《美语录》一系列的书一共有三辑,里面搜集了乔志高过去多年来陆续用中文写的介绍美国通俗语言的文章。本书《听其言也》为《美语录》的第二辑,书中所收文章生动有趣,具有较高的阅读价值。 -
《1368个单词就够了》这本书是作者王乐平先生历时4年研发,在教学过程中更好的实现了本书思想的实际指导作用。 这本书的基础在于:中国人背了多年的单词,学语法,练习听力和口语,参加了多种类型的考试,但由于缺乏语言环境,很多人在真正使用英语的时候,还是出现表达障碍。 这个时候,很多人的反应就是背更多的单词!但,这些年你背的那些单词都用上了吗? 中国人英语学习的困境在于缺乏英语思维! 运用英语思维,1368个单词就够你表达所有你想要表达的内容! 这本书里,王乐平老师根据实践教学和经验,逐步的讲解了在1368个单词的拓展,如何运用英语思维,实现无障碍的表达。让你的英语,张口就来! 【编辑推荐】 背了这么多年单词,那些成千上万的,起早摸黑好不容易背下来的单词,你都用上了吗?? 学了那么多句式、语法,在用得着的时候却一句话也想不起来? 这可能是很多人用英语去表达自己的时候遭遇的困境。 用我们多年习惯下的汉语表达的思维,是背多少单词都学不好英语的! 《1368个单词就够了》是一本非常实用的英语学习书,小编特别把它推荐给小伙伴们: 》》》》想要重新开始学英语的,没信心??看这本书就有啦! 》》》》学了多年英语,考试都过了,用英语的时候却还是大脑一片空白的?这本书给你答案! 》》》》想要出去旅行?看完这本书,你的词汇量绝对够你在国外想说什么说什么! 》》》》想进外企??这本书的作者曾经把很多英语菜鸟送进了英特尔、拜耳、ZARA等著名跨过公司 》》》》学生党升学考试??这本书在书稿阶段就被很多高校英语老师推荐给他的学生!还不知道你就out啦! 中国人学不好英语的根本原因是缺乏英语的思维。 运用英语思维,1368个单词就够你表达所有内容,真正实现——说英语,张口就来! -
Scientific Writing and Communication
Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations covers all the areas of scientific communication that a scientist needs to know and to master to successfully promote his or her research and career. This unique "all-in-one" handbook begins with a discussion of the basics of scientific writing style and composition and then applies these principles to writing research papers, review articles, grant proposals, research statements, and resumes as well as to preparing academic presentations and posters. FEATURES: A practical presentation carefully introduces such basic writing mechanics as word choice and word location, sentence structure, and paragraph organization before moving into manuscript planning and organizational strategies. Extensive hands-on guidance for composing scientific documents and presentations then follows. Relevant and multi-disciplinary examples taken from real research papers and grant proposals by writers ranging from students to Nobel Laureates illustrate clear technical writing as well as common mistakes that one should avoid. Examples are drawn from a broad range of scientific disciplines including medicine, molecular biology, biochemistry, ecology, geology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. Extensive end-of-chapter exercise sets provide the opportunity to review style and composition principles and encourage readers to apply them to their own writing. Writing guidelines and revision checklists warn scientists against common pitfalls and equip them with the most successful techniques to revise a scientific paper, review article, or grant proposal. Annotated text passages bring the writing principles and guidelines to life by applying them to real-world, relevant, and multidisciplinary examples. Clear, easy-to-follow writing style is understandable to both native and non-native English speakers; special ESL features address problems faced by non-native English speakers. Eight chapters on grant writing demonstrate how to write successful grant applications and how to avoid the most common application mistakes. Covering all the facets of communication that scientists need to master, Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations is ideal for a wide range of readers--from upper-level undergraduates and graduate students to postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and professional researchers--in the life sciences, medicine, psychology, chemistry, and engineering. -
