China's Search for Security
Despite its impressive size and population, economic vitality, and drive to upgrade its military, China remains a vulnerable nation surrounded by powerful rivals and potential foes. Understanding China’s foreign policy means fully appreciating these geostrategic challenges, which persist even as the country gains increasing influence over its neighbors. Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scobell analyze China’s security concerns on four fronts: at home, with its immediate neighbors, in surrounding regional systems, and in the world beyond Asia. By illuminating the issues driving Chinese policy, they offer a new perspective on the country’s rise and a strategy for balancing Chinese and American interests in Asia. Though rooted in the present, Nathan and Scobell’s study makes ample use of the past, reaching back into history to illuminate the people and institutions shaping Chinese strategy today. They also examine Chinese views of the United States; explain why China is so concerned about Japan; and uncover China’s interests in such problematic countries as North Korea, Iran, and the Sudan. The authors probe recent troubles in Tibet and Xinjiang and explore their links to forces beyond China’s borders. They consider the tactics deployed by mainland China and Taiwan, as Taiwan seeks to maintain autonomy in the face of Chinese advances toward unification. They evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of China’s three main power resources—economic power, military power, and soft power. The authors conclude with recommendations for the United States as it seeks to manage China’s rise. Chinese policymakers understand that their nation’s prosperity, stability, and security depend on cooperation with the United States. If handled wisely, the authors believe, relations between the two countries can produce mutually beneficial outcomes for both Asia and the world. -
中國會民主化嗎?倘若如此,中國會變得更尊重台灣迥異的生活方式與利益嗎?或是中國會成為現代化國家的一個例外,維持一個充滿活力的——作者稱之為「具有韌性的」——威權主義政權?若出現這種局面,中國對台灣地位問題是否還會一如既往地不妥協?台灣和中國不同的政治發展軌跡,受其民眾對政治的文化態度影響程度有多大? 在歷史揭曉之前,沒有人知道這些問題的最終答案。作者希望藉由與讀者討論這些重要議題,讓讀者了解,當中國迅速改變之際,如何讓自己對中國有最新的瞭解。 -
中國對於世界可以是機會也可以是威脅。 那麼世界對於中國呢? 和平崛起的背後並非沒有戰略思考。 中國這麼大,人口這麼多,經濟充滿活 力,軍事又快速崛起,但即便如此,中國 仍然是一個周遭強敵環伺的脆弱強權。在充分認知地緣政治對中國所造成的挑戰之後,我們才能夠更加理解:即便對它的鄰國影響日深,中國為什麼還要採取這樣那樣的外交政策。黎安友與施道安分析了中 國對四個前線的安全考量:中國境內、近 鄰國家、周邊區域以及亞洲以外。在闡明 是哪些安全議題驅使中國採取哪些外交政策之後,兩位作者對中國的崛起給出
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友