《我把English献给你:赖世雄的英语世界》记录了赖世雄疯狂、勤奋学习英语的过程,并告诉你一些英语学习的策略。 -
立场——辩证思维训练:社会篇(第17版)(Takng Sides系列)
《立场——辩证思维训练》系列丛书以论辩形式呈现当下热点话题,选取正反两面立场的论述素材,涵盖联合国报告、美国议会陈词、报刊论说文章、法庭辩论记录等,说理充分,论证严密,有助于激发学生兴趣,锻炼思辨能力。 《立场——辩证思维训练:社会篇(第17版)》聚焦一系列当下社会普遍关注的热点问题,涉及价值观、家庭、经济、政治、人口等领域,既有“男女收入差距的存在是否合理”、“全球化对穷人和富人是否同样有益”等经典话题,也有“是否应该利用生物科技对人类进行升级改造”、“刑讯的合理性”等新锐话题。旨在扩展读者思维空间,培养辩证思维能力,辅助建立起独立思考分析社会问题的思考坐标。 -
TOEFL 6分作文,ISBN:9787506271745,作者:李笑来,(美)韦伯(Weber,J.),(英)杰纳弗(Jeneffer,S.)著 -
学习西方人文科学的理想方法是从一开始就面对经典原文,这样可以昼避免诸多转述,减少讹传。 北大西学影印丛书首先推出的哲学系列涵盖了一般意义上的哲学的主要分支,均经相关领域的著名学者多层甄选,以求能系统全面地满足相关专业学生学习西方哲学。这套丛书均由世界著名高等教育出版机构汤姆森学习出版集团出品,并充分体现其一贯的简易精严的风格,是优秀的入门教材。 强力推荐:Science, Reason, and Reality 英文原版火热发售 -
Logic is often perceived as having little to do with the rest of philosophy, and even less to do with real life. In this lively and accessible introduction, Graham Priest shows how wrong this conception is. He explores the philosophical roots of the subject, explaining how modern formal logic deals with issues ranging from the existence of God and the reality of time to paradoxes of probability and decision theory. Along the way, the basics of formal logic are explained in simple, non-technical terms, showing that logic is a powerful and exciting part of modern philosophy. -
本书由中美两位哲学教授合作编著,它汇集了哲学学习及研究中的常用词汇,采用中英文对照的形式。作者在参考已有哲学词典选目的基础上,加入了教学、研究过程中新近出现的词汇,并结合多年的教学经验斟酌给出切合的译名。这本书对于初学者和从事哲学翻译的译者都十分有用,对于推进哲学翻译的规范化也将会产生有益的影响。 -
A History of Western Philosophy
Since its first publication in 1945, Lord Russell's A History of Western Philosophy has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject -- unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosophy from the rise of Greek civilization to the emergence of logical analysis in the twentieth century. Among the philosophers considered are: Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, the Atomists, Protagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Cynics, the Sceptics, the Epicureans, the Stoics, Plotinus, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Benedict, Gregory the Great, John the Scot, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Occam, Machiavelli, Erasmus, More, Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, the Utilitarians, Marx, Bergson, James, Dewey, and lastly the philosophers with whom Lord Russell himself is most closely associated -- Cantor, Frege, and Whitehead, co-author with Russell of the monumental Principia Mathematica. -
没有一位哲人像柏拉图那样关注严格的哲学思考,也没有一位哲人能以更为丰富的想象力和创造力吸引读者加入哲学对话。柏拉图其人其书两千多年来被人们不断解读,众说纷纭。本书以广博的视野、权威的眼光、平实的语言介绍了柏拉图的复杂思想和多方面的天才创见,展示了柏拉图研究的最新成果,凸显了柏拉图哲学的现代关怀。 -
《存在主义简论》与众多研究存在主义的著作相比,作者别具匠心地把存在主义定位为一种生活方式,力图全面展现存在主义哲学家的人间情怀,深入诠释存在主义思想与我们日常生活的血肉联系。不仅梳理了存在主义的缘起、发展和式微的演变历程,还细述了存在主义思想对当代艺术、文学和政治活动的影响,重申了存在主义运动将继续在21世纪的哲学舞台上扮演重要角色。 不可不看的牛津通识读本系列 -
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star
