

  • 人格心理学


  • 荣格自传


  • 儿童精神分析五讲


  • 猫、狗、马


  • 狼人的故事


    弗洛伊德的案例分析著作主要有七篇,比如上世纪八十年代在中国“ 文青”人手一册的《少女杜拉的故事》就是其中之一。至于其他案例,一直没能译介过来。本书收的《狼人的故事》、《鼠人的故事》和《小汉斯的故事》三篇就是首次在内地出版(台湾去年出版了不同的译本)。这些案例涉及的患者包括从神经官能症到精神分裂症的多类病人,其症状在普通人看来也是相当奇特的。比如《鼠人的故事》的主人公,就经常感觉到老鼠从他的肛门钻了进去,因此痛苦不堪。弗洛伊德在案例分析过程中展现出非同寻常的洞察力,他对精神分析的深刻理解也是我们取之不尽的思想资源。
  • 性心理学


    任何人在一生中都迟早要面临性的问题,都不可避免地要产生各种性心理活动,因此性和性心理研究理应是人对自身认识的一个重要方面。 通过本书,读者可以比较详细地了解人的各种复杂的性心理活动,也可以看到人可能出现的种种性心理变态。全书共分八章,涉及性心理的各个方面,即性生理、性冲动、性偏离、同性恋、婚姻与性生活、爱情等等。
  • 同一性


  • 意识与潜意识


  • 拉岡


  • 日常生活的心理奥秘


  • Enjoy Your Symptom!

    作者:Slavoj Zizek

    Slavoj Zizek, dubbed by the Village Voice "the giant of Ljubljana," is back with a new edition of his seriously entertaining book on film, psychoanalysis (and life). His inimitable blend of philosophical and social theory, Lacanian analysis, and outrageous humor are made to show how Hollywood movies can explain psychoanalysis-and vice versa using films such as Marnie and The Man Who Knew Too Much.
  • The Logic of Sexuation

    作者:Ragland E

  • Looking Awry

    作者:Slavoj Žižek

    Slavoj Zizek provides a virtuoso reading of the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan through the works of contemporary popular culture, from horror fiction and detective thrillers to popular romances and Hitchcock films. 這本書比較淺易,而且對一些精神分析的基本術語如欲望、驅力、幻象等等都有一些容易捕捉的界定,堪稱齊澤克入門。
  • Organs without Bodies

    作者:Slavoj Zizek

    The latest book by the Slovenian critic Slavoj Zizek takes the work of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze as the beginning of a dazzling inquiry into the realms of radical politics, philosophy, film (Hitchcock, Fight Club), and psychoanalysis. Of Organs without Bodies Joan Copjec (Imagine There's No Woman) has written: "With all his ususal humor and invention, Zizek -- the acknowledged master of the 180 degree turn -- here takes a trip into "enemy" territory to deliver Deleuze of a marvelously rebellious child, one that seriously challenges Deleuze's other progeny with a surprising but convincing bid for succession. Those who thought Deleuze's forward march into the future would follow a straight path are forced to rethink their stance. From now on all readings of Deleuze will have to take a detour through this important -- even necessary -- book." Eric Santner (On the Psychopathology of Everyday Life) describes Organs without Bodies as offering "an entirely new degree of conceptual clarity and political urgency. Through his deep engagement with the logic of Deleuze's project, Zizek opens up new possibilities of thought beyond the terms of the current political debates on globalization, democratization, war on terror. Once again, Zizek has produced an utterly timely and radically untimely meditation." Recently profiled in The New Yorker, and hailed by the Village Voice as "the giant of Ljubljana," Zizek is one of the most provocative and entertaining thinkers at work today.
  • 性革命

    作者:(美) 赖希

  • Freud and Philosophy

    作者:Paul Ricoeur

    Originating in the Terry lectures at Yale university in the autumn of 1961, this book deals with Freud. It is not one of psyhology, but of philosophy.
  • The Metastases of Enjoyment

    作者:Slavoj Žižek

    A disturbing and radical examination of the status of women and the role of violence in contemporary culture and politics.
  • Subjectivity and Otherness

