

  • Johnny Depp

    作者:Brian J. Robb

    Two things have remained constant in Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp's 20 years on screen: his taste for quirky, edgy roles and his smoldering good looks. Now in his forties, happily settled in France, and one of the world's most respected actors, Depp would seem to have it all, yet his success is hard won. Johnny Depp: A Modern Rebel describes a complex young man whose troubled childhood and rebellious, drug-infused adolescence did not prepare him for the life of a celebrity heartthrob. Replete with details of his bad-boy antics, romantic romps, and volatile relationships, both on and off the set, the book also provides a serious analysis of Depp's career and the fiercely independent, artistically adventurous roles with which he has chosen to define himself both as an actor and a man. The book also includes information on the actor's recent and forthcoming films.
  • Johnny Depp

    作者:Nick Johnstone

    As a child, Johnny Depp was an outsider. He found expression through music, and by thirteen he was playing in bands at clubs. He had taken every kind of drug there was by the age of fourteen, and had found himself on the wrong side of the law in petty-crime offences. As an adult he turned to acting, but continued to live by his own rules, confounding and delighting critics and fans alike with his choice of roles. He has only played parts that speak to him ? from Edward Scissorhands to Captain Jack, a colorful array of misfits, outsiders and renegades ? and commits only to films that he believes posses value. And now, with the staggering box-office success of Pirates of the Caribbean, he has achieved a formidable position in Hollywood without compromising along the way. This book traces that extraordinary journey from wild-child rebel to Hollywood mogul. Compelling, charismatic and edgy, Johnny Depp has become one of the world's most bankable stars, but more despite his artistic in
  • 约翰尼·德普


    《约翰尼•德普》内容简介:“12岁学会了抽烟,13岁就不再是处男,14岁品尝了大麻的滋味,15岁文身,16岁敢在超市里顺手牵羊……”私人感情生活可谓糜烂,结交美女无数,劳莉•安•阿丽森(第一任妻子)、雪莉•芬(女演员,17岁)、珍妮弗•格蕾(女演员,28岁)、凯特•摩丝(超模,20岁)……却经历了刻骨铭心的爱情——薇诺娜•赖德(女演员,17岁,德普的真爱),并最终向往归隐田园,现任妻子瓦妮莎•帕拉迪斯(超模、演员)为德普生一女一子。 截止2011年7月底,在全球票房突破10亿美元,影史排名前七的电影中,有三部德普主演的作品,分别是排名第四的《加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏》、第六的《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》,以及第七的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。另外《加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头》排名第十,票房也接近10亿美元。 3次奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,7次金球奖最佳男主角提名,2008年,第65届金球奖最佳男主角(《理发师陶德》)获得者;5届人民选择奖“最受欢迎男影星”;2011年,第24届儿童选择奖“最受欢迎电影男演员”;2010年,《福布斯》杂志年度票房最高演员排名第二;《福布斯》好莱坞年度最红明星;全球最权威的电影网IMDB年度明星排名中,德普连续6年荣登最受欢迎演员榜首。2009年,《帝国》杂志“最性感男星”;《福布斯》杂志“最具票房号召力演员之首”;《人物》杂志“全球最性感男人”。
  • 约翰尼•德普传


  • 朗姆酒日记


    本书是亨特•汤普森的处女作,描写了一位有理想的新闻记者,逐渐沉沦、迷失在加勒比海的酒精与闲晃之间,最终带着破碎的美国梦,离开了加勒比,同时留下无尽的遗憾。本书时隔三十年后出版,荣获美国多个图书奖项,同名电影由亨特•汤普森的门徒约翰尼•德普主演,正在欧美热映,是2012年奥斯卡的热门候选影片。 …… 我来到这里,住在豪华旅馆,却坐在看起来像蟑螂,听起来像喷气式飞机的玩具车里,绕过半个城市;偷偷地从后门的小巷中溜走,却肆无忌惮地在沙滩上胡搞;在鲨鱼出现的海中猎捕龙虾,自己却被大批说着外国语言的暴民盯上。 这些事情,发生在西班牙殖民的波多黎各,但这里的人却使用美金,开着美国造的汽车,坐在赌场中玩着轮盘,假装自己来到了卡萨布兰卡。这个城市的某部分,看起来很像美国佛罗里达的观光胜地坦帕市,另一部分又很像是老旧的难民营。每个我看到的人,都好像是刚刚从某个重要的电影试镜会走出来似的。