

  • The Rise of Think Tanks in China

    作者:Xufeng Zhu

    Despite continuing criticism of the Chinese authoritarian political system, the range of participants in the decision-making process has widened, with different social actors now playing an increasingly important role in the Chinese policymaking process. Accordingly, the role of think tanks in the policymaking process has generated great interest within and outside China. This book explores the behaviour and influence of China’s think tanks, and explains the reasons and social consequences of the rise of think tanks in China. The book raises several questions on the topic: How did think tanks emerge in China? What are the essential factors that determine think tanks in terms of building their governmental and personal networks? How do think tanks work and build their influence in the Chinese policy process? What happens to Chinese society when think tanks become important policy participants in the policy process? The book goes on to discuss new perspectives on policy processes and elite politics in China, and empirically, with comparative case study and data from nationwide questionnaire surveys, provides a comprehensive picture of think tanks in the current political system of the country.
  • 中国思想库


    本书系统阐释了中国思想库在当代中国政策过程中实现影响力的机制。作者从公共政策基本理论出发,结合社会资本、知识运用、社会结构等相关理论,构建了一个解释中国思想库影响力的理论模型。 本书的突出特点是对理论模型进行了细致的实证检验和案例分析。一方面,对中国25个省市的思想库的问卷调查数据进行了统计分析和假设检验,另一方面,通过3年多时间的参与式观察和半结构式访谈,详细考察了六个典型思想库的运作模式与特点。 本书适合公共政策学、社会学和中国问题研究等领域的学者和爱好者阅读,对政策研究机构、软科学研究机构以及旨在推进决策科学化民主化的政府部门的有关负责同志具有参考价值。
  • 政策变迁中的专家参与


    《政策变迁中的专家参与》由朱旭峰所著,“专家” (experts)是运用专业知识去影响决策的特殊的政策参与者。中国专家在参与政策变迁的过程中到底有哪些行为模式?为什么专家在不同政策变迁的过程中倾向于选择不同的行动策略?专家参与通常被认为是政策变迁的原因之一,但政策变迁反过来会对专家的政策参与模式产生什么影响?为了回答上述问题,《政策变迁中的专家参与》提出了四种专家参与模式:迂回启迪模式、直接咨询模式、外锁模式和专家社会运动模式。在利益相关者分析框架下,本书对我国多个重大政策变迁过程中的专家参与模式进行了比较研究,包括城镇医药卫生体系改革、农村合作医疗制度改革、城市经济适用房政策变迁、收容遣送制度的取消等。