

  • 宇宙的答案云知道

    作者:[英] 加文·普雷特-平尼

    自然界里,没什么比云更具多样性和戏剧性,没有什么能像云那样美得雄伟壮观,却转瞬即逝。 云有喜怒哀乐,洒脱随性,千姿百态。如果没有云,天空将只剩光秃秃的湛蓝,无聊而乏味;如果没有云,夕阳西下的景象仅仅是一颗明亮的球消失在地平线之下;如果没有云,人类也将没有任何可饮用的水源……云拥有改变世界的强大力量。 作者从小爱看云,他于2004年成立“赏云协会”,并在众所期待下写出这本精彩的书,以云的十大分类为基础,包罗万象,趣味横生,详细介绍风起云涌的科学原理、朵朵白云的趣闻逸事,随手拈来许多云的文学典故及亘古神话,让你看到的不只是“云彩”,更是云背后的科学与趣闻,更是宇宙的秘密。 云是天空的灵魂,它将带你一窥自然的奥妙,解开宇宙的答案。
  • The Cloud Collector's Handbook

    作者:Gavin Pretor-Pinney

    THE CLOUD COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK fits into the pocket, allowing cloudspotters to identify cloud formations anytime and anywhere. All the common cloud types are represented, as are many of the rare ones, each fully described and illustrated with a range of photographs. Not only is THE CLOUD COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to be able to identify and understand every cloud that floats by, it also caters for the competitive cloudspotter. Points are awarded for each cloud type identified - the rarer the cloud, the greater points - and there's space to fill in where and when it was sighted. Beautifully designed, in colour throughout, and full of the humour that made THE CLOUDSPOTTER'S GUIDE so engaging, the HANDBOOK is the essential reference for anyone with their head in the clouds.
  • 看雲趣

    作者:Gavin Pretor-Pinney,

    無論是蓬蓬如棉花糖般的雲朵、纖薄如薄紗的雲層,甚至風狂雨驟的暴雨雲,總為廣闊的天空平添不同風貌。除了把天空妝點得多采多姿,雲也跟我們的生活息息相關,你可知道孫悟空自在騰駕的是哪種雲?陰鬱到讓人得季節性憂鬱症又是什麼雲搞的鬼?魚鱗狀的雲到底像哪種魚鱗?而什麼雲會讓飛機引擎失靈、逼得飛行員得在一萬公尺高空彈射跳機?更神奇的是,從雲的形態真的可以預測地震嗎? 從小愛看雲的作者為大力推廣雲的美好,於2004年發起「賞雲協會」,並在眾所期待下寫出這本精采的「賞雲指南」,本書以雲的十大分類為基礎,包括積雲、積雨雲、層雲、層積雲、高積雲、高層雲、雨層雲、卷雲、卷積雲和卷層雲,也搜羅各種奇特的雲、飛機的凝結尾、晨光雲等,就每一種雲的特色講述不同的故事。 作者不只介紹各種與雲相關的科學原理,隨手拈來更有許多雲的神話故事與傳說,以及和雲有關的社會與歷史事件,並收集數百張提綱挈領的圖表協助說明,包羅萬象,趣味橫生。就讓我們帶著這本書,一起賞雲去吧! _____________ 官方網頁試讀︰http://www.ylib.com/hotsale/cloud-sp/new_view.htm
  • The Big Switch

    作者:Nicholas Carr

    An eye-opening look at the new computer revolution and the coming transformation of our economy, society, and culture. A hundred years ago, companies stopped producing their own power with steam engines and generators and plugged into the newly built electric grid. The cheap power pumped out by electric utilities not only changed how businesses operated but also brought the modern world into existence. Today a similar revolution is under way. Companies are dismantling their private computer systems and tapping into rich services delivered over the Internet. This time it's computing that's turning into a utility. The shift is already remaking the computer industry, bringing new competitors like Google to the fore and threatening traditional stalwarts like Microsoft and Dell. But the effects will reach much further. Cheap computing will ultimately change society as profoundly as cheap electricity did. In this lucid and compelling book, Nicholas Carr weaves together history, economics, and technology to explain why computing is changing—and what it means for all of us.
  • 云攻略


    Apple、Google、甲骨文、腾讯 都已投入了云的怀抱, 你还在等什么? 快来加入我们! 最初,Salesforce.com 只是一间小小的租赁公寓 在短短10年内 它已成长为 世界上发展最快、最具创新力的 产业变革领导者 曾经,这是个软件为王的时代。 现在,这是个云计算的新时代。 NO SOFTWARE 抛弃软件的老套、呆板、缓慢、低效和昂贵 无论何时何地,移动、实时、协同 随性销售的沟通始于云 世界将不再需要一个中心。 因为,你就是世界的中心。
  • 云的理论

    作者:[法] 斯泰凡·奥德吉

    云井彰是一位日裔时装设计师,他收集了许多云彩研究方面的书籍,并雇佣了维尔日妮·拉图尔为其打理图书馆,将这些书分门别类。他还向这个年轻的女人讲述了一些云彩探索者的故事。比如卢克·霍华德如何给云彩命名,再比如理查德·阿贝克隆比为了观察各地云彩是否完全一样而云游世界…… 这些故事,也如同变幻的云彩一般令人称奇。 维尔日妮·拉图尔开始明白了,这是关于云彩的问题。19世纪初的欧洲曾有这样一群不具名且缄默的人——他们分散在欧洲各处,抬眼仰望着天空,用心且崇敬地观察着云彩;他们热爱云彩,带着一种心无旁骛的虔诚……