive bibliography. -
Quantum Mechanics
在线阅读本书 Beginning students of quantum mechanics frequently experience difficulties separating essential underlying principles from the specific examples to which these principles have been historically applied. Nobel–Prize–winner Claude Cohen–Tannoudji and his colleagues have written this book to eliminate precisely these difficulties. Fourteen chapters provide a clarity of organization, careful attention to pedagogical details, and a wealth of topics and examples which make this work a textbook as well as a timeless reference, allowing to tailor courses to meet students′ specific needs. Each chapter starts with a clear exposition of the problem which is then treated, and logically develops the physical and mathematical concept. These chapters emphasize the underlying principles of the material, undiluted by extensive references to applications and practical examples which are put into complementary sections. The book begins with a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas using simple optical analogies and continues with a systematic and thorough presentation of the mathematical tools and postulates of quantum mechanics as well as a discussion of their physical content. Applications follow, starting with the simplest ones like e.g. the harmonic oscillator, and becoming gradually more complicated (the hydrogen atom, approximation methods, etc.). The complementary sections each expand this basic knowledge, supplying a wide range of applications and related topics as well as detailed expositions of a large number of special problems and more advanced topics, integrated as an essential portion of the text. -
粒子物理的基本知识,从主要常见粒子如电子、光子、质子、中子、反粒子、中微子、共振子等乃至比较特殊的J/y等粒子的发现,作了比较详细的讨论。对宇称不守恒、夸克模型以及认识逐步走向统一的探索故事,作了深入浅出和比较生动的描述。对于一些比较重要的发现或进展,特别是获得诺贝尔奖的项目,大多作了着力的说明。对于一些基本的数据,也大多作了更新。而且,还专门用一章的篇幅阐述了夸克在天文学和天体物理学上的应用,特别是关于奇异夸克星的探索和研究。 -
《溯源探幽:熵的世界》着重论述熵的基本概念,分别从热力学、统计物理、分子动理论、信息论、非线性动力学、天体物理和宇宙论等不同侧面、不同层次来剖析其蕴含的意义。同时,在宽广的范围内讨论了熵在现代自然科学与技术中的应用,阐明了它所处的地位。《溯源探幽:熵的世界》内容丰富、取材新颖、文笔生动、通俗易懂,可供高等院校学生、中学教师、科技工作者以及科学爱好者阅读。 -
本書是知名的科學頑童、諾貝爾獎得主理查.費曼,對康乃爾大學學生的演說集,透過趣味橫溢的演說內容、豐富的肢體語言,他將物理定律做更生動、更普及的詮釋,讓學生對物理定律有更清楚的了解。書中,他以說故事的方式來串接每個定律,並深入淺出地敘述每個物理定律的歷史、發現經過、特徵及作用。 -
A lot has happened in the field of condensed matter physics since the original edition of "Green's functions for Solid State Physicists" was published in 1974. Nevertheless, the book has helped introduce several generations of condensed matter physics graduate students to the very powerful ideas of quantum many body theory and some of their ap-plications, particularly those in the physics of itinerant magnetism and superconductivity that have nowadays come to be called "the correlated electron problem". In preparing for the reprint edition, two new chapters have been added to the original text to provide an introduction to the recent de-velopments in this branch of condensed matter physics. Chapter 11 focuses on the understanding of the Kondo problem which grew out of the exact solutions developed in the mid 1970's. The accompanying growth of experimental work culminating in the discovery of the heavy fermion superconductors gave substance to the idea that Coulomb re-pulsion between electrons in a narrow band metal can actually lead to attraction between the electrons and resulting instabilities at low tem-peratures to either a superconducting or an antiferromagnetic state. 此书为英文版。 -
我们沿着科学大师的思格和眼光,轻松步入自然学科的奇妙世界! 用最有趣的方式揭开科学的面纱,一起共同分享探索和发现的快乐! 作者采用通俗易懂的文字讲述学生们喜爱的各种物理知识,语言生动,思路清晰。这是本集知识性,趣味性于一体的青少年物理学课外读物,也是通向奥赛这一殿堂的启蒙之书。 -
《理论力学教程》是编者根据1979年版《理论力学教程》修订增补而成的,但第二版订正了初版的若干错误与不妥之处,改写了个别是章节,增删了某些习题,对分析力学部分作了充实,力求适应当前教学的需要。 -
