

  • Winesburg, Ohio

    作者:Sherwood Anderson

    Before Raymond Carver, John Cheever, and Richard Ford, there was Sherwood Anderson, who, with Winesburg, Ohio, charted a new direction in American fiction--evoking with lyrical simplicity quiet moments of epiphany in the lives of ordinary men and women. In a bed, elevated so that he can peer out the window, an old writer contemplates the fluttering of his heart and considers, as if viewing a pageant, the inhabitants of a small midwestern town. Their stories are about loneliness and alienation, passion and virginity, wealth and poverty, thrift and profligacy, carelessness and abandon. "Nothing quite like it has ever been done in America," wrote H. L. Mencken. "It is so vivid, so full of insight, so shiningly life-like and glowing, that the book is lifted into a category all its own." With Commentary by Sherwood Anderson, Rebecca West, and Hart Crane From the Trade Paperback edition.
  • Winesburg, Ohio

    作者:Sherwood Anderson

  • Winesburg, Ohio

    作者:Sherwood Anderson

    'Here [is] a new order of short story,' said H. L. Mencken when Winesburg, Ohio was published in 1919. 'It is so vivid, so full of insight, so shiningly life-like and glowing, that the book is lifted into a category all its own.' Indeed, Sherwood Anderson's timeless cycle of loosely connected tales--in which a young reporter named George Willard probes the hopes, dreams, and fears of the solitary people in a small Midwestern town at the turn of the century--embraced a new frankness and realism that ushered American literature into the modern age. 'There are moments in American life to which Anderson gave not only the first but the final expression,' wrote Malcolm Cowley. 'Winesburg, Ohio is far from the pessimistic or morbidly sexual work it was once attacked for being. Instead it is a work of love, an attempt to break down the walls of loneliness, and, in its own fashion, a celebration of small-town life in the lost days of good will and innocence.'
  • 暗笑

    作者:[美] 舍伍德·安德森

    《暗笑》中的两大男主角布鲁斯·达德利和弗雷德·格雷,其实是舍伍德在拆分了自己的身份和思维方式以后将拆分结果两极化了的产物。前者淡泊名利,追求一种精神上对于自然的回归,大有“探索人生的老庄主义者”之势;后者受的则是传统的美式教育,价值取向全放在了家庭美满和社会地位的争取上·是事业蒸蒸日上的企业家。这两人本没有任何交集,无奈,有一天,前者遇上了后者的太太。 《暗笑》的情节部分,就架构在了这样一个通俗的爱情故事上,然而,其主要讨论的,却并不是人与人之间的情感纠葛。 《暗笑》的主题有二。首先,从创作手法上说,它是对超验主义的一次探索。