

  • 作者:(意)加布里埃莱·邓南遮|译者

    《火》是邓南遮文学创作进入第二阶段的重要标志,充分体现了享乐主义、纵欲和表现“超人”的文学倾向。小说颂扬了年青人斯泰利奥·埃弗雷纳的强烈的创作欲望及他对一位有才华的成年女演员的激情。故事发生在1882年至1883年之间,以水城威尼斯为背景,对水城景色的描绘不矫揉造作,不落颓废主义的俗套,极富表现力。 《火》是作者曾打算命名为《石榴三部曲》的第一部,可惜另外两部分别题名为《人之胜利》和《生命的凯歌》没有完成。在小说主人公诗人斯泰利奥身上艺术、生活、梦幻和成就融为一体。可以说,《火》是邓南遮的唯美主义艺术风格已趋于成熟的重要标志。其艺术表现力和诗一般的感染力都是非常突出的,在20世纪初的意大利文坛上占有重要地位。小说之所以题名为《火》,源于书中第一部分所描写的主显节之火。在作者笔下,1月6日的主显节之夜,烟火满天的威尼斯水城犹如“漂浮在水面上的一团经久不熄的火球”。 可以说,邓南遮的小说《火》形象化的体现了德国哲学家尼采艺术上的两种形而上学的美学思想:“日神精神”和“酒神精神”。所谓“日神精神”,即沉湎于客观世界的美,潜心于瞬间的感受,追求人生的欢乐;而所谓“酒神精神”,即向往艺术的永恒,用艺术来肯定人生和拯救人生,歌颂超越自我、直面人生悲剧的“超人”精神。概括地说,这两种精神正是人的两种基本的审美状态:“日神状态”和“酒神状态”,也就是艺术创作的两种不可或缺的心态——“梦’’和“醉”。
  • The Salmon of Doubt

    作者:Douglas Adams

    On Friday, May 11, 2001, the world mourned the untimely passing of Douglas Adams, beloved creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, dead of a heart attack at age forty-nine. Thankfully, in addition to a magnificent literary legacy—which includes seven novels and three co-authored works of nonfiction—Douglas left us something more. The book you are about to enjoy was rescued from his four computers, culled from an archive of chapters from his long-awaited novel-in-progress, as well as his short stories, speeches, articles, interviews, and letters. In a way that none of his previous books could, The Salmon of Doubt provides the full, dazzling, laugh-out-loud experience of a journey through the galaxy as perceived by Douglas Adams. From a boy’s first love letter (to his favorite science fiction magazine) to the distinction of possessing a nose of heroic proportions; from climbing Kilimanjaro in a rhino costume to explaining why Americans can’t make a decent cup of tea; from lyrical tributes to the sublime pleasures found in music by Procol Harum, the Beatles, and Bach to the follies of his hopeless infatuation with technology; from fantastic, fictional forays into the private life of Genghis Khan to extended visits with Dirk Gently and Zaphod Beeblebrox: this is the vista from the elevated perch of one of the tallest, funniest, most brilliant, and most penetrating social critics and thinkers of our time. Welcome to the wonderful mind of Douglas Adams.
  • Tuesdays with Morrie

    作者:Mitch Albom

    It’s been ten years since Mitch Albom first shared the wisdom of Morrie Schwartz with the world. Now–twelve million copies later–in a new afterword, Mitch Albom reflects again on the meaning of Morrie’s life lessons and the gentle, irrevocable impact of their Tuesday sessions all those years ago. . . _____ Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you, receive wisdom for your busy life today the way you once did when you were younger? Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final “class”: lessons in how to live. Tuesdays with Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift with the world.
  • 至高者

