

  • The How of Happiness

    作者:Sonja Lyubomirsky

    “Finally we have a self-help book from a reputable scientist whose advice is based on the best experimental data.” —Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness “Is lasting happiness attainable or a pipe dream? For the last eighteen years, University of California—Riverside professor of psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky has studied this question, and what she reports might even sway pessimists.” —U.S. News & World Report “Lyubomirsky’s central point is clear: a significant portion of what is called happiness . . . is up for grabs. Taking some pages out of the positive psychology playbook, she coaches readers on how to snag it.” —The New York Review of Books “The right place to look for science-based advice on how to become happier.” —Martin Seligman, author of Learned Optimism --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
  • 哈佛大学的幸福课


    《哈佛大学的幸福课》浓缩了泰勒博士幸福课程的思想精华,结合当代中国大众的幸福需求,做了极富启示的关于人生幸福的思考与解读。全书从生活的富足为什么不能带来幸福这一实际出发,以讲授课程的方式对幸福的含义、幸福的感受、幸福的寻找、幸福的实现等关于幸福的话题,做了多角度、多维度的剖析,并介绍了中外现实生活中的众多案例,是一本极具思想启迪与人生励志意义的生活教科书。 在世界著名高等学府哈佛大学,排名第一的课程,不是时鬓的经济学课程,也不是实用的法律课程,而是泰勒?本一沙哈尔博士的幸福课。泰勒博士被誉为哈佛大学"最受欢迎的讲师",他的幸福课引起了前所未有的轰动。 幸福课受到美国及其他国家主流媒体的关注与报道:美国CNN电视台、英国BBC电视台,美国《波士顿环球报》、《纽约邮报》、《纽约时报》、《福克斯新闻》,英国《时代报》、意大利《新闻报》、《韩国时报》、《印度时报》、《中国青年报》等都进行了积极报道。
  • 加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课


    《加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课》内容简介:为什么现在的孩子越来越不快乐?为什么孩子不愿意和父母沟通?为什么那么多孩子长大后,面对恋爱、婚姻、职场依然无法应付自如?……其实,在这个复杂而多变的社会,比好成绩更重要的是“幸福一生”的技能。如果你希望把孩子的成功建立在他们的快乐之上,那你就一定要读一读《加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课》。 来自世界顶尖学府加州大学伯克利分校的克莉丝汀•卡特博士提供了10个最科学、最实用的教养建议,帮你自信满满与孩子打交道,让孩子快乐成长,并且为未来的幸福做好准备。在《加州大学伯克利分校的10堂幸福教养课》中你可以看到:如何帮助孩子建立积极心态怎样教孩子成为情绪管理的高手;如何让父亲更多地参与进来;如何巧妙应对孩子的淘气或叛逆行为;怎样让家成为孩子创造力的梦工厂;如何激发孩子的内在动力;如何避免陷入“完美主义”强迫症;……幸福是一种能力,当孩子学会快乐的方法,就能更加自信地面对未来。
  • 积极思考的力量


    阿贝·迪迈特(1865-1937)是哈佛大学心理研究中心的资深教授,特别是思维研究方面的权威专家,他为美国心理教育学作出了杰出贡献。迪迈特教授关于思考方面的著作被译成38种文字,尤其是《积极思考的力量》一书刚出版就脱销,在20世纪,一版再版,发行量突破2000万册。 该书是积极思考领域的开山之作,许多人因为阅读本书而改变了自己的生活,步入成功的巅峰。
  • The Resilience Factor

    作者:Karen Reivich,Andrew

    在线阅读本书 Resilience is a crucial ingredient–perhaps the crucial ingredient–to a happy, healthy life. More than anything else, it's what determines how high we rise above what threatens to wear us down, from battling an illness, to bolstering a marriage, to carrying on after a national crisis. Everyone needs resilience, and now two expert psychologists share seven proven techniques for enhancing our capacity to weather even the cruelest setbacks. The science in The Resilience Factor takes an extraordinary leap from the research introduced in the bestselling Learned Optimism a decade ago. Just as hundreds of thousands of people were transformed by "flexible optimism," readers of this book will flourish, thanks to their enhanced ability to overcome obstacles of any kind. Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté are seasoned resilience coaches and, through practical methods and vivid anecdotes, they prove that resilience is not just an ability that we're born with and need to survive, but a skill that anyone can learn and improve in order to thrive. Readers will first complete the Resilience Questionnaire to determine their own innate levels of resilience. Then, the system at the heart of The Resilience Factor will teach them to: • Cast off harsh self-criticisms and negative self-images • Navigate through the fallout of any kind of crisis • Cope with grief and anxiety • Overcome obstacles in relationships, parenting, or on the job • Achieve greater physical health • Bolster optimism, take chances, and embrace life In light of the unprecedented challenges we've recently faced, there’s never been a greater need to boost our resilience. Without resorting to feel-good pap or quick-fix clichés, The Resilience Factor is self-help at its best, destined to become a classic in the genre. From the Hardcover edition.
  • 在哈佛听积极心理学


