

  • 城市造反: 全球游擊的十一個案例


    環境設計研究協會(EDRA)2012年最佳書籍獎Places Book Award (本書內附WALKNG TOUR免費活動卷) 挑戰公共∕私有、開發∕永續、中央∕邊陲、城市∕鄉村…的界線 北京.柏林.京都.洛杉磯.香港.西雅圖… 農耕城市X夜市經濟X閒置空間利用X藝術造鎮X文化保存X社會正義 怎樣才是好城市?誰來定義好城市? 從突尼西亞到埃及,從占領華爾街到占領土耳其的廣場,從北半球的香港到南半球巴西,城市造反事件如野火燎原般席捲全球。這股從城市點燃的人民之火向我們指引了前方的道路。我們想問的是,人民的力量如何參與新公共空間的建立,又如何打破權力者與既得利益者的城市想望?在新一波的公民行動中,對城市空間的改造如何能夠帶給社會關係、政治過程和文化認同新的解答? 《城市造反》從世界各地,收錄了十一個特色各異的社區營造實例,試圖提出更兼容並蓄的非典型都市規劃術。透過各地的城市造反實錄,瞭解當地民眾與專業者,在面對僵化的都市建設時,所從事的抵抗、反制與自力救濟,更重要的是重新營造一個更多元、開放的城市。 既然人類許諾生活在一起,演化出「城市」這樣的人群形態,我們便應讓城市不僅僅是空間上的地理單位,還能名符其實,展現眾人群居的意義和價值,不論是對環境的尊重、對鄰人的共享、對民主的追求…… 「造反」不是一種態度,不為反對而反對,「反」是改變,是可能性,是指引的方向,由邊緣改造中央的具體行動,人民的行動足以「反過來造就」更有機、更正義、更有活力的都市。
  • The Power of the Internet in China

    作者:Guobin Yang

    Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has revolutionized popular expression in China, enabling users to organize, protest, and influence public opinion in unprecedented ways. Despite efforts to control these activities, online activism has been an agent of immense social change, allowing common citizens to disseminate content and openly challenge the authority of political and economic elites. Guobin Yang’s pioneering study follows the rise of this dynamic protest and the forces that keep it relevant and unique. Online activism encompasses an innovative range of rituals, genres, and styles, and state efforts to constrain it have only led to more creative acts of subversion. Internet businesses have encouraged these contentious activities, generating an unusual synergy between capitalism and civil organizations that sponsor critique. Based on ten years of meticulous research and grounded in theories of social movements and the public sphere, Yang’s study emphasizes the mutual shaping of technology and society and highlights the important role of a transnational diaspora in the making of a Chinese Internet culture. In conclusion, Yang argues that online activism reflects important structural changes in contemporary China and points to a new era of informational politics.