    作者:[法] 莫里斯·布朗肖(Maurice

  • 官场无故事


  • 少年维特的烦恼


  • 天长地久


    “躯体倒下时,思想的灵魂还在风中伫立……” 张海迪最新长篇小说《天长地久》出版 《绝顶》之后又攀高峰,仰望星空聚焦心灵 我一直有一个愿望:在我还能握住笔的时候,写一部关于星空的书。这个愿望来自我童年时对天空的冥想,也是我成年后对时光飞逝如梭的怅惘。 ——张海迪 这是作者继长篇小说《绝顶》之后的又一部力作。她以出人意料的想象塑造了当代知识分子的崭新形象:天文学家杜克成,雕塑家余锦菲,河流学家曾在平,动物学家朱丽宁…… 作者以女性少有的气魄描绘了无边的宇宙星空和壮阔的自然景象,用深刻理性之笔探照了人的心灵。丰富的情感令人激动,密集的知识让人惊叹,伤感的故事更是令人无限惆怅。 小说阐释了作者对生命和时间的哲学思考,是一部具有永恒意义的作品。
  • 愚人颂


  • 父子的世界

    作者:[美] 罗伯特·M.皮尔西格

  • Atlas Shrugged

    作者:Ayn Rand

    At last, Ayn Rand's masterpiece is available to her millions of loyal readers in trade paperback. With this acclaimed work and its immortal query, "Who is John Galt?", Ayn Rand found the perfect artistic form to express her vision of existence. Atlas Shrugged made Rand not only one of the most popular novelists of the century, but one of its most influential thinkers. Atlas Shrugged is the astounding story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world--and did. Tremendous in scope, breathtaking in its suspense, Atlas Shrugged stretches the boundaries further than any book you have ever read. It is a mystery, not about the murder of a man's body, but about the murder--and rebirth--of man's spirit. * Atlas Shrugged is the "second most influential book for Americans today" after the Bible, according to a joint survey conducted by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club
  • 莉娜的邀请

    作者:露西·艾尔(lucy eyre)

    《莉娜的邀请》=《苏菲的世界》+《爱丽丝梦游奇境记》 1991年首次出版的《苏菲的世界》,早已风靡全世界; 2007年首次出版的《莉娜的邀请》,正在英语世界风行。 读完这本小说,你已经达到牛津大学哲学高材生水平。 —————————————————————————— 本•华纳是一个15岁的帅气男生,趁暑假在一家鳕鱼大王店打工,忽然有一天,店里来了一个漂亮的女孩,邀请他到一个从未听说过的地方去找她,而这个叫莉娜的女孩,30年前就已经死了……不明真相的本通过浴室旁的橱柜来到了一个仙境般的世界,这里没有四季变化、国籍和炸薯条,连狗也会说话,土著居民大多是早已离开了人世千百年的哲学家、诗人……本在莉娜的带领下莫名其妙地参加了一次又一次激烈而精彩的哲学辩论,而他并不知道,这些辩论将决定着一位任期长达2 500多年的总统是否能够继续连任……他和她之间会发生怎样的故事?这是一个怎样的奇幻世界?他为着什么样的使命才来到这梦一般的世界? —————————————————————————————————— 推荐: 只有经过哲学训练的心智,才是完整的心智。它会主动追求善,也有能力发现善和辨识恶。一个善的社会,肯定是有哲学根基的社会。每个人心中都藏着一个哲学家,希望更多的人通过阅读《莉娜的邀请》迈进哲学之门。——著名时评家 叶匡政 作为一个哲学盲,向青少年推荐这本书,趁着脑子特别好使的时候,读点《时间简史》《苏菲的世界》还有《莉娜的邀请》这本书,会让你终身受益,起码脑子比我清楚。 ——著名评论员 潘采夫 中国的孩子最需要读这样的书,可是,中国的作家写不出这样的书。 ——《南方周末》 何三畏 与前几年非常热门的《苏菲的世界》一书不同,这种相遇并不是以哲学史为线索,而是以哲学问题为线索的。……如果说《苏菲的世界》偏重于陈述性知识,更多地是作为一位导师在告诉你什么是哲学;那么《莉娜的邀请》就是更偏重于操作性知识,更多地是作为一个朋友在潜移默化地影响你学会如何去进行哲学思考。书中的哲学探讨发生在餐厅里、海滩边、球场上、野餐时、酒会中,生活场景信手拈来却又毫不突兀,而这也正是此书的独到之处。 ——2000年全国大专辩论赛最佳辩手 周玄毅
  • 禪與摩托車維修的藝術

