《数字迷城:信息爆炸改变你的生活》从经济、政治和社会的角度分析和阐释了互联网技术发展及“信息大爆炸”给人类社会带来的各种机遇与挑战,并尝试探讨信息社会的发展趋势,具有独到的见解和深邃的洞察力。全书内容丰富,涵盖了信息学基础、信息安全、搜索引擎、密码学等信息通信领域热门话题,除此之外还详细地阐述了“信息大爆炸”所带来的有关网络共享和内容安全等问题。书中在讨论每一个话题时,均列举了相关事例或数据,这些内容能够极大地开阔读者的视野,使其跟随作者的脚步,探索互联网影响下的人类社会。 全书语言精练而不失细节,内容翔实、丰富,主旨明确、深刻,兼具知识性、趣味性、思想性和启发性,深入浅出、引人入胜。《数字迷城:信息爆炸改变你的生活》可供信息通信领域的相关人员学习参考,也可供社会上对信息技术改变人类社会生活这一现象感兴趣的普通民众阅读。 -
Social Circles
Businesses are starting to operate in the world of the social web, but most have a very poor understanding of social interaction, and its huge impact on how successful their endeavors will be. It is much more complicated than just business blogs or official company Twitter accounts. Most of people's interactions with each other and with brands happen offline, away from computers, and often away from mobile phones. What people do offline has a huge impact on what they do online. Social Circles, by lead researcher for social media Paul Adams, is about helping business understand this offline/online relationship. Research has shown time and again how people have multiple independent circles of friends, all of whom they trust in different ways, and all of whom wield varying degrees of influence. People are using social networks to interact with people they already know offline, and not to make new connections with people they don’t know. They are recreating their offline social circles online. Understanding these social circles is the key to successful behavioral advertising. -
Here Comes Everybody
A revelatory examination of how the wildfirelike spread of new forms of social interaction enabled by technology is changing the way humans form groups and exist within them, with profound long-term economic and social effects-for good and for ill A handful of kite hobbyists scattered around the world find each other online and collaborate on the most radical improvement in kite design in decades. A midwestern professor of Middle Eastern history starts a blog after 9/11 that becomes essential reading for journalists covering the Iraq war. Activists use the Internet and e-mail to bring offensive comments made by Trent Lott and Don Imus to a wide public and hound them from their positions. A few people find that a world-class online encyclopedia created entirely by volunteers and open for editing by anyone, a wiki, is not an impractical idea. Jihadi groups trade inspiration and instruction and showcase terrorist atrocities to the world, entirely online. A wide group of unrelated people swarms to a Web site about the theft of a cell phone and ultimately goads the New York City police to take action, leading to the culprit's arrest. With accelerating velocity, our age's new technologies of social networking are evolving, and evolving us, into new groups doing new things in new ways, and old and new groups alike doing the old things better and more easily. You don't have to have a MySpace page to know that the times they are a changin'. Hierarchical structures that exist to manage the work of groups are seeing their raisons d'tre swiftly eroded by the rising technological tide. Business models are being destroyed, transformed, born at dizzying speeds, and the larger social impact is profound. One of the culture's wisest observers of the transformational power of the new forms of tech-enabled social interaction is Clay Shirky, and Here Comes Everybody is his marvelous reckoning with the ramifications of all this on what we do and who we are. Like Lawrence Lessig on the effect of new technology on regimes of cultural creation, Shirky's assessment of the impact of new technology on the nature and use of groups is marvelously broad minded, lucid, and penetrating; it integrates the views of a number of other thinkers across a broad range of disciplines with his own pioneering work to provide a holistic framework for understanding the opportunities and the threats to the existing order that these new, spontaneous networks of social interaction represent. Wikinomics, yes, but also wikigovernment, wikiculture, wikievery imaginable interest group, including the far from savory. A revolution in social organization has commenced, and Clay Shirky is its brilliant chronicler. 点击链接进入中文版: 未来是湿的:无组织的组织力量 -
