

  • 乔姆斯基语言哲学文选


  • Origins of Human Communication

    作者:Michael Tomasello

    Human communication is grounded in fundamentally cooperative, even shared, intentions. In this original and provocative account of the evolutionary origins of human communication, Michael Tomasello connects the fundamentally cooperative structure of human communication (initially discovered by Paul Grice) to the especially cooperative structure of human (as opposed to other primate) social interaction. Tomasello argues that human cooperative communication rests on a psychological infrastructure of shared intentionality (joint attention, common ground), evolved originally for collaboration and culture more generally. The basic motives of the infrastructure are helping and sharing: humans communicate to request help, inform others of things helpfully, and share attitudes as a way of bonding within the cultural group. These cooperative motives each created different functional pressures for conventionalizing grammatical constructions. Requesting help in the immediate you-and-me and here-and-now, for example, required very little grammar, but informing and sharing required increasingly complex grammatical devices. Drawing on empirical research into gestural and vocal communication by great apes and human infants (much of it conducted by his own research team), Tomasello argues further that humans' cooperative communication emerged first in the natural gestures of pointing and pantomiming. Conventional communication, first gestural and then vocal, evolved only after humans already possessed these natural gestures and their shared intentionality infrastructure along with skills of cultural learning for creating and passing along jointly understood communicative conventions. Challenging the Chomskian view that linguistic knowledge is innate, Tomasello proposes instead that the most fundamental aspects of uniquely human communication are biological adaptations for cooperative social interaction in general and that the purely linguistic dimensions of human communication are cultural conventions and constructions created by and passed along within particular cultural groups.
  • Psycholinguistics

    作者:John Field

    Psycholinguistics: *is a comprehensive introduction to psycholinguistic theory *covers the core areas of psycholinguistics: language as a human attribute, language and the brain, vocabulary storage and use, language and memory, the four skills (writing, reading, listening, speaking), comprehension, language impairment and deprivation *draws on a range of real texts, data and examples, including a radio four interview, an essay written by a deaf writer, and the transcript of a therapy session addressing stuttering *provides classic readings by the key names in the discipline, including Aitchison, Deacon, Logie, Levelt and Bishop.
  • 演化语言学论集


  • 脑与语言认知


    《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》收集了来自Nature、Science、Brain and Language、NeuroImage、Brain and Cognition、Proceedings of the National Academy of Science(PNAS)等近年来欧美顶级国际学术期刊中数十篇有关脑与语言认知方面的文章,知识新颖,内容丰富,代表了本学科发展的国际前沿。《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》编译的目的是探索词汇在人脑中的表达方法和操作方式,探索它们的构建原理和计算理论,探索脑认知规律,改善我们对自然语言的认识,促进语言学、认知科学、人工智能等学科的发展,脑的理论模型对认知科学和人类语言理解有重大意义。《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》还将为我们实验方法的有效性解释提供建议,使我们能够用计算机理解语言并创建新方法。书中的很多内容在清华大学本科生和研究生课程中进行了讲授,深受广大学生的欢迎和好评。从书中可以看出顶级科学家开阔的观察视野、奇特的研究思路,这些内容和结果均来自于实验,保证了结论的真实性、可靠性。本书内容广泛,丰富多彩,图文并茂,集权威性、真实性、趣味性、新颖性、知识性和综合性子一体。全书共分6章。本书可以为该领域的研究人员节约大量的收集英文资料和阅读资料的宝贵时间,使之在较短的时间内系统全面地了解该领域进展。本书可作为大脑认知、脑神经成像、语言学、神经语言学、认知语言学、计算语言学等领域的研究人员和高等院校、科研院所本科生、研究生的参考书。
  • 隐喻的逻辑

