《财务金融建模:用EXCEL工具(第3版)》内容简介:《财务金融建模》在理论与实践之间架起了一座桥梁,它提供了运用Excel电子表解决一般财务与金融建模问题的具体操作过程,告诉读者每个模型的实现步骤,说明了它们是如何用Excel来求解的。 期待已久的这部标准教科书的第三版继承了财务金融“食谱大全”和使用Excel工具的特点,这也是第一版和第二版之所以备受欢迎的原因。此外它还增加了非常新的内容,这些新章节涉及的主题包括:银行估值、最优化投资组合的BIack-Litteman方法、蒙特卡罗方法及其在期权定价中的应用,以及数组函数和公式的使用;其他的章节包括:基本的财务计算、投资组合模型、计算方差一协方差矩阵,以及随机数生成。以上内容经过了修订,并采用了许多全新和已改进的资料。其他涉及领域包括:财务报表建模、租赁、标准的投资组合问题、受险价值、久期与免疫策略、期限结构建模。技术章节涉及的主题包括:模拟运算表、矩阵、高斯一塞德尔方法,以及使用Excel的提示。最后一部分内容涉及《财务金融建模:用EXCEL工具(第3版)》所需要的VBA技术。 注:本商品不附赠光盘,如需光盘,请读者联系格致出版社。 Short Description B004BCN5VE Details 3797 of 3899 characters remaining. 以上书籍烦请修改页面信息,已经跟社里确认,此书不附赠光盘。 读者如有需要可以跟社里要求电子配套光盘,烦请在页面写上: 如需光盘,请与格致出版社联系,电子邮件:hibooks@hibooks.cn ,谢谢! -
《斐波那契分析》内容简介:斐波那契分析,对理解市场动态是一个非常有效的工具。《斐波那契分析》翔实、清晰地解释了斐波那契分析的内容、如何发挥作用以及如何在市场中运用。作者阐述了一系列的主题,包括扩张收缩周期中的斐波那契分析,用于预测价格的斐波那契比率以及时间分析的运用,并对节奏曲线图、支撑位和阻力位、比例分析以及振荡器这些具体的工具提供了应用指导。《斐波那契分析》非常实用,适合希望提高交易成功几率的专业投资人士以及相关研究人员阅读和使用。 -
价值投资是一种基于合理原则的投资哲学和要求苛刻的学科。在这本重要的著作中,格伦·阿诺德引入了一种综合性的投资方法,帮助您在选股过程中识别增长和价值的必要条件。 本书汇集了不同投资方法的思想和技术,并向您展示如何将它们运用于您自己的投资组合。其关键要素是: ◆找出您理解的行业; ◆确认它具有强大而持久的经济特许权; ◆确信它由诚实能干的人所掌控; ◆确信您的投资对象具有经济实力; ◆您的投资组合具有多样化; ◆长期持有股票。 成功的价值投资着必须了解上市公司的经济特许权及其价值、管理者的诚信和能力、财务状况等。本书将告诉您如何做到这一点。 -
Algorithmic Trading and DMA
Algorithmic trading and Direct Market Access (DMA) are important tools helping both buy and sell-side traders to achieve best execution. This book starts from the ground up to provide detailed explanations of both these techniques: - An introduction to the different types of execution is followed by a review of market microstructure theory. Throughout the book examples from empirical studies bridge the gap between the theory and practice of trading. - Orders are the fundamental building blocks for any strategy. Market, limit, stop, hidden, iceberg, peg, routed and immediate-or-cancel orders are all described with illustrated examples. - Trading algorithms are explained and compared using charts to show potential trading patterns. TWAP, VWAP, Percent of Volume, Minimal Impact, Implementation Shortfall, Adaptive Shortfall, Market On Close and Pairs trading algorithms are all covered, together with common variations. - Transaction costs can have a significant effect on investment returns. An in-depth example shows how these may be broken down into constituents such as market impact, timing risk, spread and opportunity cost and other fees. - Coverage includes all the major asset classes, from equities to fixed income, foreign exchange and derivatives. Detailed overviews for each of the world's major markets are provided in the appendices. - Order placement and execution tactics are covered in more detail, as well as potential enhancements (such as short-term forecasts), for those interested in the specifics of implementing these strategies. - Cutting edge applications such as portfolio and multi-asset trading are also considered, as are handling news and data mining/artificial intelligence. -
Real Estate Finance & Investments
