

  • 萧条经济学的回归


    在本书中,克鲁格曼对中国的问题着墨不多。但是,克鲁格曼的见解,对了解中国经济现实问题应该有极大的帮助。今天的中国,同样面临生产能力过剩、失业率上升、通货紧缩等世界性的问题,是采用萧条经济学的方法来解决呢?还是按照所谓的“正统”经济学的方法,进一步追求财政平衡、资本自由流动、结构性改革呢?读者在读完本书后,应该会从 另一个角度有所启发、有所收获。总之,本书是克鲁格曼对于东亚金融危机的个人看法,并将
  • 大投机家3.股票培训班


  • 通向金融王国的自由之路

    作者:[美] 范·K. 撒普

  • 股市趋势技术分析


    如果你手里拥有一本风险投资技术的书,你会惊奇地发现它们主要参考书目上都赫赫然列有《股市趋势技术分析》的书名。如果你与华尔派交易人士接触,他们中会有许多热心人向你提及一本“历史悠久,非常重要的经典著作”——《股市趋势技术分析》。 这本享誉全球,在华尔拥有“股市技术分析圣经”美誉的典工学院这作,其揭示各种技术现象本质的思想精髓,已成为现代证券投资技术分析各种流派的共同基础。 罗伯特·D·爱德华
  • 从牛顿、达尔文到巴菲特

    作者:[美] 罗伯特·G. 汉格斯特龙 编著

    这是一本不像在教人投资的投资书籍。作者并没有提供某种具体的新招式,指导如何选股或管理投资组合;然而在读过此书后,只要愿意花点时间在一些具挑战性的观念上,你应该会对投资有新的思考方式,同时对市场与经济的运作也会有更透徹的理解。 作者认为,若想对于投资市场有更深刻的理解,不应求助于经济学或财政学的教科书,因为这些绝对不够。这些理解是蕴藏于一些乍看之下与投资并无关联的学科之中,例如物理学、生物学、社会科学、心理学、哲学、文学等。 为了培养这种新的理解,作者带领读者分別认识这些只是领域,探讨各学科的基础概念,针对这些基本观念的源起先作一番历史的回顾,然后再进一步阐述观点;不过,最后都会针对这些观念与投资及股市的相关之处加以分析。每一章探讨一门学科,介绍其中的伟大思想家及相关的重要著述,使读者从中获得对于投资的全新思考方式。
  • 开放社会

    作者:[美] 乔治·索罗斯

    1997年亚洲金融危机之后,索罗斯一下成为家喻户晓的人物,同时也一直处于“神话”和“谣言”的包围中。对于《开放社会:改革全球资本主义》的出版,索罗斯说“有助于澄清我的所思所想,以及我对未来的希望(和建议)。”“这本浓缩了我毕生主要思想的著作读起来肯定不轻松,但我希望它值得你去努力阅读。” 全书共12章。第一部分包括6章,主要是进行理论构建,解决“开放社会”的一些基本概念框架问题。尽管索罗斯挖空心思,创造了不少名词术语,但基本上是重复波普尔的“前人话语”,只不过与他熟知的金融领域结合起来而已,实际上是“新瓶装旧酒”,用索罗斯自己习惯的口味讲出了一番大道理。第二部分也包括6章,是此书的精华,主要分析了当前国际社会风云变幻的热点问题,从亚洲金融风暴,到俄罗斯社会转型,从全球金融框架,到国际政治架构,索罗斯笔之所至,出语惊人。例如他断言亚洲模式破灭,指责西方国家在俄罗斯问题上不负责任,批评美国政府的单边主义已经成为对全球和平与繁荣的重大威胁,全球资本主义危机还会卷土重来等等,此类观点虽然大胆,却因为出自大鳄之口,确让人感到辛辣的提醒。 索罗斯不仅对国际问题进行了细致分析,还亲身参与了许多国际事件,对国际热点的点评令人耳目一新。例如索罗斯在评论“谁失去了俄罗斯”的时候,他大量运用第一人称,叙述个人在一些国际事件中的亲身经历,纪录当时的形势变化;在论述俄罗斯金融危机的时候,他甚至运用自己当时的十几篇日记,详细描述了当时自己的谈判活动和事件的整个过程,使得风云变幻的国际现象跃然纸上,让人有身临其境之感。
  • 货币哲学

