传说有一个遥远的国度,那里有世界上最蔚蓝的大海、最辽阔的天空、最浪漫的神话,还有最美丽的夕阳,那就是希腊,一个人与神共同生活的地方。 可爱的小狐狸阿狸,带着寻访众神的梦想,踏上了飞往希腊的旅程。湛蓝无波的爱琴海、蓝与白的圆顶教堂、攀爬着艳红色花朵的小小阳台、古老而又梦幻的岛屿,阿狸带我们丈量着这里的土地,探访着这里的古老传说。 -
内容简介: 本书介绍了来自世界各地的66种未知生物,人兽、人鱼、妖精、巨人、疑似来自外太空的生物……图书以彩图的形式为您揭开这些生物的真正面目!这些“异类生物”究竟来自何处?与人类之间发生了怎样的故事?本书将一一为你揭晓! 编辑推荐: 本系列“图解未知世界”包括:《不可思议的未知生物》、《不可思议的世界遗产》、《不可思议的怪异事件》、《不可思议的恐龙遗物》、《不可思议的UFO和外星人》。内容涵量丰富,囊括了世人所关注的各种各样的神秘现象、遗产及事件等,对于读者的吸引力非常强烈。书中附有大量彩色图片佐以说明,更具可读性和趣味性,也非常符合读图时代的大众阅读取向。 -
《菊与刀:日本文化模式论》精选中外社会科学经典名著,尤其是具有学科元典意义的社科名著,或重译或重编,增加名师点评和插图,致力于为我国读者打造一套易读宜藏的经典精粹。《菊与刀:日本文化模式论》通览日本文化,解读日本矛盾国民性,基运用文化模式的概念研究日本,是人类学的重要经血一,也是日本研究的典范。 -
七龍珠完全版 09
激戰不斷的天下第一武道大會,進行到第四組比賽,終於輪到悟空登場…天津飯和上屆冠軍陳龍對上了,結果會是如何…? -
Little Women
在线阅读本书 Book Description In picturesque 19th-century New England, tomboyish Jo, beautiful Meg, fragile Beth, and romantic Amy come of age while their father is off to war. This reissue contains the novel in its entirety, including Parts I and II. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.5 width:(cm)110.8 -
Security Analysis
在线阅读本书 With nearly a million copies sold, Security Analysis has been continuously in print for more than sixty years. No investment book in history had either the immediate impact, or the long-term relevance and value, of its first edition in 1934. By 1951, seventeen years past its original publication and more than a decade beyond its revised and acclaimed 1940 second edition, authors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd had seen business and investment markets travel from the depths of Depression to the heights of recovery, and had observed investor behavior during both the calm of peacetime and the chaos of World War II. The prescient thinking and insight displayed by Graham and Dodd in the first two editions of Security Analysis reached new heights in the third edition. In words that could just as easily have been written today as fifty years ago, they detail techniques and strategies for attaining success as individual investors, as well as the responsibilities of corporate decision makers to build shareholder value and transparency for those investors. The focus of the book, however, remains its timeless guidance and advice--that careful analysis of balance sheets is the primary road to investment success, with all other considerations little more than distractions. The authors had seen and survived the Great Depression as well as the political and financial instabilities of World War II and were now better able to outline a program for sensible and profitable investing in the latter half of the century. Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition marks the return of this long-out-of-print work to the investment canon. It will reacquaint you with the foundations of value investing--more relevant than ever in tumultuous twenty-first century markets--and allow you to own the third installment in what has come to be regarded as the most accessible and usable title in the history of investment publishing. -
