

  • 时尚与广告


  • The Fourth Sex

    作者:Bonami, Francesco (E

    Omnivorous and indefatigable, suggestible but independent, adolescents don't want to be balanced. They love extremes of everything from fashion and art to music and the Internet. Observed and studied by experts of all kinds, their behavior monitored by psychologists, educators, and marketing executives, adolescents represent a decisive and increasingly valuable segment of the buying public. They adore and consume trendy clothes and brand-new bands; they must be cool regardless of the cost. And adults turn to them more and more for clues on how to remain forever young and hip. The Fourth Sex turns a critical, illustrated spotlight on adolescence, a territory of transition crisscrossed by the most varied creative energies. A series of iconographic materials begins in the 1960s and moves up to the present, revealing clothes, behavior patterns, novels, and visual artworks created or inspired by the transnational tribe that are teenagers. Excerpted authors include David Foster Wallace, Arata Isozaki, Philip Roth, William Golding, J.G. Ballard, Beavis & Butthead, Jim Carroll, Stephen King, Vladimir Nabokov, Douglas Coupland, Dick Hebdige, Bret Easton Ellis, and Dave Eggers. Represented artists include Vanessa Beecroft, Raymond Pettibon, Mike Kelley, Elizabeth Peyton, Karen Kilimnik, Charles Ray, Takashi Murakami, Larry Clark, Rineke Dijkstra, Paul McCarthy, Richard Prince, Gilbert & George, Gavin Turk, and Richard Billingham. And modeled fashion and lifestyle designers include Malcolm MacLaren, Paco Rabanne, Benetton, Veronique Branquinho, Comme des Garçons, Stüssy, Coca-Cola, PlayStation, Diesel, Katherine Hamnett, and David Sims. The book's shifting, politically incorrect graphic style gives form and color to all the contradictions and ambiguities of an unhappy age that we never cease to remember with nostalgia and the occasional twinge of pain. Published in association with Fondazione Pitti Immagine Discovery. The young always have the same problem--how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. --Quentin Crisp The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires. --Dorothy ParkerToo many of today's children have straight teeth and crooked morals. --Unknown high school principal Adolescence is just one big walking pimple. --Carol Burnett
  • Pictures

    作者:Tim Walker

    This book offers us a privileged glimpse into the artistic process used by top fashion photographer Tim Walker. This comprehensive overview of his work brings us deep inside his glamorous world of adventure. Featuring a wide array of sketches, contacts and Polaroidse share in source materials normally hidden within the photographer's studio. The evocative images are rich with textured nuance and intriguing details. Walker gives full rein to his playful side and intersperses collages among the photographs. The over-sized format showcases some of the most imaginative and exuberant art being produced today. Tim Walker's work appears in trend-setting magazines such as Vogue and W. He has also created advertising campaigns for exclusive clients such as Comme des Garcons.
  • 韓國化妝女王Pony’s超正女神妝