    作者:[美] E. C. 斯坦哈特

  • 神经语言学


  • 儿童语言发展引论


    This volume introduces the field of child language development studies,and presents hypotheses in an accessible,largely non-technical language,aiming to demonstrate the relationship between these hypotheses and interpretaions of data,lt makes the assumption that having a theory of language development is as important as having reliable data about what children say and understand,and it advocates a combinaton of both 'rationalist'and more'empiricist'traditions,ln fact,the author overly argues that different traditions provide different pieces of the picture,and that taking any single approach is unlikely to lead to productive understanding. Susan H.Foster-Cohen is Head of the Department of English at the University of London, The British lnstitute in paris,France.
  • 实验心理语言学纲要


    近半个世纪以来,国外语言学的研究发展迅速,一方面,在语言学核心学科(音位学、句法学、语义学等)中出现了各种各样的理论和模式;另一方面,语言学与其他学科结合,出现了一系列的边缘学科(心理语言学、社会语言学、应用语言学等)。本丛书的编辑和出版给读者提供一套有关这两方面的理论及其应用原则的基础读物,为普及语言学与应用语言学知识,促进语言学习、研究和教学做一点微薄的贡献。 语言学与应用语言学是我国大专院校语言专业,特别是外语专业普遍开设的课程之一。由于当代语言学的发展和革新,传统的语言学学科内容已满足不了教学上的需要,本丛书正好作为教程,填补了这方面的空白。丛书将分辑出版,作为第一辑献给读者的有六本专集。第二辑有五本专集。《实验心理语言学纲要(语言的感知理解与产生)》为第二辑中的第三本。读者掌握各专集介绍的知识和应用原则,将可能结合中国的实际情况开展试验与研究,摸索中国学生学习和掌握语言(特别是外语)的规律,从而促进我国的语言教学改革。 本丛书的编著者均从事语言学与应用语言学各学科的教学多年,有一定的教学经验和研究成果,他们都愿意将自己的学识和心得奉献给我国大专院校语言专业(特别是外语专业)和其他文、史、哲专业的学生、中学汉语和外语教师、翻译界人士以及一般语言工作者和爱好者。
  • The Embodied Mind

    作者:Francisco J. Varela,

    The Embodied Mind provides a unique, sophisticated treatment of the spontaneous and reflective dimension of human experience. The authors - argue that only by having a sense of common ground between mind in Science and mind in experience can our understanding of cognition be more complete. Toward that end, they develop a dialogue between cognitive science and Buddhist meditative psychology and situate it in relation to other traditions such as phenomenology and psychoanalysis.Francisco Varela is Director of Research at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique and Professor of Cognitive Science and Epistemology, CREA, at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. Evan Thompson is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Eleanor Rosch is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • 话语分析导论


  • 汉语儿童早期语言的发展


  • Psychology of Language

    作者:David W. Carroll, Un

    In David Carroll's text, a topic that can sometimes seem bewildering to students is presented in a clear, interesting, and engaging style. Using a cognitive approach, Carroll brings the current developments and controversies in psycholinguistics to students in an engaging style and sets them in historical context. Each chapter is enhanced with unique pedagogy that was designed to stimulate critical thinking, assess comprehension and provide opportunities for application. This fifth edition of Psychology of Language fills the need for an up-to-date and clearly written treatment of the field in a manner that resonates with today's students.
  • 汉语隐喻认知与ERP神经成像


