我曾利用這套方法訓練以《黑天鵝》拿下奧斯卡影后的娜塔莉.波曼,幫助她更完美詮釋劇中芭蕾舞伶的角色。我也幫助過世界各地好幾千位女性成功減重,讓鬆垮肥肉變成精實肌肉,雕塑出新的身體線條,擁有芭蕾舞伶的優雅體態和美感。──瑪麗.海倫.鮑爾斯 毋需魔鬼訓練,就能擁有舞者般緊實、勻稱和優雅的體態! 來自紐約市立芭蕾舞團的專業芭蕾舞者瑪麗.海倫.鮑爾斯幫助許多名人雕塑出完美體態,包括出演《黑天鵝》女主角的娜塔莉.波曼(Natalie Portman),麗芙.泰勒(Liv Tyler)、柔伊.黛絲香奈(Zooey Deschanel)、克絲汀.鄧斯特(Kirsten Dunst),以及名模海倫娜.克里藤森(Helena Christensen)等等。現在,她這本健身書就要教妳她獨創的運動法、飲食法和生活方式,讓妳能徹底改變整個體型。 不必在健身房累得滿身大汗,不必忍受節食飢餓的痛苦,只為了追求企不可及的目標。只要遵循瑪麗.海倫.鮑爾斯這套證實有效的健身法,妳就能雕塑出理想的體態,具備芭蕾舞者的力與美。從知名人士到焦頭爛額的媽咪,甚至職場女主管,大家都齊聲為這套方法喝采! 利用源自芭蕾的一系列簡單動作和伸展,來創造這種兼具力與美,揉合女性優雅與陽剛力道的獨特體態和姿勢。芭蕾舞者的身材、體態以及舉手投足都非常獨特,理由很簡單:芭蕾訓練所著重及使用到的是其他健身法或運動不會用到的肌肉,所以這種訓練法所雕塑出來的身材、姿態和動作就跟訓練法本身同樣獨一無二。 本書結合三個面向:思維、運動和飲食。它是一套實用的生活指南,指引妳雕塑並維持理想的身材和健康狀態,同時兼具芭蕾舞伶的力與美。第一部分介紹美型芭蕾的思維。思維能產生力量,更是支持妳、引導妳持續改變的關鍵。第二部分的美型芭蕾運動法則介紹多套具有挑戰性、但保證有效、且趣味十足的健身動作,幫助妳打造出勻稱光滑的芭蕾肌肉,雕塑出優雅美麗的體態。不論是一小時,或者只有十五分鐘,這套健身運動都能配合妳的時間和需求。第三部分談的是美型芭蕾的飲食生活,作者提供了飲食計畫、採購要訣,以及美味速成的家常料理食譜,讓妳的口腹獲得最大滿足,身體獲得充分營養。不需要節食,不給妳壓力,但絕對能幫助妳瘦身,擁有夢寐以求的美好體態。 本書特色 .十四天就見成效,徹底改變妳的外型.絕不會練成大肌肉的美麗健身法 .維多利亞的祕密天使超模性感身材背後真正的祕密武器.女明星、超級名模、名媛、設計師、時尚編輯紛紛推薦 .以《黑天鵝》奪下奧斯卡最佳女主角獎的娜塔莉.波曼專文推薦 -
Ballet Beautiful
Ballet-inspired fitness for every woman! You don't have to be a professional ballerina to look like one! With Mary Helen Bowers' Ballet Beautiful, forget beating yourself up in the gym and suffering through starvation diets for some unattainable goal. You can achieve your ideal body and develop the strength, grace, and elegance of a dancer by following Mary Helen's proven program--one that's got everyone from celebrities to busy moms to executives raving! "Ballet Beautiful" is a fitness method that blends the artistry and athleticism of ballet with an easy, accessible eating plan that works for every "body" - and absolutely no dance experience is required. Created by professional ballerina Mary Helen Bowers, this transformative approach to fitness and health will reshape your body and your mind! "Ballet Beautiful"'s three-fold approach is not an extreme workout nor is it a radical diet for an overnight fix; it's a roadmap to achieving and maintaining your ideal health, shape and size--all with the elegance and strength of a ballerina. Part One of the book introduces the program's empowering mindset, the key to supporting and guiding you through lasting change. Part Two, the Ballet Beautiful Method, consists of challenging, effective, and fun workouts that sculpt and tone sleek ballet muscles and build beautiful posture. Whether you have a full hour or only 15 minutes, you can tailor the program to your own schedule and needs. Part Three shares the Ballet Beautiful Lifestyle, a healthy, balanced approach to nutrition. With meal plans, shopping tips and quick but delicious daily recipes that will satisfy and nourish your entire body, it's a stress-free, diet-free plan that will help keep you feeling as strong and healthy as you look.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友