

  • Poems and Songs

    作者:Leonard Cohen

    A magnificent selection of song lyrics and poems from across the storied career of one of the most daring and affecting poet-ongwriters in the world. In the more than half century since his first book of poems was published, Leonard Cohen has evolved into an international cult figure who transcends genres and generations. This anthology contains a cross section of his five decades of influential work, including such legendary songs as “Suzanne,” “Sisters of Mercy,” “Bird on the Wire,” “Famous Blue Raincoat,” and “I’m Your Man” and searingly memorable poems from his many acclaimed poetry collections, including Flowers for Hitler, Beautiful Losers, and Death of a Lady’s Man. Encompassing the erotic and the melancholy, the mystical and the sardonic, this volume showcases a writer of dazzling intelligence and live-wire emotional immediacy.
  • I'm Your Man

    作者:Sylvie Simmons

    The definitive biography of one of the most emigmatic, beloved, and celebrated artists of our time. Leonard Cohen's extensive and successful recent worldwide tour has demonstrated that his popularity across generations and borders has never been greater. Cohen's life is one of singular mystique. This major in-depth biography is the book Cohen's fans have been waiting for. Acclaimed writer/journalist Sylvie Simmons has interviewed more than 100 figures from Cohen's life and work, including his main muses; the women in his life -- from Suzanne and Marianne to Rebecca de Mornay and Anjani Thomas; artists such as Rufus Wainwright, Nick Cave, David Crosby, Judy Collins, and Philip Glass; his record producers; his closest friends, from childhood to adulthood; and many of the spiritual figures who have influenced his life. Cohen, notoriously private, has granted interviews himself. Thoroughly researched and thoughtful, penetrating and lively, fascinating and revealing of stories and facts never read before, I'm Your Man offers new perspectives on Cohen and his life. It will be one of the most talked-about books of the season, and for years to come.
  • 渴望之書

    作者:Cohen, Leonard

    《美麗失敗者》作者最真摯動人的繪本詩集, 極限音樂巨匠菲利普.格拉斯費時6年為本書譜曲, 全書中英對照,同名音樂會歌詞、影像原著! 向大師致敬,邀集藝文名家傾心合譯: 李三沖、林蔚昀、周月英、臥斧、張照堂、張世倫、郭品潔、楊澤、詹宏志、詹偉雄、廖月娟、黎煥雄、鍾永豐、鴻鴻、尉遲秀。(依姓氏筆劃排列) 《渴望之書》的情感是跨越國界的。這些詩是李歐納‧柯恩在南加州伯地山的禪修中心,在洛杉磯、蒙特婁,在孟買寫的,距他上一本詩集的出版已經超過二十個年頭。這本燦爛動人的詩集同時收錄了詩人頑皮挑釁的畫作,這些作品和玄思冥想、無始無終卻又隱隱透露著晦暗幽默的詩作相映成趣。 極限音樂巨匠菲利普.格拉斯(Philip Glass),和「搖滾樂界的拜倫」、加拿大籍詩人歌手李歐納.柯恩(Leonard Cohen),兩位當代最重量級的藝術家醞釀多年,首次以柯恩2006年發表的詩畫集《渴望之書》為名,掀起跨界合作的話題。格拉斯以六年的時間,為柯恩的22首詩譜曲,運用四位歌者與小型樂團的編制,融合柯恩過去20年來的插畫投影,成為一場文學、視覺與音樂相互交合的盛宴。本書完整收錄台灣藝術節《渴望之書》亞洲首演,中英歌詞對照收藏之用。
  • Book of Longing

    作者:Leonard Cohen

    Internationally celebrated for his writing and his music, Leonard Cohen is one of the legendary writers, performers, and most consistently daring artists of our time. Book of Longing is his dazzling new collection of poetry -- twenty years in the making -- written on southern California's Mount Baldy and in Los Angeles, Montreal, and Mumbai. Following his highly acclaimed 1984 publication, Book of Mercy, and containing Cohen's own playful and provocative line drawings, Book of Longing brings together all the elements that have elevated Leonard Cohen's artistry to worldwide recognition.

