

  • 巴黎小贩,达喀尔旅人


    路易・乔鹿是一位地道的法国巴黎人,每天的生活如钟表般精确无误。在杜乐丽花园,乔鹿邂逅了塞内加尔来的小贩玛玛都,他一身黑皮肤,如乌鸦的羽毛般发亮,美得惊人。遇到玛玛都,乔鹿孩提时代的非洲往事,如那非洲午后的滂沱大雨般临头落下,无处可躲。乔鹿知道一切无可回避,童年的非洲正在召唤他。 五十年前,几内亚还是法国的殖民地。乔鹿出生于几内亚,七岁时又在那儿度过了一段美好的时光。“怀旧就是莫名所以的欲望。”《小王子》的作者安东尼・圣修伯里如是说。乔鹿寻觅的就是这样的怀旧情绪。他选择了政治最为稳定的塞内加尔来重温他的童年记忆,展开了一段相隔五十年的非洲回溯之旅。 乔鹿的向导玛玛都引领着他游览达喀尔、约夫、圣路易、戈雷岛、凯杜古和西非内陆。这样的两人组合令人称奇,巴黎街头的小贩和来到达喀尔的旅人在旅途中无可避免地产生了两种不同文化的碰撞。在路上,白皮肤旅人和黑皮肤小贩各抒己见,让人从不同的立场和角度看到了他们对非洲现状的探讨及分析。从巴黎到达喀尔,注定这是一趟麻烦的旅途,也是一趟千金难换的真正旅行。
  • Things Fall Apart

    作者:Chinua Achebe

    This is Chinua Achebe's classic novel, with more than two million copies sold since its first U.S. publication in 1969. Combining a richly African story with the author's keen awareness of the qualities common to all humanity, Achebe here shows that he is "gloriously gifted, with the magic of an ebullient, generous, great talent." -- Nadine Gordimer
  • The Imperial Security State

    作者:James Hevia

    The Imperial Security State explores an important but under-explored dimension of British imperialism – its information system and the close links between military knowledge and the maintenance of empire. James Hevia's innovative study focuses on route books and military reports produced by the British Indian Army military intelligence between 1880 and 1940. He shows that together these formed a renewable and authoritative archive that was used to train intelligence officers, to inform civilian policy makers and to provide vital information to commanders as they approached the battlefield. The strategic, geographical, political and ethnographical knowledge that was gathered not only framed imperial strategies towards colonised areas to the east but also produced the very object of intervention: Asia itself. Finally, the book addresses the long-term impact of the security regime, revealing how elements of British colonial knowledge have continued to influence contemporary tactics of counterinsurgency in twenty-first-century Iraq and Afghanistan. - Innovative study of British military intelligence before World War One - Sheds new light on the close links between empire-building and intelligence - Reveals the long-term origins of contemporary counterinsurgency tactics "This book is a groundbreaking study of the rise of the British imperial security regime in the 19th century. James L. Hevia’s mastery of rare military archives demystifies the trope of the Great Game and provides an extraordinarily detailed analysis of how the geopolitical boundaries of Asia were produced through a proliferation of route books, maps and statistics, and other apparati of imperial intelligence networks. His scrutiny of the imperial past makes the contemporary security-obsessed American empire supremely legible." Lydia H. Liu, author of The Clash of Empires "Clearly written, well researched, and persuasively argued, Hevia's latest book will engage a range of readers. Scholars of diplomatic history will find especially valuable Hevia's insights into the growth and development of military intelligence as the other major component of the developing European security regimes in Europe and in Asia. Historians of Asia will also gain much from his research, linking as it does south, central, and eastern Asia into the British imperial network of intelligence gathering and control." Michael H. Fisher, H-Diplo "… an elegant, thoughtful and often provocative analysis of how security imperatives dictated the collection, analysis, and dissemination of military information … The Imperial Security State makes a persuasive and passionate argument for the centrality of military intelligence in not only developing strategies to intervene in Asia but more significantly in defining what Asia actually meant then and now. It is a very compelling account, lucidly presented, solidly researched and theoretically sophisticated." Douglas M. Peers, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History "Recommended." Choice
  • Twentieth Century Colonialism and China