Coverage of Current Topics: Due to the recent turmoil in financial markets, this edition adds further emphasis to the importance of proper underwriting of mortgage loans, whether they are subprime or not and whether they are for residential or commercial properties. Updated Concept Boxes: New concept boxes were added in select chapters to provide information about recent trends in mortgage-backed securities and how the government has worked to add liquidity to mortgage markets, in addition to taking over the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. Chapter 11: Investment Analysis and Taxation of Income Properties: A new section on market analysis has been added to provide readers with a better understanding of how data on the supply and demand for real estate can be used to project occupancy and rental growth. Chapter 14: Disposition and Renovation of Income Properties: A new section on installment sales and tax-free exchanges has been added to emphasize ways to defer capital gain taxes when selling investment properties. This includes a discussion on how to evaluate whether these tax deferral strategies are better than a regular sale. Discussion on Various Ownership Structures: Discussion has been added that outlines the various ownership structures that can be used for ownership of investment property along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. Chapter 21: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): This chapter has been expanded to reflect the current economic landscape and also to include discussion on how to value a REIT. Integration of Financial Calculators and Excel into the Solutions of Problems: The way the solutions are presented has been simplified by using new notation introduced into this edition. -
《随机金融概要(英文版)》主要目的有三,一、研究随机分析必备内容以及不确定性下金融市场操纵模型中的估价;二、介绍主要概念、观点以及随机金融数学结果;三、讲述结果在金融工程各种计算中的应用。 《随机金融概要(英文版)》为金融数学和工程数学的读者提供了概率统计的基本观点和随机分析市场风险的分析方法。书中不仅涵盖了金融中能够运用到的概率内容,也介绍了数学金融中的最新进展。既讲述了金融理论又结合金融实践,脉络清晰流畅。每部分的讲解从特殊到一般,从实例到结果。综合性强,包含了数学金融、熵以及马尔科夫理论。第二部分的学习需要对随机微积分知识有相当的了解。目次:第一部分:事实,模型:主要概念、结构和工具,金融理论目标和问题以及金融工程;随机模型,离散时间;随机模型,连续时间;金融数据统计分析;第二部分:理论:随机金融模型中的套利原理,离散时间;随机金融模型中的价格理论,离散时间;随机金融模型中的随意理论,连续时间;随机金融模型中的价格理论,连续时间。 -
Inside the Black Box
Inside The Black Box The Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading Rishi K Narang Praise for Inside the Black Box "In Inside the Black Box: The Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading , Rishi Narang demystifies quantitative trading. His explanation and classification of alpha will enlighten even a seasoned veteran." —Blair Hull, Founder, Hull Trading & Matlock Trading "Rishi provides a comprehensive overview of quantitative investing that should prove useful both to those allocating money to quant strategies and those interested in becoming quants themselves. Rishi's experience as a well-respected quant fund of funds manager and his solid relationships with many practitioners provide ample useful material for his work." —Peter Muller, Head of Process Driven Trading, Morgan Stanley "A very readable book bringing much needed insight into a subject matter that is not often covered. Provides a