    空降韓國彩妝書排行榜第一名,每個女生都該擁有的彩妝聖經! 韓國人氣化妝女王Pony的流行彩妝書,強力回歸第二彈! 韓妞必備光澤裸妝、自然平眉、超飆魅惑眼線、性感紅唇, 打造零破綻的超正韓系女神妝,就是這麼簡單! 手再拙想學都easy! 想學會少女時代Tiffany、潤娥的可愛無辜顏? Brown Eyed Girls小惡魔系性感電眼? 總是畫不好韓妞的妝容,問題不是出在彩妝品而是妳的化妝技巧! 韓國高人氣化妝女王Pony完整傳授,超強獨門化妝術 立即學會超正韓系女神妝,365天都是甘x辛的放電韓妞! 獨門色彩x眼影x風格一次揭露! 大地色的華麗焦糖OL妝 單色調的酷派煙燻明星妝 藍綠色的優雅氣質名媛妝 紫羅蘭的無辜可愛女孩妝 只要拿起手邊的彩妝品,跟著學、照著畫, 零破綻的韓妞完美妝容輕鬆上手,打造光彩奪目的奇蹟。 本書7大特色 特色1:私房保養祕法大公開,立即擁有發光肌 首次獨家公開保養祕訣,任何肌膚類型都能照做的方法,從飲食、基礎保養到按摩手法,不必擔心老化、浮腫,肌膚全天緊緻有彈性! 特色2:光澤清透,打造韓劇女主角般的完美無瑕肌 脫妝、浮粉的老氣妝感OUT,從容易乾燥的春、夏、冬天適用的輕透水感底妝,到秋天的無瑕陶瓷底妝,想立即擁有韓劇女主角的好膚質,產品、手法、道具一併告訴你! 特色3:不必花大錢,運用手邊產品,就幫你搭出電眼妝 你有一大堆眼妝產品,卻不知從何下手?無論你的妝齡有多久,只要運用手邊現有的眼影、眼線,各種顏色、各種款式,教你搭出最諧調的韓系電眼妝! 特色4:7大眼型,打造專屬自己的迷人亮眼 下垂眼、單眼皮、丹鳳眼、泡泡眼…,只要利用一些小技巧,也可以改變眼型,想畫出魅惑煙燻妝、無辜淚眼妝,就掌握在你的手中! 特色5:素人變韓妞,手再拙想學都easy 無論你的手有多拙,化妝技巧有多差,彩妝產品有多少,全書步驟清楚、完全圖解,漂亮妝容保證一學就會! 特色6:4類色彩運用,43個示範妝容,6種獨門畫法,超精彩! 簡易上手的大地色,到難以駕馭的柔和綠色、清涼藍色、迷幻紫色、單一色系,教你變換特殊畫法,搭配季節、地點、時間,無論約會上班都正點! 特色7:隨書附贈DVD才有的4種獨門彩妝技巧,讓你邊聽邊畫! 不同眼型的眼線描繪技巧+眉毛畫法+睫毛夾使用法+睫毛膏小技巧+唇彩表現,只有在DVD裡才能看到的特別彩妝教室,共4回90分鐘,隨書獨家贈送!
  • 風格一身


    提姆.岡恩(Tim Gunn)是旅遊生活頻道熱門實境電視節目「決戰時裝伸展台」(Project Runway)裡的靈魂人物,扮演參賽者的良師益友,經常給予參賽者中肯且一針見血的建議。他總是穿著一襲合身的深色西裝,舉止談吐散發紳士氣質,本身就是高格調、時尚和優雅的樣板。 在這本書中,提姆.岡恩以風趣幽默的筆調,侃侃而談我們該如何穿著打扮、如何整理衣櫥、如何逛街購物、如何搭配、甚至如何重視自己的儀態……,最重要的,如何找出自己的風格,定義它、加強它,塑造自己的「型」,而不是盲從名人或流行的風潮走。 書中不時例舉時尚明星的穿著風格以為說明,讀者如同時而穿梭在眾星雲集的社交場所,時而回頭檢視自身裝扮、房間衣櫥和購物習慣,輕鬆愉快地找出屬於自己的風格和品味。這是一趟豐富有趣的時尚洗禮,也是了解自己、突顯自己特點和優勢的發現之旅和風格指南。 決戰時裝伸展台最新一季(第四季),台灣預計2月26日播出。參賽的十五位新銳設計師個個來頭不小,有龐克教母薇薇安.衛斯伍德(Vivian Westwood)的得意門生,還有瑪丹娜、莎拉.潔西卡.派克愛用的設計師,節目開播前就話題不斷,在美國創下bravo頻道的收視新高。
  • The Cutting Edge

    作者:Louise Mitchell

  • ABC of Men's Fashion

    作者:Hardy Amies

  • Dior

    作者:Marie-France Pochna

    With an ability to blend the outrageous and the elegant, the house of Dior expresses all the magic of fashion. Christian Dior first married the modern and the miraculous by transforming the role of haute couture at a time when it was confined to a privileged minority. A businessman as well as a poet, he made fashion responsible for expressing society s desires and fulfilling the dreams of millions of women. One could say he established the democratic course of fashion. For over fifty years, the name Dior has been synonymous with luxury and taste, and today, it is the genius John Galliano who perpetuates the tradition.
  • 美国时装画技法教程


