

  • 记忆的魔术


    本书是当今世界吉尼斯圆周率记忆保持者——吕超博士——和华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院胡谊博士合作撰写的一本关于超强记忆力的图书。 2005年11月20日,吕超博士凭借惊人的毅力,用了24小时零4分,连续无差错地将圆周率背诵到小数点后第67890位,从而成功创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录并保持至今。吕超博士在儿时甚至在读大学之前并没有表现出这种过人的记忆天赋。经过进一步实验室研究,他的确是个普通人,数字类的短时记忆广度在正常人范围内,即在8个组块左右。但运用本书中所述的一些记忆方法后,他就立即展现出过人的记忆能力,主要表现为学习速度快、回忆正确率提高。 本书分5部分,分别介绍了记忆训练的初步知识、记忆训练的心理学基础、魔法记忆的86种道具、超级记忆的10大秘诀,以及超级记忆术在中小学各科学中的运用。
  • 10倍速影像阅读法


    作者是快速学习领域的世界级权威,致力于让学习在短时间内突飞猛进的课程研究,备受各界人士赞誉。 影像阅读法,是一种提高阅读能力的新方法,它的效果令人感到惊异,但方法很简单,就是让潜意识如拍快照一般,只看一眼就把书页内容摄进脑中。它作为一种强大而有效的学习、办公工具,已经被列为美国联邦快递、IBM、苹果电脑、3M等一流大企业员工的进修课程。从这本书中,我们不仅能学到速读的技巧,还能借此开发自己的潜力,充分灵活地运用这种我们天生所具备的能力,让阅读力在短时间内迅速提高。
  • 本领恐慌


    本领恐慌,实际上是一种本领危机。这个危机是一切危机的根源,解决了这个危机,一切危机都不复存在。本书恰恰是重在对“大本大略”的探讨,是运用“整体主义十简化主义”的方法论来克服本领恐慌的一部大书。全书分为四个部分。 第一篇《学习化生存》,重估了人的价值、能人的价值、本领的价值、学习的价值,揭示了与时代同步而必须进行的学习中心的根本转变,并论证了在新时代个人、家庭、企业、国家的根本生存方式。 第二篇《成才大奥秘》,对学习进行了系统思考,超越了《学习的革命》单一层面的变革,论述了“为何学”、“学什么”、“怎么学”三大层面的变革和优化,并以毛泽东为个案进行了具体而深人的剖析。同时,论述了全方位修炼(五类修炼)和多维大和合(八对和合),提出了软本领与硬本领、合本领与自本领、将本领与兵本领等富有原创性的成才理念。 第三篇《成事大本领》,是全书的重点,占全书一半的篇幅。阐明了千千万万的本领中最重要的十大本领,提供了一份人人普遍需要的本领菜单。在十大本领(能力)中,又进一步对六大本领(能力)进行了详细论述,揭示了获取每项本领的主要途径和核心关键。 第四篇《成学大方略》,重在从战略高度来把握“怎么学”,详细地讲述了获取本领的各种基本方略,从总体上指导人们怎样进行本领投资。 全书既富有系统性、原创性,又富有实用性、可读性。所揭示的奥秘既有强有力的学理支撑,又有古往今来的成功人士、大成人士的大量实践的充分印证。
  • 如何掌控自己的时间和生活

    作者:[美] 阿兰·拉金

    《如何掌控自己的时间和生活》讲述了:如何掌控自己的时间和生活“勤奄不一定就有好报,要聪明地工作。”“更多地享受生活,不要过于追求‘井井有条’。”“要少干活,多得结果。”“不会计划就是计划着失败。”拉金告诉我们:如何学会区分那些重要的和不重要的事情,如何停止拖拉立即行动,如何在繁忙的工作生活中创造安静的时间,如何使自己的时间更有效率…… 拉金教会我们:要珍惜生命赋予我们的两件最伟大的礼物——时间,以及如何利用时间的能力。 打开《如何掌控自己的时间和生活》,你的时间和生活将由自己做主!
  • 激活右脑


