

  • 安东尼·波顿教你选股


    投资大师彼得•林奇特别为中文版作序推荐 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 他管理下的富达特别情况基金创立二十多年来,投资回报率超过14000%, 20%复利增长率,规模达40亿欧元,基金绩效排名第一 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 谁是欧洲最成功的基金经理人?没有人会质疑,富达特别情况基金的安东尼•波顿是极少数名列前茅的基金经理人之一。如果你在1979年投资1 000英镑在他的基金,到今天的价值将高达125 000英镑以上。每年超过20%的平均复合增长率,换句话说,每年超过金融时报全股指数7%的水平。这一持续战胜市场的过往记录可与投资大师沃伦•巴菲特与彼得•林奇相媲美。 波顿的成功秘诀是什么?本书深入分析了波顿管理基金的方式,以及过去二十多年的投资成果。他通过自己的亲身经历,传授了独家选股秘诀,以及多年形成的卓有成效的逆向投资策略。 安东尼•波顿的选股秘诀: ◎ 了解一家企业是至关重要的,尤其要了解它的盈利方式和竞争能力。 ◎ 识别影响一家企业业绩的关键变量,尤其是那些无法控制的货币、利息率和税率变化等因素,对于理解一只股票的成长动力至关重要。 ◎ 如果一家企业非常复杂,则很难看出它是否拥有可持续发展的特许经营权。 ◎ 我赞同沃伦•巴菲特的看法,即宁愿投资于一家由普通的管理层经营的优秀企业,也不投资于由明星经理经营的不良企业。 ◎ 尝试识别出当下被人忽视,却能在未来重新获得利益的股票。股市的眼光不够长远,因此,有时像下象棋一样,只要你比别人看得稍远一点就能取得优势。 ◎ 你拥有的消息来源越多,能够发现成功股票的机会也就越多。 ◎ 忘记你购买的股票的价格。 ◎ 进行与众不同的投资吧,做一个逆向投资者!当股价上涨时,避免过于看涨。当几乎所有人对前景都不乐观时,他们可能错了,前景会越来越好;当几乎没有人担忧时,就是该谨慎小心的时候了。
  • The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham

    作者:Janet Lowe

    "The sillier the market's behavior, the greater the opportunity for the business-like investor. Follow Graham and you will profit from folly rather than participate in it."—Warren E. Buffett. "[Graham] is the genius who literally created the framework for investment analysis that leads to successful investing. Like that other genius Edison, Graham created light where there was none." —Bill Ruane, Sequoia Fund. "It's never the wrong time to invoke the name of Benjamin Graham, value investor par excellence." —Money "The search for intelligent investing should begin with the remarkable Benjamin Graham's timeless teachings. Read Lowe's book and you'll learn to seek what the original master sought as she helps Graham reclaim his rightful place as the most important and extraordinary investment writer of any generation."—Kenneth Lee, author of Trouncing the Dow. Known as the "father of value investing," Benjamin Graham was—and is—one of America's most lauded financial thinkers. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, a former student of Graham, extols him to this day. Brilliant, successful, and ethical, he revolutionized investment philosophy by introducing the concepts of security analysis, fundamental analysis, and value investing—theories that have become timeless essentials of the field. Now, Janet Lowe, author of Benjamin Graham on Value Investing and Warren Buffett Speaks, reintroduces the foundations of Graham's eminence—including his ever-relevant market observations and his assessment of long-term economic problems—by presenting a unique compilation of his writings that contains rare and/or previously unpublished articles, lectures, and interviews. Almost twenty-five years after his death, Benjamin Graham continues to have one of the largest and most loyal followings of any investment philosopher of this century. A prolific and popular writer whose trademark was blending original ideas with wit and intelligence, he has guided and inspired Wall Street professionals with his thoughtful ruminations and piercing insights on a host of investment and economic topics. Though bits and pieces of this material are widely quoted even today, the full writings have not always been easy to find—until now. The result of in-depth research, The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham brings together the very best the investment legend had to offer, including such incisive works as: "Inflated Treasuries and Deflated Stocks: Are Corporations Milking Their Owners?" "The Ethics of American Capitalism". "Proposals for an International Commodity-Reserve Currency". "The New Speculation in Common Stocks". "Is American Business Worth More Dead Than Alive?". "The Simplest Way to Select Bargain Stocks". A groundbreaking volume that fills an important niche in investment literature, The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham is destined to become as timeless a classic as its distinguished subject. Jacket Design: Don Welsh
  • 非理性繁荣(第二版)


