该书把读者引入了语言科学的源泉。语言科学处在心理学、社会学和历史学的十字路口,这门学科还有太多人没有对它产生足够的兴趣。语言产生于生活,产生以后又不断收到生活的哺育。但是产生于生活、担负着全部表情感任务的语言,还能容许思想作巨大的飞跃。 -
编辑推荐:本书理论思考让位于具体事实。在一个逐步明确的主题下,讨论分三个阶段展开。第一部分(上篇)首先介绍当前对语言行为的研究的几个主要方向。第二部分(中篇)谈谈语言学对了解人类有哪些重要贡献。第三部分(下编)阐明可在此基础上建立的有关人和社会的语言学理论。通贯全书的是一个含有互动意义的概念:对话。它是整个撰写过程的依归,并引导讨论的展开。本书有一个明确的目标:揭示语言学在“什么是人”这个课题上能 -
Cook and Newson have written an extremely clear and highly comprehensible introduction to current syntactic theory. This text makes accessible many subtleties of linguistic argumentation, and explains in plain Eenglish the reasoning involved. The second edition greatly improves on the first edition, both in depth and scope, with much new material added and many confusing points clarified. The chapter on the “Minimalist Programme” is the most lucid explication of Chomsky's reccnt writings that I am aware of,Steven Franks, Indiana University . Chomsky's Universal Crammar introduces both the general concepts of the theory particularly its goals of describing the knowledge of language and of accounting for how it is acquired, and the main areas of syntax such as X-bar theory, movement and government. Like the first edition, it puts the technicalities of the theory in the context of its wider ideas in a manner that makes them accessible to the student. The new edition is based on the current model of syntax that is most widely accepted, incorporating Barriers syntax, functional categories, and Relativized Minimality, and their implications for language acquisition. Further, it provides a sketch of the model in the process of development, the Minimalist Programme, with its attempt to reduce the theory to the minimal essentials. -
Logic, Language, and Meaning, Volume 1
Although the two volumes of "Logic, Language, and Meaning" can be used independently of one another, together they provide a comprehensive overview of modern logic as it is used as a tool in the analysis of natural language. Both volumes provide exercises and their solutions. Volume 1, "Introduction to Logic," begins with a historical overview and then offers a thorough introduction to standard propositional and first-order predicate logic. It provides both a syntactic and a semantic approach to inference and validity, and discusses their relationship. Although language and meaning receive special attention, this introduction is also accessible to those with a more general interest in logic. In addition, the volume contains a survey of such topics as definite descriptions, restricted quantification, second-order logic, and many-valued logic. The pragmatic approach to non-truthconditional and conventional implicatures are also discussed. Finally, the relation between logic and formal syntax is treated, and the notions of rewrite rule, automation, grammatical complexity, and language hierarchy are explained. -
《语言哲学:在现代西方语言学的背后》从语言学和哲学角度来论述语言学的理论基础,将两者紧密结合起来,不仅符合当今跨学科研究的发展趋势,有助于加强语言学界和哲学界的紧密合作,而且有利于加深语言学学习者对语言学理论的认识。全书脉络清晰,语言简洁流畅,论述深入浅出,对大学教师和在读学生都有重要的指导意义。 -
《语言学中的逻辑》是一本专为语言学家而编写的逻辑学教材,涉及经典的命题逻辑和谓词逻辑、模态逻辑、内涵逻辑和范畴语法,还涉及自然语言的逻辑分析方法、自然推理系统、语用分析方法等逻辑方法,最后一章讨论了语言逻辑和语言哲学的重要理论问题。语言学家想要了解语言分析所使用的逻辑理论和方法,有此一卷足矣! 《语言学中的逻辑》的特色是将现代逻辑的理论和方法应用于对自然语言的分析,包括句法分析、语义分析和语用分析。各章后面附有练习,全书后面附有练习答案。 《语言学中的逻辑》是一部长销不衰的经典教材,出版以来重印达11次之多,并有芬兰语、德语、西班牙语、瑞典语、日语等多种语言版本。 《语言学中的逻辑》适合于语言学和逻辑学及其相关专业的教师和学生以及其他关注语言学和逻辑学的读者使用,是语言学和逻辑学的非常值得推荐的一本优秀的入门教材。 -
The Meaning of Meaning
Language is the most important of all the instruments of civilization. This is the premise of a work whose significance to the study of language, literature, and philosophy has remained undiminished since its original publication in 1923. New Introduction by Umberto Eco; Indices. -
The body in the mind
"There are books--few and far between--which carefully, delightfully, and genuinely turn your head inside out. This is one of them. It ranges over some central issues in Western philosophy and begins the long overdue job of giving us a radically new account of meaning, rationality, and objectivity."--Yaakov Garb, San Francisco Chronicle -