大数据 [3.0升级版]
《大数据》3.0升级精装版,增加作者自序,以及归国以来的演讲、专题——数据是我们新经济的土壤,是我们未来智能社会的土壤,数据可以治国,还可以强国。 美国第一,中国第几?公布官员财产美国是怎么做的,美国能让少数人腐败起来吗?美国式上访是怎么回事?凭什么美国矿难那么少?全民医改美国做得到吗?美国总统大选有什么利器才能赢?下一轮全球洗牌我们世界工厂会被淘汰吗?…… 除了上帝,任何人都必须用数据来说话。 大数据浪潮,汹涌来袭,与互联网的发明一样,这绝不仅仅是信息技术领域的革命,更是在全球范围启动透明政府、加速企业创新、引领社会变革的利器。现代管理学之父德鲁克有言,预测未来最好的方法,就是去创造未来。而“大数据战略”,则是当下领航全球的先机。 大数据,这一世界大潮的来龙去脉如何?数据技术变革,何以能推动政府信息公开、透明和社会公正?何以促发行政管理和商业管理革新,并创造无限商机?又何以既便利又危及我们每个人的生活?Google、百度之类搜索服务,何以会不再有立足之地?引领世界的数据帝国——美国和西欧,正在如何应对大数据时代?我们中国,又当如何作为? 本书通过讲述美国半个多世纪信息开放、技术创新的历史,以别开生面的经典案例——奥巴马建设“前所未有的开放政府”的雄心、公共财政透明的曲折、《数据质量法》背后的隐情、全民医改法案的波澜、统一身份证的百年纠结、隐私危机、街头警察的创新传奇、美国矿难的悲情历史、商务智能的前世今生、数据开放运动的全球兴起,以及云计算、Facebook和推特等社交媒体、Web3.0与下一代互联网的未来图景等等,为您一一细解,数据创新给公民、政府、社会带来的种种挑战和变革。 美国是全书主体,但又处处反观中国当下的现实。回望中国,胡适批评“差不多先生”,黄仁宇求索“数目字管理”,作者从太平洋对面看到中美两国的差距,深知中国缺少什么、需要什么,故将十多年观察、思索所得,又新增微学校、微学位等教育领域正在发生的革命,以及建言中国“大数据战略”的重要文章和访谈,淘洗成这本开创性的“大数据之书”——《大数据:正在到来的数据革命,以及它如何改变政府、商业与我们的生活》。 -
为什么把每件事情都做对了,仍有可能错失城池?为什么无人可敌的领先企业,却在一夜之间虎落平阳? 短短三年间诺基亚陨落,摩托罗拉区区29亿美元出售给联想,芯片业霸主英特尔在移动芯片领域份额几乎为零,风光无限的巨头转眼成为被颠覆的恐龙,默默无闻的小公司一战成名迅速崛起,令人瞠目结舌的现象几乎都被“颠覆式创新”法则所解释。颠覆式创新教你在新的商业竞争中“换操作系统”而不是“打补丁”,小公司用破坏性思维可以“以小博大”占领新兴市场。大公司进行自我攻击,才是唯一活下去的机会,今天,全人类都面临一个在新“价值网”中生存的大悬难。 《颠覆式创新:移动互联网时代的生存法则》从哲学、物理、思维、管理多个维度,探索已知世界的边界,透过费解的现象,揭示商业社会中令人惊悚的真相。不确定的世界里,探索比结论重要,移动互联网时代,见识比知识更重要。 -
纵观信息技术的发展历程,基本上海15年会有一个大的范式转移。1980年是个人电脑,1995年是互联网,2010年则是云计算。我们正在进入下一个创新周期,会出现前所未有的整套新工具和新应用。就如同此前的大型机和个人计算机一样,这个新的平台所支持的服务将彻底改变我们的生活。 从全球来看,越来越多的信息以越来越快的速度被传送到越来越多的人手中,无论是宽带网、无线通信还是智能终端的普及都在推动这一趋势。开放的信息是民众所求,正如在互联网上流传多年的那个著名的口号所言:“信息渴望自由” (information wants to be free)。在《信息渴望自由》中,作者胡泳从新传播技术人手,探讨了新媒体对普通公众、网络舆论、知识生产。世界秩序、公共外交等领域的全新影响。《信息渴望自由》中既有对新媒体影响下社会万象的深入思考和剖析,也有对人类未来数字化生存状况的预言与展望,运思新颖,文笔凝练,读之令人耳目一新。 -
《Web2.0策略指南》是有关战略的。书中的示例关注的是Web 2.0的效率,而不是聚焦于技术。你将了解到这样一个事实:创建Web 210业务或将Web 2.0战略整合到现在业务中,意味着创建一个吸引人们前来访问的在线站点,让人们愿意到这里来共享他们的思想、见闻和行动。当人们通过Web走到一起时,结果可能远远大于各部分的和。随着传统的“口碑传诵”助推站点高速成长,客户本身就能够帮助建立站点。 Web 2.0已成为新闻焦点,但它是如何赚钱的?作为一个简明指南,《Web2.0策略指南》解释了Web 2.0有什么特异之处,以及这些特异之处如何帮助公司赢利。无论你是一位正在谋划下一步行动的执行官,还是正在寻找扩张途径的企业主,或是正在规划下一个创新业务的企业家,《Web2.0策略指南》都通过真实生活中的示例展示了各种规模的公司如何在当今的网络上创造新机遇。 -
The Wealth of Networks
With the radical changes in information production that the Internet has introduced, we stand at an important moment of transition, says Yochai Benkler in this thought-provoking book. The phenomenon he describes as social production is reshaping markets, while at the same time offering new opportunities to enhance individual freedom, cultural diversity, political discourse, and justice. But these results are by no means inevitable: a systematic campaign to protect the entrenched industrial information economy of the last century threatens the promise of today’s emerging networked information environment. In this comprehensive social theory of the Internet and the networked information economy, Benkler describes how patterns of information, knowledge, and cultural production are changing—and shows that the way information and knowledge are made available can either limit or enlarge the ways people can create and express themselves. He describes the range of legal and policy choices that confront us and maintains that there is much to be gained—or lost—by the decisions we make today. -