  • The Little Black Book of Style

    作者:Nina Garcia

    《我的风格小黑皮书》“这是一堂基础课,它讲述风格的意义、内行的告诫,还有怎么避免成为时尚牺牲品。”尼娜•加西亚首度公开她浸淫时装界多年的感悟,以及时尚界殿堂级人物关于风格的一切秘密,让你可以化繁就简,顺利找到适合自己的着装风格。风格向来与规则无关,与金钱无关,尼娜•加西亚用她敏锐的时尚触觉激发和调动你身上与生俱来的潜力,培养你对时装的品味,帮助你树立对自己着装风格的信心,使追求风格成为一种乐趣。此外,在《我的风格小黑皮书》中,全球著名时尚插画家鲁本•托莱多为《我的风格小黑皮书》绘制了几百幅迷人的插图,使《我的风格小黑皮书》更具魅力。 “别做完美而乏味的女人。” Every time you dress, you assert your identity. With style, you tell the world your story. In that way, style affords you opportunities to think about your appearance as a quality of your creative character. The Little Black Book of Style helps you to explore your own fashion voice—the piece of you that joyously revels in the glamorous experience of creating your best self. From cultivating good taste to guarding against definite fashion faux pas, Nina Garcia offers readers the ultimate guide to follow when it comes to dressing their best. Including tips on how and when to wear an outfit, occasion-appropriate wear, advice on how to combine colors and textures, and inspiration on how to achieve your own signature look, you learn how to experiment, storyboard, archive, and play. Timeless and universal, this book seeks to remind women that eternal style is internal style, and that everyone has what it takes to discover themselves through the colorful palette that is fashion. 点击链接进入中文版: 我的风格小黑皮书
  • Tim Gunn

    作者:Tim Gunn,Kate Molone

    There seems to be no one more qualified or equipped to ponder or even, dare I say, dictate 'quality, taste, and style' than Tim." -Sarah Jessica Parker, actor/producer Television has introduced the world to a new fashion authority: Tim Gunn. As Bravo's style mentor and Chair of the Fashion Design Department at Parsons The New School for Design, Tim delivers advice in a frank, witty, and authoritative manner that delights audiences. Now readers can benefit from Tim's considerable fashion wisdom in "Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style," He discusses every aspect of creating and maintaining your personal style: how to dress for various occasions, how to shop (from designer to chain to vintage stores), how to pick a fashion mentor, how to improve your posture, find the perfect fit, and more. He'll challenge every reader-whether a seasoned fashionista or a style neophyte-to "make it work!"
  • Classy

    作者:Derek Blasberg

    If you’ve ever wondered how to climb the social ladder with grace, how to feel confident in every situation, or even how to make a lasting impression (but not the kind that lands you on the latest “Worst Dressed List”)—Derek Blasberg is here, with quotes and secrets from all the socialites so girls everywhere can learn how to have class. This hilarious handbook will provide everything you need to know about fashion, socializing, dating, and etiquette. With tons of practical tips and tools for learning to flaunt what you’ve got, dozens of specific how-tos, common no-nos, and huge blunders that even smart girls make, this tongue-in-cheek book will train you to be a lady, and not a tramp!

    作者:風間ゆみえ,KAZAMA YUMIE

  • T台幕后


  • 顶级模特的基础时尚搭配100points


    《雅致生活chic life》系列丛书是由日本著名邮销公司Felissimo(中文译名芬理希梦)公司策划编辑的。Felissimo来自拉丁语.意思是”最大员高级的幸福’。将为顾客提供’最大最高级的幸福”为企业理念的芬理希梦国际集团.以日本为中心,在纽约、巴黎、香港.北京、上海等世界各地开展的以媒体制作.邮销零售及通信教育为中心的事业活动。
  • The Karl Lagerfeld Diet