When the stewardess brought me off the plane in a wheelchair, I lowered my head. I was too scared to even look at my father. I didn't want to see the disappointment and horror on his face. All that hate I had accumulated for him over the years, all the resentment against him for not understanding what I was going through, just released with the tears. "So, where are your parents?" the stewardess asked me after a few minutes. "I can't wait here with you much longer." I looked up and wiped my eyes. My father was standing ten feet away. He didn't even recognize me. In the underbelly of Las Vegas, a cesspool of warring biker gangs and seedy strip clubs transformed the gawky, brace-faced Jenna Massoli into the bombshell Jenna Jameson. Today, Jenna Jameson is the biggest star in the history of adult movies, consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful women alive. But behind the glamour and the meteoric rise to fame was a path paved with tragedy and heartbreak. As a teenager drawn into a chaotic world ruled by rape, abuse, and murder, Jenna plunged into a downward spiral of addiction, even as she became one of the most photographed women in adult magazines. Determined to overcome this past, Jenna rebounded in the adult-film business, where she encountered sadistic directors, experienced lovers of both sexes, amorous celebrities (from Howard Stern to Marilyn Manson to Tommy Lee), bitter rival starlets, and finally, glory, as she went on to become the biggest porn star the world has ever seen. But her struggle for happiness did not end when the accolades began. For years she wrestled with her resentment at her estranged father, the loneliness of growing up from the age of two without a mother, and her enduring childhood desire to find a man who could give her the security and love she never had. Her unforgettable memoir is many things at once: a shocking sexual history, an insider's guide to the secret workings of the billion-dollar adult-film industry, and a gripping thriller that probes deep into Jenna's dark past. An unparalleled exploration of sexual freedom, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star ventures far beyond the flesh, into the heart-shredding tragedies and adrenaline-pumping triumphs of a woman who has already lived a hundred lifetimes. Always witty and humorous even as she faces the demons of her past, Jenna offers hilarious anecdotes about one of the most controversial businesses in history, and shares outrageous advice, including her ten commandments of dating and sex, how to become a "suitcase pimp," and how to make it in the business as a female (or a male). Add to this never-before-seen photographs from Jenna's private collection and others taken exclusively for this book, and the result is certain to be one of the most talked-about books of the year. -
The Economist Style Guide
Rare is the style guide that a person--even a word person--would want to read cover to cover. But The Economist Style Guide, designed, as the book says, to promote good writing, is so witty and rigorous as to be irresistible. The book consists of three parts. The first is the Economist's style book, which acts as a position paper of sorts in favor of clear, concise, correct usage. The big no-noes listed in the book's introduction are: "Do not be stuffy.... Do not be hectoring or arrogant.... Do not be too pleased with yourself.... Do not be too chatty.... Do not be too didactic.... [And] do not be sloppy." Before even getting to the letter B, we are reminded that aggravate "means make