Five Little Pigs
Beautiful Caroline Crale as convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried 'wee wee wee' all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Poirot just can't get that nursery rhyme out of his mind... 'Mrs. Christie as usual puts a ring through the reader's nose and leads them to one of her smashing last-minute showdowns.' --Observer -
And Then There Were None
Ten strangers, apparently with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a record begins to play, and the voice of an unseen host accuses each person of hiding a guilty secret. That evening, former reckless driver Tony Marston is found murdered by a deadly dose of cyanide. The tension escalates as the survivors realise the killer is not only among them but is preparing to strike again and again. -
琼是个彻底务实的人,从小只想过安稳的日子;她挑有前途的律师结婚、阻止丈夫追求田园生活,也要求三个孩子都依她的价值观去做人生规划。一次探望小女儿的返程途中,火车因雨季路断而停开,她受困沙漠中的一个小站,每天只能在附近沙丘散步,走着走着,她开始面对自己,一件件以往刻意忽略的“小事”这时都不请自来…… 本书初版于1944年,是阿加莎·克里斯蒂一生最满意的作品之一。她藉本书满足了一个对自我的提问:我是谁?我“真正”是个什么样的人?我所爱的人对我有何想法?他们对我的想法是否如我所想?过程峰回路转,真实而残酷。 -
伦敦姑娘维多利亚年轻、漂亮、生机勃勃,就是做事有那么一点冲动。午后的一场公园邂逅就让她决定追随刚认识的“情人”前往巴格达,即便她兜里只有几英镑,即便她连情人的姓氏都没问。 巴格达,这个神秘的东方城市迅速将维多利亚卷入旋涡,还搞不清状况的英国小姐只能依靠心中对情人的爱获取力量,试图理出头绪。局势瞬息万变,危险不断升级,维多利亚却渐渐乐在其中,并决定反客为主。只是,仅凭爱和勇气,她逃得出这座处处暗藏玄机的古城吗? -
在线阅读本书 Welcome to Meadowbank, an exclusive school for privileged young ladies. A fine lot. A dangerous one, too. Two teachers have already bitten the dust. It's obvious to Hercule Poirot that someone is out to scratch Meadowbank's respectable veneer. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. -
喜爱日光浴的阿琳娜·斯图尔特美丽的棕色身体脸朝下横陈在海滩上,但是这一次没有阳光——她被人勒死了。阿琳娜一出现,赫尔克里·波洛就在海滩的空气中嗅到了情欲的气息。但是,这个显而易见的“激情犯罪”中,也许包含着更多的邪恶和阴谋?赫尔克里·波洛探长该如何侦破这一悬案? -
And Then There Were None
Ten strangers, apparently with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a record begins to play, and the voice of an unseen host accuses each person of hiding a guilty secret. That evening, former reckless driver Tony Marston is found murdered by a deadly dose of cyanide. The tension escalates as the survivors realise the killer is not only among them but is preparing to strike again and again. -
Destination Unknown
希拉里想了结自己的生命,而贝特顿夫人的意图难以揣测,但她却死在到达目的地之前。 希拉晨受命假扮死去贝特顿夫人,开始寻找贝特顿失踪的丈夫——一位核物理学家。此时她又恢复了生存的信心。 一场伪装的空难,一串带致命放射线的珠链,一个干热沙漠腹地中的麻风村,这一系列事件使希拉里一步步迫近一桩可怕的秘密,使她刚刚点燃的生命激情消失在无边无际的恐怖之中。 -
死亡悄悄来临。“邮差送来这封信,这记得是在早餐时间。那是一封本地信件,地址是用打字机打的。 “我拆开盖有伦敦邮戳的信封,发现信是用从出版物上剪下来的字拼凑成的。我盯着那些字,还没有读懂,就觉得透不过气来……” 起初,那些有蓄谋的匿名信还只是让人觉得恐惧,然而,随之而来的却是人命案。更令人惴惴不安的是——谁将是下个受害者呢? -
安妮・拜汀费尔德掌握了一件疑案的线索。从一些奇怪的纸片里,安妮发现一起钻石抢劫案、一起意外死亡事故、伦敦地铁站和一起遥远的乡间别墅的谋杀案之间都存在着微妙的联系。 侦破之旅把安妮带到了远离家乡的非洲。她每前进一步都充满了艰辛和惊险…… -
Murder on the Links
A millionaire's been found stabbed in the back on his private golf course. Hercule Poirot finds no shortage of suspects in the victim's family tree, but even he is surprised when the killer strikes again. -
由伊斯坦堡開往歐洲的辛普倫快車上發生了一宗命案,富商雷契特被發現陳屍在臥鋪包廂內。大名鼎鼎的偵探白羅正巧也搭乘這輛列車,他受任職於鐵路公司的老友所託,開始了曲折離奇的破案過程。 命案現場留下的線索詭異難辨,兇手看似既是男人又是女人,既慣用右手又是左撇子,既強壯有力又軟弱無力。白羅一一與同車的十二位旅客談話,但所得的結果就和命案現場的線索一樣,矛盾處處。 經過白羅一番抽絲剝繭,令人無法置信的事實終於公佈在眾人面前,然而正義應如何伸張,則考驗著每個讀者的智慧. -
And Then There Were None
First there were ten--a curious assortment of strangers summoned as weekend guests to a private island off the coast of Devon. Their host, an eccentric millionaire unkonwn to all of them, is nowhere to be found. All that the guests have in common is a wicked past they're unwilling to reveal--and a secret that will seal their fate. For each has been marked for murder. One by one they fall prey. Before the weekend is out, there will be none. And only the dead are above suspicion. -
本书是随笔集。上世纪三十年代,侦探小说家阿加莎·克里斯蒂随同第二任丈夫马克斯·马洛温前往中东地区,在当地遇到了很多有趣的人和有趣的事。于是,阿加莎决定利用闲暇时间,把自己看到的风土人情和趣事用轻松幽默的笔调记录下了来。诚如作者本人所说,这本书”是一份爱的劳作”,串联其中的是令人捧腹的生活插曲,是鲜活的人物形象,是逝去的美好时光…… -
A Murder is Announced (Miss Marple Mysteries)
When an evening of fun and games turns to murder, Miss Marple plays by her own rules to solve the whodunit.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友