    作者:[美] 羅伯·波西格

    一九七○年代的夏日,「我」與11歲的兒子克理斯從明尼蘇達的家中出發,騎機車橫越半個美國,打算一路飽覽景色至加州海邊。在這趟為期17天的旅程裡,「我」發現,過往鑽研於哲學導致精神分裂的回憶不停影隨形,而11歲的愛子克理斯也被醫生診斷出有精神疾病的前兆。為了安撫過往的靈魂,「我」決定好好面對過去,重拾對於哲學的追求,並再度完成早已遺忘的哲學理論。 波西格在本書中討論的,正是心靈與科技的距離。故事可區分為兩條線,一條是「我」,與11歲大的兒子克里斯一同騎車橫越半個美洲;另一條則是「斐卓斯」,波西格假藉柏拉圖《對話錄》中出現的人物代表過去的自己、那個曾經因為走不出追求真理困境而精神崩潰的人。隨著父子間的交集越多、面對大自然的時間越長、以及探討科技理性社會的思考不斷,「我」發現「斐卓斯」也如影隨形的跟隨著他。 本書可說是由這兩種極端的敘事裡交織起來的,一方面是人性與科技的再深入、一方面「我」也不停地審視自己的心靈。最終,這兩條敘事合而為一,「我」終於理解讓自己精神分崩離析的原因,正是來自這種理性社會,人們過度依賴科技卻未曾追求科技的本質,缺乏心靈上的追尋。也透過這趟旅程,「我」重新找到了與世界的妥協之道(以及與「斐卓斯」的相處之道),還有活下來的原因。 《禪與摩托車維修的藝術》以優美流暢的文筆,闡述一場關於心靈與科技的辯證,尋求在現代生活一種追尋自我的旅程,並以簡單的語言,將哲學思考化為簡易的故事流洩至讀者心裡。
  • 洪水之后


    《洪水之后》写于1969年,是作家心理小说三部曲中的第一部,另外两部《黑色之星》(1982)。《名为伊甸园的儿童福利院》(1998)。作品时间跨度长达三十年,从个体的角度富有启发性地展示了从上个世纪三十年代至1968年“布拉格之春”后所谓“正常化时期”的时代进程。 小说以第一人称讲述一位离异的母亲,左翼女画家西尔薇·多纳特,因个人生活的感情纠葛,加之那个时代理想的幻灭和社会价值观的触礁,深陷艺术危机,最后导致精神崩溃——淹没在精神的巨大洪水之中。经过长期治疗和休养,她逐渐康复,在对往事的追忆和叙述中走出阴影,战胜了自己。 小说的主线用三位女性贯穿,展现了三代人的情感经历和生活选择,用道德的棱镜对时代体制发出批评,对沦丧的道德墟土发出绝望的呐喊。
  • 一个诱惑者的日记

    作者:[丹麦] 克尔凯郭尔

  • Coraline Movie Tie-in Edition


    在线阅读本书 When Coraline explores her new home, she steps through a door and into another house just like her own . . . except that it's different. It's a marvelous adventure until Coraline discovers that there's also another mother and another father in the house. They want Coraline to stay with them and be their little girl. They want to keep her forever! Coraline must use all of her wits and every ounce of courage in order to save herself and return home.
  • Bringing Down the House

    作者:Ben Mezrich

    #1 National Bestseller! The amazing inside story about a gambling ring of M.I.T. students who beat the system in Vegas -- and lived to tell how. Robin Hood meets the Rat Pack when the best and the brightest of M.I.T.'s math students and engineers take up blackjack under the guidance of an eccentric mastermind. Their small blackjack club develops from an experiment in counting cards on M.I.T.'s campus into a ring of card savants with a system for playing large and winning big. In less than two years they take some of the world's most sophisticated casinos for more than three million dollars. But their success also brings with it the formidable ire of casino owners and launches them into the seedy underworld of corporate Vegas with its private investigators and other violent heavies. Filled with tense action, high stakes, and incredibly close calls, Bringing Down the House is a nail-biting read that chronicles a real-life Ocean's Eleven. It's one story that Vegas does not want you to read.
  • The Solitaire Mystery

