

  • Building Financial Models

    作者:John Tjia

    The ability to effectively create and interpret financial models is one of the most valued skills in corporate finance--from Wall Street to Main Street. Now, the acclaimed guide to designing, building, and implementing valuation projection models is fully revised and expanded to keep finance and accounting professionals competitive in today's marketplace. This second edition of Building Financial Models continues the tradition of its predecessor by providing a hands-on approach to creating a core model that is supported by broad coverage of cornerstone accounting and finance principles. Additionally, this updated volume features: Entirely new coverage of discounted cash flow (DCF) modeling Excel formulas for making powerful calculations within the spreadsheet In-depth explanations of both the principles and mechanics of projection models Building Financial Models helps readers practice good thinking and apply sound knowledge of their tools--two key attributes to producing robust and easy-to-use models. This practical guide takes you step by step through the entire process of developing a projection model, with a full chapter dedicated to each phase. By the end, you will have a working, dynamic spreadsheet financial model for making projections for industrial and manufacturing companies. Furthermore, this Second Edition provides the vocabulary and syntax of model building so you can tailor core models to fit any size company and allow for quick input changes to test sensitivity. The companion website www.buildingfinancialmodel.com offering example spreadsheets will give you a head start on developing your own models. A flexible and successful financial projection model does more than just add numbers--it explains the complex relationships between those numbers and illuminates ways to use those associations to add value to an enterprise. Building Financial Models is the only book you need to create and implement a fluid financial projection model that is both state of the art and user friendly.
  • 高频交易

    作者:(美)艾琳·奥尔德里奇(Irene Al

    以光速旅行,决胜于分秒之间 揭开量化投资的黑匣子,洞悉机构投资者的秘诀 量化投资方法正越来越受到广大的机构投资投资者的关注,其代表者吉姆·西蒙斯在股市下行的2008年中将25亿美元的收益收入囊中。高频交易作为量化投资的重要方法,也引起了海内外投资界的广泛兴趣。据不完全统计,2008年,采用传统低频交易的投资者有70%处于亏损,而高频交易基金经理几乎都在当年实现了盈利。 那么究竟何为高频交易?高频交易背后的原理是什么?量化投资者又是怎样利用这一工具实现惊人的收益呢? 本书作者站在专业的高度,用平实的语言和丰富的图表,带我们走进量化投资的黑匣子,向我们展示了这台复杂的“金融仪器”是如何运作的。书中的内容涵盖了高频交易的方方面面——从形成想法并开发交易系统,到投入资金并进行表现评估——这些详实的信息将让你在如今风云诡谲的市场上更具竞争优势。
  • Quantitative Trading

    作者:Ernie Chan

    By some estimates, quantitative (or algorithmic) trading now accounts for over one-third of trading volume in the United States. While institutional traders continue to implement this highly effective approach, many independent traders—with limited resources and less computing power—have wondered if they can still challenge powerful industry professionals at their own game? The answer is "yes," and in Quantitative Trading, author Dr. Ernest Chan, a respected independent trader and consultant, will show you how. Whether you're an independent "retail" trader looking to start your own quantitative trading business or an individual who aspires to work as a quantitative trader at a major financial institution, this practical guide contains the information you need to succeed. Organized around the steps you should take to start trading quantitatively, this book skillfully addresses how to: * Find a viable trading strategy that you're both comfortable with and confident in * Backtest your strategy—with MATLAB®, Excel, and other platforms—to ensure good historical performance * Build and implement an automated trading system to execute your strategy * Scale up or wind down your strategies depending on their real-world profitability * Manage the money and risks involved in holding positions generated by your strategy * Incorporate advanced concepts that most professionals use into your everyday trading activities * And much more While Dr. Chan takes the time to outline the essential aspects of turning quantitative trading strategies into profits, he doesn't get into overly theoretical or sophisticated theories. Instead, he highlights the simple tools and techniques you can use to gain a much-needed edge over today's institutional traders. And for those who want to keep up with the latest news, ideas, and trends in quantitative trading, you're welcome to visit Dr. Chan's blog, epchan.blogspot.com, as well as his premium content Web site, epchan.com/subscriptions, which you'll have free access to with purchase of this book. As an independent trader, you're free from the con-straints found in today's institutional environment—and as long as you adhere to the discipline of quantitative trading, you can achieve significant returns. With this reliable resource as your guide, you'll quickly discover what it takes to make it in such a dynamic and demanding field.
  • 统计套利