    《非理性繁荣(第2版)》主要内容:在《非理性繁荣》(第二版)中,罗伯特•希勒教授对2000年第一版的内容进行了适时的修正和更新,重新阐述了市场波动这一给他带来国际声誉的主题。希勒在第二版中开辟了一个新的领域,他以一种更加清晰和彻底的方式向我们展示了那些可能动摇经济运行和严重影响人们生活的市场泡沫的产生和破灭。 在第一版中,希勒教授成功地预言了股市的下跌,而在《非理性繁荣(第2版)》中,他将研究扩展到了目前炙手可热的房地产市场,用了一章的篇幅来论述美国国内和国际房价的历史走势。 在《非理性繁荣(第2版)》中,希勒通过大量的证据来说明,如果20世纪90年代末的股市,目前房地产市场的繁荣中隐含着大量的泡沫,并且最终房价可能在未来的几年中开始下跌。他认为,2000年股市泡沫破灭之后,许多投资者将资金投向房地产市场,这使得美国乃至世界各地的房地产价格均出现了不同程度的上涨。因此,非理性繁荣非没有消失,只是在另一个市场中再次出现。 在第一版的基础上,希勒教授描述了金融市场波动的心理根源,并且着力列举和论述了自由市场经济中,资本市场所固有的不稳定性。比如,艾伦?格林斯潘著名的“非理性繁荣”演说给人们带来的影响。 点击链接进入英文版: Irrational Exuberance
  • 价值平均策略


  • Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits

    作者:Fisher, Philip A.

    Philip Fisher's thoughts and experience are invaluable and timeless. Not as boring (to read) as the intelligent investors (though both are equally important reading). I particularly like the chapters about "Fifteen points to look in a common stocks","when to buy", "when to sell", "Five don't", and "Developing your investment philosophies". One particular topic that I like best is about "Don't follow the crowd". Also on "How I go about finding a growth stock" Some of the area that the a company/stock (to buy) should have a lot of these criteria: 1. Product and service with potential increase in sales for seveal years 2. Management who commited to develop products to continue growth 3. Size of company's research versus its size (enough research needed) 4. Good sales organization 5. Worthwhile profit margin 6. Activity to improve profit margin 7. Good labor and personal relation 8. Outstanding executove relations 9. Depth in management 10. Good accounting controls and cost analysis 11. favorable (degree of skills) compare to the competition 12. Long range outlook on profit 13. Equity financing in the next couple years should ot cancel the existing shareholder benefit from the anticipated growth 14. Management talk freely to investor about tings that goes well and also when things doesn't go well 15. Management needs to have unquestionable integrity Five don'ts for investor: 1. Don't buy into promotional companies (development companies) 2. Don't ignore stocks just becuase it is traded over the counter 3. Don't buy stocks because you like the tone of annual report 4. Don't assume the high price is an indication of future growth 5. Dont quibble over small fraction (when you buy a stock) Five additional don'ts for Investor 1. Don't overstress diversification 2. Don't be afraid buying in a war scare 3. Don't forget your Gilbert and Sullivan 4. Don't fail to consider time as well as price in buying a true growth stock 5. Don't follow the crowd This book also covers what a good business should have (it recaps of what they teach you in business school). I have 10 years of investing experience before I read this book (I know I should have read this book earlier), and in my opinion this book should work as a guideline to develop our own investing philosophies (and not our philosophy itself). There are no one size fits all strategy in the investing world. This book will also help to open your eyes (especially for beginner) that investing (the right way) is not easy and is a complex process, however the result from a patient and diligent investor could be great. There are 3 important aspects of a business (apart from the stock price) which this book will cover most of them: 1. The Business (and the Industry) 2. The Financials 3. The People (Management, Personnel) I also recommend you all to read Ben Graham's "The Intelligent Investors" (with commentary by Jason Zweig who will give more recent and relevant example), and Peter Lynch's "One up on Wall Street". Once you read them all (coupled with some real experience), then you are ready to be an investing pro... Happy Investing!
  • 海龟交易法则