    作者:Chiesa, Lorenzo

    Book Description Countering the call by some "pro-Lacanians" for an end to the exegesis of Lacan's work--and the dismissal by "anti-Lacanians" of Lacan as impossibly impenetrable--Subjectivity and Otherness argues for Lacan as a "paradoxically systematic" thinker, and for the necessity of a close analysis of his texts. Lorenzo Chiesa examines, from a philosophical perspective, the evolution of the concept of subjectivity in Lacan's work, carrying out a detailed reading of the Lacanian subject in its necessary relation to otherness according to Lacan's orders of the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real. Chiesa emphasizes the continuity underlying apparently incompatible phases of Lacan's examination of the subject, describing Lacan's theory as a consistent philosophical system--but one that is constantly revised and therefore problematic. Chiesa analyzes each "old" theory of the subject within the framework of a "new" elaboration and reassesses its fundamental tenets from the perspective of a general psychoanalytic discourse that becomes increasingly complex. From the 1960s on, writes Chiesa, the Lacanian subject amounts to an irreducible lack that must be actively confronted and assumed; this "subjectivized lack," Chiesa argues further, offers an escape from the contemporary impasse between the "death of the subject" alleged by postmodernism and a return to a traditional "substantialist" notion of the subject. An original treatment of psychoanalytic issues, Subjectivity and Otherness fills a significant gap in the existing literature on Lacan, taking seriously the need for a philosophical investigation of Lacanian concepts. Review "Chiesa reintroduces us to Lacan in the same way Lacan reintroduces us to Freud: setting aside received ideas, false projections, and impressionistic readings, he uncovers what is most basic and original in Lacan's thought while demonstrating conclusively why an engagement with it is indispensable for contemporary philosophy. Not a fly-over summary of the Lacanian corpus, the book manages rather to capture the eventful moments of hesitancy, insight, recasting, in short, the movement of Lacan's thought as it grapples with the critical relation between subjectivity and otherness. This is a dynamic, matchless reading of Lacan that will ignite new interest in his work and rekindle the passions of initiates." -- Joan Copjec, author of Imagine There's No Woman "Distilled from an enviable mastery of the whole of Lacan's oeuvre, Lorenzo Chiesa's book provides an exceptionally clear and well-integrated account of all the central concepts at work in Lacan's notoriously elusive system of thought, organised in terms of its shift in orientation from 'Imaginary' through 'Symbolic' to 'Real'. Rarely have the properly philosophical dimensions of Lacan's anti-philosophy been presented with such assurance and poise; anyone interested in the ongoing re-evaluation of the place of the subject in contemporary continental philosophy will find Subjectivity and Otherness an invaluable and inspiring guide." -- Peter Hallward, Professor of Philosophy, Middlesex University, London, UK "Lorenzo Chiesa has written a philosophical account of Lacan's teaching that is both a superb introduction and a penetrating study of his major contributions, from the initial discovery that the unconscious is structured like a language to a detailed analysis of the subject of jouissance. Newcomers will find a clear, step-by-step exposition of the major themes, while those already familiar with Lacan's contribution to psychoanalysis will find intense stimulation in Chiesa's philosophical engagement with Lacanian thought." -- Russell Grigg, Director, Psychoanalytic Studies and Associate Professor, Philosophy, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia "With this volume, Lorenzo Chiesa establishes himself as the leader of a new generation of 'young Lacanians', for whom Lacan is primarily a text that needs to be read. Avoiding the need to pledge his doctrinal allegiance to a master, and refusing the endless regurgitation of mantras, Chiesa ploughs through the Lacanian territory with a razor-sharp intellect, constantly unearthing original themes and motifs, and weaving patterns of thought into an intellectual system that proves to be everything but systematic and, for that matter, all the more convincing. Chiesa reads Lacan philosophically, not just insofar as he short-circuits psychoanalysis and philosophy, but also insofar as he approaches the dense text with extreme care and conscientiousness. I don't think Lacan has ever been read with so much patience and exactitude, and had this book been produced during Lacan's lifetime, there is no doubt that he would have recommended it to his audience as a brilliant example of critical reading." -- Dany Nobus, Professor of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Brunel University, UK
  • 文明与缺憾


  • 齐泽克意识形态理论研究


    《齐泽克意识形态理论研究》内容简介:斯拉沃热·齐泽克是当代著名的拉康派哲学家和文艺批评家他以晚期拉康精神分析学思想为基础,对话马克思主义及当代左翼思想,重新阐发了意识形态理论齐泽克以拉康”“欲望图表”为框架,依次阐释“能指”、“认同”、“幻象”、“快感”和“驱力”五个核心范畴,全面地展现其理论体系他认为,作为符号界的意识形态是多层次的:通过认同颖制主体的话语层,遮蔽社会对抗的幻象层,欲望经济学的快感层,标举意识形态秩序解构的驱力层。 《科学与人文研究丛书》,是一套跨越科学与人文两个研究领域的综合性丛书,具有基础性、交叉性、哲理性、现实性、综合性的特点,内容主要涵盖科学与人文综合研究的诸多方面。举凡涉及科学、人文及其关系的内容,均收入这套丛书,以期实现"文理渗透、中西融汇",促进我国科学与人文的交融发展。