

  • Seen Behind the Scene

    作者:Mary Ellen Mark

    Acclaimed photographer Mary Ellen Mark (b.1940) has secured exclusive backstage access to some of the most famous actors and directors in film history Captures life on the sets of legendary movies Apocalypse Now and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, as well more recent productions such as the Oscar-winning films Moulin Rouge, Babel and Sweeney Todd Includes powerful portraits of such celebrated actors as Marlon Brando, Catherine Deneuve, Jack Nicholson, Cate Blanchett and Johnny Depp The photographer’s most popular and accessible work, these engaging, mostly unpublished, pictures provide a rare portrait of these larger-than-life personalities in unguarded moments Features texts by a range of high-profile film industry professionals, including Francis Ford Coppola, Helen Mirren and Alejandro Gonzälez Inarritu, which include witty and revealing anecdotes about life ‘behind the scenes'