    《汉语隐喻认知与ERP神经成像》以语言和思维关系中的关键问题——“隐喻思维”作为研究切入点,来探究语言中的隐喻是如何在大脑神经网络中以隐喻思维的方式加工联接的。《汉语隐喻认知与ERP神经成像》首先介绍国外近年来在隐喻认知方面比较热门的理论,以及隐喻认知神经机制方面的研究状况;然后在理论上探讨隐喻与思维的关系,以及隐喻的理解机制;继之阐述运用ERP手段进行汉语隐喻认知神经机制研究的可行性;最后在汉语隐喻ERP实验的证据的基础上论证汉语本义句与隐喻句之间、新隐喻句与死隐喻句之间、不同的句法之间的加工时程差异,脑电差异和脑区差异。《汉语隐喻认知与ERP神经成像》的特色是以ERP实验作为研究手段,从神经层面讨论汉语隐喻的加工模式和喻体到本体的联接方式,是一种文理交融的跨学科研究尝试。 ------- 目录 绪论 第1章隐喻认知神经机制研究的理论与方法 第1节国外隐喻认知理论 一、突显不平衡理论 二、结构映射理论 三、范畴包容理论 四、概念隐喻理论 五、概念整合理论 第2节隐喻认知神经机制的研究 一、隐喻加工模式的神经机制研究 二、隐喻加工顺序的神经机制研究 三、隐喻加工脑区的神经机制研究 第3节基于神经语言学的隐喻认知机制研究方法 一、语言神经机制研究的主要论点 二、语言神经机制研究的主要方法和手段 三、研究隐喻认知神经机制的主要方法及其局限性 第2章隐喻与思维 第1节隐喻认知的神经基础 一、联结主义理论 二、隐喻认知的神经网络 第2节语言与思维的关系 一、语言与思维“等同说” 二、语言与思维“分离说” 三、正确的语言与思维观 第3节语言思维的大脑神经机制 一、大脑:语言理解与生成的本体 二、语言:通过大脑认知加工 三、整个大脑都参与了语言活动 第4节隐喻在思维中的地位 一、隐喻语言与隐喻思维 二、隐喻在思维中的核心地位 第5节隐喻思维的基本特征 一、隐喻思维的形象性 二、隐喻思维的方向性 三、隐喻思维的创造性 四、隐喻思维的经济性 五、隐喻思维的语境依赖性 第6节隐喻思维的基本功能 一、体现人们的创造能力 二、帮助人们认识新生事物 三、标志人们的智慧水平 第3章隐喻的理解机制 第1节隐喻的基本结构 一、隐喻构成的两个概念域 二、两个概念域之间的共性联接 第2节隐喻的加工模型 一、两步加工模型 二、一步加工模型 三、动态过渡模型 第3节语言的感觉加工 一、听觉通道输入 二、视觉通道输入 三、触觉通道输入 四、语言的输出感觉通道 第4节语言的心智加工 一、大脑个性化心理词典的建立 二、联想的科学依据 三、联想的语义联接功能 第5节喻体到本体的联接方式 一、联想与大脑神经网络 二、隐喻理解联想模式 第6节影响隐喻认知的因素 一、影响隐喻认知的主体因素 二、影响隐喻认知的客体因素 第4章ERP与汉语隐喻研究 第1节ERP基本原理和方法 一、ERP的基本原理和特征 二、ERP实验方法 三、做ERP实验需考虑的问题 第2节ERP在语言研究中的应用 一、ERP与语言研究的关系 二、ERP技术用于语音研究 三、ERP技术用于语义研究 四、ERP技术用于句法研究 第3节汉语隐喻研究需关注的ERP成分 一、ERP成分特征与分类 二、隐喻研究需关注的ERP成分 三、汉语研究需关注的ERP成分 第5章汉语隐喻ERP实验研究 第1节ERP实验流程 一、实验目的 二、实验准备 三、实验设计 四、实验操作 第2节行为数据结果 一、有意义句和无意义句比较 二、本义句和隐喻旬比较 三、死隐喻句和新隐喻旬比较 四、NP+Vh+NP和NP+V+NP两种句型比较 第3节ERP数据结果 一、本义句与隐喻句加工的脑电比较 二、本义句与隐喻句加工时左右脑区的脑电比较 三、死隐喻旬与新隐喻句加工的脑电比较 四、两种句型脑电比较 第4节分析和讨论 一、涉及语义加工的N400与LPC 二、本义句和隐喻句加工时的左右脑不对称现象 三、熟悉度对隐喻理解的影响 四、LPC波幅与句型难度的关系及其对语义理解的影响 五、ERP实验结论 第6章研究结论与研究前景 第1节研究结论 一、隐喻认知有其大脑神经活动基础 二、隐喻映射机制——联想有其大脑神经网络基础 三、隐喻认知受到认知主体能动性的制约 四、汉语隐喻加工有别于本义加工 五、汉语隐喻认知有其本身的特殊性 第2节研究前景 一、从构建隐喻认知模型着眼 二、从改进各种实验方法入手 参考文献 附录 附录1:语料熟悉度测试材料 附录2:ERP实验材料 附录3:实验语料sPss熟悉指数比较分析 附录4:实验指导语 附录5:外文汉译姓名对照 后记
  • 认知语言学与隐喻研究