    作者:Karl Lagerfeld,Dr. J

    "One fine morning I woke up and decided that I was no longer happy with my physique. Although I was overweight, I had gotten along fine and had no health problems. But I suddenly wanted to dress differently, to wear clothes designed by Hedi Slimane….But these fashions, modeled by very, very slim boys—and not men of my age—required me to lose at least eighty pounds....I did not think that it was possible to lose so much weight in one year....[But] in fact, it took me exactly thirteen months." —Karl Lagerfeld "Karl Lagerfeld’s case is spectacular as it shows how it is possible, through determination and willpower, to return to a harmonious balance even when excess weight is of a long-standing, deeply ingrained nature. I hope that many will be inspired by the example of the slimmed-down, elegant, and indefatigable Karl Lagerfeld to lose either the few pounds they feel should be sacrificed for their happiness or the several dozen pounds that are detrimental to their survival." —Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret The Karl Lagerfeld Diet , developed exclusively for Karl Lagerfeld by Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret, reveals the secret techniques of Lagerfeld’s amazing weight loss regimen. By first addressing the mental and behavioral causes of varying degrees of obesity, this book provides valuable insights and useful tips for preparing the mind and developing the willpower necessary to commit to this diet. It then provides one hundred twenty gourmet recipes devised by Dr. Houdret, which cover breakfast, soups, starters and salads, eggs, seafood and fish, meat, pasta and pizza, vegetables, sauces, and desserts. Topping it off, Lagerfeld provides his personal tips for staying slim, attractive, and fit with additional chapters on skin care procedures, cosmetic treatments and surgery, general medical care, stress management, giving up tobacco, sleep, and exercise. Both an instructional guide and a motivational coach, The Karl Lagerfeld Diet is the ultimate accessory for healthy living.
  • The One Hundred

    作者:Nina Garcia

    作者尼娜•加西亚(Nina Garcia),现任美国版《Elle》时装杂志的时装总监,近年来还在美国国家广播公司(NBC)旗下Bravo电视台热播真人秀节目《天桥骄子》中担任评委。尼娜•加西亚对时装一语中的、鞭辟入里的点评令她名扬四方。书内有百种必备单品的小传、经典搭配的私家心得以及理性血拼的行动秘笈。
  • Parisian Chic

    作者:Ines de la Fressagne

    Celebrity model Inès de la Fressange shares the well-kept secrets of how Parisian women maintain effortless glamour and a timeless allure. Inès de la Fressange—France’s icon of chic—shares her personal tips for living with style and charm, gleaned from decades in the fashion industry. She offers specific pointers on how to dress like a Parisian, including how to mix affordable basics with high-fashion touches, and how to accessorize. Her step-by-step do’s and don’ts are accompanied by fashion photography, and the book is personalized with her charming drawings. Inès also shares how to bring Parisian chic into your home, and how to insert your signature style into any space—even the office. The ultrachic volume is wrapped with a three-quarter-height removable jacket and features offset aquarelle paper and a ribbon page marker. Complete with her favorite addresses for finding the ultimate fashion and decorating items, this is a must-have for any woman who wants to add a touch of Paris to her own style.
  • How to Walk in High Heels

    作者:Camilla Morton

    The bestselling U.K. sensation, hailed as "the most fabulous instruction manual the world has ever seen" by Vogue.com Can you make yourself up in five minutes flat? Make the first move without breaking a sweat? Hang a picture without becoming unhinged? Get out of a car -- or an unpleasant situation -- gracefully in a short skirt? Load an iPod as effortlessly as a dishwasher? If not, international style and fashion journalist Camilla Morton can help you navigate these and more than two hundred other hazards of modern living with grace and aplomb. Much more than just a style manual or crash course in social skills, How to Walk in High Heels also illuminates the finer points of achieving better homes and gardens, tackling technophobia, climbing the career ladder, and joining the jet set. From the practical, such as what to do when a heel breaks and how to catch a mouse, to the imaginative, such as how to enjoy karaoke and swim in sunglasses, How to Walk in High Heels overflows with useful nuggets of advice delivered in the author’s inimitable witty style, accompanied by a foreword from Dior’s John Galliano and a Louis Vuitton trunkful of insight from experts including: -Manolo Blahnik on How to Pick a Shoe -Dolce & Gabbana on How to Get Ready in Five Minutes -Gisele Bundchen on How to Look Good in a Photo -Jade Jagger on How to Compile Your Own Soundtrack This comprehensive do-everything-better bible takes the guesswork out of flaunting your fabulousness so that you can stop teetering and start striding confidently through the obstacle course of life.
  • Fashion Now 2

    作者:Terry Jones

    The iconic British style magazine "i-D" delivers a guide to the world's most important designers. "Fashion Now 2" is illustrated with the very best fashion photography and styling, extracted from the archives of the magazine that celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2008.