  • Beautiful Losers

    作者:Leonard Cohen

    One of the best-known experimental novels of the 1960s, "Beautiful Losers" is Cohen's most defiant and uninhibited work. The novel centres upon the hapless members of a love triangle united by their sexual obsessions and by their fascination with Catherine Tekakwitha, the 17th-century Mohawk saint. By turns vulgar, rhapsodic, and viciously witty, "Beautiful Losers" explores each character's attainment of a state of self-abandonment, in which the sensualist cannot be distinguished from the saint. "From the Paperback edition."
  • 大大方方的输家

    作者:伦纳德·科恩,Leonard Cohen

    本书为早期后现代主义文学作品,通过“我”——一个英裔民俗学家,和“我”的导师、同性恋伙伴——法裔民族主义者F之间的断续交流、回忆以及仅存于他们意念中的“我”的妻子——印第安女子伊迪丝和历史上第一个印第安贞女圣徒凯瑟琳·特卡奎萨的言行、生平的片断描写,表现了二十世纪六十年代西方那段躁动的历史、放浪的生活。 本书前言 特色及评论 文章节选
  • Various Positions

    作者:Ira B. Nadel

  • 美麗失敗者


  • 我是你的男人


    莱昂纳德·科恩是这个时代最有影响力的艺术家之一。《我是你的男人:莱昂纳德·科恩传记》是他最权威的传记,由浦睿文化出品。 大半生的辛苦奔忙,创作时的苦思冥想,嗑药后的飘飘欲仙和坠入深渊时的痛苦挣扎,以及所有那些让他心花怒放,让他大动肝火,让他坠入爱河,让他拂袖而走,却从未真正离他而去的女 人,一起成就了今天的他。如今,年届八旬的他,依然庄严优雅,依然锋利如刃,依然就在这儿。这位集作家、画家、诗人、歌手、僧人、情圣、瘾君子于一身的犹太老男人,依然夜复一夜地,像个小男孩般一路小跑地蹦上舞台,依然会双膝跪地,将自己和自己的歌深情呈现于世人面前。他的嗓音听起来更柔和也更粗粝,甚至有一点点撕裂,这不是问题,万物皆有裂痕,那是光进来的地方。 “我就在这儿,我是你的男人。” 著名音乐记者、乐评人西尔维·西蒙斯历经四年努力,通过查阅浩如烟海的史料与文献,获得了大量第一手资料。与此同时,她对一百多位与科恩亲近或是有过交集的人进行了专访。他们中有他的家人、朋友、老师、拉比、一起修行的僧侣以及音乐伙伴——这些拨冗接受西蒙斯专访的音乐人中充斥着巨星级的人物,包括朱迪·科林斯、卢·里德、大卫·克罗斯比、伊基·波普、杰克逊·布朗、克里斯·克里斯托弗、尼克·凯夫、小精灵乐队的布莱克·弗朗西斯、莎朗·罗宾逊等。当然,这串长长的名单中还有他的情人兼缪斯们(丽贝卡·德·莫妮、玛丽安·伊伦、苏珊•埃尔罗德、安嘉妮等)。最重要的,还有科恩自己,他会在西蒙斯著的这本《我是你的男人:莱昂纳德·科恩传记》中时不时地亮相,就像坐在你面前那样侃侃而谈。
  • 美丽失败者

    作者:[加拿大] 莱昂纳德·科恩

    《美丽失败者》问世于上世纪六十年代中期,被誉为加拿大第一部后现代小说,是集诗人、作家、歌手、画家、僧人于一身,有着“摇滚界拜伦”之称的科恩最具挑衅性、最为桀骜不逊的一部作品。 小说以六十年代的蒙特利尔为背景,勾画了一个爱的三角:致力于印第安部落研究的无名学者,其妻伊迪丝——印第安某部落最后一名后裔,以及学者的同性恋人F。这三人由性强迫以及十七世纪一个名叫凯瑟琳•媞卡薇瑟的印第安圣女的传说连结在一起,身处一团纠缠不清的关系当中。小说时而梦呓,时而嚎叫,表达了人们对于秩序的欲望以及对于精神孤独的恐怖。作品怪异夸张,却又妙趣横生;所体现的六十年代之精神,诸如对自由新奇的性爱、革命等探寻式的试验,也就是书中人物所经验的一切,一种超级嬉皮,被寻找精神领袖的一代读者奉为至宝。 这部作品突破了小说的传统形式,为加拿大颇为保守的文学界提供了放浪不羁的可能,是加拿大文坛上最为重要的小说之一。