framework and guidance that should be valuable to both existing investors and those looking to invest in this area for the first time. Many quants should also benefit from reading this book." —Steve Evans, Managing Director of Quantitative Trading, Tudor Investment Corporation "Without complex formulae, Narang, himself a leading practitioner, provides an insightful taxonomy of systematic trading strategies in liquid instruments and a framework for considering quantitative strategies within a portfolio. This guide enables an investor to cut through the hype and pretense of secrecy surrounding quantitative strategies." —Ross Garon, Managing Director, Quantitative Strategies, S.A.C. Capital Advisors, L.P. "Inside the Black Box is a comprehensive, yet easy read. Rishi Narang provides a simple framework for understanding quantitative money management and proves that it is not a black box but rather a glass box for those inside." —Jean-Pierre Aguilar, former founder and CEO, Capital Fund Management "This book is great for anyone who wants to understand quant trading, without digging in to the equations. It explains the subject in intuitive, economic terms." —Steven Drobny, founder, Drobny Global Asset Management, and author, Inside the House of Money "Rishi Narang does an excellent job demystifying how quants work, in an accessible and fun read. This book should occupy a key spot on anyone's bookshelf who is interested in understanding how this ever increasing part of the investment universe actually operates." —Matthew S. Rothman, PhD, Global Head of Quantitative Equity Strategies Barclays Capital "Inside the Black Box provides a comprehensive and intuitive introduction to "quant" strategies. It succinctly explains the building blocks of such strategies and how they fit together, while conveying the myriad possibilities and design details it takes to build a successful model driven investment strategy." —Asriel Levin, PhD, Managing Member, Menta Capital, LLC -
Term-Structure Models
Changing interest rates constitute one of the major risk sources for banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions. Modeling the term-structure movements of interest rates is a challenging task. This volume gives an introduction to the mathematics of term-structure models in continuous time. It includes practical aspects for fixed-income markets such as day-count conventions, duration of coupon-paying bonds and yield curve construction; arbitrage theory; short-rate models; the Heath-Jarrow-Morton methodology; consistent term-structure parametrizations; affine diffusion processes and option pricing with Fourier transform; LIBOR market models; and credit risk. The focus is on a mathematically straightforward but rigorous development of the theory. Students, researchers and practitioners will find this volume very useful. Each chapter ends with a set of exercises, that provides source for homework and exam questions. Readers are expected to be familiar with elementary ItA calculus, basic probability theory, and real and complex analysis. -