流行华语世界四十载的翻译知识入门书 民国英语教育泰斗一生翻译经验之菁华 本书讲解翻译的基本知识,既有高屋建瓴的理论论述,又有具体细微的实践指导,篇幅短小,深入浅出。自上世纪七十年代出版以来,在华语世界广为流传。 全书凡十八章,前半部纵论古今,介绍翻译的历史、语言学基础、规则、标准,有如知识小品,即使不通外文者,读起来也会兴致盎然;后半部教授翻译的具体步骤,俯拾引用当时欧美优秀作家文句及中国古典作品为例,由简及深,纠偏取正。附录部分列举大量误译实例进行评述改译,可供读者研习实战技巧。 读者可通由此书领略翻译的魅力,掌握翻译的基本知识,增进翻译的能力。 -
《每天读一点英文经典卷+时尚卷超值套装(套装共2册)》主要内容: 《每天读一点英文》是一套与美国人同步阅读的中英双语丛书,该丛书由美国英语教师协会推荐,特点有三: 内文篇目取自美国最经典、最权威、最流行的读本,适于诵读;“实战提升”部分,包括导读、单词注解、诵读名句,学习英语的同时提升演讲能力;附赠地道美语朗读MP3光盘。 《每天读一点英文经典卷+时尚卷超值套装(套装共2册)》将经典卷《那些无法拒绝的名篇》和时尚卷《那些光影飞华的魅惑》组成超值套装,附赠地道美语朗读MP3光盘两张,雅致美文,沁人心脾。 -
本书为钱歌川先生最经典的百科全书式的英语翻译技巧指南。全书编写严谨、结构合理、条理清晰,注重基础知识点的辨析与讲解,理论与实践相结合。一册在手,读者可以在牢固掌握英语语法和句型特点的基础上,游刃有余地学习翻译的技巧。 全书共分为三编。第一编重点为中译英,系统梳理英语的各种句型,引领读者迅速进入英语语境;第二编重点为英译中,包含12项134条语法知识点,基本覆盖英语常见的惯用句和特殊表现法,令读者迅速摆脱洋径浜式英语;第三编主要为长篇的中译英和英译中材料,中文材料有浅近的白话和艰深的文言片段,英语材料全取近代人作品,主题多样,可使读者接触到英文表现的各种面貌。附录部分选取了16篇英美名家代表作的节译,可为读者打造直接阅读文学名著的基础。全书三编皆附有大量习题以供读者练习之用,书末提供了详细的习题答案。 本书不仅适合英语翻译的从业人员和学生使用,任何渴望提高自己的英语水平的读者,都可以跟随本书循序渐进地夯实英语基础,锻炼自己的语感,领略中英双语的语言魅力。 -
The Elements of Eloquence
In an age unhealthily obsessed with substance, this is a book on the importance of pure style. From classic poetry to pop lyrics and from the King James Bible to advertising slogans, Mark Forsyth explains the secrets that make a phrase - such as 'Tiger, Tiger, burning bright', or 'To be or not to be' - memorable. In his inimitably entertaining and witty style he takes apart famous lines and shows how you too can write like Shakespeare or Oscar Wilde. Whether you're aiming for literary immortality or just an unforgettable one-liner, The Elements of Eloquence proves that you don't need to have anything to say - you simply need to say it well. -
戴维•克里斯特尔的《英语的故事》有着独特的语言史观,非一般英语史可比。着眼于小历史而以整个世界为舞台,着眼于英语的来龙去脉而以丰富的史料为支撑,不仅语言价值有目共睹,特殊的史料价值与文化价值也都跃然纸上。另一方面,他文风平实,言出有据,无论用史还是分析,也都有如老爷的故事,显得十分亲切自然。 《英语的故事》是英国著名语言学家戴维•克里斯特尔的力作,出版于2004年。本书全面论述了英语的发展和演变,规范语言和方言的关系,英语和其他语言的关系和相互影响,同时兼述世界各英语国家的英语特点。作者的研究方法不同于其他学者,本书论述全面,思维缜密,细致,充满睿智,具有很强的学术性和可读性。 -
本书简明扼要地阐述了英诗格律的基本知识,包括节奏、韵、以及各种诗体,同时也讨论了英语自由诗。书中实例丰富,或为浅近小诗,或为名诗片断,以便读者在学习格律知识的同时也可以熟悉、欣赏在英语国家广泛流传的一些好诗。本书知识性与趣味性并重,内容充实,定会对读者有所裨益。 本书可作为大学英语专业教学参考书,也可供外文工作者、中学英语教师、大学英语专业学生以及具有一定程度的英语自学者阅读。 -
Tropic of Cancer
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropic_of_Cancer_(novel) -
The Elements of Style
You know the authors’ names. You recognize the title. You've probably used this book yourself. And now The Elements of Style –the most widely read and employed English style manual–is available in a specially bound 50th Anniversary Edition that offers the title's vast audience an opportunity to own a more durable and elegantly bound edition of this time-tested classic. Offering the same content as the Fourth Edition, revised in 1999, the new casebound 50th Anniversary Edition includes a brief overview of the book's illustrious history. Used extensively by individual writers as well as high school and college students of writing, it has conveyed the principles of English style to millions of readers. This new deluxe edition makes the perfect gift for writers of any age and ability level. Fifty Years of Acclaim for The Elements of Style , by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White I first read Elements of Style during the summer before I went off to Exeter, and I still direct my students at Harvard to their definition about the difference between 'that' and 'which.' It is the Bible for good, clear writing.”