學園默示錄 03
一群殭屍(它們)突然席捲了整個校園,被咬到的人也會變成殭屍襲擊其他的人,孝等人從中脫逃,並拯救了一個小女孩,撐過第一個夜晚。一行人為了確認雙親是否平安而開始行動。但是正前往高城家的孝等人面前,卻出現了不計其數的「它們」!!就在這個無路可逃的狀態下,出面救了他們的是……? -
學園默示錄 01
漫畫:佐藤ショウジ 原作:佐藤大輔 〈這些怪物〉會吃人。被咬的人一定會死亡,並且化為〈這些怪物〉的一分子而復活!除了攻擊頭部以外,沒有任何打倒〈這些怪物〉的方法!曾經平靜安寧的校園,因為〈這些怪物〉而化為地獄。孝、麗,和永三個人,能從〈這些怪物〉引發的死亡連鎖中逃脫嗎!? -
请叫我英雄 Vol.5
只要爬上高海拔的地方,就会因为空气稀薄、气温较低而不容易感染ZQN?虽然认为这项传闻不怎么可信,不过英雄和比吕美还是希望待在人多的地方。接着两人结识新伙伴,一同搭车朝富士五合目前进,但比吕美却被咬了? -
《咬时代》由国内知名奇幻团队“九州幻想”倾力打造,以专题形式梳理流行文化中的僵尸热点,图文并茂,包括全民探索、二十四格每秒天堂、现实一种、2012时代记录四个栏目,以严肃理性的态度面对荒诞不经的世界,探讨末日背景下的人性涅槃,彰显科幻现场的独特魅力。 潘海天黑色幽默风作品《死人,起来!向太阳歌唱》刻画的或许不仅是僵尸,还有麻木的现代生活;骆灵左《肉蝴蝶》则讲述了亲人与爱人之间的感情;李多长篇《丧尸围城》情节紧张;马伯庸、科学松鼠会等关于僵尸的科学化表达轻松有趣。 -
Warm Bodies
R is a young man with an existential crisis--he is a zombie. He shuffles through an America destroyed by war, social collapse, and the mindless hunger of his undead comrades, but he craves something more than blood and brains. He can speak just a few grunted syllables, but his inner life is deep, full of wonder and longing. He has no memories, noidentity, and no pulse, but he has dreams. After experiencing a teenage boy's memories while consuming his brain, R makes an unexpected choice that begins a tense, awkward, and stragely sweet relationship with the victim's human girlfriend. Julie is a blast of color in the otherwise dreary and gray landscape that surrounds R. His decision to protect her will transform not only R, but his fellow Dead, and perhaps their whole lifeless world. Scary, funny, and surprisingly poignant, Warm Bodies is about being alive, being dead, and the blurry line in between. -
【内容简介】 R 是一个僵尸。他没有姓名,没有记忆,没有感情冲动,然而他有梦想。在一片城市废墟里,他遇见了一个名叫茱莉的女孩,她温和、热情,就像灰暗画面中一抹亮丽的色彩——这与R以前见过的一切都截然相反。R失去常有的理性,爱上了茱莉。 这是R从未体验过的经历。他不再满足于坟墓里的生活,他想再次呼吸,他想重生。茱莉希望帮助他。然而,他们必须经过一番艰难的斗争才能改变那个灰暗而腐朽的世界…… 【编辑推荐】 《暮光之城》作者 斯蒂芬妮•梅尔 《时间旅行者的妻子》作者奥黛丽•尼芬格 倾情推荐 这是一部飞越“暮光之城”的青春传奇 这是一场令全人类狂欢的爱情盛宴 这是一次铭刻在心灵深处的全新体验 著名导演乔纳森•莱文即将把《温暖躯壳》搬上银幕 http://movie.douban.com/subject/6021916/ 【名人、媒体推荐】 我从未想过我会如此狂热地喜欢一个僵尸。艾萨克•马里昂开创了最令人惊诧的前所未有的浪漫先河,并彻底改变了人们对僵尸的观念。 ——斯蒂芬妮•梅尔 《暮光之城》作者 读《温暖躯壳》就像是享受一次奇特而意外的盛宴。这是一本精彩的小说,文笔优雅,情节动人有趣。读此书就像是在品尝着新鲜的思想。 ——奥黛丽•尼芬格 《时间旅行者的妻子》作者 《温暖躯壳》是一部极为精彩的小说。它是一次迷人的文学幻想,又是一个奇特感人的关于流行文化的寓言。 ——尼克•哈克威 《失去的世界》作者 这是对当代经典神话的一次玄妙演绎。 ——西蒙•佩吉 英国作家、单人喜剧及影视演员 艾萨克•马里昂的笔触非同寻常,从第一页起就吊足了你的胃口,竟然让你如此在乎僵尸的爱情故事,着实不可思议!《温暖躯壳》将带给你非凡的阅读经历。 ——Josh Bazell 《纽约时报》畅销书Beat the Reaper作者 艾萨克•马里昂是一个坦率的作家,他带着悲伤的幽默,在一定范围内有意营造出一种影片艺术。这是一部用心灵演绎的僵尸小说。 ——卫报 尽管讽刺触动了灵感,但不难看出的一点,即我们应该善待那些超越理智且不同于我们的人,即使他们想要吃掉我们。《暮光之城》的制片人正在酝酿这个电影,然而,这并不会阻止这本书的成功。 ——金融时报 我们都知道,罗密欧和朱丽叶离开我们已经很久了。老师们说过,他们都是莎士比亚创造出的。那么,设想一下,如果他们仍然在地球上行走,吃人为生,好像僵尸一样,那将如何?让我们从本书中寻找答案吧。僵尸小说,从来不会让我们失望! ——Sugar Book Club -
末日将近,僵尸横行 是选择生存还是自甘毁灭? 这绝不是一个幻想或者玩笑 这是一本关键时刻的救命书! 世界僵尸教教主呕心沥血之作,畅销十年,风靡全球! 僵尸迷没有理由不读、不买、不供奉的僵尸圣经! 千万僵丝,吐血力荐: 当一切发生,你会庆幸读过此书! ----------------------------------------------------------------- 媒体推荐 “这是最让人坐立不安的一本书……写得很聪明,充满重口味的病态情趣,但又让人不得不信服”。 ——《矢量》(Vector) “开始读的时候抱着找乐子的心态,但是读到第50页就想跑出去买把大砍刀防身!” ——《纽约邮报》(New York post) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 也许你正在回家的路上走着,几个僵尸就已经隐藏在路边拐角伺机而动。这并不是只有在电影和游戏中才会出现的场景,而是已经在人类历史上发生过无数次的僵尸灾难。它们是感染了索拉难病毒的僵尸,它们以猎杀活人为食。它们行走在人类生活的大地上,吞噬着我们的血肉之躯。 当这一切发生的时候,我们该如何应对?本书作者经过多年的潜心研究,探讨了这些事关个人生死存亡的关键问题: ● 僵尸是怎么来的? ● 选用何种武器对付僵尸? ● 怎样在家里和公共场所做好防御? ● 如何制定逃生计划? ● 使用哪种交通工具? ● 该怎样主动出击? ● 历史上发生过哪些僵尸袭击事件? 本书是一本如何在僵尸横行的世界中求生存的完全指南,请不要试图将本书的任何章节视为假想,每一丁点的知识都是通过艰难胜利的探索和经验来积累的。所有的研究成果均建立在诸如历史记录、现场勘查、实验室实验和目击者记录等内容的基础上。此书将大大增加人们在遭遇僵尸时的生存几率。 -
World War Z