《金融工程与风险管理技术》是著名金融工程学家保罗·威尔莫特的力作。《金融工程与风险管理技术》主要讲述经典数量金融方面的内容,内容极为基础,其中的“小贴士”介绍更多数学方面的内容。《金融工程与风险管理技术》也以非常简单的方式解释随机微积分,并诠释了当前所有的金融理论。《金融工程与风险管理技术》的写作风格是通俗易懂,图文并茂。 《金融工程与风险管理技术》适用于本科高年级的金融、IVIBA以及研究生课程。 -
The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance
An ideal introduction for those starting out as practitioners of mathematical finance, this book provides a clear understanding of the intuition behind derivatives pricing, how models are implemented, and how they are used and adapted in practice. Strengths and weaknesses of different models, e.g. Black-Scholes, stochastic volatility, jump-diffusion and variance gamma, are examined. Both the theory and the implementation of the industry-standard LIBOR market model are considered in detail. Each pricing problem is approached using multiple techniques including the well-known PDE and martingale approaches. This second edition contains many more worked examples and over 200 exercises with detailed solutions. Extensive appendices provide a guide to jargon, a recap of the elements of probability theory, and a collection of computer projects. The author brings to this book a blend of practical experience and rigorous mathematical background and supplies here the working knowledge needed to become a good quantitative analyst. -
《新古典金融学》根据金融领域近几十年在理论和实证上的进展,对现代金融学的基本原理进行了简明而有力的阐述。斯蒂芬·A·罗斯发展了无套利原理,将资产定价和金融市场上没有免费的午餐这样的简单命题紧密联系起来,他还与约翰·考克斯(John cox)一起提出了与无套利相关联的风险中性定价的概念。在《新古典金融学》中,罗斯以强有力的证据说明,这些概念是现代金融学,特别是市场有效性的重要支柱。在一个有效的市场中,价格将反映市场所拥有的所有信息,因此,任何利用普遍可获得的信息以击败市场的交易企图注定都要失败。 与此形成鲜明对比,当前流行的看法是由研究金融市场上一些明显的异象而兴起的行为金融学的解释,它认为,市场价格会受到投资者心理冲动的影响。但是罗斯表明,无须借助心理学,新古典金融理论也能为行为金融学所迷恋的很多异象提供简单而丰富的解释。 这本精心撰写的著作是在普林斯顿大学本德海姆金融研究中心(Bendheim Center for Finance of Princeton University)主办的普林斯顿金融讲座的首讲讲义基础上完成的,可以说是对正在进行的市场有效性辩论的重要贡献,也可作为学者或实务工作者在金融学基础方面的有用的入门读物。 -
《金融工程》分为三大部分:第一章从发展历史、分析方法的角度介绍金融工程的一般知识;第二至十六章分别介绍远期、期货、互换和期权等主要金融衍生产品的基础知识、市场制度、定价和运用,具体又可分为远期和期货(第二至五章)、互换(第六至八章)、期权(第九至十六章)三个部分;第十七章则对现代金融风险管理的基础知识进行了介绍。全书强调知识的应用性,注重理论模型的严谨性,配有大量丰富且贴近现实的案例解析。 -
本书组织了上海证券交易所和基金行业的专家力量,系统介绍了ETF的基本概念、产品特点、优势、风险、交易机制以及投资策略等,内容全面丰富,并且对ETF交易机制和投资策略的讲解多从实践出发,列举大量的实际操作案例,内容贴近实战,投资者运用的可操作性强,不仅可作为普通投资者的基础读物,也可作为专业投资者的投资指南。 -
2009年,比特币诞生。比特币是一种通过密码编码,在复杂算法的大量计算下产生的电子货币。虽然是虚拟货币,比特币却引起了前所未有的全球关注热潮。 这一串凝结着加密算法与运算能力的数字不仅可以安全流通、换取实物,1比特币价值甚至曾高达8 000元人民币。有研究者认为比特币具备打破几千年来全球货币由国家垄断发行的可能性。在不经意间,比特币引起的金融新浪潮已悄然成型。 虚拟货币并不是新鲜事物,为什么只有比特币受到如此追捧?它激烈变动的价格行情更让投资者们担心:比特币的合理价格到底是多少?其价格的支撑体系又在哪里?如此剧烈的上下波动是不是预示着它的不稳定直至最终崩盘? 作为国内首批参与并研究比特币的开拓者,《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》作者们对这些问题都有着深刻的理解。本书从介绍比特币的概念出发,全面、系统地阐述了比特币的起源、发展、技术原理、生态圈等关键问题,还大胆畅想了比特币的现实应用、未来前景。 《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》坦然面对比特币引发的种种争议,针对政府、货币体系等问题,以开放的态度、翔实的资料与读者交流,深入探讨比特币改变全球现行货币体系,朝货币发行非国家化的方向前进的可能性,揭示了比特币对现实金融业,甚至对未来世界的影响。 《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》讲述的是一场伟大的货币实验,及一个虚幻而真实的金融世界。如何认识与思考这一实验,有助于理解互联网时代金融世界的逻辑。 -
Algorithmic Trading