worse, not irritate or annoy"; that an alibi "is the proven fact of being elsewhere, not a false explanation"; and that anarchy "means the complete absence of law or government. It may be harmonious or chaotic." Part 2 of the book describes many of the spelling, grammar, and usage differences between British and American English. While many Briticisms are familiar to most Americans and vice versa, there are some words--such as homely, bomb, and table--that take on quite different meanings altogether when they cross the Atlantic. And part 3 offers a handy reference to such information as common business abbreviations, accountancy ratios, the Beaufort Scale, commodity-trade classifications, currencies, laws, measures, and stock-market indices. The U.S. reader should be aware (but not scared off by the fact) that some of the style issues addressed are specifically British. --Jane Steinberg --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. -
本书为“英语词汇学习丛书”中的一本,该丛书是美国大学生中使用最多的词汇丛书。共有六册,每册介绍240—300个在TOEFL、GRE、SAT等测试中经常出现的单词,引导学生根据上下文的语境,包括例证、同义、异义、类比等关系来理解单词,通过反复练习、多次使用来熟悉和记忆单词。此外,书中部分练习题的题型与TOEFL、GRE、SAT等美国常用入学考试的形式相似,对于我国有志于出国留学的学生熟悉题型也有一定的帮助。 本书为第二册,书中提供的英语词汇练习适用于我国大学非英语专业四级(CET4)学生的水平,也可以用作TOEFL培训初、中级阶段的辅助教材。 -
《生活中的科学:怎样坐飞机》(英文注释):如果你希望在享受英语阅读乐趣的同时又能增长知识、开拓视野,由外语教学与研究出版社与美国国家地理学会合作出版的“国家地理科学探索丛书”(英文注释版)正是你的选择。“国家地理科学探索丛书”(英文注释版)第二辑分为8个系列,共46本,内容涉及自然科学和社会研究,除对本套丛书第一辑已包含的“生命科学”、“物理科学”、“地球科学”和“文明的进程”4个系列进行了补充外,又推出了4个新的系列——“生活中的科学”、“科学背后的数学”、“专题研究”以及“站在时代前沿的科学家”。这套丛书秉承《国家地理》杂志图文并茂的特色,在书中配有大量精彩的图片,文字地道易懂、深入浅出,将科学性和趣味性完美结合,称得上是一套精致的小百科全书。特别值得一提的是本套丛书在提高青少年读者英语阅读能力的同时,还注重培养他们的科学探索精神、动手能力、逻辑思维能力和沟通能力。本套丛书既适合学生自学,又可用于课堂教学。丛书各个系列均配有一本教师用书,内容包括背景知识介绍、技能训练提示、评估测试、多项选择题及答案等详尽的教学指导,是对课堂教学的极好补充。 -
《怎样写演讲稿》主要针对在校各年级大学生和具有中等以上水平的广大英语写作爱好者。专门为使用者打牢英语写作基础,掌握英语写作技巧,提高英语写作水平而设计,着力解决英语写作中的重点、难点和易忽视的问题。《怎样写演讲稿》自成体系,囊括各种常用体裁,写作风格趋于一致,阐释详尽。不仅为写作者详细讲析英语写作必备的基本知识、技能技巧,综述英语写作历史及其特点,界定和区分各种文体,而且还充分进解并展示了从写前准备到起草,从修改到定稿以及校对等整个写作过程。 -
最优秀的商务写作有着自己特有的规则。它必须做到读起来亲切却不絮叨,专业却不沉闷,有针对性却不专横。本书将向你解说这些规则,告诉你如何在这些规则的指导下写出明确、有力而直接的电子邮件、书信和报告书——并能节约1/3的写作时间! 本书具有很强的实用性,书中的模型简单易行,并且经过了实践的检验,配合一系列练习,向你逐一介绍如何针对每个读者进行写作,如何传递信息,如何激发动力等内容。任意翻开一页,你都能发现写作的玄机所在: 说服并影响决策者的报告书; 一语中的电子邮件和书信; 鼓励互动的互联网页; 激发学习热情的培训资料; 一目了然的电子邮件主题 每天,你写的东西和写作方式都会影响到你的职业成败。本书为你提供了大量技巧、规则和指导,帮助你处理好每一段商务写作,使之读起来紧急、明确,达到你的预期效果。 -
《朗文高级英语阅读》的上、下两册,在出版中保持其作为高等学校教科书的特色,阐述阅读技能的部分采用中译文或中、英文对照,而阅读文选及其配套练习则全部采用英文原文。上册着重指导阅读技巧的提高:从改进阅读习惯、科学地掌握单词、克服各种阅读理解的障碍、分析作品的写作风格与手法,到灵活选择阅读方式和新闻记者速度。下册指导高层次读者学会评析性的阅读,即根据读者已有的知识和鉴评能力,对所阅读的文章、作品作出分析和思考,这一部分包括:学会归纳结论和做推论,把握不同类型的语汇、语气、倾向及观点,直观信息和网上信息的研读等。主干书的阅读文选包括散文、教科书和文学作品3大娄,内容涵盖广泛的当代社会、政治、科技、生活甚至哲学方面的热点问题,兼具有知识性和欣赏性。 -
立场——辩证思维训练(第一辑)(Takng Sides系列)
英语辩论实战教材,英语论说文典范,常青藤教育出版社Taking Sides系列产品 -
☆极速唤醒右脑训练,让你数百倍提高学习效率。 针对传统英语学习的不足,国际英著名右脑开发专家七田真博士开发出一套全新的极速训练体系,让你在不知不觉中进入右脑工作状态,学会自由操控右脑,数百倍提高学习效率,最大限度发挥右脑能力。 内容简介 ★本书开发出一套全新的极速唤醒右脑训练体系: 右脑的能力是人与生俱来的能力,所有人都有学习语言的天赋。 右脑记忆力是左脑的100万倍,运用右脑学习法,普通人4天可以记住1000个单词,半年到一年就能具备熟练的英语听说能力。 极速唤醒右脑训练让你在不知不觉中进入右脑工作状态,学会自由操控右脑,数百倍提高学习效率,最大限度发挥右脑能力。 通过极速唤醒右脑训练,不但能让你轻松学好英语,还能开发出右脑的巨大潜能,从而改善注意力、增强记忆力,培养直觉能力和创造性。 ★ 本书倡导一种全新的超右脑英语学习观念: 开启右脑大门的钥匙是听觉刺激; 学习外语始于正确听音,创造奇迹的关键在听觉区; 英语学习归根结底是打造出一副新耳朵; 捂住耳朵练习发音,让英语的节奏渗入你的身体里。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友