We the Media
Grassroots journalists are dismantling Big Media's monopoly on the news, transforming it from a lecture to a conversation. Not content to accept the news as reported, these readers-turned-reporters are publishing in real time to a worldwide audience via the Internet. The impact of their work is just beginning to be felt by professional journalists and the newsmakers they cover. In We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People, nationally known business and technology columnist Dan Gillmor tells the story of this emerging phenomenon, and sheds light on this deep shift in how we make and consume the news. We the Media is essential reading for all participants in the news cycle: Consumers learn how they can become producers of the news. Gillmor lays out the tools of the grassroots journalist's trade, including personal Web journals (called weblogs or blogs), Internet chat groups, email, and cell phones. He also illustrates how, in this age of media consolidation and diminished reporting, to roll your own news, drawing from the array of sources available online and even over the phone. Newsmakers politicians, business executives, celebrities get a wake-up call. The control that newsmakers enjoyed in the top-down world of Big Media is seriously undermined in the Internet Age. Gillmor shows newsmakers how to successfully play by the new rules and shift from control to engagement. Journalists discover that the new grassroots journalism presents opportunity as well as challenge to their profession. One of the first mainstream journalists to have a blog, Gillmor says, "My readers know more than I do, and that's a good thing." In We the Media, he makes the case to his colleagues that, in the face of a plethora of Internet-fueled news vehicles, they must change or become irrelevant. At its core, We the Media is a book about people. People like Glenn Reynolds, a law professor whose blog postings on the intersection of technology and liberty garnered him enough readers and influence that he became a source for professional journalists. Or Ben Chandler, whose upset Congressional victory was fueled by contributions that came in response to ads on a handful of political blogs. Or Iraqi blogger Zayed, whose Healing Irag blog (healingiraq.blogspot.com) scooped Big Media. Or acridrabbit, who inspired an online community to become investigative reporters and discover that the dying Kaycee Nichols sad tale was a hoax. Give the people tools to make the news, We the Media asserts, and they will. Journalism in the 21st century will be fundamentally different from the Big Media that prevails today. We the Media casts light on the future of journalism, and invites us all to be part of it. -
《信息社会理论(第3版)》坚持从梳理资本的历史脉络中洞察信息社会的本质,借助勾勒贝尔、吉登斯、哈贝马斯、卡斯特等重要信息社会理论家的论述优劣,敏锐揭示了信息社会成为当下资本主义的核心特征,展示出商业文明覆盖全球的所向披靡之势,而政治压力与商业、技术迷思经新自由主义经济的整合,严重消弱了公共服务与民主基础。 -
曼纽尔·卡斯特是闻名世界的社会科学家,《网络社会-跨文化的视角》是他主编的探讨网络社会在不同文化和制度中的模式和动态的论文合集。《网络社会-跨文化的视角》从经济、社会、文化三方面分析了世界范围内在新社会机构的配置上的共同性和文化的特殊性之间的交互作用。通过研究,编者传达的核心观点是网络社会是信息时代中取替工业社会的一种新的社会组织形式,因为文化和环境的差异.网络社会也呈现不同形式。 这是一本非常出色的、新颖的书,引起了学术界的广泛兴趣,尤其是在社会科学领域、通信研究领域以及商业研究领域。对在技术决策和经济发展领域的决策者而言,《网络社会-跨文化的视角》也颇具研究价值。商业和管理专家也能在此书中发现有价值的东西。 -
著名新经济作家、趋势大师唐·泰普斯科特,多年来笔耕不辍,佳作不断,十多年前的一本《数字化经济》预言了新经济时代的到来;十年前的一本《数字化成长》预言了N世代的到来;两年前的《维基经济学》揭示了与Web2.0相关的商机;而最新推出的这本《数字化成长》(3.0版)则是真真正正地向全世界宣告:N世代已经到来。如果说泰普斯科特之前的畅销作品靠的是他独特的分析视角和前瞻性的敏锐眼光,那么这本书的创作灵感却是来自作者对自己孩子的观察与比较。 也许连作者自己都没有想到,就在他1997年创作完成轰动一时的《数字化成长》后,N世代的成长是如此之神速。当时的泰普斯科特还很是得意于自己“网络专家”的名号,某天,知名度颇高的他欣然前往电视台做一档节目,现场向广大观众演示如何利用电脑上网这一新技术。令作者感到意外的是,他这一举动被年仅12岁的儿子所嘲笑,他问爸爸为什么要上电视台演示这一人人通晓的技术,在他看来,用电脑上网就像用遥控器选择电视频道一样简单。这件事让作者颜面扫地的同时也给了他极大的触动,他这才发现自己15岁的女儿俨然已经是电脑专家了,精通一切时髦的数字设备,能够同时处理5项工作,在网络搭建的扁平世界中,电脑与高科技像氧气和阳光一样,已经成了他们生命中不可或缺的养料。 趋势大师不愧为趋势大师,为了一探究竟,了解这代独特的孩子,他立即行动,成立了一家名为“网络新生代”的公司,发起了一个相关调查项目:研究互联网对青少年影响,用大量时间与尽可能多的N世代进行沟通,试图深入了解他们的内心世界,在调查的过程中,作者也不禁被N世代们迷人而丰富的内心所吸引,于是,本书面世了。 如果你是N世代的父母,这本书帮你建立更紧密的亲子关系; 如果你是N世代的老师,这本书为你搭建互动性更强的教学平台; 如果你是N世代的朋友,这本书替你找到让友谊更加牢靠的捷径; 如果你就是N世代中的一员,这本书也许比你还了解自己。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友