

  • 新疆全攻略


    解读新疆 深度行走 阅读 行走 自助 为读者量身打造的旅游全攻略图书 新疆是一个童话,在这里,人类最初的某些记忆得到了完整的保存,由此人们希望重返新疆时得到提升,留下回忆,获得解脱;新疆是一个通道,从这里进入,世界的全部细节仿佛如莲花般打开,一切疑问在这里都能找到答案;新疆是一种痕迹,本能地记载着一些关系。
  • 新疆建筑印象


  • 大美新疆


    大美新疆:掀起你的盖头来,ISBN:9787503239748,作者:谭袆波 著
  • 新疆新观察


    新西域探险考察大系:新疆新观察,ISBN:9787228132409,作者:储安平,浦熙修 著,杨镰,张颐青 整理
  • 新疆影无疆


  • 喀什噶尔


  • 沿河而居


    尚昌平走了多次新疆,听说每次都是一个人去的,走了很多人都没有去过也不敢去的地方,很有些探险的味道。所以说她是一个奇女子,当然奇并非只是指她一个人能走新疆的经历,还有很多让人捉摸不定的言行。 关于新疆的书,她写了有三本了,一本是上海出的《西出阳关》,书名是季羡林先生题的,你说她能耐大不大;一本是山东画报社的《沿河而居》,说的是于田的人和事。达里雅博依,一个令人向往的名字,引领我沿河而下。 克里雅河水汩汩流淌,泛着金色的波,衬着嫣红的底色向沙海深处流去。 十六岁的阿依夏木明天要出嫁……名叫勇士的骆驼已成为我生死的伴侣,它的每一步冒险都出于本能,它迟疑地站在夕阳里,等候我是否有勇气朝沙漠更深处走去。 是沙漠教会我们放弃——不管你有什么样的理想和追求。 本书作者记录了雅博依人的真实生活。
  • 唯有中国才有的美:遇见•新疆


    这是一次意料之外的旅程,短短12天,驱车狂奔4000公里。从喀什出发,途经塔什库尔干、红其拉甫、麦盖提、和田、于田、且末、若羌、库尔勒、天山公路、胜利达坂最后到达乌鲁木齐。路线经过精心策划却又漫不经心地与古丝绸南路暗暗相合。 这一路,雪山、高原、草地、湖泊、戈壁、沙漠,还有无数散落期间的大城小镇,作者用优美的文笔和数百幅极具震撼力的摄影作品展现了西域的万种风情,大漠的壮丽苍茫。
  • 新疆-走遍中国


  • 新疆行知书


  • Oasis Identities

    作者:Justin Jon Rudelson

    The rising tide of ethnic nationalism that has swept across Central Asia in the past decade has energized efforts by the Chinese government to win favor among its ethnic minorities. As a result, China has granted the Uyghurs -- a Turkic Muslim people who inhabit the oases of China's far northwestern province, Xinjiang -- special previledges, opening up international borders, reestablishing long-severed transborder contacts and trade networks, and allowing intellectuals the liberty to construct their own versions of Uyghur history. From the outset, however, this process has been problematic, heightening intra and interoasis tensions. Greater freedoms for the Uyghur people have threatened China's economic, ideological, and military control over this vital region and have produced resistance movements and separatist terror attacks. In this study, a leading expert on Central Aisa explores the history, culture, politics, and geography of Xinjiang's oasis communities, shedding new light on the competing ideas, symbols, and allegiances that make up the many diverse Uyghur identities. Drawing upon extensive fieldwork in the Xinjiang oasis of Turpan, Justin Jon Rudelson assesses the factors that undermine the creation of a pan-Uyghur identity. He explains the historical and contemporary impact of the geography of the region, where oases are relatively isolated from one another; the fragmented visions and cross-cutting allegiances of the three major social groups (intellectuals, peasants, and merchants); and the inability of the Uyghur elite who spearheaded the nationalist movement to transcend their own provincialism, thereby engendering rival oasis identities and subverting ethnic unity. Oasis identities is a vivid, ground-breaking work offering insight into not only the trumoil besetting this important but little-studied region but also the barriers facing all emerging nations and cultures struggling to define their national identities.
  • China Marches West

    作者:Peter C. Perdue

    From about 1600 to 1800, the Qing empire of China expanded to unprecedented size. Through astute diplomacy, economic investment, and a series of ambitious military campaigns into the heart of Central Eurasia, the Manchu rulers defeated the Zunghar Mongols, and brought all of modern Xinjiang and Mongolia under their control, while gaining dominant influence in Tibet. The China we know is a product of these vast conquests. Peter C. Perdue chronicles this little-known story of China’s expansion into the northwestern frontier. Unlike previous Chinese dynasties, the Qing achieved lasting domination over the eastern half of the Eurasian continent. Rulers used forcible repression when faced with resistance, but also aimed to win over subject peoples by peaceful means. They invested heavily in the economic and administrative development of the frontier, promoted trade networks, and adapted ceremonies to the distinct regional cultures. Perdue thus illuminates how China came to rule Central Eurasia and how it justifies that control, what holds the Chinese nation together, and how its relations with the Islamic world and Mongolia developed. He offers valuable comparisons to other colonial empires and discusses the legacy left by China’s frontier expansion. The Beijing government today faces unrest on its frontiers from peoples who reject its autocratic rule. At the same time, China has launched an ambitious development program in its interior that in many ways echoes the old Qing policies. China Marches West is a tour de force that will fundamentally alter the way we understand Central Eurasia.
  • The Xinjiang Conflict

    作者:Arienne M. Dwyer

  • 美国对华政策中的涉疆问题


    美国对华政策中的涉疆问题,ISBN:9787509734476,作者:顾国良,刘卫东,李枏 著
  • History of Christianity in Xinjiang,China

    作者:Mark Chuanhang Shan

  • 嫁给谁


  • 新疆南部乡村汉人


  • 中国新疆的土地和人民


  • 库车老城区


  • 新疆民族混合家庭研究

