1978年3月第一版,1983年9月第3印 -
剃刀锋利,越之不易; 智者有云,得渡人稀。 ——《迦陀奥义书》 -
The Hours
A daring, deeply affecting third novel by the author of A Home at the End of the World and Flesh and Blood. In The Hours, Michael Cunningham, widely praised as one of the most gifted writers of his generation, draws inventively on the life and work of Virginia Woolf to tell the story of a group of contemporary characters struggling with the conflicting claims of love and inheritance, hope and despair. The narrative of Woolf's last days before her suicide early in World War II counterpoints the fictional stories of Samuel, a famous poet whose life has been shadowed by his talented and troubled mother, and his lifelong friend Clarissa, who strives to forge a balanced and rewarding life in spite of the demands of friends, lovers, and family. Passionate, profound, and deeply moving, this is Cunningham's most remarkable achievement to date. -
收《家庭女教师》、《一个陌生女人的来信》、《看不见的珍藏》以及《象棋的故事》四部作品。 -
中短篇小说十六篇 灼人的秘密 夏天的故事 桎梏 恐惧 热带癫狂症患者 奇妙之夜 巫山云(一个陌生女人的来信) 月光巷 看不见的收藏 日内瓦湖畔的插曲 雷泼莱拉 旧书商门德尔 一个女人一生中的二十四小时 一颗心的沦亡 一对酷似而又迥异的孪生姐妹 象棋的故事 -
艾米莉·勃朗特编著的《呼啸山庄》讲述了:来历不明的流浪儿希思克利夫从小就被“呼啸山庄”的主人恩肖收养,他与恩肖的女儿凯瑟琳两小无猜,长大后对她产生了爱情。而恩肖的儿子欣德利却忌恨父亲对希思克利夫的偏爱,在他死后,把希思克利夫降格为奴,百般凌辱。凯瑟琳嫁给“画眉庄园”的公子埃德加·林顿之后,希思克利夫终于愤而出走,几年后,暴富归来,一意报复侮辱过、伤害过他的人。爱人仇家一个个离世,却未了断他的爱恨,他还想利用下一辈人来做延续,终了还是绝望而逝。 艾米莉·勃朗特的这部小说《呼啸山庄》以强烈的情感冲突、戏剧性的情节描写和入木三分的人物刻画,以及特有的扑面而来的荒原诗意,成为世界文学史上的一朵奇葩。 -
传说古代有个与天使结为朋友的小孩,写下一本意在拯救世界的“希望之书”,《奥默与海豚》介绍了天上的光明世界和那里的旅行见闻,并要求代代相传,传给能与海豚交流的孩子,当最后一个保管人打开书页,地上的世界就会被光明照亮,出现永久和平…… -
《喀布尔女孩》是基于作者盖尔?雷蒙在喀布尔、伦敦及华盛顿特区长达三年的实地采访和调查,写就的一个震撼心灵的真实故事。 《喀布尔女孩》是一个普通女孩在战争环境下成长进取的痕迹,《喀布尔女孩》也是一个姊妹情深合力奋斗的故事。《喀布尔女孩》中主人公卡米拉冒着重重危险奔波于市场,巧妙地与塔利班士兵周旋,化解种种危机。《喀布尔女孩》描绘了卡米拉带领姊妹们和附近社区的女子们,一针一线,从家中客厅开始,缝制出一个足以造福家乡的制衣王国的传奇。所有曾经自卑、自弃,畏缩不前或看不到希望的读者,都应该读读《喀布尔女孩》。《喀布尔女孩》中这些女子的经历深深地鼓舞了阿富汗地区及至全世界的女性:即使被全世界遗忘,也不要轻易放弃希望。只要努力和坚持,你终将绽放属于你的那一份美丽。 -
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
This stunning novel begins on a winter night in 1964, when a blizzard forces Dr David Henry to deliver his own twins. His son, born first, is perfectly healthy, but the doctor immediately recognises that his daughter has Down's syndrome. For motives he tells himself are good, he makes a split-second decision that will haunt all of their lives forever. He asks his nurse, Caroline, to take the baby away to an institution. Instead, she disappears into another city to raise the child as her own. -
夏目漱石生于一八六七年,死于一九一六年,是日本近代著名作家在日本文学史上有很高的地位,小说《心》由"先生和我"、"父母和我"、及"先生和遗书"三个在形式上各自独立,在内容上又相互联系的部分组成。其中,第三部分的"先生和遗书"是小说的核心部分,可以说前两个部分都是为第三个部分的展开而做的铺垫和伏笔。《心》讲述的是"先生"结识并爱上了房东家的小姐,同时也赢得了房东太太的好感,但却因年少时曾受到叔父的欺诈而对他人时存戒心,迟迟不能表白自己的心意。后来,"先生"的好友K住进了房东家里,也爱上了小姐,直率的K向好友"先生"表白了自己的心事,"先生"在表面上批评K"不求上进",背地里却偷偷地向房东太太提出要和小姐结婚。知道了这一切真相之后的K ,在绝望中自杀了,同时K的死也留给"先生"一生的不安和自责,婚后的"先生"一直无法忘却K ,他的内心无比的寂寞,终于也走上了自杀的道路。 -
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
The enthralling international bestseller. We are in the center of Paris, in an elegant apartment building inhabited by bourgeois families. RenA(c)e, the concierge, is witness to the lavish but vacuous lives of her numerous employers. Outwardly she conforms to every stereotype of the concierge: fat, cantankerous, addicted to television. Yet, unbeknownst to her employers, RenA(c)e is a cultured autodidact who adores art, philosophy, music, and Japanese culture. With humor and intelligence she scrutinizes the lives of the buildingas tenants, who for their part are barely aware of her existence. Then thereas Paloma, a twelve-year-old genius. She is the daughter of a tedious parliamentarian, a talented and startlingly lucid child who has decided to end her life on the sixteenth of June, her thirteenth birthday. Until then she will continue behaving as everyone expects her to behave: a mediocre pre-teen high on adolescent subculture, a good but not an outstanding student, an obedient if obstinate daughter. Paloma and RenA(c)e hide both their true talents and their finest qualities from a world they suspect cannot or will not appreciate them. They discover their kindred souls when a wealthy Japanese man named Ozu arrives in the building. Only he is able to gain Palomaas trust and to see through RenA(c)eas timeworn disguise to the secret that haunts her. This is a moving, funny, triumphant novel that exalts the quiet victories of the inconspicuous among us. -
原名《心灵的焦灼》。 -
最真实的职场斗争 最残酷的心机博弈 80后女孩叶小荼升职为英国UP公司上海办事处销售副经理,在与营销总监江尚保持着地下恋情关系的同时,还与冷酷无情的人事部经理沈若琳,老谋深算的销售主管朱丽叶,新进菜鸟田樱樱,旧日同僚苏霓亚等人周旋于上司、平级、下属之间。除销售压力之外还要应付人事纷争,江尚前女友袁蓓儿突然介入叶小荼好友施莉莉的家庭中,一场应对小三的战争就此展开;当办公室恋情被猎头发觉,在爱情与面包之间,叶小荼又将作出怎样的抉择……
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友