

  • Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts

    作者:James J. Valentine

    A real-world guide to becoming a top-performing equity analyst Praise for Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts: "Jim Valentine has taken his decades of experience as a highly successful security analyst and written an effective and comprehensive guide to doing the job right. I only wish I had this book by my side throughout my career." -- Byron R. Wien, Vice Chairman, Blackstone Advisory Partners LP "Given the fast pace and high-pressure nature of the markets, analysts don't have the luxury to make mistakes. James J. Valentine's Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts should be required reading for all new and experienced analysts, particularly those who were not lucky enough to be brought up in the business under a mentor. Valentine can be that mentor." -- Jami Rubin, Managing Director, Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs "Jim's book is an excellent window into the world of securities research. Very few works cover the complete life cycle of an analyst and the necessary balance between theory and practice. This is one of them." -- Juan-Luis Perez, Global Director of Research, Morgan Stanley "Valentine's book doesn’t rehash the basics of finance but covers all the nonacademic topics in terms of how the analysts should manage their time, resources, data, and contacts in order to come up with the best stock picks. This book is required reading for beginning analysts and a must-read for all analysts who want to develop an edge." -- Carl Schweser, Founder of Schweser’s Study Program for the CFA Exam "Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts is by far the best written and most comprehensive book that I have read on how to become a top-notch analyst. I shouldn't be surprised; it was written by one of the best analysts that Wall Street has ever seen. Every securities firm should require their analysts to read this book." -- Eli Salzmann, Portfolio Manager Most equity research analysts learn their trade on the job by apprenticing under a senior analyst. However, equity analysts who work for senior producers often have little time or incentive to train new hires, and those who do have the time may not have research skills worth emulating. Now, Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts offers promising equity research analysts a practical curriculum for mastering their profession. James J. Valentine, a former Morgan Stanley analyst, explains everything today's competitive analyst needs to know, providing practical training materials for buyand sell-side research analysis in the United States and globally. Conveniently organized for use as a learning tool and everyday reference on the job, Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts covers the five primary areas of the equity research analyst's role: Identifying and monitoring critical factors Creating and updating financial forecasts Deriving price targets or a range of targets Making stock recommendations Communicating stock ideas Expanding upon material covered in undergraduate courses but written specifically to help you perform in the real world, this authoritative book gives you access to the wisdom and expertise of leading professionals in the field. You'll learn best practices for setting up an information hub, influencing others, identifying the critical factors and information sources for better forecasting, creating a better set of financial forecast scenarios, improving valuation and stock-picking techniques, communicating your message effectively, making ethical decisions, and more. Without Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts, you're just treading water in the sink-or-swim world of the equity analyst.
  • 华尔街顶级证券分析师的忏悔


    《华尔街顶级证券分析师的忏悔》关于华尔街无处不在的内幕信息泄漏和最隐秘的内幕交易。关于二战以来全球最大的公司欺诈案——世通公司案件的最详尽、最具权威的描述与分析   关于有史以来最大的白领犯罪之王伯尼·埃伯斯和金口水分析师杰克·格鲁布曼   关于那次历史性的“股市泡沫”与电信繁荣   它还——   关于新创业的科技公司、电信公司、网络公司如何纷纷在创业板块上市募股;关于美国各大投资银行在席卷欧洲、亚洲、美洲的国家电信私有化股份制改造的狂潮中,如何展开激烈的角逐以赢得大生意;关于华尔街上每年的跳槽浪潮像塞伦盖蒂大草原上的动物大迁徙,华尔街上令人担忧的奢华消费的趋向以及动辄上百万美元的年薪总额。   莱因戈尔德这部引人入胜的传记带我们踏上令人兴奋的旅程,穿过华尔街那些幽暗的胡同,并且一路上不断提醒我们那句在金融世界里恒常的道理:Caveat Emptor. Buyer Beware!(货物出门概不退换,买主须自行当心!)——美国全国广播公司财经频道主持人 戴维·费伯   每一支火箭都需要燃料,但丹·莱因戈尔德展示给我们的是辉煌而短暂的最近一次大牛市,其疾速飞升的推动力大部分是私欲的,有时是犯罪的热空气。这本书是对那些永远改变了华尔街和电信业景观的人和事的引人入胜的描写,也是富有启迪的思考。——美国联邦通讯委员会前主席 迈克尔·K.鲍威尔   这是丹·莱因戈尔德对自己证券分析师生活的内幕记述,时间是股市泡沫膨胀和破灭的2000年前后。这本书具备了畅销虚构类图书的所有元素:英雄和恶棍,贪婪,狂妄自大,愚蠢——以及激烈的利益冲突。但它不属于虚构类图书,讲的也不是关于已然过往的旧事,书中涉及的问题和冲突在今天仍然十分尖锐,甚至在最近的证券改革之后依然如此。在您相信任何投资指导之前,请先阅读本书!——哥伦比亚大学法学院阿道夫·贝利教席教授 约翰·C.科菲   本书记叙的是一位入选“全明星阵容”的华尔街分析师的莎士比亚式的抗争,他努力要按道德规范来发挥自己的作用,但同时又承受着要遵守潜规则并提升自己银行客户股票价格的巨大压力。几十年之后,经济历史学家们想要完全弄清历史性的“股市泡沫”时,将会求助于这本《华尔街顶级证券分析师的忏悔》。——美林银行美国股票分析部前联职主任 埃里克·赫梅尔   丹·莱因戈尔德有14年都是华尔街的顶级分析师,是所罗门美邦银行的分析师杰克·格鲁布曼在火热的电信板块上的头号竞争对手。本书提供给您一个观剧的前排位子,以便观看美国金融史上最有戏剧性的,最终也是悲剧性的故事。作者详细介绍和分析了从未有人敢披露的华尔街无处不在的内幕信息泄漏和最隐秘的内幕交易,描述了亲身经历的那些已昭然于天下的公司欺诈案、白领犯罪,也揭示了华尔街上令人担忧的奢华消费的趋向。   莱因戈尔德描写了那些交易的机密在公开之前如何提早数天被人在密谈和耳语中泄漏出来,回忆了当他获悉世通公司老板伯尼大量做假账的消息时的情景。他还震惊于自己无意中成了一系列充满明目张胆的色情内容的e-mail的促进因素,这些e-mail将会让华尔街震惊,会迫使格鲁布曼屈服,使得他的老板,花旗集团(Citigroup)的CEO桑迪·威尔提早退休。   莱因戈尔德的故事有些残忍,有些喧腾,还有些简直荒谬可笑,但它们都是对华尔街的冷曝光:一个由贪婪和自私组成的丛林,是一个充满冲突和内幕消息的地方,华尔街宣誓要为“主街”服务,但却荒谬地与主街断绝了联系。作者还展示了政府调查人员虽然大张旗鼓地开展工作,但是从未深入道德和法律交叉区域的中心。他们完全忽视了华尔街上对内幕信息滥用的痼疾,它让广大投资者——甚至是久经世故的职业投资人——上当受骗。全书以作者提出一系列重要的政策改革建议结束,目的是净化投资业务环境。