http://www.thelovemagazine.co.uk/ -
《风尚笔记:一个世纪的时装插画发展简史》介绍了勒内·格鲁瓦、Erte、安迪·沃霍尔、杰森·布鲁克斯、史蒂芬·斯堤贝尔曼、Tanya Ling等38位插画大师的生平,并展示了300多幅原创插画作品。这些与服装进行对话的大师,带你穿过百年时光,重走时装插画发展之路。 20世纪初,珍·郎万、可可·香奈儿等大师开创了现代服装的先河。如今,这些以大师姓名命名的品牌已经凝结成一种情结。可是,如果没有与时装唇齿相依的时装插画陪其走过百年漫漫长路,最初的霓裳终究只会变为尘埃,尘封历史之中。恰恰是保尔·伊里巴、勒内·格鲁瓦等人,以丹青妙笔,虔诚地记录下了这些衣服最初的美丽,让风尚飞扬,成就百年的光华。 -
作者简介: 安德鲁·塔克,英国圣丁艺术学院讲师,经常为《卫报》等多家报刊写文章。近著有《伦敦时装集),全面描述了英国的服装业。 塔米辛·金斯伟尔,经常为许多报刊撰写关于时尚和服装的文章。现任权威时装杂志《Draper`s Record》的专栏编辑。 《时装~速成读本》介绍服装业的奥秘和魅力。自从远古的人类祖先意识到一件兽皮衣裙能引起邻居洞穴人的注意时,服装便一直在掩盖我们的缺点、满足我们的虚荣心。于是各种新奇服饰、各色的髦人物粉墨登场:尼龙、迷你裙、朋克等时装,Dior、Chanel、Versace等大师,更有暖腿套、三角帽、电视剧《豪门恩怨》等世俗品位。 本书追踪时尚进程中的曲折变化,一册在手即可尽览不同时代的时装表演,使你成为时装专家,不再盲目跟风。 ·探讨时装史上每一个重大发展 ·关键时装款式、杰出创意大师的描述 ·栏目文字到上每一时期的时髦必备 ·大事记让你不会张冠李戴 -
“The Sartorialist”,英文直译过来是“手工裁缝”的意思,如今是全球最红的型人街拍博客。博主司各特·舒曼由此成为全球街拍时尚真正意义上的开创者和大师。“The Sartorialist”被《时代周刊》选为设计界最具影响力的百强之一,一个博客获得如此殊荣,实在是空前绝后的。这个博客每天拥有十万以上的读者,绝对是所有时尚杂志的发行量都望尘莫及的,其影响之大可想而知。 司各特·舒曼坦言:“时尚有关衣服,风格却是身份认同。我从不会因为一件衣服好看而去拍摄,我是被人的魅力与独特吸引。” 司各特·舒曼正式签约Penguin总部,出版他首部街拍时尚大书,用500多页的图片详细记录他数年来作品中的精品,除了精彩的图片之外,还附有舒曼的精彩短评。年度最受关注的时尚出版物。 -
Dr. Martens
Music and pop culture journalist Roach (This Is It: The First Biography of the Strokes) presents a cheeky tribute to a famous shoe in this brash, colorful volume. Roach chronicles how Dr. Martens evolved from the working man's footwear of choice to punk icon supreme, using chatty prose and gritty photos of the shoes and the people who wear them. The current form of the shoe was born in 1960, although German prototypes existed earlier. An unassuming ad in a footwear industry magazine kicked things off, and, as Roach shows, Docs quickly assumed a key position in youth pop culture. Roach's account is humorous and doesn't take itself too seriously; his book is a melange of fashion, music and general cultural history. Although some bits of the book are only tangentially related to Dr. Martens-e.g., Jimi Hendrix's quote about acting crazy or Freddie Mercury's thoughts on rock stardom-everything ties together thematically, making this an interesting analysis of not only an item of clothing but of music subcultures, as well. -
流行界的第一傳奇故事 遠赴巴黎實地取材,結合法國、香港、日本、台灣四地通力合作,集「最華麗」與「最高品質」於一冊的名牌漫畫。 Hermes(愛馬仕)是法國一個擁有一百七千多年歷史的精品老牌,旗下產品的高級程度,甚至在GUCCI、「香奈兒」等眾多名牌之上。 這本書是由日本老牌少女漫畫家竹宮惠子所繪製的一部關於「愛馬仕」的社史。由 19 世紀經營馬具店的「愛馬仕」草創時期,到目前享譽全球的「愛馬仕」精品世界,完整收錄愛馬仕的社史紀錄和 19 世紀的歐洲風情,是喜歡法國古典浪漫氣息的讀者不能錯過的一本絕對珍藏版書籍。 -
我们的身体正陷落在名头繁多的圈子中,看得见的叫做会所、俱乐部,看不见的叫做圈子。漂浮在圈子上的空的气息里面聚集了人的恩与爱,成与败,这样的圈子叫江湖。而这本书是关于一个名利江湖上的行走:为什么要去?如何去?与谁去?谁最有资格?江湖上的风险与光荣…… -
Once luxury was available only to the rarefied and aristocratic world of old money and royalty. It offered a history of tradition, superior quality, and a pampered buying experience. Today, however, luxury is simply a product packaged and sold by multibillion-dollar global corporations focused on growth, visibility, brand awareness, advertising, and, above all, profits. Award-winning journalist Dana Thomas digs deep into the dark side of the luxury industry to uncover all the secrets that Prada, Gucci, and Burberry don?t want us to know. Deluxe is an uncompromising look behind the glossy façade that will enthrall anyone interested in fashion, finance, or culture. -
本书考察了时尚和身体的关系,把关于时尚和衣着的各种文献和身体的社会学联系起来,指出前者忽略了身体,而后者则在研究中把时尚和衣着的问题边缘化了。作者指出要理解时尚和衣着就必须理解在特定文化中身体所被赋予的意味――因为时尚对之说话的是身体并且由身体带到几乎各个社会情境和场合中。在参考道格拉斯、福科、梅洛-庞蒂、戈夫曼和布尔迪厄等人著述的基础上,本书提供了关于身体、时尚和衣着之间的联系的洞见,提出了关于时尚和身体的“情境身体实践”的观点。 -