面向新型的组织 彼得•德鲁克 自19世纪60年代以来的一个多世纪里,全球出现公司规模日益扩大的趋势,而且这个趋势似乎是不可动摇和无法逆转的。1965年有一本畅销书叫《美国的挑战》(The American Challenge),作者是一名法国政治家兼记者让•雅克•塞尔旺-施赖贝尔(Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber)。他预言到1990年左右,世界上4/5的制造业将掌握在最多15个美国的跨国公司手中,每个公司在全球都拥有几十万员工。就在这本书卖出数百万册时,这个趋势发生了逆转。在这30年中世界经济的生产和销售增长了2倍多,但从20世纪60年代中期开始,大多数当时的大公司(包括美国的、德国的、法国的、瑞士的、甚至是日本队的公司)占据的市场份额开始流失。除去通货膨胀因素外,有的公司根本就没有增长,即使获得了增长,也是通过并购实现的。举个例子:在过去的10年中,美国制造业的产品出口几乎翻了一番,而其中大约80%-90%的增长是来自中小型公司。事实上,我们曾经经常说起规模经济,而现在提到的却越来越多的是规模不经济。 公司规模日益扩大的趋势在第一次世界大战后,特别是第二次世界大战后开始升级。1914年第一次世界大战爆发之前,大多数发展中国家的劳动力都不是为自营公司服务的。他们是雇员,和有史以来的大多数工人一样。但他们大多数不是为公司工作的,他们是主人或主妇雇用的小佃农、佣人、小店的售货员、或手工作坊的徒弟或熟练工。只有制造工厂的蓝领工人才是为公司工作的,而他们只占很小的比例,即使是在高度工业化的国家里也不足劳动人口的1/10。 到1965年,发达国家(美国、德国、英国和日本)的劳动人口中至少有4/5成为公司的雇员。事实上,约翰逊总统的大社会计划(如医疗保险制度)设想到1990年或1995年美国几乎所有的劳动人口都将成为大型公司的雇员(这样就能实现雇主支付健康保险和养老金)。但是当大家接受了这个预言的时候,潮流发生了逆转。现在,在高度发达的国家里,绝大多数劳动力确实是在为某个组织工作。但他们越来越多地是作为临时工、外包承包商,或提供专业服务的专家为组织工作,而不是作为雇员为组织工作。我们正在走向一个网络化的社会而不是雇员的社会。 自19世纪60~70年代以来的一个多世纪里,组织都是以所有权为基础的。只要公司认为是涉及公司本身的事务,公司就对其拥有所有权或至少是控制权。虽然有独立供应商和分销商存在,但是他们是“局外人”。公司本身以所有权为支撑,实行命令加控制式的管理体制。尽管这还是传统的公司结构,但命令加控制式的体制越来越多地被各种各样的关系(联盟、合资、少量参股、合作、技术和市场营销协议)所取代或掺杂在一起。在这些关系下没有人施加控制和发布命令,然而这些关系必须建立在对任务、政策和战略的共同理解之上,建立在团队合作之上,建立在共同的信仰之上,否则就不会发挥出任何作用。在那时,传统的以所有权为基础的命令加控制式组织是永恒的,而很多新型关系是暂时的和特别的。 …… -
新自由主义是目前西方经济思想的流派之一。这一流派大致出现于第二次世界大战前后,其代表人物为西德的欧根、奥国学派的哈耶克以及本书的作者弗里德曼等人。新自由主义者颂扬自由竞争下的资本主义市场和人格制度,认为它几乎是解决任何经济问题的最好机制。虽然如此,他们并不赞成完全不受束缚的“自由放任”。他们主张,国家应该创造条件使市场和人格制度发挥最大的功能。对于他们所承认的市场和人格制度的不足之处,他们也赞同国家进行干预。但是,他们又认为,一方面应把干预限制在最少的程度;另一方面,最好还要通过市场和人格制度来进行干预,以便取得最好的效果。 在本书中,弗里德曼论述了大致相似的观点。他宣称,他是一个自由主义者,而对于自由主义者而言,把人们组织起来从事生产活动的最好的,是在没有强制手段下的人们之间的自愿合作并且在自愿合作的基础上缔结相互有利的契约。他写道:“通过自愿交换所组成的社会……是一个自由的私有企业交换经济—即我们一向称之为竞争的资本主义。”据说这种制度在促进人类的自由上起着双重作用:一方面,“经济自由本身是一个目的。其次,经济自由也是达到政治自由的一个不可缺少的手段。” 把这一说法作为根据,弗里德曼对西方国家近数十年来对经济生活的日益扩大的干预,特别虽美国对经济生活的干预,提出反对意见。他认为,这种日益扩大的干预不但构成对自由的威胁,而且也缺乏效率,从而不会取得干预所期望得到的成果。因此,他主张,某些被他认为是不必要的干预项目(如发给营业执照)应该取消,而某些被一般人认为是必要的干预项目(如邮政)应改由私人经营。换言之,国家对经济生活的干预不但要被限制在最低的水平,而且还应尽可能地通过市场和人格制度来加以执行。据说这样,不但可以取得最有成效的结果,而且还可以保卫自由竞争的资本主义。从而也就可以保卫他所信奉的自由的原则。 -
The Cat in the Hat
In the first book featuring the character (The Cat in the Hat, 1957), the Cat brings a cheerful, exotic and exuberant form of chaos to a household of two young children one rainy day while their mother is out. Bringing with him two creatures appropriately named Thing One and Thing Two, the Cat performs all sorts of wacky tricks to amuse the children, with mixed results. The Cat's antics are vainly opposed by the family pet, who is a sentient and articulate goldfish. The children (Sally and her older brother, who serves as the narrator) ultimately prove exemplary latchkey children, capturing the Things