Praise for Algorithmic Trading: "Algorithmic Trading is an insightful book on quantitative trading written by a seasoned practitioner. What sets this book apart from many others in the space is the emphasis on real examples as opposed to just theory. Concepts are not only described, they are brought to life with actual trading strategies, which give the reader insight into how and why each strategy was developed, how it was implemented, and even how it was coded. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to create their own systematic trading strategies and those involved in manager selection, where the knowledge contained in this book will lead to a more informed and nuanced conversation with managers." (Daren Smith, CFA, CAIA, FSA, Managing Director, Manager Selection & Portfolio Construction, University of Toronto Asset Management). "Using an excellent selection of mean reversion and momentum strategies, Ernie explains the rationale behind each one, shows how to test it, how to improve it, and discusses implementation issues. His book is a careful, detailed exposition of the scientific method applied to strategy development. For serious retail traders, I know of no other book that provides this range of examples and level of detail. His discussions of how regime changes affect strategies, and of risk management, are invaluable bonuses." (Roger Hunter, Mathematician and Algorithmic Trader). -
耶伦,美联储历史上首位女主席! 本书是耶伦的唯一著作! 揭示“令人惊艳的1990年代”的美国何以实现高增长、低通胀、低失业! 本书浓缩了耶伦的货币政策思路,带你看清未来金融趋势! 巴曙松翻译,并作序推荐! 当我们试图理解1990年代时,我们自然依赖于那些亲身经历者所写的第一手历史资料,其中珍妮特•耶伦和艾伦•布林德所著的《令人惊艳的十年》将是绝佳的来源,因为它对那个时期的经济政策进行了细致入微的分析。 ——威廉•D. 诺德豪斯,《纽约书评》 关于美国过去十年至十五年的货币 政策的优劣存在不少分歧,一些经济学家认为当时的美联储的明智政策是1990年代经济表现出乎意料的主要原因,1990年代,特别是后半期,其经济增长率超过3.5%,通胀率维持在2%左右的低点。这就是为什么一些经济学家称之为“令人惊艳的十年”的原因。而另外一些经济学家则对美联储的战略进行了强烈批评,认为它缺乏一个清晰的框架,完全依靠“魔术师”格林斯潘的导演。 ——丹尼尔•哈特曼,《美联储的战略》 1990年代可能是美国历史上最繁荣的十年,经济数据可以参考耶伦和布林德所著的《令人惊艳的十年》。在“希望破灭”的时代,1990年代的繁荣不仅出乎公众和政治家们的预料,而且也出乎经济学家的预料。其原因复杂,运气因素也不可低估,但细而言之,令人惊艳的十年的形成包括了至少三个相互影响的原因:首先是克林顿政府继承了配合货币政策的可控的预算赤字削减政策;其次是1980年代的放松管制和自由主义政策逐步对经济市场发挥作用,加上可信的货币政策和科技革命带来的生产率的迅速增长,帮助实现低通胀;最后是1998年发生金融危机的东南亚,以及俄罗斯都需要美国货币政策的帮助(低利率),东南亚金融危机导致了对美元的重估,帮助实现了对通胀的控制。 ——乌尔里希•海勒曼、海因兹•瑟夫•明希,《克林顿时代和美国经济周期》 内容简介 在可预见的未来,20世纪90年代后半期美国的经济繁荣很有可能成为衡量经济好坏的绝佳标准。在那一时期,平均经济增长率达到了4%;生产率增长方面,1973年至1990年平均增长率仅为1.4%,而20世纪90年代后半期几乎是这个数字的两倍;失业率到90年代末已从1992年的7.8%降到了4.1%;与经济学家普遍认为的在繁荣期通胀率通常较高相反,平均通胀率仅为2.9%。当然,最受瞩目的但也许也是最没有用的统计数据是道琼斯指数,从1990年的不足3000点飙升到了2000年的超过11700点。 未来很多年,经济专家很有可能为了这些统计数据的意义展开激烈的争辩,也证实了持怀疑态度的少数派的观点,即高就业、高增长和低通胀是可以并存的。 为了帮助读者了解当时的状况,耶伦和布林德带领读者回顾那个令人惊艳的年代,以及解释“令人惊艳”之所以令人惊艳的原因。 -
《精通现金流及估价模型:价值模型构建应用指南》作者根据自身的建模经验, 为读者介绍了如何利用微软的Excel 来建立便利的现金流及估价分析模型。书中介绍了模型模板、各种历史报表、销售预测、资产负债表、现金流量表、财务比率、资本成本、估价方法与模型、敏感性分析、模型运行报告与审查,以及文档管理等相关内容。 《精通现金流及估价模型:价值模型构建应用指南》不仅能为高等院校金融、财会、投资等专业的师生提供极具价值的专业核心技能训练指导, 而且能为相关领域的从业人员提供切实的帮助。 海报: -
《量化投资—策略与技术》是国内第一本有关量化投资策略的著作,首先介绍了量化投资大师西蒙斯的传奇故事(连续20年,每年赚60%);然后用60多个案例介绍了量化投资的各个方面的内容,主要分为策略篇与理论篇两部分,策略篇主要包括:量化选股、量化择时、股指期货套利、商品期货套利、统计套利、期权套利、算法交易和资产配置等。理论篇主要包括:人工智能、数据挖掘、小波分析、支持向量机、分形理论、随机过程及it技术等;最后介绍了作者开发的d-alpha量化对冲交易系统,该系统全球市场验证显示具有长期稳健的收益率。 《量化投资—策略与技术》适合基金经理、证券分析师、普通散户及有志于从事金融投资的各界人士阅读。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友