

  • The Painted Veil

    作者:W. Somerset Maugham

    Shallow, poorly educated Kitty marries the passionate and intellectual Walter Fane and has an affair with a career politician, Charles Townsend, assistant colonial secretary of Hong Kong. When Walter discovers the relationship, he compels Kitty to accompany him to a cholera-infested region of mainland China, where she finds limited happiness working with children at a convent. But when Walter dies, she is forced to leave China and return to England. Generally abandoned, she grasps desperately for the affection of her one remaining relative, her long-ignored father. In the end, in sharp, unexamined contrast to her own behavior patterns, she asserts that her unborn daughter will grow up to be an independent woman. The Painted Veil was first published in 1925 and is usually described as a strong story about a woman's spiritual journey. To more pragmatic, modern eyes, Kitty's emotional growth appears minimal. Still, if not a major feminist work, the book has literary interest. Sophie Ward's uninflected reading is competent if not compelling.
  • 偏僻的角落


    一段充满激情和阴谋的海上冒险 《月亮与六便士》中的尼克尔斯船长再次登场 国内首次翻译出版 这篇小说中的人物都非常奇怪,他们进入你的脑海,自顾自地生根发芽。…… 你心中并没有多余的地方给他,你必须关注那些对你来说更加重要的人。但是他才不在乎呢!他才不理会你为他准备好了的体面的棺木,继续固执地活在你心中。 ——毛姆 一个受人尊敬而来历不明的医生,一个狡猾猥琐却有着自己原则的船长,一个背负着谋杀罪名的忧郁青年,一场暴风雨将他们困在太平洋一个偏僻的小岛上。当冷漠而迷人的女孩带着夏夜的风情款款走来,所有人的命运都被卷入了爱情、阴谋、嫉妒和死亡的漩涡。
  • 魔法师


    神秘诡谲的哥特式小说 以“世上最邪恶的男人”,“魔法师”阿莱斯特•克劳利为原型 最令人心痛的悲剧,莫过于圣洁被邪恶所毁 毛姆用一种平和的口吻去讲述他那些怪诞可怕的故事,以一种毫 无敬意的口吻来描述生活中圣洁、甜美的事物,从而产生了令人印象 深刻的叙述效果。 ——《纽约时报》 巴黎,年轻有为的外科医生亚瑟和他漂亮的未婚妻玛格丽特青梅竹马,两情相悦,即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂。在婚礼前夕的一次聚会上,他们偶然结识了一位神秘人物——自称魔法师的奥利弗•哈多。亚瑟因为轻率的行为而见罪于哈多,哈多遂对两位年轻人展开了一系列阴险邪恶的复仇行动……
  • 旋转木马


    生动、诙谐、迷人的三重奏 毛姆不可错过的早期杰作 国内首次翻译出版 本书通过一个三重奏故事,向读者们展现了人类之爱与理性的混乱:一个牧师之女与一个将死的诗人那短暂而幸福的婚姻;一位与无耻之徒通奸的妇人在那之后竟变成了一位通情达理的贤妻;以及毛姆最喜欢的一个主题——某位值得尊敬的人决定将美德践行到极致。
  • The Moon And Sixpence

    作者:W. Somerset Maugham

    Book Description It seems unthinkable that Charles Strickland, the dull, bourgeois city gent, would have the tortured soul of a genius. Yet Strickland is driven to abandon his home, wife, and children to devote himself slavishly to painting. In a tiny studio in Paris he fills canvas after canvas, refusing to sell or even exhibit his work. Beset by poverty, sickness, and his own intransigent nature, he drifts to Tahiti, where, even after being blinded by leprosy, he produces some of his most extraordinary works of art. First published in 1919 and inspired by the life of Paul Gauguin, The Moon and Sixpence is a study of a man possessed by the need to create - regardless of the cost to himself or others. Book Dimension length: (cm)19.7                 width:(cm)12.8
  • The Razor's Edge

    作者:W. Somerset Maugham

    Larry Darrell is a young American in search of the absolute. The progress of his spiritual odyssey involves him with some of Maugham's most brilliant characters - his fiancée Isabel whose choice between love and wealth have lifelong repercussions, and Elliott Templeton, her uncle, a classic expatriate American snob.Maugham himself wanders in and out of the story, to observe his characters struggling with their fates.
  • 圣诞假日


    俄罗斯舞女眼中的另一个巴黎 一个故事写遍爱情、艺术、政治、生命和苦难 《星期六评论》推崇为毛姆最好的作品之一 简体中文首次出版 查利·梅森在二十三岁这年独自前往巴黎度过圣诞假日。本该轻松愉快的旅行,因为一名女子变成了一场超出他人生体验的冒险,而查利也第一次认真地审视起生命的意义。 “查利很庆幸他从这场噩梦中醒过来了,但这场噩梦有一种可怕的真实感,让其他的一切都变得虚幻。似乎有一种力量,一种模糊的含义,让他与家人——他的父亲,他的母亲,他的妹妹,这三个与他最亲近之人——一起分享的生活,以及更大范围内的,机遇已经为他安排好的舒适环境中那虽略乏味却颇体面的生活,都成了一出皮影戏。”
  • 巨匠与杰作


  • Of Human Bondage

    作者:W. Somerset Maugham,

    The first and most autobiographical of Maugham's masterpieces. It is the story of Philip Carey, an orphan eager for life, love and adventure. After a few months studying in Heidelberg, and a brief spell in Paris as a would-be artist, he settles in London to train as a doctor where he meets Mildred, the loud but irresistible waitress with whom he plunges into a tortured and masochistic affair. From the Trade Paperback edition.