    作者:(美)安德鲁·波尔(Andrew Pol

    本书论述统计套利的历史,描述了从20世纪80年代开始,这项策略自摩根士丹利诞生的第一天,一直到考验重重的21世纪初期;本书也诠释了统计套利如何运作的方式,以及为什么管用的原因。作者根据自己的研究结果,以及八年来操作统计套利避险基金的经验,写成本书,对于统计套利二十余年的发展,进行了完整的回顾。 本书充满了许多创新的信息与专家的忠告;不论是想要对这个领域有整体看法的个人投资者,或者是希望对模型化、风险管理以及如何应用这项策略,想要得到更关键而深入见解的机构投资人来说,本书所包含的重要分析,极具吸引力。
  • 打败庄家


    如果您从来不赌,您完全可以不看本书。赌博很简单,只有输赢两种结果,赌博很复杂,很多人想尽各种方法要在赌场赢钱……如果神秘的赌场是您心中想要解开的一个谜,请仔细阅读本书。无须赌神般的赌技,本忆将告诉您一个普通人如何打败庄家,如果不懂且钱又不是多得无处花,还是远离赌场为妙!请勿携带本书进入赌场。 博智,本科主修无线电,研究生阶段专业方向为程控交换技术。1990年入俄,1997年开始了职业赌客的生
  • 经济决策的概率模型

    作者:罗杰 B.迈尔森

    《经济决策的概率模型》是一本将概率模型用于分析风险和经济决策的入门教材。全书自始至终倾力向读者阐明,如何在复杂的现实情形中运用概率论,并将概率论晦涩的数学运算融入到生动有趣的现实经济生活中。全书的分析性工作都是在Microsoft Excel电子表格中进行的,这种方法有助于读者处理更为复杂的问题。强调电子表格建模的结果是,阅读完《经济决策的概率模型》的读者可从中学到精妙的电子表格技巧,轻松获得概率分析的应用能力。 《经济决策的概率模型》适用于经济管理类专业高年级本科生和MBA学员,也可作为从事概率论、经济决策或数量建模等课程研究的人员参考读物。
  • 数理金融引论


    本书自第一版发行以来,20多年来在美国非常畅销(第一版名为《经济数学》,《数理经济学引论》是其第三版).本书为经济学家、社会科学家及商业专业学生提供了大量所需的数学内容. 本书强调的是概念的实际背景及在经济、金融和社会中的应用,为读者学习数学及如何在实际中使用数学指明了方向。全书共分21章,对微积分、微分方程、矩阵代数、线形规划的基本原理及其在经济中的应用进行了介绍,书中还涉及对数微分、
  • 市场的(错误)行为:风险、破产与收益的分形观点


  • Beat the Dealer

    作者:Edward O. Thorp

    New York Times Bestseller Edward O. Thorp is the father of card counting, and in Beat the Dealer he reveals the revolutionary point system that has been successfully used by professional and amateur card players for two generations. From Las Vegas to Monte Carlo, the tables have been turned and the house no longer has the advantage at blackjack. Containing the basic rules of the game, proven winning strategies, how to overcome casino counter measures and spot cheating. Beat the Dealer is the bible for players of this game of chance. Perforated cards included in the book are a convenient way to bring the strategies into the casino. A winning strategy for the game of 21. The essentials, consolidated in simple charts, can be understood and memorized by the average player.
  • 金融建模与投资管理中的数学


    《金融建模与投资管理中的数学》涵盖了金融和数学的广泛的技术选题——力图使投资管理实践者、研究人员和学生全面了解金融决策过程及其经济学基础。这一丰富的资源将向你介绍关键的数学技术:矩阵代数、微积分、常微分方程、概率论、随机分析、时间序列分析、优化——同肘向你展现这些技术如何在现代金融领域得到成功的使用。对那些能够帮助我们更深入地理解金融计量学和金融经济学的新的数学工具更是给予了特别的关注。对于金融计量学的最近的进展,如估计和表示分布尾部的工具、相关现象的分析、通过因素分析和协整降维等,进行了深入的讨论。 借助大量的实例,福卡尔迪和法博齐同时向我们展示了数学技术和这些技术所应用的金融领域,包括广泛的有用的金融应用,如: 套利定价 利率建模 衍生品定价 信用风险管理 股票和债券投资组合管理 风险管理及其他 《金融建模与投资管理中韵数学》、以深入的视角和专业的见解将金融理论和数学技术紧密地联系起来。
  • 数字信徒


  • 金融时间序列分析

    作者:Ruey S.Tsay

    本书全面阐述了金融时间序列,并主要介绍了金融时间序列理论和方法的当前研究热点和一些最新研究成果,尤其是风险值计算、高频数据分析、随机波动率建模和马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法等方面。此外,本书还系统阐述了金融计量经济模型及其在金融时间序列数据和建模中的应用,所有模型和方法的运用均采用实际金融数据,并给出了所用计算机软件的命令。较之第1版,本版主要在新的发展和实证分析方面进行了更新,新增了状态空间模型和Kalman滤波以及S-Plus命令等内容。 本书可作为时间序列分析的教材,也适用于商学、经济学、数学和统计学专业对金融的计量经济学感兴趣的高年级本科生和研究生,同时,也可作为商业、金融、保险等领域专业人士的参考书。
  • Economic Principles

