

  • Love Begins in Winter

    作者:Simon Van Booy

    On the verge of giving up--anchored to dreams that never came true and to people who have long since disappeared from their lives--Van Booy's characters walk the streets of these stark and beautiful stories until chance meetings with strangers force them to face responsibility for lives they thought had continued on without them.
  • 因为。爱


    当一个人被爱着的时候,她便能拥有整个海洋的力量。 《因为。爱》是获奖作家西蒙·凡·布伊的第一本短篇小说集。这些故事以纽约、巴黎、罗马、雅典等不同城市为背景,讲述了关于死亡、忏悔、沟通和孤独的故事。寂寞而用力的笔调背后是人们在爱里的付出和失去。在这个暴烈的世界里,只有爱,才能带来温柔和救赎。