Tom Ford
From Publishers Weekly This enormous compendium may be Ford's swan song as a designer, as he recently announced that he was quitting fashion to direct movies. But for the last 10 years, as the creative director at Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, he took the brands in fresh directions. This huge, slipcased Festschrift checks in at 11"×14", and covers each of the Gucci years individually, compiling product shots, ads, runway candids, snippets of Ford wisdom ("I think you have to have personality at a brand—otherwise, it's just clothes"), Gucci-sporting celebrities and commercial stills. Vogue's Anna Wintour and Vanity Fair's Graydon Carter contribute a foreword and introduction respectively. The much-covered growth at Gucci and YSL are the real story behind the book, to the point where the press chat credits Ford with "carving out a new industry archetype: the businessman designer." But the 375 color and b&w photos, all culled from existing fashion archives, is more of a look back at how Ford's creations were presented (including year-by-year portraits of the photogenic Ford himself), rather than what led to their creation, how they were actually made or how they fit into the culture at large. As a 10-year time capsule of brand fashioning, the book succeeds perfectly. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Product Description Tom Ford has become one of fashion's great icons. In the past decade, he transformed Gucci from a moribund accessories label into one of the sexiest fashion brands in the world. His designs have increased sales at Gucci tenfold and have helped build the Gucci brand into the luxury goods conglomerate that it is today. Ford brought a hard-edged style synonymous with 21st century glamour to his clothes, and Hollywood sat up and took note. This book is a complete catalogue of Ford's design work for both Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent from 1994 to 2004. It chronicles not only Ford's clothing and accessories designs for both houses, but also explores Ford's grand vision for the complete design of a brand, including architecture, store design, and advertising. Tom Ford features more than 200 photographs by Richard Avedon, Mario Testino, Steven Meisel, Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, Terry Richardson, Craig McDean, Todd Eberle, and numerous other photographers including many previously unpublished images. Published to coincide with his departure from Gucci, this book has been created with Ford's full cooperation and every page reflects his exceptional taste. It is Ford's testament to a career of singular moments reinventing the boundaries of style and sensuality in clothing. -
《时尚的诞生》以通俗漫画的形式,配以妙趣横生的语言,讲述了26位近现代时尚史上最具代表性的伟大设计师与他们品牌的传奇故事,包括他们拥有怎样的天赋与热情,以及经历了怎样的过程才得以垂名史册。全书以各个品牌诞生的年代为序进行编排,便于读者在阅读故事的同时了解过去100年间整个现代时尚史的潮流变迁。同时,读者可以通过精美的插画饱览各个时期的经典时尚设计。另外,《时尚的诞生》还在附录中简单介绍了其他对时尚史有过贡献和至今仍活跃在时尚界的设计师,便于读者查阅了解。随书附赠16张时尚卡片! 海报: -
在《我的100件时尚单品》中,作者运用自己成熟的时尚智慧和坚定的时尚哲学,回答了一个她最常被问到的问题:哪些才是时尚界最经久不衰的实用型单品? 《我的100件时尚单品》对这个问题进行了详尽的解答。不仅如此,作者甚至不厌其烦地绘制了一张囊括了全球风尚品牌及潮流店铺的购物地图,方便爱美女性安排购物旅行,或者是整理她们也许还不够完美的衣橱装备。 作者在《我的100件时尚单品》中一一历数了她认为历经时尚风云变换仍旧充满魅力的100件时尚单品,值得每一位希望打造自己独有气质的女性细心品读。值得一提的是,全球著名时尚插画家鲁本•托莱多为《我的100件时尚单品》绘制了多达几百幅迷人的手绘插图。 -