    《在哈佛听积极心理学》内容简介:从2006年起,一股幸福的“龙卷风”自美洲大陆的哈佛大学刮起,很快就席卷了全球。有无数的人被它的威力所折服,并且从中学会了获得真正幸福的方法。笔者也是受益者之一。 笔者幸运地听到了“积极心理学1504”课程的全部内容,并且运用沙哈尔老师教给的方法获得了梦寐以求的幸福。为了能够让更多渴望得到幸福的人了解并掌握沙哈尔老师的“幸福理论”,笔者将自己听课时的笔记整理出来,并重新梳理章节顺序,使其更符合中国人的逻辑,以期能够帮助更多的人找到幸福。 《在哈佛听积极心理学》共分为三个部分,第一部分是导言,向大家介绍了幸福课的基本概况,以及幸福课之所以广受欢迎的原因。第二部分讲了积极生活的五个维度——起点、基础、核心、强心剂、助推器,唯有建立并强化这五个维度,才能够不断地提升幸福的基准线,即提升我们幸福的水平。第三部分是和幸福相关的五个主题——自我和谐目标、自尊和自我独立、减压、克服完美主义、建立亲密关系,处理好这五个主题,我们的幸福感就会有很大的提升。沙哈尔老师用通俗易懂的预言,将一些我们都知道的常识,循循善诱地告诉我们,每个听过的人都会觉得:哇,就是这个样子的,我原来怎么从来没有这么想呢! 通过这本《哈佛积极心理学笔记》,相信你也可以掌握幸福的真谛,从而在追求幸福的道路上大踏步前进。
  • Even Happier

    作者:Tal Ben-Shahar

    Learn to be Happier. Week by Week. In this week-by-week guided journal, Tal Ben-Shahar offers a full year'sworth of exercises to inspire happiness every day. Using the groundbreakingprinciples of positive psychology that he taught in his wildly popularcourse at Harvard University and that inspired his worldwide bestsellerHappier, Ben-Shahar has designed a series of tools and techniques toenable us all to find more pleasure and meaning in our lives. 52 weeks of new exercises, meditations, and "time-ins" A journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and personal growth Life-changing insights of philosophers, psychologists, artists,writers, scientists, and successful entrepreneurs This is no ordinary self-help book that you read and toss aside. It's acomplete, user-driven journal filled with proactive challenges, thoughtprovokingquestions, and "time-ins" that allow you to pause and reflect.You can engage in these activities every day to stimulate your creativity,enhance your sense of empowerment, enrich the quality of your life, and,yes, feel Even Happier.
  • 生命的另一种可能