    认知语言学是20世纪80年代以来在西方兴起的新的语言学流派。本书分七章,首先介绍了认知语言学的理论体系及研究现状;随后运用认知语言学的观点和研究方法,对英汉诗歌中的隐喻现象进行分析。全书文笔流畅,作者结合实例,将认知语言学的理论知识讲解得深入浅出,既可为一般读者提供认知语言学的入门指导,也可为相关领域的研究者提供最新的研究成果。 引言 第一章 认知科学一瞥 第二章 原型论:认知语言学的范畴理论 第三章 经验现实主义:认知语言学的哲学观 第四章 认知语言学的研究现状 第五章 认知语言学的隐喻研究 第六章 英汉空间隐喻对比 第七章 汉语和英语的诗歌比喻和借代 结语 参考文献
  • 心理语言学

    作者:Thomas Scovel

  • A History of Psycholinguistics

    作者:Levelt, Willem J.M.

    How do we manage to speak and understand language? How do children acquire these skills and how does the brain support them? These psycholinguistic issues have been studied for more than two centuries. Though many Psycholinguists tend to consider their history as beginning with the Chomskyan "cognitive revolution" of the late 1950s/1960s, the history of empirical psycholinguistics actually goes back to the end of the 18th century. This is the first book to comprehensively treat this "pre-Chomskyan" history. It tells the fascinating history of the doctors, pedagogues, linguists and psychologists who created this discipline, looking at how they made their important discoveries about the language regions in the brain, about the high-speed accessing of words in speaking and listening, on the child's invention of syntax, on the disruption of language in aphasic patients and so much more. The book is both a history of ideas as well of the men and women whose intelligence, brilliant insights, fads, fallacies, cooperations, and rivalries created this discipline. Psycholinguistics has four historical roots, which, by the end of the 19th century, had merged. By then, the discipline, usually called the psychology of language, was established. The first root was comparative linguistics, which raised the issue of the psychological origins of language. The second root was the study of language in the brain, with Franz Gall as the pioneer and the Broca and Wernicke discoveries as major landmarks. The third root was the diary approach to child development, which emerged from Rousseau's Emile. The fourth root was the experimental laboratory approach to speech and language processing, which originated from Franciscus Donders' mental chronometry. Wilhelm Wundt unified these four approaches in his monumental Die Sprache of 1900. These four perspectives of psycholinguistics continued into the 20th century but in quite divergent frameworks. There was German consciousness and thought psychology, Swiss/French and Prague/Viennese structuralism, Russian and American behaviorism, and almost aggressive holism in aphasiology. As well as reviewing all these perspectives, the book looks at the deep disruption of the field during the Third Reich and its optimistic, multidisciplinary re-emergence during the 1950s with the mathematical theory of communication as a major impetus. A tour de force from one of the seminal figures in the field, this book will be essential reading for all linguists, psycholinguists, neuroscientists, and psychologists with an interest in language.
  • 多外语学习的语言习得原理、认知规律及学习方法研究


  • 认知语言学导论


  • Psychology of Language

    作者:David W. Carroll

    In David Carroll's text, a topic that can sometimes seem bewildering to students is presented in a clear, interesting, and engaging style. Using a cognitive approach, Carroll brings the current developments and controversies in psycholinguistics to students in an engaging style and sets them in historical context. Each chapter is enhanced with unique pedagogy that was designed to stimulate critical thinking, assess comprehension and provide opportunities for application. This fifth edition of Psychology of Language fills the need for an up-to-date and clearly written treatment of the field in a manner that resonates with today's students.