    历经24年时间考验,普通人也能轻松赚钱的神奇期货交易系统,四年狂赚3000万美元,1983年原版海龟首次揭密适用于任何市场的交易策略。 你也可以用海龟交易法则收获惊人的财富——无论你是高手还是常人。 海龟核心原则 掌握优势:找到一个期望值为正的交易策略,因为从长期来看,它能创造正的回报。 管理风险:控制风险,守住阵地,否则你可能等不到创造成果的一天。 坚定不移:唯有坚定不移地执行你的策略,你才能真正获得系统的成效。 简单明了:从长久来看,简单的系统比复杂的系统更有生命力。 “这是有史以来最好的五本交易学著作之一。”    ——范·撒普 最成功的海龟显然是柯蒂斯·费思。交易记录显示,年仅19岁就加入了海龟计划的费思先生大约为丹尼斯赚了3150万美元。    ——《华尔街日报》 “我们要培养交易者,就像新加坡人养海龟一样。”24年前,交易大师理查德·丹尼斯对他的老朋友威廉·埃克哈特说了这么一句话。这原本只是两人之间的一个赌博——伟大的期货交易者究竟是天生的,还是可以后天培养的?最后却变成了一个传奇性的实验。 这个实验中最出类拔萃的海龟柯蒂斯·费思首次透露了整个实验的过程,揭示了丹尼斯和埃克哈特如何在短短两周之内把23个普通人训练成为杰出的期货交易者。他用最浅显易懂的语言详细介绍了海龟参与的一些最重量级的交易,以及它们的时机把握法则,剖析在市场中收获百万利润的要诀——就是它们让这些海龟获得了年均80%以上的收益率和超过1亿美元的利润。你会知道: ·海龟们怎么赚钱——他们的交易原则和详细步骤 ·交易分散化和风险控制的方法 ·如何将海龟交易法则应用在股票和外汇交易中 ·如何将海龟法则应用于你自己的交易甚至生活中 伟大的交易者是可以后天培养的吗?读完本书,相信你会找到答案。海龟们的神奇交易策略也必定会让你在投资市场中大显身手,获得别人难以企及的高回报!
  • 技术革命与金融资本


    在过去的200年间,一共发生过五次技术革命;每一次技术革命都形成了与其相适应的技术一经济范式。按照作者佩蕾丝的观点,一个技术一经济范式包括一套通用的技术和组织原则,是一种最优的惯行模式。技术经济范式的存在意味着一套强大的包容排斥机制,它像生物界的自然选择 一样保留那些适应新范式的企业,淘汰掉那些没有采纳新范式的企业。每次技术革命在资本主义核心国家大约会持续五六十年,这段时间可以划分为两大时期。头二三十年称为“导入期”,后二三十年称作“拓展期”。 在每次技术革命及其扩散的过程中,金融和信用制度起到了关键作用。《技术革命与金融资本》一书的后半部分重点论述了作为金融资本与一场新技术革命两者之间的互动关系,强调了金融资本对于重大技术创新的发生和扩散的重要意义。 在本书理论的背后有着两位经济学巨人马克思和熊彼特的影子。如果说技术创新与技术一经济范式等概念得到了马克思的生产方式概念的启发,那么有关企业家和金融资本作用的阐释则无疑受惠于熊彼特。本书为理解技术革命和资本主义经济动态的关系提出了一个便利的解释框架, 书中许多阐释发人之所未发,可供研究者、政府决策者、企业界人士阅读。
  • 股市晴雨表


  • 时间的玫瑰


  • How to Trade in Stocks

    作者:Jesse Livermore

    The Success Secrets of a Stock Market Legend Jesse Livermore was a loner, an individualist-and the most successful stock trader who ever lived. Written shortly before his death in 1940, How to Trade Stocks offered traders their first account of that famously tight-lipped operator's trading system. Written in Livermore's inimitable, no-nonsense style, it interweaves fascinating autobiographical and historical details with step-by-step guidance on: Reading market and stock behaviors Analyzing leading sectors Market timing Money management Emotional control In this new edition of that classic, trader and top Livermore expert Richard Smitten sheds new light on Jesse Livermore's philosophy and methods. Drawing on Livermore's private papers and interviews with his family, Smitten provides priceless insights into the Livermore trading formula, along with tips on how to combine it with contemporary charting techniques. Also included is the Livermore Market Key, the first and still one of the most accurate methods of tracking and recording market patterns
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