    作者:Jostein Gaarder

  • A Long Way Down

    作者:Nick Hornby

    In his eagerly awaited fourth novel, "New York Times"-bestselling author Nick Hornby mines the hearts and psyches of four lost souls who connect just when they've reached the end of the line. Meet Martin, JJ, Jess, and Maureen. Four people who come together on New Year's Eve: a former TV talk show host, a musician, a teenage girl, and a mother. Three are British, one is American. They encounter one another on the roof of Topper's House, a London destination famous as the last stop for those ready to end their lives. In four distinct and riveting first-person voices, Nick Hornby tells a story of four individuals confronting the limits of choice, circumstance, and their own mortality. This is a tale of connections made and missed, punishing regrets, and the grace of second chances. Intense, hilarious, provocative, and moving, "A Long Way Down" is a novel about suicide that is, surprisingly, full of life. " What's your jumping-off point? Maureen Why is it the biggest sin of all? All your life you're told that you'll be going to this marvelous place when you pass on. And the one thing you can do to get you there a bit quicker is something that stops you getting there at all. Oh, I can see that it's a kind of queue-jumping. But if someone jumps the queue at the post office, people tut. Or sometimes they say "Excuse me, I was here first." They don't say "You will be consumed by hellfire for all eternity." That would be a bit strong. Martin I'd spent the previous couple of months looking up suicides on the Internet, just out of curiosity. And nearly every single time, the coroner says the same thing: "He took his own life while the balance of his mind was disturbed." And then you read the story about the poor bastard: His wife was sleeping with his best friend, he'd lost his job, his daughter had been killed in a road accident some months before . . . Hello, Mr. Coroner? I'm sorry, but there's no disturbed mental balance here, my friend. I'd say he got it just right. Jess I was at a party downstairs. It was a shit party, full of all these ancient crusties sitting on the floor drinking cider and smoking huge spliffs and listening to weirdo space-out reggae. At midnight, one of them clapped sarcastically, and a couple of others laughed, and that was it-Happy New Year to you, too. You could have turned up to that party as the happiest person in London, and you'd still have wanted to jump off the roof by five past twelve. And I wasn't the happiest person in London anyway. Obviously. JJ New Year's Eve was a night for sentimental losers. It was my own stupid fault. Of course there'd be a low-rent crowd up there. I should have picked a classier date-like March 28, when Virginia Woolf took her walk into the river, or November 25 (Nick Drake). If anybody had been on the roof on either of those nights, the chances are they would have been like-minded souls, rather than hopeless f*ck-ups who had somehow persuaded themselves that the end of a calendar year is in any way significant. "
  • Siddhartha

    作者:Hesse, Hermann

    This book chronicles the spiritual evolution of a man living in India at the time of the Buddha—a tale that has inspired generations of readers. We are invited along Siddhartha's journey experiencing his highs, lows, loves, and disappointments along the way. Hesse begins by showing us the life of a privileged brahmin's son. Handsome, well-loved, and growing increasingly dissatisfied with the life expected of him, Siddhartha sets out on his journey, not realizing that he is fulfilling the prophesies proclaimed at his birth. Siddhartha blends in with the world, showing the reader the beauty and intricacies of the mind, nature, and his experiences on the path to enlightenment. Sherab Chödzin Kohn's flowing, poetic translation conveys the philosophical and spiritual nuances of Hesse's text, paying special attention to the qualities of meditative experience. Also included is an extensive introduction by Paul W. Morris that discusses the impact Siddhartha has had on American culture.
  • 悲伤先生的指南针