“The end was near.” —Voices from the Zombie War The Zombie War came unthinkably close to eradicating humanity. Max Brooks, driven by the urgency of preserving the acid-etched first-hand experiences of the survivors from those apocalyptic years, traveled across the United States of America and throughout the world, from decimated cities that once teemed with upwards of thirty million souls to the most remote and inhospitable areas of the planet. He recorded the testimony of men, women, and sometimes children who came face-to-face with the living, or at least the undead, hell of that dreadful time. World War Z is the result. Never before have we had access to a document that so powerfully conveys the depth of fear and horror, and also the ineradicable spirit of resistance, that gripped human society through the plague years. Ranging from the now infamous village of New Dachang in the United Federation of China, where the epidemiological trail began with the twelve-year-old Patient Zero, to the unnamed northern forests where untold numbers sought a terrible and temporary refuge in the cold, to the United States of Southern Africa, where the Redeker Plan provided hope for humanity at an unspeakable price, to the west-of-the-Rockies redoubt where the North American tide finally started to turn, this invaluable chronicle reflects the full scope and duration of the Zombie War. Most of all, the book captures with haunting immediacy the human dimension of this epochal event. Facing the often raw and vivid nature of these personal accounts requires a degree of courage on the part of the reader, but the effort is invaluable because, as Mr. Brooks says in his introduction, “By excluding the human factor, aren’t we risking the kind of personal detachment from history that may, heaven forbid, lead us one day to repeat it? And in the end, isn’t the human factor the only true difference between us and the enemy we now refer to as ‘the living dead’?” Note: Some of the numerical and factual material contained in this edition was previously published under the auspices of the United Nations Postwar Commission. Eyewitness reports from the first truly global war “I found ‘Patient Zero’ behind the locked door of an abandoned apartment across town. . . . His wrists and feet were bound with plastic packing twine. Although he’d rubbed off the skin around his bonds, there was no blood. There was also no blood on his other wounds. . . . He was writhing like an animal; a gag muffled his growls. At first the villagers tried to hold me back. They warned me not to touch him, that he was ‘cursed.’ I shrugged them off and reached for my mask and gloves. The boy’s skin was . . . cold and gray . . . I could find neither his heartbeat nor his pulse.” —Dr. Kwang Jingshu, Greater Chongqing, United Federation of China “‘Shock and Awe’? Perfect name. . . . But what if the enemy can’t be shocked and awed? Not just won’t, but biologically can’t! That’s what happened that day outside New York City, that’s the failure that almost lost us the whole damn war. The fact that we couldn’t shock and awe Zack boomeranged right back in our faces and actually allowed Zack to shock and awe us! They’re not afraid! No matter what we do, no matter how many we kill, they will never, ever be afraid!” —Todd Wainio, former U.S. Army infantryman and veteran of the Battle of Yonkers “Two hundred million zombies. Who can even visualize that type of number, let alone combat it? . . . For the first time in history, we faced an enemy that was actively waging total war. They had no limits of endurance. They would never negotiate, never surrender. They would fight until the very end because, unlike us, every single one of them, every second of every day, was devoted to consuming all life on Earth.” —General Travis D’Ambrosia, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友