    作者:Edwin Lefèvre,Roger

    Reminiscences of a Stock Operator "… I learned early that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again. I’ve never forgotten that.… The fact that I remember that way is my way of capitalizing experience." —from Reminiscences of a Stock Operator First published in 1923, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the fictionalized biography of Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest speculators who ever lived. Now, more than 70 years later, Reminiscences remains the most widely read, highly recommended investment book ever written. Generations of investors have found that it has more to teach them about themselves and other investors than years of experience in the market. They have also discovered that its trading advice and keen analyses of market price movements ring as true today as in 1923. Jesse Livermore won and lost tens of millions of dollars playing the stock and commodities markets during the early 1900s—at one point making the thenastronomical amount of ten million dollars in just one month of trading. So potent a market force was he in his day that, in 1929, he was widely believed to be the man responsible for causing the Crash. He was forced into seclusion and had to hire a bodyguard. Originally reviewed in The New York Times as a nonfiction book, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator vividly recounts Livermore’s mastery of the markets from the age cf 14. Always good at figures, he learns, early on, that he can predict which way the numbers will go. Starting out with an investment of five dollars, he amasses a fortune by his early twenties and establishes himself as a major player on the Street. He makes his first killing in 1906, selling short on Union Pacific. He goes on to corner the cotton market, and has a million-dollar day Bullish in bear markets and bearish among bulls, he claims that only suckers gamble on the market. The trick, he advises, is to protect yourself by balancing your investments, and selling big on the way down. Livermore goes broke three times, but he comes back each time feeling richer for the learning experience. Offering profound insights into the motivations, attitudes, and feelings shared by every investor, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is a timeless instructional tale that will enrich the lives—and portfolios—of today’s traders as it has those of generations past. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
  • 客户的游艇在哪里


    《客户的游艇在哪里》:有人说,《客户的游艇在哪里》对股市和股民的刻画与今天惊人的一致。有人说,《客户的游艇在哪里》讲的是l929年股市崩盘前后的故事,可以说是对投机者们的经典写照。有人说,《客户的游艇在哪里》事实上讲的是金融中介机构的盈利之道及随时可能出现的忽视客户利益的腐败,比如,基金可以亏得一塌糊涂,但基金经理照样收取管理费等。 有人说,《客户的游艇在哪里》对世俗进行了无情的鞭答,但语言风格却轻松活泼,谈论每件事情都调侃有加。有人说,令人惊叹不已的是,《客户的游艇在哪里》并不仅仅是华尔街闹剧集,其中还蕴涵着很多投资智慧,有些内容至今仍有现实意义。
  • 大投机家的证券心理学


  • 走在曲线之前


    未来的经济和投资前景对于商业和投资都非常重要。然而,经济“正在走强”还是“趋于疲软”?人们被各种经济报道和传闻搞得既困惑又疲惫不堪。 本书作者拥有35年从业经验,并连续18年被《机构投资者》杂志评为华尔街第一零售业分析师。现在,他将自己的分析方法毫无保留地奉献出来,帮助人们辨识经济变化的迹象,从而采取相应措施,赢得显著的竞争优势: 提出一种简单、易解的方法,用于监测和分析各种经济数据序列,这些序列描绘了经济的增长与下滑; 建立一种框架,以便把握经济事件变化的时间顺序,这种顺序往往出现在典型周期中。 这种新方法使作者在华尔街取得了非凡的成就,比其他经济和投资专家提前18个月预测以经济和股市拐点。 本书语言清新、通俗、适合管理人员和投资者阅读。
  • 与天为敌


    风险管理是企业经营、股市投资、金融保险、星际探险等一切行为成功的要素,也使人类好睹的天性得以转化为经济增长、生活提高和科技发展的能量。 该书是一部轰动世界金融界的畅销书。作者通过考察人类探索风险的艰难历程,使用一个个精心整理的真实故事,描述了希腊哲学家和阿拉伯数学家、商人和科学家、举世闻名的思想家和虽名不见经传但颇有灵感的业余学者在帮助发现使将来为今天服务、用选择和决策替代在命运面前束手无策等现代手段过程中的趣闻佚事,旨在向我们说明:风险不仅是可以认识的,也是可以控制和掌握的;风险并不可怕,在现代社会里,承受有效的风险往往可以得到高额的回报,管理风险已经成为挑战与机遇的同义词。所有这些对于我们更好地了解风险、认识风险以至最终控制风险会有很大帮助。 本书考察了人类探索风险的艰难历程。历史上一直存在两种意见:一派人坚持认为最好的决策应以过去的模式和数据为基础,另一派人则认为决策应基于对不确定的未来更大程度的主观判断。作者从古希腊、古罗马时代及文艺复兴时代一直讲述到现在,精妙地将复杂的投资理念诠释成风格清新的故事,描述了哲学家、数学家、科学家、思想家、商人、业余学者等是如何努力让未来服务于现在的。风险与其说是一种命运,不如说是一种选择,它取决于我们选择的自由程度。全书尽管涉及不少概率问题,但却仍能写得生动有趣,极为人性化,足见作者之功力。 本书适合高等院校经济管理类师生及广大普通读者阅读、参考。
  • Asian Godfathers