The Filter Bubble
In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for each user. Instead of giving you the most broadly popular result, Google now tries to predict what you are most likely to click on. According to MoveOn.org board president Eli Pariser, Google's change in policy is symptomatic of the most significant shift to take place on the Web in recent years-the rise of personalization. In this groundbreaking investigation of the new hidden Web, Pariser uncovers how this growing trend threatens to control how we consume and share information as a society-and reveals what we can do about it.Though the phenomenon has gone largely undetected until now, personalized filters are sweeping the Web, creating individual universes of information for each of us. Facebook-the primary news source for an increasing number of Americans-prioritizes the links it believes will appeal to you so that if you are a liberal, you can expect to see only progressive links. Even an old-media bastion like T -
After the Internet, Before Democracy
China has lived with the Internet for nearly two decades. Will increased Internet use, with new possibilities to share information and discuss news and politics, lead to democracy, or will it to the contrary sustain a nationalist supported authoritarianism that may eventually contest the global information order? This book takes stock of the ongoing tug of war between state power and civil society on and off the Internet, a phenomenon that is fast becoming the centerpiece in the Chinese Communist Party's struggle to stay in power indefinitely. It interrogates the dynamics of this enduring contestation, before democracy, by following how Chinese society travels from getting access to the Internet to our time having the world's largest Internet population. Pursuing the rationale of Internet regulation, the rise of the Chinese blogosphere and citizen journalism, Internet irony, online propaganda, the relation between state and popular nationalism, and finally the role of social media to bring about China's democratization, this book offers a fresh and provocative perspective on the arguable role of media technologies in the process of democratization, by applying social norm theory to illuminate the competition between the Party-state norm and the youth/subaltern norm in Chinese media and society. -
《融合时代》是一本论述移动互联所激发的融合趋势的著作! 人类社会的发展与技术的进步密不可分:技术推动社会的变革,社会的发展需求又不断推动新技术的产生。如今,社会发展和技术变革的速度已经越来越快,并不断颠覆我们的想象。这是一个变革的时代,“融合时代”。于是,原有的平衡和秩序在不断被打破,我们也因此而进入了一个更加复杂、却也更加精彩的世界。在新的世界里,所有的边界都在被逐渐打破,产生新的聚合,而所有的企业都将不断面临全新的竞争格局和挑战。 《融合时代》主要讲述的就是如何更好地为各种变化做好准备,我们需要对当下趋势做出正确的分析和判断,也需要树立积极改变自身行为的坚定意愿,更需要通过合理的想象去预见未来。 全书分9个章节分别描述了正在发生的九大趋势:新日用品、掌上社会、数据制胜、O2O时代、无限协作、无边界聚合、实时的学习、全民的创新、全球融汇的社区。通过对这九大趋势的分析,相信《融合时代》可以帮助你以更加明晰的态度面对瞬息万变的世界,帮助个人创造更加美好的生活,帮助企业更好地应对高速变化的世界的挑战。 -
Cyber War
Richard A. Clarke warned America once before about the havoc terrorism would wreak on our national security -- and he was right. Now he warns us of another threat, silent but equally dangerous. Cyber War is a powerful book about technology, government, and military strategy; about criminals, spies, soldiers, and hackers. This is the first book about the war of the future -- cyber war -- and a convincing argument that we may already be in peril of losing it. Cyber War goes behind the "geek talk" of hackers and computer scientists to explain clearly and convincingly what cyber war is, how cyber weapons work, and how vulnerable we are as a nation and as individuals to the vast and looming web of cyber criminals. From the first cyber crisis meeting in the White House a decade ago to the boardrooms of Silicon Valley and the electrical tunnels