-- Henry Louis Gates Jr. “For writers of all kinds and sizes the world begins and ends with Strunk and White’s Elements of Style . Only something to actually write abouttrumps the list of what is required to put words together in some kind of coherent way. I treasure its presence in my life and salute its fifty years of glory and accomplishment."-- Jim Lehrer “ The Elements of Style remains an unwavering beacon of light in these grammatically troubled times. I would be lost without it.” -- Ann Patchett "To the extent I know how to write clearly at all, I probably taught myself while I was teaching others -- seventh graders, in Flint, Michigan, in 1967. I taughtthem witha copy of Strunk & White lying in full view on my desk, sort of in the way the Gideons leave Bibles in cheap hotel rooms, as a way of saying to the hapless inhabitant: ‘In case your reckless ways should strand you here, there's help.’ S&W doesn't really teach you how to write, it just tantalizingly reminds you that there's an orderly wayto go about it, that clarity's ever your ideal, but -- really -- it's all going to be up to you." -- RichardFord “ The Elements of Style never seems to go out of date. Its counsel is sound and funny, wise and unpretentious. And while its precepts are a foundation of direct communication, Strunk and White do not insist on a way of writing beyond clear expression. The rest is up to the imagination, the intelligence within.” -- David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker “It’s the toughness–the irreverence and implicit laughter–that attracted me to the little book when I was seventeen. I fell in love with Strunk & White’s loathing for cant and bloviation, the ruthless cutting of crap, jargon, and extra words. For me, that skeptical directness included a tacit permission by The Elements of Style to break its rules on occasion: an alloy of generosity in the blade, a grace I still admire and still learn from.” -- Robert Pinsky “In the quest for clarity, one can have no better guides than Strunk and White. For me, their book has been invaluable and remains essential.” -- Dan Rather "Eschew surplusage! A perfect book."--Jonathan Lethem "Not until I started teaching writing and I reread The Elements of Style did I realize that most everything I would be teaching young writers, and everything I would be learning myself as a writer, was contained between the covers of this slim, elegant, wise little book. -- Julia Alvarez “Strunk and White seared their way into my brain long ago, and I benefit from them daily.” -- Steven J. Dubner, co-author of Freakonomics “Since high school, I have kept a copy of this book handy. That should be unnecessary. I should, by now, have fully internalized The Elements of Style . But sometimes I get entangled in a paragraph that refuses to be ‘clear, brief, bold.’ I dip back into The Elements of Style and am refreshed. After Scott Simon interviewed me on NPR about whether the word ‘e-mail’ needs a hyphen (yes, it does), some listeners, including friends of mine, wondered why I had answered in the affirmative when asked, in passing, ‘Are you a drunken white man?’ Those listeners misheard. ‘Strunk and White man’ was what Scott said.” -- Roy Blount Jr. “Strunk & White--writing's good-natured law firm--still contains enough sparkling good sense to clean up the whole bloviating blogosphere." -- Thomas Mallon “I used Strunk -- that’s what we called it, Strunk -- as a student at Berkeley fifty years ago. I didn't know that it was new, and that we were the first generation to be educated in The Elements of Style . I got a firm foundation in the English language, learned to write basically, and could depict the realistic world.Then I was able to become an impressionist and expressionist.” -- Maxine Hong Kingston “Strunk and White's gigantic little book must be the most readable advice on writing ever written. Side by side with Roget, Shakespeare, the Bible, and adictionary, it's an essential forevery writer's shelf.” -- X.J. Kennedy... 美国大学校园人手一册的英语语法书籍。 -
Purity and Danger
在线阅读本书 Mary Douglas is a central figure within British social anthropology. Studying under Evans-Pritchard at Oxford immediately after the war, she formed part of the group of anthropologists who established social anthropology's standing in the world of scholarship. Her works, spanning the second half of the twentieth century, have been widely read and her theories applied across the social sciences and humanities. -
《最美丽的英文:聆听花开的声音》精选了百余篇经典的哲理散文,融语言美、意境美于一体。它们有的语言凝练、言简意赅;有的叙述详尽,丝丝入扣。学习英文,享受英文阅读的最大乐趣,正是从选择自已喜欢的美丽英文开始,只有英文生动有趣、睿智经典,充满了人世间的真情,表达了人生中的哲思,才能让我们感受到英文作品的化失,不断激发我们学习英文的热情,提高自己的英文水平与能力。 -
在上亿80后的热切呼唤下,风靡网络的漫画“人教英语”和谐版——《李雷和韩梅梅》终于和大家见面了!作者从80后最宝贵经典回忆——人教版中学英语课本中选取了大家熟悉的经典形象——李雷,韩梅梅,Jim & Kate,Lucy & Lily等进行了人物改编,编汇成一本情节迭荡起伏却又令人啼笑皆非的漫画。 漫画2007年底在各大网站连载,在读者中引起巨大的反响,网络点击量过千万,遭到了天涯观光团、猫扑观光团、豆瓣观光团的相继“观光”,还被《南方周末》作为80后怀旧专题介绍了这段“李雷和韩梅梅缠绵悱恻的爱情故事”,被网友们亲切喻为“神作”,争相膜拜,并引起热议“为什么李雷都这么牛了,韩梅梅却不喜欢他?” -
《晨读英语美文100篇(CET-4)》主要内容:学英语需要朗读.这是很多成功的英语学习者学好英语的亲身体会。朗读可以培养语感,朗读可以训练思维,朗读可以体会音韵.朗读可以让您在一种优美的语言交融中不知不觉地体会到英语水平的提升。朗读,是一个语言知识和语言材料逐步内化的过程,是一个必不可少的过程。 朗读,最好的时间在早晨,一天的开始,您的思维最活跃、您的心境最纯洁、您的语言理解和语言接受的意识和能力最强。晨读,每天开口15分钟,让您的一天沉浸存美好的语言韵律中,让您刚刚读过的优美文章、精彩句子在一天中慢慢沉浸、消化、吸收,成为您自己的东西。 为了给您提供一份精美的英语早餐,让您的英语水平在每天开口的15分钟里潜移默化、逐步提高,我们博采众长、精挑细选,从浩如烟海的经典妙文和鲜活时文里给您筛选、组合了这本《四级晨读英语美文100篇》,带给您一份清秀雅致的全新感受。 -
《激情晨读英语美文》主要内容是:在中国这个非英语的学习环境中,背诵弥补了因缺乏语言环境而导致的阅读量和听说量的不足,由于其本身脑、目、口、耳等多官互动的特点,使背诵者得以浸润于某种程度上类似于母语习得的语言氛围之中。背诵能改善语音语调,形成英语语感,储备语言素材,全面提升英语技能,增强文学素养,陶冶个人情操。背诵让您字正腔圆,锦心绣口,言语循章,行文得法。如果说英语学习有捷径可寻,那么背诵就是唯一的捷径!背诵才是英语学习的真功夫兼硬道理! -
《书虫•牛津英汉双语读物:红字(4级)(适合高1、高2年级)》主要内容:胸前佩戴着红字的这个女人是个没有任何朋友的罪人。人们对她指指点点,那些受人尊重的人都唾弃她,牧师们用尖锐的言辞抨击她。耻辱不分日夜地追随着她。 故事发生在17世纪的新英格兰。当时,清教徒们飘洋过海来到美洲,建立了新的城镇,同时也带来了自己国家的宗教和习俗。在早期马萨诸塞州的波士顿,教会的势力非常强大——非常冷酷无情。任何违背教会和上帝训诫的人都会受到惩罚。 但是对于赫斯特·普林,这个生下私生子的女人来说,她并不是唯一的罪人。那谁是孩子的父亲呢?他为什么不大胆地公开自己的身份?为什么赫斯特要承受胸佩红字的耻辱,而她的情人却可以逃脱惩罚?他不是也同样有罪吗? -
《英美诗歌名篇详注》是在《英语诗歌精品》(北京大学出版社,1995)和《英国名诗详注》(外语教学与研究出版社,2003)的基础上修订而成的。在英国诗歌部分,《英美诗歌名篇详注》略去了一些较早的作品,只包括从莎士比亚开始直至20世纪的英国诗歌;也删去了若干较长的诗歌,以短小的诗歌为主;此外,还缩减了某些诗人作品的数量。除英国诗歌外,《英美诗歌名篇详注》增加了适量的美国诗歌,收进了从浪漫主义早期直至20世纪具有代表性的短小诗作。在编排方面,包括作者简介、诗歌文本、注释和参考译诗4个部分,但书后也添加了主要参考书目和人名索引,以利读者的查阅。 -
本书从西方修辞学的发展渊源入手介绍,就交际修辞与美学修辞两大方面向读者展现了英语修辞的丰富内涵。恰当的例句和短文紧扣相应的文化语境和情景语境,便于读者在提高修辞素养、扩大词汇量的的同时,拓宽文化视野,增强阅读理解能力。内容编排侧重实用,所引倒文以新闻语体为主,以文学语体为次,先例主要摘自90年代初的英美报刊,时代气息浓厚。 海上名宿范家材教授所著《英语修辞赏析》(上海交通大学出版社1996年版),此书广征博引,纵横捭阖,典故妙语无不信手拈来,真正让人体验到老一辈学人的学识功底。他们为我打开了一扇通往英语世界的小窗,这里奇花异卉,芬芳扑鼻。一花一世界,一沙一天国,语言原来那么奇妙。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友