    作者:Joe Studwell

    Few groups are more secretive than the Asian “godfathers,” the tiny group of obscenely wealthy businessmen who control the economic fates of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. Mysterious, shrewd, and ruthless, these tycoons represented eight of the twenty-five wealthiest people on the planet in the 1990s and they continue to command multibillion-dollar personal fortunes, controlling everything from banking and real estate to shipping and gambling—yet their names would not be familiar to regular readers of The Wall Street Journal. Who are they and how do they do it? That is the question Joe Studwell, author of the acclaimed book The China Dream, answers in this incisive behind-the-scenes exploration of the outsize figures behind the veil. Studwell has spent fifteen years as a reporter in the region and uses his unprecedented access to paint intimate and revealing portraits of the godfathers—who they really are and how they make, build, and maintain their fortunes. Asian Godfathers is an explosive book that lifts the curtain on a world of staggering secrecy and hypocrisy and reveals—for the first time—who the leaders of one of the world’s most important and tumultuous markets really are.
  • 富爸爸投资指南


  • 证券投资理论与证券投资战略适用性分析


    内容简介 本书旨在帮助立志成为成功投资家的读者全面而准确地理解 经典证券投资理论与证券投资战略,进而发展出具有投资者独立 个性特征并具有坚实统计基础的投资方法。 本书从投资哲学、实证检验以及实际应用这三个层次分别对 学术分析流派、基本分析流派、技术分析流派以及心理分析流派 的投资理论及投资战略的适用性进行了全面分析,剖析了其长处 及缺陷。本书还对美国与中国的投资基金业的总体表现以及美国 与中国证券价格波动的基本特征进行了全面分析,以求进一步加 深对经典投资理论与投资战略实用性的认识。 本书从以下方面具有独特的见解: 第一,本书力求从理论与实际相结合的高度,并且以力求客 观化的立场和方法全面剖析经典投资理论与投资战略在投资适用 性方面的优劣,并深刻理解其不适应性的产生根源。本书对各投 资流派都没有门户之见。这一点使本书显著区别于目前国内外的 其他投资论著。 第二,本书对美国与中国证券市场价格波动的基本统计特征 作了全面且重点突出的概括。本书作者认为证券市场价格波动具 有五个最基本的统计特征,即:偏向性、随机性、跳跃性、周期 性、心理性。以往各投资流派对这五项基本特征的认识论、方法 论是相互割裂,各取所需。而本书作者认为这五项特征的相互关 系是相互依存、互为条件、互为因果。只有全面系统地理解证券 市场价格波动的基本特征,才可能准确理解证券投资理论与证券 投资战略在特定市场条件下所可能处于的工作状态。 第三,本书对所有有关的重大投资理论与投资战略问题,都 力求进行对中国证券市场与美国证券市场的比较研究。这一比较 研究的方法,将有助于更加深刻理解相关的理论与战略问题,也 使本书处于这一研究课题的前沿地位。
  • 投资学(第五版·上)

    作者:[美] 威廉·F.夏普(William

    由诺贝尔奖金获得者,著名投资大师,美国斯坦福大学商学院金融学教授威廉・F・夏普(WilliamF.Sharpe)等编著的《投资学》(第五版),是投资学方面的一部经典名著,被世界各国许多大学和管理学院作为高年级本科生、研究生和MBA的基本教材。本书共26章,其内容包括:证券投资环境与投资过程;有价证券的价值分析与资产组合;各种投资工具的投资价值;投资风险和特性分析;市场分析与投资管理。根据近年 来国际投资的迅速发展,本书增加了国际证券和国际证券市场的内容,并对掉期、抵押等衍生金融工具作了充分介绍。为了使读者能循序渐进地掌握所学内容,作者精心安排了针对不同读者的大量思考题与练习题,并附有部分练习答案和词汇表等参考资料。 本书的特点是融投资学的理论与实践为一体,为读者提供了完整的投资学理论框架,以及建立在此框架上的证券和证券市场实用知识;不仅对投资学的基本概念、基本原理和基本方法作了透彻的介绍,而且还就投资者在实践中如何运用这些理论和方法作了详尽的阐述。