This Is London
With the same wit and perception that distinguished his charming books on Paris, New York, and San Francisco, M Sasek presents stylish, elegant London in This is London , first published in 1959 and now updated for the 21st century. Here this beloved illustrator shares his impressions of London with its beautiful buildings, historic monuments, bridges, parks, shops and Piccadilly Circus, black cabs, Horse Guards, and famed Underground. Sasek has cast his loving eye on London and the result are colorful, sophisticated pictures of one of the most exciting cities in the world, paired with a lively text that keeps a playful sense of fun while taking the reader to the highlights of one of the world’s great capitals. This is London is a facsimile editions of Sasek’s original title. His brilliant, vibrant illustrations have been meticulously preserved and remain true to his vision. With the passing of time facts have been updated where applicable in the back of the book. The result is a treasure with an elegant, classic look and delightful narrative that will charm both children and their parents, many of whom will remember the same book from their own childhood. -
有幸看到这本书的大人——无论你是不是准备将它读给孩子听——也许都应该先找一个安静的角落,轻轻地念给自己听,然后想一想、再想一想,我们有没有得到过“千年莲花的种子”?有,当然有。我们日夜都在马不停蹄地追逐一些“珍贵”的东西呢,仿佛所有的人都希望以最快的速度达到各种各样的目的。这时候,大自然的规律往往被撇在一边,我们甚至不会思考冬天是不是可以种花,只一味想着“我要第一个种出来”、“怎样才能种出来呢”。生活的主题仿佛只是追逐,我们不知道有多久没有去散步了。 在这急功近利的社会中,安的那份平和的心境,宛如一潭清澈平静的水,是多么难得。一天天长大的孩子啊,你总有一天也会得到“千年莲花的种子”,会为了各种“珍贵”的东西日以继夜、马不停蹄。可是,无论如何,希望你记得安——这个你小时候听过的故事里的小和尚,记得他感激地把种子装进小布袋里、挂在胸前;记得他从容地去买东西、扫雪、做斋饭、挑水;记得他悠悠然散步的样子。他告诉你,要怀着希望、有所追求,但一定要淡定、顺其自然;同时,享受生活的过程,享受那些平凡琐碎的小事、享受等待。 祝福所有看到这个故事的大人和孩子,祝你们在某个盛夏的清晨,也看到千年莲花的盛开。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友