and bringing the Cat under control. He cleans up the house on his way out, disappearing seconds before the mother arrives. The book has been popular since its publication, and a logo featuring the Cat adorns all Dr. Seuss publications and animated films produced after Cat in the Hat. Seuss wrote the book because he felt that there should be more entertaining and fun material for beginning readers. From a literary point of view, the book is a feat of skill, since it simultaneously maintains a strict triple meter, keeps to a tiny vocabulary, and tells an entertaining tale. Literary critics occasionally write recreational essays about the work, having fun with issues such as the absence of the mother and the psychological or symbolic characterizations of Cat, Things, and Fish. This book is written in a style common to Dr. Seuss, anapestic tetrameter (see Dr. Seuss's meters). The Cat in the Hat has also been translated into Latin with the title Cattus Petasatus and into Yiddish with the title "di Kats der Payats". The story is 1626 words in length and uses a vocabulary of only 236 unique words, of which 54 occur exactly once and 33 twice. Only a single word – another – has three syllables, while 14 have two and the remaining 221 are monosyllabic. The longest words are something and playthings. The Cat in the Hat has gone on to sell 7.2 million copies in the United States alone (up to 2000), making it the 9th best-selling hardcover children's book of all time. http://www.answers.com/topic/the-cat-in-the-hat -
Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' "Investments" is the leading textbook for the graduate/MBA investments market. It is recognized as the best blend of practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and clear writing style. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are usually priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocation, and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. -
凯恩斯被世界公认为是20世纪最重要的西方经济学家,在学说发展史上占有里程碑的地位。在凯恩斯生活的年代还不存在诺贝尔经济学奖,所以他并未获得这一奖项,但是,他对西方经济学的贡献远远超过任何一位迄今已经获得此奖的学者,这也是举世公认的。 在《通论》中,凯恩斯否定了传统经济学的观点,他指出,以往传统经济学中所谓的均衡,是建立在供给本身创造需求这一错误理论基础上的充分就业均衡。他说,这只适合于 -
SLAM DUNK 完全版セット 24巻
「バスケットはお好きですか?」この一言から桜木花道のバスケット人生がはじまった! 問題児といわれる高校生が、バスケットを通じて、成長していく過程を描いた超人気シリーズの完全版。カラーページを完全再現、描き下ろしカバー付きの全24巻。 重量12.0kg -
SLAM DUNK スラムダンク 完全版(2)
「流川楓…奴はまぎれもなく本物!!」ライバルのプレイに目を奪われた花道は己の未熟さを痛感する! 描き下ろしカバーからも“熱”が伝わる完全版第2巻!! -
《管理学(第8版)》由美国著名管理学家StephenP.Robbins教授所撰写,是西方经典的管理学教材,被欧美大多数商学字选为指定教材或推荐参考书。《管理学(第8版)》以管理过程为主线,分别阐述了管理的四大职能:计划、组织、领导与控制。《管理学(第8版)》坚持以应用为导向,并不断引入前沿话题,反映了最新的管理思想和管理办的最新趋势。 《管理学(第8版)》结构清晰,语言生动,博采众长,不仅提供了大量的应用案例,而且荟萃了众多学者的研究成果。同时,作者还颇具匠心地设计了“管理者困境”、“成为一名管理者”等多个实用性很强的专栏和练习,帮助读者掌握所学内容。对于高校学生和企业管理者,本书均是一部极好的教材或参考书。 -
X (Vol. 12)
結界II 1. 禁止出入。禁制。 2. 內陣與外陣之間。 除特定者以外禁止出入的地域。 X.蒼軌征一狼 -
Operating System Concepts, Seventh Edition