《量子计算与量子信息》(影印版)全面介绍了量子计算与量子信息学领域的主要思想与技术。到目前为止,该领域的高速进展与学科交叉的特性使得初学者感到困惑而不易对其主要技术与结论有综合性的认识。作者Michael Nielsen和Isaac Chuang提出问题:计算与通信的最终物理极限是什么?他们在书中详细描述了这样的引人关注的事实:快速量子算法,量子远距传物、量子密码学与量子纠错技术。所附图表和练习内容丰富,深入讲解并分析了各个论题。《量子计算与量子信息》(影印版)特色在于对量子机制和计算机科学在第一部分给予了指导性介绍,使得那些没有物理学或计算机科学背景的人对此也易于接受。作者在第二部分介绍了量子计算,并描述了量子计算机,它如何用来比通常“传统”意义上的计算机更快速地解决问题,以及其现实世界实现。第三部分深入探讨了量子信息学以总结全书内容,说明量子状态如何用来完成宏大的通信任务,并讨论如何使量子状态免受噪音干扰。 -
这是一套为希望具有奇思异想、发散思维、热爱思考的读者准备的“洗脑”漫画读物,在这套科学漫画丛书中,你会发现世界原来并不是我们日常生活中想像的那样简单,它充满了奇奇怪怪的现象,但它们是真实而科学的。 让-比埃尔·佩蒂,法国国家科学研究中心研究主任,研究员、科学博士,同时又是漫画家。他的这两项才能使他得以用图画形式表现顶尖的科学。科学漫画带给读者知识与快乐,跟随漫画中的人物,读者可以轻松理解和体 -
《量子力学原理(第2版)》着重阐述量子力学基本原理。第一章从物理上阐述量子力学的基本原理,着重讲清数学结构与物理原理的联系,以及物理原理与经济事实的联系,把测不准原理作为一条最基本的物理原理,强调了观测量的测量和测不准的概念在量子力学中的重要性。第二章表象理论,给出了广义坐标表象和Pauli-Podolsky量子化规则。第三章讨论基本观测量和对称性,给出了不能把时间作为算符来处理的Pauli定理的证明,第四章讨论各种常用的动力学模型,其中宏观模型和非厄米的Hamilton算符是一般量子力学书籍中不易找到的,第五章Dirac方程作为第四章的继续,讨论一种相对论性的动力学模型,从无质量的Weyl方程开始,以一种更物理的方式来引入Dirac方程。鉴于中微子在粒子理论中的重要性,这里对Wdyl方程的物理作了较详细的计谋。第六章形式散射理论没有做非相对论近似,结果对于相对论性高能散射过程也适用。第七章二次量子化理论,着重讨论了二次量子化与场的量子化的关系。第八章讨论场的量子化,强调了量子场论是量子力学运用于具有无限自由度系统的结果,并根据微观因果性原理讨论了自旋与统计的关系和场的定域性问题。附录一介绍了测不准概念形成的历史经过,附录二给出统计诠释数学基础的讨论。 -
假如我以光速跟一道光束飞行,我会看到哪些奇异景象?比方说,这道光速若是由一座时钟反射出来,我应该看到一座静止的钟,也就是说在我眼中,那座钟的时间是静止的;可是在别人看来,同样的钟却在滴答滴答走,这是不是矛盾呢? 《图说相对论(Principle of Relativity)》狭义相对性原理: 物理定律在一切惯性系中所取的形式是一样的。 广义相对性原理: 任何物理定律在任何参考系中都取相同的形式。 -
《趣味物理学(续编)》是俄罗斯著名科普作家别莱利曼百余部作品之一。作为《趣味物理学》的后续篇,《趣味物理学(续编)》继续讨论了《趣味物理学》中还未涉及到的“力学、热、功、磁、电”等方面的话题。主要内容有力学的基本定律、圆周运动、万有引力、乘看炮弹旅行、液体和气体的性质、热的现象、磁和电、光的反射和折射、视觉和声音波动等。 -
《输运理论》从非平衡统计力学的基础出发,考虑到不同粒子间可能存在反应的条件,建立了关于包含中子、光辐射、原子一分子、高能带电粒子以及等离子体等体系所服从的广义输运方程,《输运理论》内容广泛,讨论了有关求解玻尔兹曼(Boltzmann)方程、弗拉索夫(Vlasov)方程、布朗(Brown)运动中的朗之万(Langevin)方程和福克.普朗克(Fokker-Planck)方程以及晶格玻尔兹曼方程等的前沿专题,也介绍了作者在解决玻尔兹曼方程级数解法中久期项消去的历史性困难方面所作的工作。 -
《伽利略的手指》引领着读者踏上非凡的旅途,沿途与当今十个核心科学思想相拥。彼得•阿特金斯在书中写道:“借助伟大的思想——我是指一种有着极其丰富的内涵和外延的简单概念,稚嫩的思想的种子。能成长并繁衍为枝繁叶茂的栋梁之材,而思想的蜘蛛,编织硕大的蛛网,网罗解释与阐释之盛宴。”借助优美、智慧的语言以及诲人不倦的精神,阿特金斯带领着读者逐步走向对科学全貌本质的理解:从进化和复杂性的萌芽到宇宙中一切变化之源——熵;从计量的普遍化——能量,到美学的量化——对称性;以及从现实世界的拓展一宇宙学,到事物相互作用的舞台——耐空。 -
《计算物理(第2版)》是计算物理领域的一本优秀教材。它紧扣一些非常基本但难以解析求解的物理问题逐步展开,围绕各个物理学专题介绍了物理学研究中各种基本的计算机数值模拟方法,深入浅出地讨论其理论基础和实际应用,着重于解决实际物理问题的基本数值方法。这样可以使读者通过学习,对物理学中应用的主要计算技术有一个全面的了解,从而具有利用计算机进行数值计算解决复杂体系物理问题的能力。 -
A Modern Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
The importance and the beauty of modern quantum field theory resides in the power and variety of its methods and ideas, which find application in domains as different as particle physics, cosmology, condensed matter, statistical mechanics and critical phenomena. This book introduces the reader to the modern developments, assuming no previous knowledge of quantum field theory. Along with standard topics like Feynman diagrams, the book discusses effective lagrangians, renormalization group equations, the path integral formulation, spontaneous symmetry breaking and non-abelian gauge theories. The inclusion of more advanced topics will also make this a most useful book for graduate students and researchers. -
Spinors and Space-Time
This volume introduces and systematically develops the calculus of 2-spinors. This is the first detailed exposition of this technique which leads not only to a deeper understanding of the structure of space-time, but also provides shortcuts to some very tedious calculations. Many results are given here for the first time. -
The Variational Principles of Mechanics
Philosophic, less formalistic approach to perennially important field of analytical mechanics. Model of clear, scholarly exposition at graduate level with coverage of basic concepts, calculus of variations, principle of virtual work, equations of motion, relativistic mechanics, much more. First inexpensive paperbound edition. Index. Bibliography.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友