

  • 福尔摩斯先生收2


    《福尔摩斯先生收Ⅱ》是一部充满悬念的文学作品。职场、情场两失利的律师雷吉因《太阳报》的恶意炒作陷入了前所未有的人生低谷,年轻睿智、美貌惊人的初级律师达拉拯救了他——她为门前冷落车马稀的雷吉带来了一个客户,协助他完美地打赢了官司,并且通过巧妙的暗示,让雷吉以为她爱上了自己。就在雷吉认为自己的人生开始转折、前景似乎又光明起来的时候,更大的麻烦却接踵而来:雷吉的客户进行了第二次谋杀,因为包庇罪犯,雷吉在法律界变成了一个声名狼藉的人;客户的离奇死亡,更使雷吉因涉嫌谋杀客户而被捕……而这一切,似乎都源于一封写给福尔摩斯先生的信。那封信是谁写的?写信人的目的又是什么呢? 海报:
  • Sherlock

    作者:Arthur Conan Doyle

    The hit BBC series Sherlock, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, offers a fresh, contemporary take on the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories, and has helped introduce a whole new generation of fans to the legendary detective. In this TV tie-in edition to the classic novel, Sherlock and Dr Watson receive a visit from Mary Morsten, who offers up a particularly cryptic puzzle for them to solve. Her father went missing six years ago and since then she has received a pearl for every year he has not re-appeared. Now, the treasure's sender has requested a meeting and she would like Sherlock and Watson to accompany her. Finding the mystery benefactor is only the start of this adventure, that puts Sherlock and Watson hot on the trail of cold-blooded killers and thieves, and a lost Indian fortune.
  • 福尔摩斯探案集1


    《福尔摩斯探案集1:血字的研究 四签名》内容简介:《福尔摩斯探案全集》(Adventure of Sherlock Holmes)共有四部长篇及56个短篇:第一部长篇《血字的研究》完成于1886年,隔年与其它作品合集出版于《比顿圣诞年刊》。作为一个小说家,柯南道尔认识到他的主人翁必须有一个陪衬人物出现。就这样,《血字的研究》便以华生医生的回忆形式来进行描写,为今后许多侧面的评论埋下伏笔。
  • 神探福尔摩斯(全四册)


    这是福尔摩斯很老的一个版本了,我在小学时候买的,一直珍藏着,现在发现已经无法在网络上找到其封面,有点遗憾。小时候一口气读完了四本,那种阅读能力让我至今怀念。 这套书是根据英国企鹅版《歇洛克·福尔摩斯探案全集》(Complete Sherlock Holmes)翻译。在忠实于原著的基础上,译者力求做到通俗易懂,符合中国读者的口味。在翻译过程中,参考了群众出版社1980年译本。 以上是书本前言里的话,我觉得很实在很真实,以我那种小学的水平都能读懂并读得津津有味,那就真是不易了,这样的好书值得我们收藏。
  • 神探夏洛克


    本书是BBC热播剧福尔摩斯的终极官方指南。 主要讲述了这部剧作的创作过程,以及在拍摄过程的种种。剧组出这本书是为了更加立体地塑造人物,而不仅仅是为了满足粉丝一探剧中内幕的愿望。他们要做的是继续讲述这个故事,讲述这两个非比寻常的人,让粉丝们自己从剧组提供的信息中去感受这个 奇迹。 这本Casebook并不仅仅是一本“《神探夏洛克》大揭秘”,它重点更在于对剧集内容进行延伸,伴以对主创、故事背景、原著相关信息等内容的介绍。 本书质量非常好,从内容上讲,有大量的剧照、图片,文字上既讲述了这部剧的由来及制作过程,还深入分析了前两季内容,极大地满足了粉丝的好奇心。每一个小细节都有提及,甚至一些粉丝没有注意到的细节也提出来了,绝对是很好的收藏品。 书中有两人以小纸条的形式进行的有趣又暧昧的对话,还有各种在剧中没有表现的媒体报道等等。就好像华生真的编写了这本书一样,真实感很强! 从制作上来讲,本书忠实还原英文版版式,原版复刻,除了汉化了文字之外,一切尊重原书!全书用铜版纸四色印刷,硬精装,值得收藏。
  • Sherlock

    作者:Guy Adams

  • 镜子外的福尔摩斯


    当我揣摩福尔摩斯这个错综复杂的角色时,偶尔会觉得自己是在轻轻地弯曲一根柳条,却从不真正折断它。 ——杰里米•布莱特 在许多人眼中,他是福尔摩斯的化身。 他在格兰纳达的剧集里扮演了整整十年的福尔摩斯,共出演四十一部剧集和电视电影,直到去世。 他是史上最成功的福尔摩斯扮演者,极其忠于原著,又带着危险的锋芒。 福尔摩斯不仅是他最著名的角色,也成为他的一部分,令他着迷、深陷、恐慌、挣扎;有时合二为一,有时避之不及。福尔摩斯构成了他整个后半生。
  • Sherlock Holmes

    作者:Arthur Conan Doyle

    Volume II begins with The Hound of the Baskervilles, a haunting novel of murder on eerie Grimpen Moor, which has rightly earned its reputation as the finest murder mystery ever written. The Valley of Fear matches Holmes against his archenemy, the master of imaginative crime, Professor Moriarty. In addition, the loyal Dr. Watson has faithfully recorded Holmes’s feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as the thrilling The Adventure of the Red Circle, Holmes’s tragic and fortunately premature farewell in The Final Problem, and the twelve baffling adventures from The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes.
  • Sherlock Holmes

    作者:Sir Arthur Conan Doy

    Since his first appearance in Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes has been one of the most beloved fictional characters ever created.Now, in two paperback volumes, Bantam Classics presents all fifty-six short stories and four novels featuring Conan Doyle's classic hero--a truly complete collection of Sherlock Holmes's adventures in crime! Volume I includes the early novel A Study in Scarlet, which introduced the eccentric genius of Sherlock Holmes to the world. This baffling murder mystery, with the cryptic word Rache written in blood, first brought Holmes together with Dr. John Watson. Next, The Sign of Four presents Holmes's famous "seven percent solution" and the strange puzzle of Mary Morstan in the quintessential locked-room mystery. Also included are Holmes's feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as the chilling "The Adventure of the Speckled Band," the baffling riddle of "The Musgrave Ritual," and the ingeniously plotted "The Five Orange Pips," tales that bring to life a Victorian England of horse-drawn cabs, fogs, and the famous lodgings at 221B Baker Street, where Sherlock Holmes earned his undisputed reputation as the greatest fictional detective of all time.