《领导人》内容简介:党校老师唐少阳,其门下学生遍布全省,不少人官居要职,被奉为无冕的权势人物。他屡次拒绝从政的良机,只想深居学府研究自己手中的“领导人”。 唐少阳的前岳父董局长是省内高官,先是私生子被绑,随后董局长离奇身亡,引发省内政坛动荡;唐少阳私下调查前岳父死亡真相,引来幕后黑手的重重杀机,难以置身事外;A市贪腐窝案被曝光后政坛乱象迷局,新任市长三顾茅庐请他出山,指点迷津;当县新任县委书记雨夜失踪,书记的妻子正是他党校的学生兼情人;坚持挖掘真相的美貌女记者,在酒店被人强暴并拍下淫照.怀孕的女记者闯入党校对他大打出手;在唐少阳挂职过的当县,铅锌矿场利益纠缠,引发惊天爆炸案,接着是一场规模空前的民乱,市委十万火急调他前往…… 这是个什么样的老师?他还会遇到什么样的故事?他的“领导人”是什么样的课题?小小党校老师,他究竟有着什么样的“领导人”手段? -
The Good Communist
Has China become just another capitalist country in a socialist cloak? Will the Chinese Communist Party's rule survive the next ten years of modernization and globalization? Frank Pieke investigates these conundrums in this fascinating account of how government officials are trained for placement in the Chinese Communist Party. Through in-depth interviews with staff members and aspiring trainees, he shows that while the Chinese Communist Party has undergone a radical transformation since the revolutionary years under Mao, it is still incumbent upon cadres, who are selected through a highly rigorous process, to be ideologically and politically committed to the party. It is the lessons learnt through their teachers that shape the political and economic decisions they will make in power. The book offers unique insights into the structure and the ideological culture of the Chinese government, and how it has reinvented itself over the last three decades as a neo-socialist state.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友