Araki Gold
【Review】 “Well produced and carefully selected, this is essentially a gallery tour in print of the world of Araki. Definitely not for everyone, but everyone who collects or shoots photography should be aware of it.” ~Range Finder Magazine 【Product Description】 Tracing Nobuyoshi Araki’s career, this volume comprises a collection of emblematic photographs (one per day), a new series of nudes and elegant female portraits and a number of "stories" set in traditional Japan. Alongside these serial works are portraits and street photographs taken in the 1960s and 1970s. With these works Araki records Japanese society during its period of intense economic growth. His new flower compositions and the classic bondage series are also included, which are responsible for making him famous throughout the world. His recent productions will be given broad exposure in the Tokyo Diary 2003–2007 series. -
Nobuyoshi Araki
Nobuyoshi Araki is the most controversial photographer working in the world today. To his critics, he is no more than a pornographer and a misogynist; to his supporters he is a radical and a revolutionary, a figure who has challenged not just artistic limits, but social limits in post-war Japan. At home, he is a national celebrity. In the West he is considerably less understood. This is the book that will explain Araki. In its sheer range of text and images, it is also the most comprehensive volume ever to be published on his life's work. -
Araki Gold
Il volume presenta una selezione di oltre 200 opere fra le più importanti e significative del fotografo giapponese, uno degli artisti internazionalmente più acclamati e discussi. Il libro ripercorre la carriera di Araki dagli anni Sessanta sino ad oggi, con particolare attenzione alla recente produzione di cui verrà data ampia esposizione. La serie Tokyo Diary 2003-2007, raccolta di emblematiche fotografie (una per giorno), una nuova serie di nudi e di eleganti ritratti femminili, e alcune "storie" ambientate nel Giappone tradizionale. Accanto a questi lavori seriali spiccano i ritratti e le fotografie di strada degli anni Sessanta e Settanta, dove Araki "registra" la società giapponese nel suo momento forse più vorticoso di crescita economica. Forte rilievo assumono le nuove composizioni di fiori e i classici bondage che l'hanno reso famoso in tutto il mondo. -
Taschen 25週年特別版! Nobuyoshi Araki荒木經維是近年來最受爭議的攝影大師,對於批評他的人而言,他的作品似乎總是情色與女性厭惡貶低者,不過欣賞他的作品的人則說他是攝影界一個激進主義者和一個革命家。荒木經維被譽為「找尋日本固有良知」的攝影大師,當他開始踏入攝影界之初,他就花費相當多其他的時間以攝影去經驗他身邊的生活,不管是過去與現在、他的所處環境與情感,如果想要深入瞭解荒木經維,這本書是相當值得收藏的。書中不僅有他相當多精彩的經典攝影作品,也包括了詳細的生平與一些訪談紀錄,也介紹了他之前出版過的一些攝影專書的評價,書中可以看到荒木經維真實的一面,這些作品不僅有身處東京的生活、擄獲讀者童心的孩子嬉戲、也包括了一些具爭議的作品,包括枯萎與盛開的花系列與他癌症,美麗的女性的親密裸體,其中也紀念了他逝去妻子的作品。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友