    作者:[德] 西美尔

    倘若货币经济带来的不安全感和不忠感——与具体财产的情况针锋相对——不得不造成十足的现代情绪的恶果:即人们满心期望占有某件东西得到满足,一瞬间马上又有了超出这件东西的欲望,即生命的内核与意义总是从人们手中滑落,那么这就证实了人们有一个深切的渴望,要给予事物一种新的意义,一种更加深刻的意义,一种事物本身的价值。 现代,尤其看起来是在最近的阶段,浸透着焦虑、期望和没有消除的渴望的感觉,好像最重要的、终极性的事情要来了,那就是生活和事物的真正意义与中心点。这当然是手段剧增在感觉上带来的结果,我们复杂的生活技术迫使我们在手段之上建筑手段,直至手段应该服务的真正目标不断地退到意识的地平线上,并最终沉入地平线下。在这个过程中,影响最大的因素就是金钱。
  • The Essays of Warren Buffett

    作者:Warren E. Buffett

  • One Up On Wall Street

    作者:Peter Lynch

    Book Description THE NATIONAL BESTSELLING BOOK THAT EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD OWN Peter Lynch is America's number-one money manager. His mantra: Average investors can become experts in their own field and can pick winning stocks as effectively as Wall Street professionals by doing just a little research. Now, in a new introduction written specifically for this edition of One Up on Wall Street, Lynch gives his take on the incredible rise of Internet stocks, as well as a list of twenty winning companies of high-tech '90s. That many of these winners are low-tech supports his thesis that amateur investors can continue to reap exceptional rewards from mundane, easy-to-understand companies they encounter in their daily lives. Investment opportunities abound for the layperson, Lynch says. By simply observing business developments and taking notice of your immediate world -- from the mall to the workplace -- you can discover potentially successful companies before professional analysts do. This jump on the experts is what produces "tenbaggers," the stocks that appreciate tenfold or more and turn an average stock portfolio into a star performer. The former star manager of Fidelity's multibillion-dollar Magellan Fund, Lynch reveals how he achieved his spectacular record. Writing with John Rothchild, Lynch offers easy-to-follow directions for sorting out the long shots from the no shots by reviewing a company's financial statements and by identifying which numbers really count. He explains how to stalk tenbaggers and lays out the guidelines for investing in cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies. Lynch promises that if you ignore the ups and downs of the market and the endless speculation about interest rates, in the long term (anywhere from five to fifteen years) your portfolio will reward you. This advice has proved to be timeless and has made One Up on Wall Street a number-one bestseller. And now this classic is as valuable in the new millennium as ever. From Publishers Weekly The authors argue that average investors can beat Wall Street professionals by using the information gleaned from everyday life. "Investors will be able to put the shrewd insights presented to good use," remarked PW. 200,000 first printing. Book Dimension length: (cm)20.6                 width:(cm)14
  • 证券分析实践


    《证券分析实践》作者凭借二十多年的投资经验,以贵精不贵多的论调,向证券投资者传授如何选择值得长期持有的千里马股份。千里马股份有7大特征,最重要的是股份的业务处于高增长地区,以及拥有市场经济专利。作者详尽地分析了过去20多年间常驻在香港恒指的12只股份,及其所拥有的经济专利。 作者认为,香港经济高增长期已过,而中国有着未来数十载的繁荣期。 《投资王道》就电力、石油、电讯、保险、银行、公路等中国六大行业中具代表性的上市公司作为分析实例,让读者能掌握基础分析的步骤及工具,并通过基础分析,彻底理解上市公司的运作、效率、财务状况及、经营环境等,减低投资风险。 选择优质公司的三部曲如下: (一)必从宏观角度考虑,经济是否处于起飞阶段的高增长期; (二)公司是否拥有市场经济专利; (三)用基础分析技巧深入研究公司过往业绩、各项回报比例、现金流、未来的前景、管理层的作风及“内在价值”。投资股票时,理想买入价最好是较“内在价值”为低。 《证券分析实践》中并无任何复杂程序,普罗大众也能明白个中秘诀,选择优质公司作长线投资致富。
  • 财务报表分析与证券定价


  • Options, Futures and Other Derivatives (6th Edition)

    作者:John C. Hull

    Designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, this successful book is regarded as "the bible" in trading rooms throughout the world. The books covers both derivatives markets and risk management, including credit risk and credit derivatives; forward, futures, and swaps; insurance, weather, and energy derivatives; and more. For options traders, options analysts, risk managers, swaps traders, financial engineers, and corporate treasurers.