under Manhattan, Clarke and coauthor Robert K. Knake trace the rise of the cyber age and profile the unlikely characters and places at the epicenter of the battlefield. They recount the foreign cyber spies who hacked into the office of the Secretary of Defense, the control systems for U.S. electric power grids, and the plans to protect America's latest fighter aircraft. Economically and militarily, Clarke and Knake argue, what we've already lost in the new millennium's cyber battles is tantamount to the Soviet and Chinese theft of our nuclear bomb secrets in the 1940s and 1950s. The possibilities of what we stand to lose in an all-out cyber war -- our individual and national security among them -- are just as chilling. Powerful and convincing, Cyber War begins the critical debate about the next great threat to national security. -
Grown Up Digital
The third volume in the internationally bestselling McKinsey Trilogy, The McKinsey Engagement is an action guide to realizing the consistently high level of business solutions achieved by the experts at the world’s most respected consulting firms. Former consultant Dr. Paul Friga distills the guiding principles first presented in the bestselling The McKinsey Way and the tested-in-the-trenches methodologies outlined in The McKinsey Mind, and combines them with many of the principles and procedures implemented by the military and other organizations. The result is nothing less than the business equivalent of a Special Forces Field Manual. True to its stated goal of arming consultants and corporate problem solvers with a blueprint for achieving consistently phenomenal results, The McKinsey Engagement is short on theory and long on action. Each chapter focuses on one element in the celebrated TEAM FOCUS problem-solving model and features a concise discussion of a key concept or principle, followed by: Clear rules of engagement A set of operating tactics Sophisticated problem solving tools Easy-to-follow action steps Exercises, checklists, and training tips War stories and best practices case studies A toolkit for bringing clarity, discipline, and purpose to all your problem-solving and change management initiatives, The McKinsey Engagement is an indispensable guide for consultants, as well as for executives, managers, students, and corporate trainers. -
欢迎阅读埃瑟・戴森的这本富有挑战性、充满幻想的新书《2.0版》。在这本众人期待已久的著作中,戴森――一位投资公司总裁、高技术行业的分析家、政府顾问和网络界最具权威的女性(美国《时代》杂志语)――给我们展示了数字化新社会精彩而今人炫目的宝藏。她刻画了正在飞速发展的数字化时代的全貌,并构造出一个枢架让我们自主思考新事物对生活产生影响的各个层面。 作者丰富的经验和深厚的知识底蕴,使本书富含对整个数字化时代发展前瞻的智慧。本书将帮助读者全面理解目不暇接的电脑世界新景象,同时提供了适应我们未来工作和生活方式变化的解决方案。 戴森以一种预见性的目光洞察社会,她向读者指出了数字化时代新社会中我们面临的众多问题和选择,从而帮助我们定义和形成新的社会契约与规则。正如戴森所解释的,“网络赋予个人强大的权力――能够赢得全世界的观众,能够获取关于任何东西的信息。但是随着运用或滥用权力的本领的日益强大,个人需要为他们自己的行动以及他们所创造的世界担负起更大的责任。” 在本书中戴森不仅描述了因特网对商业、管理、教育、社区和个人的影响,还揭示了数字化通讯的发展所引发的一系列冲突:个人隐私权社会公开性的冲突、安全与自由的冲突、商业与社区的冲突、政府监控与个人自治的冲突、繁荣创作与保护知识产权的冲突等等。她明确无误地证明,数字化将会在生产者和消费者、政府和公民、大众传媒和接受者之间造成权力平衡的深刻转移。挑战与机会并存,人们必须采取行动解决这些冲突, 戴森无疑掌握了网络社会的先帆。她的观点是:如果我们想使世界更美好,请紧追因特网,我们还有自我定义这个新世界的机会和权利。同时,戴森还提出自己作为网上公民的见解和主张与大家共享:诸如“自己下判断”,“多问为什么”、“成为一个生产者”和“每次都犯新的错误”等。 充满挑战性和震撼力的《2.0版》告诉读者如何理解和如何设计我们自己的数字化时代新社会。 -
在当今市场要想获得成功,必须拥有两个战略资产:让人欲罢不能的产品和有效平台。在本书中,哈耶特教你不仅仅扩大自身影响,同时还要将影响力变为实际效益,并且打造成为终身职业。关键何在?就在于搭建平台。如此简单易行,如此低投入,如此的成功可能,真是前所未有。书中包括:已经实践验证的谋略;简单易学的方法;实用技巧。 传媒技术已经改变一切。前所未有,在如今这个日益喧嚣浮躁的世界,无名之辈可以获取声名,并且大赢特赢! -
互联网是否在改变青少年儿童的生活?在数码世界里成长起来的新生代究竟是能从这样的机会中获益,还是遭遇新的挑战?本书回答了这些迫切需要解决的问题,谨慎地避免了对高科技时代盲目乐观的态度。相反,她诠释了儿童上网成瘾等现象涉及的复杂多变的历史和文化问题。作者运用同一性、发展、教育和参与的最新理论,对与互联网相关的政策和规划设计提出了富于前瞻性的建议,给人以启示,让人感到耳目一新。 -
The New Digital Age