    “所有人都是为成功而降临到这个世界的,但是有人成功了,有人没有。这只是因为每个人使用自己头脑的方法不同。” 你的大脑在等待着你的训练。现在,右脑开发权威、日本右脑开发第一人儿玉光雄博士开发的6种脑力训练方案,特别针对6种最重要的大脑机能,帮助你激活沉睡的右脑!
  • The Art of Learning

    作者:Josh Waitzkin

    Josh Waitzkin knows what it means to be at the top of his game. A public figure since winning his first National Chess Championship at the age of nine, Waitzkin was catapulted into a media whirlwind as a teenager when his father's book Searching for Bobby Fischer was made into a major motion picture. After dominating the scholastic chess world for ten years, Waitzkin expanded his horizons, taking on the martial art Tai Chi Chuan and ultimately earning the title of World Champion. How was he able to reach the pinnacle of two disciplines that on the surface seem so different? "I've come to realize that what I am best at is not Tai Chi, and it is not chess," he says. "What I am best at is the art of learning." In his riveting new book, The Art of Learning , Waitzkin tells his remarkable story of personal achievement and shares the principles of learning and performance that have propelled him to the top -- twice. With a narrative that combines heart-stopping martial arts wars and tense chess face-offs with life lessons that speak to all of us, The Art of Learning takes readers through Waitzkin's unique journey to excellence. He explains in clear detail how a well-thought-out, principled approach to learning is what separates success from failure. Waitzkin believes that achievement, even at the championship level, is a function of a lifestyle that fuels a creative, resilient growth process. Rather than focusing on climactic wins, Waitzkin reveals the inner workings of his everyday method, from systematically triggering intuitive breakthroughs, to honing techniques into states of remarkable potency, to mastering the art of performance psychology. Through his own example, Waitzkin explains how to embrace defeat and make mistakes work for you. Does your opponent make you angry? Waitzkin describes how to channel emotions into creative fuel. As he explains it, obstacles are not obstacles but challenges to overcome, to spur the growth process by turning weaknesses into strengths. He illustrates the exact routines that he has used in all of his competitions, whether mental or physical, so that you too can achieve your peak performance zone in any competitive or professional circumstance. In stories ranging from his early years taking on chess hustlers as a seven year old in New York City's Washington Square Park, to dealing with the pressures of having a film made about his life, to International Chess Championships in India, Hungary, and Brazil, to gripping battles against powerhouse fighters in Taiwan in the Push Hands World Championships, The Art of Learning encapsulates an extraordinary competitor's life lessons in a page-turning narrative.
  • 怎样解题

    作者:[美] G. 波利亚

    怎样解题:数学思维的新方法,ISBN:9787542843876,作者:(美)波利亚 著;徐泓、冯承天 译
  • 語言本能

    作者:Steven Pinker

    這本《紐約時報書評》評為「令人讚賞、充滿風趣,及無懈可擊的書」,是所有使用語言的人該看的書。 史迪芬.平克是舉世聞名的心理語言學家。在本書裡他強調:語言是大腦先天存在的一個配備,就像蜘蛛天生就會結網一樣;語言學習是語言本能的結果,而不是原因。透過日常生活中的有趣例子,平克探究了有關語言的所有問題:包括語言的運作、計算、改變、演化;嬰兒是如何牙牙學語的;普遍語法的存在證據;洋涇演語言的演變;語言藍圖的主宰性.......。
  • 好妈妈胜过好老师