  • When Genius Failed

    作者:Roger Lowenstein

    On September 23, 1998, the boardroom of the New York Fed was a tense place. Around the table sat the heads of every major Wall Street bank, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, and representatives from numerous European banks, each of whom had been summoned to discuss a highly unusual prospect: rescuing what had, until then, been the envy of them all, the extraordinarily successful bond-trading firm of Long-Term Capital Management. Roger Lowenstein's When Genius Failed is the gripping story of the Fed's unprecedented move, the incredible heights reached by LTCM, and the firm's eventual dramatic demise. Lowenstein, a financial journalist and author of Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist, examines the personalities, academic experts, and professional relationships at LTCM and uncovers the layers of numbers behind its roller-coaster ride with the precision of a skilled surgeon. The fund's enigmatic founder, John Meriwether, spent almost 20 years at Salomon Brothers, where he formed its renowned Arbitrage Group by hiring academia's top financial economists. Though Meriwether left Salomon under a cloud of the SEC's wrath, he leapt into his next venture with ease and enticed most of his former Salomon hires--and eventually even David Mullins, the former vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve--to join him in starting a hedge fund that would beat all hedge funds. LTCM began trading in 1994, after completing a road show that, despite the Ph.D.-touting partners' lack of social skills and their disdainful condescension of potential investors who couldn't rise to their intellectual level, netted a whopping $1.25 billion. The fund would seek to earn a tiny spread on thousands of trades, "as if it were vacuuming nickels that others couldn't see," in the words of one of its Nobel laureate partners, Myron Scholes. And nickels it found. In its first two years, LTCM earned $1.6 billion, profits that exceeded 40 percent even after the partners' hefty cuts. By the spring of 1996, it was holding $140 billion in assets. But the end was soon in sight, and Lowenstein's detailed account of each successively worse month of 1998, culminating in a disastrous August and the partners' subsequent panicked moves, is riveting. The arbitrageur's world is a complicated one, and it might have served Lowenstein well to slow down and explain in greater detail the complex terms of the more exotic species of investment flora that cram the book's pages. However, much of the intrigue of the Long-Term story lies in its dizzying pace (not to mention the dizzying amounts of money won and lost in the fund's short lifespan). Lowenstein's smooth, conversational but equally urgent tone carries it along well. The book is a compelling read for those who've always wondered what lay behind the Fed's controversial involvement with the LTCM hedge-fund debacle. --S. Ketchum
  • Fiasco

    作者:Frank Partnoy

    在线阅读本书 FIASCO is the shocking story of one man's education in the jungles of Wall Street. As a young derivatives salesman at Morgan Stanley, Frank Partnoy learned to buy and sell billions of dollars worth of securities that were so complex many traders themselves didn't understand them. In his behind-the-scenes look at the trading floor and the offices of one of the world's top investment firms, Partnoy recounts the macho attitudes and fiercely competitive ploys of his office mates. And he takes us to the annual drunken skeet-shooting competition, FIASCO, where he and his colleagues sharpen the killer instincts they are encouraged to use against their competitiors, their clients, and each other. FIASCO is the first book to take on the derivatves trading industry--the most highly charged and risky sector of the stock market. More importantly, it is a blistering indictment of the largely unregulated market in derivatives and serves as a warning to unwary investors about real fiascos, which have cost billions of dollars.
  • 西方经济学


    《西方经济学》(第4版)是国家教育部组织统编的高校《西方经济学》教科书。由中国人民大学高鸿业教授和吴汉洪教授、北京大学刘文忻教授、前武汉大学冯金华教授和复旦大学尹伯成教授,共五名教学人员组成编写组,高鸿业任主编。《西方经济学》的 第一版和第二版顺次于1996年、2001年和2004年出版。第一版的序言指出:“正如西方学者所承认的那样,西方经济学是一门具有演变性的学科。随着时间的流逝,西方经济学会出现新的内容以及不同的着重方面,反映这些情况的教科书必然也应如此。
  • 流行的国际主义


