

  • The Consumer Society

    作者:Jean Baudrillard

    Now available in English for the first time, Jean Baudrillard's classic text was one of the first to focus on the process and meaning of consumption in contemporary culture. Originally published in 1970, the book still makes a vital contribution to current debates on consumption. Many of the themes which would make Baudrillard famous appear here for the first time. The book includes Baudrillard's most organized discussion of mass media culture, the meaning of leisure and anomie in affluent society. A chapter on the body demonstrates Baudrillard's extraordinary prescience for flagging vital subjects in contemporary culture long before others. This English translation begins with an introductory essay by George Ritzer.
  • 鲍德里亚与千禧年


    法国思想家让·鲍德里亚说:在某种意义上说,我们并不相信2000年。这样的说法已经够让人不安了。可是,他还有一个更加令人不安的说法:千禧年可能不会出现。对他千年虫的分析为我们展现了一个痴心于记忆、哀悼、清选其过去的不断进行自我忏悔的文化,描绘了一个甚至连历史的终结都已经消失了的世界。可是,在这个灰色的现实图景背后,鲍德里亚又向我们揭示出,我们依稀还有一丝可能性尚存,而且最后甚至还可能会有一个令人啼笑皆非的突然转变。   《鲍德里亚与千禧年》一书阐述了鲍德里亚这位重要的文化分析家关于后现代时期的这种极端的无为状况的思想,剖析了诸多批评家对其思想体系进行的指责和批评。该书探讨的主题诸如自然灾难,肉体、受害者文化、身份和互联网病毒等核心概念,映现出鲍德里亚的千禧年思想自1980年代至2000年的发展过程——从拟像到消亡。