'This is the most important - and fascinating - book yet written about how the digital age with affect our world' Walter Isaacson, author of Steve JobsFrom two leading thinkers, the widely anticipated book that describes a new, hugely connected world of the future, full of challenges and benefits which are ours to meet and harness. The New Digital Age is the product of an unparalleled collaboration: full of the brilliant insights of one of Silicon Valley's great innovators - what Bill Gates was to Microsoft and Steve Jobs was to Apple, Schmidt (along with Larry Page and Sergey Brin) was to Google - and the Director of Google Ideas, Jared Cohen, formerly an advisor to both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. Never before has the future been so vividly and transparently imagined. From technologies that will change lives (information systems that greatly increase productivity, safety and our quality of life, thought-controlled motion technology that can revolutionise medical procedures, and near-perfect translation technology that allows us to have more diversified interactions) to our most important future considerations (curating our online identity and fighting those who would do harm with it) to the widespread political change that will transform the globe (through transformations in conflict, increasingly active and global citizenries, a new wave of cyber-terrorism and states operating simultaneously in the physical and virtual realms) to the ever present threats to our privacy and security, Schmidt and Cohen outline in great detail and scope all the promise and peril awaiting us in the coming decades. A breakthrough book - pragmatic, inspirational and totally fascinating. Whether a government, a business or an individual, we must understand technology if we want to understand the future. 'A brilliant guidebook for the next century ...Schmidt and Cohen offer a dazzling glimpse into how the new digital revolution is changing our lives' Richard Branson -
Wired magazine editor and bestselling author Chris Anderson takes you to the front lines of a new industrial revolution as today’s entrepreneurs, using open source design and 3-D printing, bring manufacturing to the desktop. In an age of custom-fabricated, do-it-yourself product design and creation, the collective potential of a million garage tinkerers and enthusiasts is about to be unleashed, driving a resurgence of American manufacturing. A generation of “Makers” using the Web’s innovation model will help drive the next big wave in the global economy, as the new technologies of digital design and rapid prototyping gives everyone the power to invent -- creating “the long tail of things”. -
互联网在日常工作和生活中扮演日益重要的角色,互联网将如何重塑社会?本书通过汇集有关互联网文化、经济、政治角色等问题的研究成果,提供了特定社会制度背景下解决这一问题的根本办法。 关于互联网的研究是蓬勃发展的崭新领域,牛津大学互联网研究院(OII)作为创新型的跨学科学院,自成立起就专注于互联网研究。牛津大学互联网研究院关于互联网+社会的系列讲座在一定程度上塑造了互联网+社会。本书内容基于不同学科,但都聚焦于互联网+政治、社会、文化、经济转型的关联。对有兴趣了解互联网+社会,以及影响互联网因素的读者来说,这是一本入门书。 本书开篇论述了互联网和网络的发展简史,提供了多学科、多角度的研究成果。本书由五个部分组成,分别是: 1.互联网+日常生活; 2.线上信息和文化; 3.网络化的政治和政府; 4.网络化的商业、产业和经济; 5.技术和监管的历史与未来。 -
A cocktail party. A terrorist cell. Ancient bacteria. An international conglomerate. All are networks, and all are a part of a surprising scientific revolution. Albert-László Barabási, the nation's foremost expert in the new science of networks, takes us on an intellectual adventure to prove that social networks, corporations, and living organisms are more similar than previously thought. Grasping a full understanding of network science will someday allow us to design blue-chip businesses, stop the outbreak of deadly diseases, and influence the exchange of ideas and information. Just as James Gleick brought the discovery of chaos theory to the general public, Linked tells the story of the true science of the future.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友