  • 游戏,让学习成瘾

    作者:卡尔 M.卡普 (Karl M. Kap

  • 学习路径图


    《学习路径图》是一种通过缩短员工达到胜任标准的时间来提高企业利润的方法。每位员工,只要一天没能达到胜任标准,都会消耗企业的资金,并有丢失客户的风险;另一方面还会削减企业士气和增加不必要的耗损。学习路径图是帮助新聘和在任员工以及未来的企业领导人加快学习进度的一个实用的且可评估的方法。它全面深入地综合了50多年来从全美领先企业的内外工作中得来的经验。您将发现《学习路径图》中理论的篇幅较短,它着重介绍了实用的方法、技巧以及策略。 《学习路径图》的所有内容都是围绕针对某一条专业线的特定的学习路径图而展开的。许多年前,我们习惯使用课程、发展计划或一个简单的培训计划,没有用到过学习路径图。然而,仅仅通过设置一系列的培训课程,然后指望员工自动将所学内容应用于工作之中的想法是一厢情愿、不切实际的。 事实上,您常会看到一些员工尽管在培训的测试中取得了高分,却无法将所学知识用于实际的工作中。 传统而言,对于培训的评估以及将培训与工作绩效紧密相连总是非常困难的。一些人总倾向于将工作中的进步归功于其他因素。我们发现通过学习路径图可以轻松地评估成果,同时,它把彼此孤立的培训课程有机地连接在一起,由此展示出培训课程的收益。 在《学习路径图》中,我们将详述学习路径图的方法,包括如何进行评估、实施和展示基本成果。虽然《学习路径图》介绍的是GE(通用)的1.0版方法论,但我们会试图展示学习路径图在常见专业线中的应用。在此书中,我们加入了许多来自客服呼叫中心、交易中心、客户服务部、内外销售部以及生产部门的例子。另外,学习路径图也同样适用于其他商业环境和企业的各部门中。它们还能被快速应用于一些需要认证资质或是必须继续进修的职位。 学习路径图的另一个关键作用在于能够最大限度地节省培训经费。我们已经使用由于学习路径图而节省下来的培训经费来开发和资助了其他的一些培训项目。 我们感到,即使是最有主观经验的培训专家和企业领导,也很乐意采用和实施学习路径图,并取得了立竿见影的成效。 点击链接进入英文版: Learning Paths: Increase Profits by Reducing the Time It Takes Employees to Get Up-To-Speed [With CDROM]
  • Free to Learn

    作者:Gray, Peter

    What is it with kids these days? They can't sit still - but obesity is on the rise. Their days are filled with activity - but more often than not, they're bored and restless. Childhood should be a time of unbridled joy, play, and learning. Instead, we have pushed our children into an abnormal environment, where they are expected to spend the greater part of their day under adult direction, sitting at desks and taking tests. We call this imprisonment schooling. What free time they have we fill with supervised instruction: team sports, tutoring, homework. As a result, we are heading toward an unprecedented crisis, with skyrocketing rates of childhood anxiety, depression, and suicide. As developmental psychologist Peter Gray explains, children come into this world burning to learn, but the enduring lesson of school is that learning is work, to be avoided when possible. In "Free to Learn", Gray shows that we can reverse the harmful effects of modern schooling and promote learning, self-reliance, and curiosity in our kids by returning to our hunter-gatherer roots. School is an artificial construct, a relatively recent invention in our evolutionary history which arose with the development of agriculture. But as Gray points out, children's minds and their natural instincts to learn were shaped when humans were living as hunter-gatherers. In hunter-gatherer societies children were left to play freely - and over time they absorbed the practical skills they needed to survive by watching their elders, and developed social skills by having to negotiate with other children while playing. The counter-cultural movement known as "unschooling" is growing as more and more parents and teachers are coming to realize that anxiety and competition in the classroom inhibit learning; rather, self-chosen and self-directed play are what engage the mind as effective learning tools. As Gray argues, education and learning should call upon the core aspects of our human nature - curiosity, playfulness, and sociability - instead of inhibiting them. A brave, counterintuitive proposal for freeing our children from the shackles of the curiosity-killing institution we call school, "Free to Learn" shows that it's time to stop asking what's wrong with our children, and start asking what's wrong with the system.
  • The Mind Map Book