    作者:Bryna Goodman,David

    Colonialism in China was a piecemeal agglomeration that achieved its greatest extent in the first half of the twentieth century, the last edifices falling at the close of the century. The diversity of these colonial arrangements across China’s landscape defies systematic characterization. This book investigates the complexities and subtleties of colonialism in China during the first half of the twentieth century. In particular, the contributors examine the interaction between localities and forces of globalization that shaped the particular colonial experiences characterizing much of China’s experience at this time. In the process it is clear that an emphasis on interaction, synergy and hybridity can add much to an understanding of colonialism in Twentieth Century China based on the simple binaries of colonizer and colonized, of aggressor and victim, and of a one-way transfer of knowledge and social understanding. To provide some kind of order to the analysis, the chapters in this volume deal in separate sections with colonial institutions of hybridity, colonialism in specific settings, the social biopolitics of colonialism, colonial governance, and Chinese networks in colonial environments. Bringing together an international team of experts, Twentieth Century Colonialism and China is an essential resource for students and scholars of modern Chinese history and colonialism and imperialism.
  • 在模范殖民地胶州湾的统治与抵抗


  • 欧洲殖民帝国

    作者:[荷]韦瑟林Henk Wesseling

  • 丰饶的苦难


  • 约翰公司


  • 帝国造就了我


    1919年,刚从“一战”退伍回家的廷克勒(1898—1939)生活前景灰暗,战争的阴影挥之不去而想在战后找到工作并不容易。所以当他从当地报纸上看到上海公共租界巡捕房(Shanghai Municipal Police)要招募警员时,他决定尝试一下。他被录取了,在那个陌生而遥远的东方大都市他要开始一个崭新的生活,也将在那结束他的一生…… 本书通过小人物廷克勒的经历,描述了一个普通英国人在旧上海的生活,为我们再现了那个时代的历史图景。本书也是研究当时在上海的外国人和上海租界警察的重要参考资料。
  • 丰饶的苦难


  • 香港三部曲


  • 确然书


    《确然书》是一部横越父女两代,将宏阔的历史感觉与深刻的私密体验水乳交融的爱情传奇 盖尔是加拿大温哥华的广播节目制作人,对她来说,二战期间父母在饱受战争蹂躏的亚洲的流亡经历,始终是个未解之谜。 日军占领时的山打根,盖尔的父亲,少年马修,与青梅竹马的安妮终日徘徊在丛林边缘,直到战争使他们家破人亡,被迫分离。 尽管早已穿越大洋来到加拿大,马修对安妮的记忆及秘密,仍无可避免地成为他与妻子克莱拉之间的阻隔,以意想不到的方式影响着他们的生活。 盖尔追寻解读二战日军俘虏营的一份密码日记,也寻求探明父母在战火中幸存的经历。一次寻报之旅将她带到了荷兰阿姆斯特丹,与战地记者斯普克相逢。后者道出自己在雅加达的往事以及战后与安妮的关系。盖尔父母谜一般的过住,渐渐还原了真貌。 故事跨越数十年,从北婆罗洲和香港到澳大利亚,从战后的雅加达到阿姆斯特丹——战火流离的惊惶与失落,家族记忆的纠缠不散——历史的真相与个人的秘密终于徐徐展开,并最终由爱提供了一份永恒的、确然的救赎……
  • 河湾

    作者:[英国] V. S. 奈保尔

    这是一部关于非洲的充满悲观情绪的小说。凸现了一个古老大陆在本土化与普遍化之间的艰难处境。主人公萨林姆是一个穆斯林,出生于一个已在非洲生活了几百年的印度商人之家。在刚果河拐弯处的一个小镇上,萨林姆接手了一个商店,并获得了成功。然而,这是个前途渺茫且不属于任何人的地方,大人物控制了一切,为所欲为,使得他以及无数像他这样的芸芸众生没有任何前途可言。 点击链接进入英文版: A Bend In The River