Keep pace with the fast-developing world of operating systems Open-source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the leading fields of operating systems and networking that are rapidly changing. With substantial revisions and organizational changes, Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne’s Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition remains as current and relevant as ever, helping you master the fundamental concepts of operating systems while preparing yourself for today’s emerging developments. As in the past, the text brings you up to speed on core knowledge and skills, including: What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructed Process, memory, and storage management Protection and security Distributed systems Special-purpose systems Beyond the basics, the Eight Edition sports substantive revisions and organizational changes that clue you in to such cutting-edge developments as open-source operating systems, multi-core processors, clustered computers, virtual machines, transactional memory, NUMA, Solaris 10 memory management, Sun’s ZFS file system, and more. New to this edition is the use of a simulator to dynamically demonstrate several operating system topics. Best of all, a greatly enhanced WileyPlus, a multitude of new problems and programming exercises, and other enhancements to this edition all work together to prepare you enter the world of operating systems with confidence. -
《冰心儿童文学全集:散文卷2(美绘版)》将介绍:冰心是20世纪中国的一位杰出女作家。她从1919年“五四”运动开始,投入新文学活动,在长达八十年的文学生涯中,创作了大量散文、诗歌和小说等作品,取得了卓越的成就。冰。心的作品以独特的风格受到广大读者的喜爱,产生了广泛而深远的影响。尤其在儿童文学领域,她与叶圣陶先生是最早从事儿童文学创作的作家,是我国现代儿童文学的奠基人,在中国乃至世界儿童文学史上有着崇高的地位。 为了让一代代少年儿童和广大读者集中阅读和品味冰心的儿童文学作品,我们编辑出版了这部《冰心儿童文学全集》。全集分上下两卷。上卷收入散文,下卷收入诗歌和短篇小说。全集共75篇。 冰心的文学成就是多方面的。在选编中,我们经过认真阅读和鉴赏,把凡是写给少年儿童看的和适合少年儿童看的作品,都收入《冰心儿童文学全集:散文卷2(美绘版)》。凡收入《冰心儿童文学全集:散文卷2(美绘版)》的作品,都保持原貌,只对个别字句做了订正,对一些内容做了注释。为使读者对冰心的贡献和成就有个全面的了解,还编了《冰心生平年表简编》,附于书后。 -
Critique of Pure Reason
This entirely new translation of Critique of Pure Reason is the most accurate and informative English translation ever produced of this epochal philosophical text. Though its simple and direct style will make it suitable for all new readers of Kant, the translation displays an unprecedented philosophical and textual sophistication that will enlighten Kant scholars as well. This translation recreates as far as possible a text with the same interpretative nuances and richness as the original. The extensive editorial apparatus includes informative annotation, detailed glossaries, an index, and a large-scale general introduction in which two of the world's preeminent Kant scholars provide both a succinct summary of the structure and argument of the Critique and a detailed account of its long and complex genesis.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友