    作者:【美】埃伦•兰格(Ellen J. La

    如果我们能将心理时钟倒回过去,也能将生理时钟倒回去吗?积极心理学奠基人埃伦·兰格给出了答案:打开心灵迎接所有的可能性,不要预先假定什么是不可能的,将引导我们进入更健康的状态——不管处于哪个年龄。 在《生命的另一种可能:关于健康、疾病和衰老,你必须知道的真相》中,兰格基于 诸多独创性的实验研究,对“生理即命运”的传统医学判定进行了质疑,提出了“可能心理学”这一大胆的新范式,彻底颠覆了人们对心身关系的狭隘认知。可能心理学发现,我们怀有的期望和信仰,接受的心理暗示、刻板印象和医学标签,影响着身体机能如何发挥作用、疗愈乃至老去。兰格告诉我们,只要变得专念和觉察,就能调整这些因素,改变那些看似根深蒂固的行为——盲目地听从专家意见、放弃对自己身心的体验和判断、抱着听天由命的态度等待死亡到来——正是这些行为让我们的健康每况愈下,将活力从我们的生命中抽走。 作为心身保健的科普杰作,本书已成为新世纪治疗思想的标杆,不仅可以帮助医学界、心理学界人士开拓思维,也能够激励一般读者成为健康学习者,真正地为自己的生命负责,活出积极、乐观的人生。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 生活中充满了一些细微、狡猾的小陷阱,让我们感觉处处力不从心,埃伦·兰格用她那非凡的洞察力对此进行了剖析。她还让我们看到应如何拨开迷雾,让新的希望闪耀光芒。《生命的另一种可能》将彻底改变你了解和思考这个世界的方式。——丹尼尔·戈尔曼,畅销书《情商》作者 《生命的另一种可能》向我们讲述了一个精妙绝伦的故事:我们的身心是如何以一种令人意想不到的方式联系在一起的。更重要的是,《生命的另一种可能》让我们看到,如果能更好地理解这种联系,我们的生活将会变得更美好。——丹·艾瑞里,畅销书《怪诞行为学》作者 兰格博士的著作就身心之间的联系提出了引人注目的独到见解。她使我们看到,当我们步入老年时如何通过改变思维来改变自己的身体,让自己达到最好的健康状态并表现出最佳的活动能力。——吉尔·泰勒,畅销书《左脑中风 右脑开悟》作者 觉察—专念,这是疗愈的首要步骤。在《生命的另一种可能》中,埃伦·兰格博士雄辩而生动地描述了对自身信仰与期望的觉察是如何有力地推动着我们的生活朝着更好的方向转变的。这是一部具有开创性意义的著作,文笔流畅、文字优美。——迪安·欧尼斯,美国预防医学研究所主席、畅销书《光谱》作者 埃伦利用自己大量的研究与渊博的学识,撰写了一部对身患疾病或迈向衰老的人(换句话说,也是所有人)来说不可或缺的著作。她向我们展示了,通过有意识地运用大脑,我们的身体所遭受的许多貌似不可逆的损伤都可以逆转或缓解。《生命的另一种可能》可以作为治疗绝望的绝佳指导手册。然而,它的作用不止于此。为了探索人性中尚未被触及的丰富领域,作者提出了“可能心理学”,就此而论,本书也起到了抛砖引玉的作用。——米哈里·契克森米哈赖,畅销书《当下的幸福》作者 《生命的另一种可能》从积极心理学的视角提出了“可能心理学”这一全新概念,并重新审视了当今高度社会化和标签化的医疗体制,不但颠覆了人们对健康、疾病和衰老的僵化、狭隘认识,也为人们的健康生活创造了更多可能。——岳晓东,中国知名心理学家、畅销书《登天的感觉》作者 《生命的另一种可能》为我们打开了更广阔的视野,带来了无限的可能性。只要你能够用一种不同的眼光看待疾病和健康,只要你愿意做出哪怕小小的改变,健康就可能增进,心态就可能积极起来,生活就可能变得美好。让我们敞开胸怀,迎接不可能,拥抱全新的人生。——樊富珉,清华大学心理系教授、临床与咨询心理学专业委员会副主任 《生命的另一种可能》阐述的核心主题是人类心灵世界的奇妙,以及个体抱持的生活信念和态度会对其健康产生巨大的影响。虽然这是一个众所周知的道理,但少有人通过科学研究去证实,而兰格却凭借她的创意和智慧做到了。她用自己的行为践行了“活出生命的另一种可能”,激发读者去探寻和追求更美好的生活。——杨蕴萍,首都医科大学临床心理学系教授、北京安定医院主任医师 这不仅是一本能让医学界、心理学界人士开拓思维的佳作,也是一本难得的心身保健科普杰作。作为一名在临床一线工作了20多年的专业人员,《生命的另一种可能》所提出的观点让我深受启发。我们医生在诊疗时固然需要跳出医学规则来看待病人的疾病,而病人也要学会打破惯性思维,不要完全把自己交给医生,要相信自己才是疗愈的主人。——刘松怀,中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院心理科主任
  • 积极心理治疗


    作者通过各种不同的方法、病例和例子,把积极心理治疗当作一种新型的心理治疗加以阐述,从许多心理和心身疾病的一种病源学模式出发,提出了一种切实可行的心理治疗模式,即积极心理治疗的五级治疗战略。另外,书中还讨论了伙伴关系、职业和宗教三者之间的活跃关联,阐述了工作要求以及人们同自己的未来和生活意义的关系。 作者是一位经验丰富的心理治疗专家,以基于跨文化研究的积极心理治疗而著名。本书通过大量的实例剖析和科学论证,强调心理社会因素在治疗心理疾病中的重要性,提出积极有效的治疗方法。本书适合心理疾病患者的家属及医生阅读。
  • 积极心理治疗案例(万千心理)