本书是乔姆斯基与加拿大麦吉尔大学哲学教授詹姆斯的对话录。诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)是我们这个时代最具影响力的思想家之一,可他的观点却常遭误解。在这个此前未曾发表过的访谈系列中,乔姆斯基挑战传统,对其有关语言、人类本质以及政治的重要思想做了深入探讨。乔姆斯基论及众多话题——人类语言的设计和功能、语言演化、表征论、人的概念本质、普通语法的最优性和完美性、人类本质、进化心理学、道德、认识论、人类理解的生物限度等问题。麦克吉尔弗雷教授广博的评论则可以方便不同类型的读者理解这个内容深刻的系列访谈。本书对语言和心智研究者,对任何想了解乔姆斯基思想的人而言,都是重要读物。 -
《论意义:符号学论文集(上下)》分四部分,包括了关于语言的思考、语义结构、结构与历史、叙述语法的成分、叙事的行动元机构、结构语言学与诗学等。《论意义:符号学论文集(上下)》由A.J.格雷马斯(Algirdas Julien Greimas)所著。 -
《结构语义学》系作者在法国亨利·普安卡雷学院讲授“结构语义学”的讲稿,1966年初版,成为法国百年来第一部语义学专著。此书提出了一系列符号学方法论新概念,建立了文本的叙事和话语研究,被视为符号学法国学派奠作,也一直是语义研究者的重要参考著作。 -
当然,无论是把语言主看作思想本身,还是把语言理解为存在的最后家园,这些都是对语言性质的全新认识,与传统哲学以及传统思维方式对语言的理解有了很大不同。如果仅仅从经验的层面以观察,语言的工具性质似乎占据了主导地位,然而,只要我们稍微进一步分析一下就会发现,我们所观察到的语言活动不仅仅是在表达或传递某种其他的东西,它们本身其实就是人类的一种活动,是一种经过社会化改造的本能的活动。这正是钱冠连先生在这本著作中着重阐发的主要思想:“人活在语言中,人不得不活在语言中,人活在程式性的语言行为中。” “钱冠连把思考的智慧种子播撒在中国这片肥沃的土壤里,催生出累累果实。他在消化国外语言哲学和语用学理论之后,路子走得更远,不忘建立自己的学说。他总是力图说出一些前人没有说过的话,书中妙语连珠,要言不烦。……书里采用的民间语篇例证,实实在在,分析在理,让人耳目一新,为我国的学界带来一股浓郁的民间乡土气息,令人想到什么是放眼世界,立足国内。” 在西方哲学中,钱先生乎受海德格尔的影响最深,这一部著作,就是从“语言是存在的家园”一语开始。不过,钱先生并不自限于诠释海德格尔的思想,更不是昭搬海德格尔的文句,而是有自己的心得和推进。绪论中的一段话扼要体现了这一点:“在海德格尔心中,栖居在语言所筑的家中的看家人是思考者与诗人。而本书命题却指出:以语言为最后的家园者,是每一个普通人,是行为中的人,是语言行为中的人,是程式性语言行为中的人。” -
The Chomsky-Foucault Debate
Two of the twentieth century's most influential thinkers debate a perennial question. In 1971, at the height of the Vietnam War and at a time of great political and social instability, two of the world's leading intellectuals, Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault, were invited by Dutch philosopher Fons Edlers to debate an age-old question: is there such a thing as "innate" human nature independent of our experiences and external influences? The resulting dialogue is one of the most original, provocative, and spontaneous exchanges to have occurred between contemporary philosophers, and above all serves as a concise introduction to their basic theories. What begins as a philosophical argument rooted in linguistics (Chomsky) and the theory of knowledge (Foucault), soon evolves into a broader discussion encompassing a wide range of topics, from science, history, and behaviorism to creativity, freedom, and the struggle for justice in the realm of politics. In addition to the debate itself, this volume features a newly written introduction by noted Foucault scholar John Rajchman and includes additional text by Noam Chomsky. -
本书是作者的一项重要研究通俗、简要的叙说。 本书分为三部分内容。第一部分叙述最普遍的问题,其中有和我们的“语言与心智”这个主题联系的历史文化问题。这部分简单叙述了各种不同观点,并对概念下了基本定义。第二部分用具体例子说明俄罗斯“心智图景”形成的历史条件,在词语的历史中如何被反映出来。第三部分使我们回到现实,通过任选的现代言语的行为变化,说明丰富我们潜意识的俄语的心智发展方向。 -
《奥斯汀:语言现象学与哲学》主要内容包括“语言现象学”作为一种哲学方法、语言和世界、语言与行为、语言探究和知觉问题、语言探究和真理问题、语言探究和知识问题、语言探究和伦理问题、奥斯汀哲学的影响及其研究价值等。 -
《语言的逻辑句法》,本书作者卡尔纳普哲学思想的发展,一般说来,有语义、句法、语用三个阶段。在句法这个阶段,他强调把哲学变成科学语言的元语言——即句法。旨在把科学研究的内容与科学的语言形式分别开来。他认为,内容或对象属于具体的自然科学范围,与哲学无关。 -
Metaphors We Live By
People use metaphors every time they speak. Some of those metaphors are literary - devices for making thoughts more vivid or entertaining. But most are much more basic than that - they're "metaphors we live by", metaphors we use without even realizing we're using them. In this book, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson suggest that these basic metaphors not only affect the way we communicate ideas, but actually structure our perceptions and understandings from the beginning. Bringing together the perspectives of linguistics and philosophy, Lakoff and Johnson offer an intriguing and surprising guide to some of the most common metaphors and what they can tell us about the human mind. And for this new edition, they supply an afterword both extending their arguments and offering a fascinating overview of the current state of thinking on the subject of the metaphor. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友