    作者:Tony Buzan,Barry Buz

  • 魔术记忆


  • 右脑与创造


    《右脑与创造》多侧面地论述了右脑与创造的关系,并对教育上的“右脑革命”作了系统阐述。书中引用了"裂脑人"、"半脑人"及多种脑损伤患者生动具体的实验材料;对做梦、梦呓、口吃、左撇子、男女差异、运动员心理训练等现实问题,作出饶有兴味的分析与探讨;对人脑与计算机的关系提出了独到见解。 《右脑与创造》内容有益于改进当今教育状况,也有益于个人改善行为、扩展心智、开发创造潜力。《右脑与创造》可供心理学、教育学、神经科学、医学及体育、文艺、哲学等领域的科研、教学作者参考,同时也是一切关心自身创造力开发的广大读者的理想读物。
  • 基于脑的学习


  • U型理论


  • Notebooks of the Mind

    作者:Vera John-Steiner

    How do creative people think? Do great works of the imagination originate in words or in images? Is there a rational explanation for the sudden appearance of geniuses like Mozart or Einstein? Such questions have fascinated people for centuries; only in recent years, however, has cognitive psychology been able to provide some clues to the mysterious process of creativity. In this revised edition of Notebooks of the Mind, Vera John-Steiner combines imaginative insight with scientific precision to produce a startling account of the human mind working at its highest potential. To approach her subject John-Steiner goes directly to the source, assembling the thoughts of "experienced thinkers"--artists, philosophers, writers, and scientists able to reflect on their own imaginative patterns. More than fifty interviews (with figures ranging from Jessica Mitford to Aaron Copland), along with excerpts from the diaries, letters, and autobiographies of such gifted giants as Leo Tolstoy, Marie Curie, and Diego Rivera, among others, provide illuminating insights into creative activity. We read, for example, of Darwin's preoccupation with the image of nature as a branched tree while working on his concept of evolution. Mozart testifies to the vital influence on his mature art of the wondrous "bag of memories" he retained from childhood. Anais Nin describes her sense of words as oppressive, explaining how imagistic free association freed her as a writer. Adding these personal accounts to laboratory studies of thought process, John-Steiner takes a refreshingly holistic approach to the question of creativity. What emerges is an intriguing demonstration of how specific socio-cultural circumstances interact with certain personality traits to encourage the creative mind. Among the topics examined here are the importance of childhood mentor figures; the lengthy apprenticeship of the talented person; and the development of self- expression through highly individualistic languages, whether in images, movement or inner speech. Now, with a new introduction, this award-winning book provides an uniquely broad-based study of the origins, development and fruits of human inspiration.
  • 学习的本质

    作者:[法]安德烈·焦尔当(André Gio

  • 5分钟集中力训练


    《5分钟集中力训练》中的9种记忆训练方法——数字转码记忆训练、扑克牌记忆训练、数字记忆训练、词语记忆训练、默写记忆训练、背诵记忆训练、图像记忆训练、圆周率记忆训练、英语单词记忆训练,就可以开启你的右脑,大大提高你的记忆力。 集中力是记忆力、观察力、想象力、思维能力的准备状态。缺乏集中力,各种智力因素,观察、记忆、想象和思维等将得不到一定的支持而失去控制。通过集中力训练,能够改善脑神经的活动,加强大脑对信息的加工处理速度,使大脑和身体相互协调,从根本上提高集中力。 著名大脑潜能开发专家须崎恭彦,将脑力开发、记忆力、集中力的研究成果结合多年集中力培训的实践经验。针对影响集中力发挥的因素,专门设计了20种简单有效的训练方法,不仅能有效提高集中力、记忆力、观察力、想象力和思维力,还能帮助人消除焦虑情绪,提高自信,高效地完成任务。每天只需5分钟,轻松提高集中力。 右脑的记忆能力是左脑的100万倍!天才们都拥有令人惊叹的右脑能力!右脑的能力是每个人与生俱来的,所有人都能成为记忆天才! 人类上只利用了自己大脑能量的10%,这是因为人们在通常情况下,只对自己的左脑加以利用,但那被称为天才的人,却能熟练使用右脑。那么,人们应该如何开启自己的右脑呢?