    作者:Ray Dalio

  • 财务是个真实的谎言

    作者:钟文庆 编

    《财务是个真实的谎言》作者将自己十几年的跨国财务经历,用风趣、幽默,富含哲理的实例、事例、故事,精彩呈现。书中描述了财务基本知识、财务实务操作、财务战略、财务智慧、财务数据的弹性,以及弹性背后的财务思想实质。 《财务是个真实的谎言》是一本不是故事胜似故事的财务入门书。书中每一章节的内容互相关联,但又自成体系,相对独立,你可以从任一章节拿起,也可以在任一章节放下。 财务报表是在企业会计准则允许的范围内,依照企业自身情况选择一系列合理假设,对财务数据进行适当调整而形成。财务严格说来是“做账”,具有一定的弹性,是真实的谎言。 内行看门道,外行看热闹。财务里的门道和热闹,上可让企业扭亏为盈、利润倍增,下可让企业倾覆倒闭,投资者血本无归。 财务总以保密的姿态示人,除了防止竞争对手,总还有一些天地知、你我却不知的缘由。其实财务数字的真真假假,看似自相矛盾的很多关系,都有合理的解释。 《财务是个真实的谎言》作者钟文庆,历任多家著名跨国公司财务总监和首席财务官,以其亲身经历和感悟,真实讲述“财务背后的那些事儿”。无论你是想洞悉基本财务知识的投资者、企业家、创业者、经理人、学生、普通社会大众,还是想拜师学艺、更上层楼的财务专业人员,阅读《财务是个真实的谎言》,都能深受启迪,感悟智慧。
  • 听故事学会计


  • 企业生命周期


  • 巴菲特


  • 史丹·温斯坦称傲牛熊市的秘密


    《史丹•温斯坦称傲牛熊市的秘密》是一部不可思议的著作。是有史以来最棒的交易手册。一个人要经历多少次牛熊市,才能被称为“华尔街神童”? 一个人要看过多少个市场的起伏变幻,才能准确预测股市行情? 一个人要有什么样的智慧,才能授人以渔? 华尔街首席交易大师,启蒙全球无数投资者的阶段分析法的创始人——史丹•温斯坦与您分享其纵横华尔街数十载的宝贵经验。
  • Liar's Poker

    作者:Michael Lewis

    Liar's Poker is a non-fiction, semi-autobiographical book by Michael Lewis describing the author's experiences as a bond salesman on Wall Street during the late 1980s. First published in 1989, it is considered one of the books that define Wall Street during the 1980s, along with Barbarians at the Gate and the fictional The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe. The book captures well an important period in the history of Wall Street. Two important figres in that history feature prominantly in the text, head of mortgage department Lewie Ranieri and firm CEO John Gutfreund. The book's name is taken from Liar's poker, a gambling game popular with the bond traders in the book and played for high stakes. Liar's Poker follows two different story threads, though not necessarily in chronological order. The first thread is autobiographical, and follows Lewis through his college education and his hiring by Salomon Brothers in 1984. This part of the book gives a first-person account of how bond traders and salesmen truly work, their personalities, and their culture. The book captures well an important period in the history of Wall Street. Two important figures in that history feature prominently in the text, head of mortgage department Lewie Ranieri and firm CEO John Gutfreund. The second thread is a sort of history of Salomon Brothers and overview of Wall Street in general, especially how the firm single-handedly created a market for mortgage bonds and made the firm wealthy, only to be outdone by Michael Milken and his junk bonds. This thread is less dependent on Lewis' personal experience and features quotes apparently drawn from interviews with various relevant figures. Lewis jumps back and forth between these two threads in the book.
  • 胡立阳股票投资100招


    《胡立阳股票投资100招》讲述了:他曾经在口袋只剩27美元的时候,进入美国证券界,才短短三年时间便成为华尔街叱咤风云的人物。他曾经在台湾股市发展初期,教育投资大众并推广股票投资,为台湾股市带来一股空前的投资热潮,被媒体尊称为“股市之父”。 他目前在中国大陆的演讲场场爆满,盛况空前,总是以幽默风趣的演讲方式,传授股票投资的正确知识,深受投资朋友们的喜爱。 这个人是谁?他就是——胡立阳!一个“来自华尔街的华人传奇”!