《时尚圣经》内容涵盖时装、妆容、珠宝、明星四大部分,向中国及世界展示一百年来时装艺术的终极美学价值,表现高级时装精神,坚持高雅格调,表现视觉创意。这本精美绝伦的特辑里充满了丰富多元充满想象力的时装视觉巨片,由当今全球最有影响力的时尚摄影大师鼎力打造,将时装的不同风格的美感升华至极致,并引发无限的想象。 从中可以欣赏到诸如Peter Lindbergh、Greg Kadel 、Solve Sundsbo、Patrick Demarchelier等当今世界时装界最著名的天才时尚摄影家,和Gucci-Westman、Andy Koh 、Val Garland等国际级的彩妆大师联袂呈现的美轮美奂的创意画面,更珍贵的是——由现今国际时尚界最有影响力的顶级设计师Valentino、Versace、Karl Lagerfeld、John Galliano等人亲自出镜,甚至掌镜创作的时装大片也被收入其中。其中收录的许多国内外影帝、影后亲身演绎的情景大片也是首次在国内集中展示。 -
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Fashion lovers rejoice! These swank little books showcase Andy' Warhol's inimitable pictures and pronouncements on shoes and style -- and make ideal gifts for serious shoppers everywhere. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes collects a closetful of high heels, loafers, mules, boots, and sandals, including iconic images from Warhol's Pop heyday as well as rarely seen early advertising illustrations. Accompanied throughout by witty quotes -- "I decided that being a shoe salesman is a really sexy job", for example -- these forty drawings, watercolors, and prints demonstrate Warhol's special talent for transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Style, Style, Style offers a cavalcade of forty striking fashion images -- slinky dresses, whimsical period costumes, sprightly scarves, ultrachic bijoux, and more, all drawn from Warhol's archives. Sprinkled throughout with the artist's droll quips and playful epigrams, this stylish minibook conjures up all the decadent pleasures of a shopping spree -- at only a fraction of the cost. -
Vera Wang On Weddings
What bride doesn't dream of walking down the aisle in a gown by Vera Wang, the world's most sought after bridal designer? Vera Wang, who single-handedly revolutionised the bridal industry with her chic, sophisticated, stylish designs, shares her vision and ideas on every aspect of this special day in a lavish volume produced with Callaway Editions, Ltd. The world's most successful bridal gown designer shares her vision for this most important event--the wedding. Rather than a soup-to-nuts approach with endless lists of what to do, Vera Wang details each aspect of the wedding with her thoughts and ideas, culled from years of experience in the wedding business. From budgets and bouquets to cake and communication, Vera imparts her wisdom and advice. All the traditional parts of planning a wedding - invitations, registries, and music--are included, but what sets this book apart from all the others are the little things she pays attention to. The First Dance, The Bride Who Wears Glasses, Fittings (and weight fluctuations!), The Garter ("Do I Have to Do That?") A wedding book by Vera Wang wouldn't be complete without detail on the bride's gown. She explains how to select the right neckline, construction, length, bodice, and waistline for each bride's figure. What fabrics are appropriate for certain times of day. How to choose among a veil, headband, flower blossoms or bows for a headpiece. All of this is accompanied by hundreds of photographs that illustrate Vera's vision. Vera offers advice on every aspect of this important day. There are 75 essays on gowns, on veils, on waistlines, on choosing a short or long dress, on dressing the bridal party, on rings, on bouquets, on love, and more, with hundreds of glorious photographs.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友