  • 金融是本故事书

    作者:许敬,中国基金博物馆 策划整理

    中国基金博物馆15个压箱底的经典故事 无序时代的资本冒险 ☆中国基金博物馆镇馆之作,详解近代历史剧变背后的金融逻辑 ☆不用数据和图表,直说大事件背后的权贵斗争内幕,用故事说透中国金融 ☆颠覆常规认知,用丰富的史料告诉你一个真实的近代史切面 ☆金融博物馆理事长王巍鼎力推荐 ,大象公会黄章晋拍案叫绝 众所周知,用数据和图表根本读不懂中国的金融。自古以来,无论是研究中国经济还是金融,都必须把非市场因素计算在内,甚至还要把所研究的对象与当时的权贵、军阀的私人关系计算在内。数据和图表总是枯燥的,而人物关系所带来的种种传奇显然更加引人入胜。 “眼见他起高楼,眼见他宴宾客,眼见他楼塌了,”玩火者和珅、胡雪岩的故事几度重演?内忧外患的大时代,孔祥熙、宋子文主导货币战争,功罪谁与评说?筚路蓝缕、锱铢累积,几世辉煌,什么是上海滩金融豪门商道密码?贩夫走卒,饮食男女,江湖变迁中暗藏金融之手? 有人星夜赶考,有人辞官还乡,金融的故事周而复始,给你讲个笑话——“这次不一样”。听过很多道理,依然在金融的羁绊中雾里看花,因为你从不知故事的真相。 中国金融博物馆致力于普及现代金融观念,数年来详细梳理中国金融史,在浩如烟海的史料中精选15个具有代表性的金融故事。读懂了这些故事,你就读懂了中国金融。
  • 商业冒险

    作者:[美] 约翰·布鲁克斯

    巴菲特推荐给比尔·盖茨,比尔·盖茨称之为“我读过的最好商业书”。 2015年TED大会推荐必读书目第1名 年度最重要、最畅销的财经书之一 华尔街不仅是金融的战场,也是人性的试验场,这里每天都上演着一夜暴富或身败名裂的华丽戏剧。约翰•布鲁克斯选择了华尔街上12个最富戏剧性的时刻,以小说的笔法叙述了这个舞台上的奇谋、诡计、泡沫、欺诈、贪婪、崩溃、坚持、不甘…… 商业的形式和表象一直在变,但商业的基础始终如一。书中的商战已经发生,正在发生,将来还会继续发生……
  • 投资最重要的三个问题


    许多投资者将投资视为一门手艺或技能,认为通过良好的训练、付出足够的努力,拥有丰富的专业知识和经验之后便能成为优秀的投资者。在这本经典的投资畅销书中,投资大师肯•费雪以自己近四十年的投资经验,结合详实的案例与数据、图表分析,大胆地揭开投资的真相:经验与技能无法帮你实现目标,破除一切关于投资的迷信,把握投资中最重要的三个问题,才能在长期的投资中跑赢市场。 围绕肯•费雪经典的投资三问——1.我相信的哪些观念实际是错误的?2.我能理解哪些别人不能理解的事?3.我的大脑在如何误导我?本书为投资者提供了一套系统全面的方法论,专业、具体而具有可操作性,能够帮助投资者建立一个应对资本市场技巧的宝库,在投资方面永远胜人一筹。
  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century

    作者:Thomas Piketty

    What are the grand dynamics that drive the accumulation and distribution of capital? Questions about the long-term evolution of inequality, the concentration of wealth, and the prospects for economic growth lie at the heart of political economy. But satisfactory answers have been hard to find for lack of adequate data and clear guiding theories. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty analyzes a unique collection of data from twenty countries, ranging as far back as the eighteenth century, to uncover key economic and social patterns. His findings will transform debate and set the agenda for the next generation of thought about wealth and inequality. Piketty shows that modern economic growth and the diffusion of knowledge have allowed us to avoid inequalities on the apocalyptic scale predicted by Karl Marx. But we have not modified the deep structures of capital and inequality as much as we thought in the optimistic decades following World War II. The main driver of inequality—the tendency of returns on capital to exceed the rate of economic growth—today threatens to generate extreme inequalities that stir discontent and undermine democratic values. But economic trends are not acts of God. Political action has curbed dangerous inequalities in the past, Piketty says, and may do so again. A work of extraordinary ambition, originality, and rigor, Capital in the Twenty-First Century reorients our understanding of economic history and confronts us with sobering lessons for today.