  • 垃圾车法则


  • 幸福的情绪


    我们时刻经历的情绪到底告诉我们什么? 国际情绪研究协会主席罗伯特•所罗门为我们打开情绪之门,他告诉我们,情绪是通往幸福的道路。 一个从不会生气的人与傻子毫无区别; 恐惧提供给我们这个世界最根本的信息; 焦虑是一种有智慧的存在;爱不是内心深处的感觉; 创伤不是悲伤的全部,悲伤与爱密不可分; 羞愧也是一种荣誉…… 在本书中,你将被这些情绪的真相包围。你更会发现,真正的幸福来自完整的情绪。 幸福的生活需要欢笑,也需要悲伤。 本书是一本有关情绪与幸福的心理学经典。本书消除了我们对于情绪的一些误解,如:情绪就是感觉、给情绪贴上积极或消极的标签、情绪是非理性的等。本书同时阐明了情绪是幸福生活的策略,真正的幸福来自完整的情绪,告诉我们如何用情绪的钥匙打开幸福的大门。本书的作者,国际情绪研究协会主席罗伯特•所罗门(Robert C. Solomon),是近30年来最具影响力的情绪研究者,同时也是第一位探讨情感的存在主义哲学家和人本主义心理学家。
  • 韧性


    Resiliency - the ability to adapt to life's changes and crises - is the key to a healthy, productive life. Unfortunately, it's all too easy to get bogged down by feelings of anger and helplessness. The Resiliency Advantage helps readers banish negative, self-defeating thoughts and break free from the roles of "victim" and "good child" while improving problem-solving skills, maintaining humor and optimism during rough times, and becoming both self-reliant and socially responsible. By mastering the five stages of development - sustaining health, energy, and positive feelings; handling challenges; achieving positive self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-concept; honing the skills and attributes of highly resilient people; and developing a talent for serendipity - readers learn to stand up to adversity, overcome obstacles, and meet life head on.
  • 积极心理学团体活动课操作指南


  • A Conflict of Visions

    作者:Thomas Sowell

    Controversies in politics arise from many sources, but the conflicts that endure for generations or centuries show a remarkably consistent pattern. In this classic work, Thomas Sowell analyzes the two competing visions that shape our debates about the nature of reason, justice, equality, and power: the "constrained" vision, which sees human nature as unchanging and selfish, and the "unconstrained" vision, in which human nature is malleable and perfectible. He describes how these two radically opposed views have manifested themselves in the political controversies of the past two centuries, including such contemporary issues as welfare reform, social justice, and crime. Updated to include sweeping political changes since its first publication in 1987, this revised edition of A Conflict of Visions offers a convincing case that ethical and policy disputes circle around the disparity between both outlooks.
  • Self-Compassion

    作者:Kristin Neff

  • Mindfulness

    作者:Ellen J. Langer

    "A landmark work of social psychology" (Booklist) now in paperback at a popular price. " . . . Harvard psychology professor Langer seeks to dramatize the rigid conditions and mindsets that often produce a pervasive state of automatized stupidity . . . (and) proposes a life-enhancing alternative."--Kirkus Reviews.
  • Opening Up

    作者:James W. Pennebaker

    Anyone who has ever entrusted a troubling secret to a journal, or mourned a broken heart with a friend, knows the feeling of relief that expressing painful emotions can bring. This book presents astonishing evidence that personal self-disclosure is not only good for our emotional health, but boosts our physical health as well. In controlled clinical research funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, psychologists James W. Pennebaker sheds new light on the powerful mind/body connection. Dr Pennebaker asks ordinary people to discuss their most difficult memories - including traumatic experiences they have never revealed to a soul - and traces the medical effects of this disclosure. The book interweaves the resulting data with insightful case studies on secret-keeping, confession and the hidden price of silence. Filled with information and encouragement, Opening Up explains: Why suppressing inner problems takes a devastating toll on health How long-buried trauma affects the immune system How writing about your problems can improve your health Why it's never too late to heal old emotional wounds When self-disclosure may be risky - and how to know whom to trust This book would appeal to readers interested in understanding the relationship between emotional and physical health, and in minimizing the harmful effects of stress. Written for a general audience, the book also contains much of value to practitioners and students of psychology and psychotherapy.
  • Daring Greatly

    作者:Brene Brown

    Researcher and thought leader Dr. Brené Brown offers a powerful new vision in Daring Greatly that encourages us to embrace vulnerability and imperfection, to live wholeheartedly and courageously. Every day we experience the uncertainty, risks, and emotional exposure that define what it means to be vulnerable, or to dare greatly. Whether the arena is a new relationship, an important meeting, our creative process, or a difficult family conversation, we must find the courage to walk into vulnerability and engage with our whole hearts. In Daring Greatly, Dr. Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability. Based on twelve years of research, she argues that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather our clearest path to courage, engagement, and meaningful connection. Daring Greatly will spark a new spirit of truth and trust in our organizations, families, schools, and communities. 'A wonderful book: urgent, essential and fun to read. I couldn't put it down, and it continues to resonate with me' -Seth Godin, author of Linchpin 'It is only by embracing our vulnerability, daring to expose that whole heart, that we can properly connect. It's thought-provoking stuff' -Stella Magazine, The Sunday Telegraph
  • 阳光心态

