那个茅山道士竟然说她的命运在古代,而她竟然就这么稀里糊涂、莫名奇妙地穿越了。与那个对锗号的古代灵魂交换身体的瞬间,对方如释重负的微笑,让缨络第一次惊惧起自己未知的古代命运。 苏州驻防将军颐龄的小女儿,是缨络穿越后的新宿体。这具美貌到妖媚的皮囊,密室中让人欲喷鼻血的训练,心机深重的随身嬷嬷,额娘步步精心的计划……这是一个绸缪已久的阴谋,缨络正是那颗棋子。进宫,成了缨络无法抗拒的宿命。高深莫测的皇后,心机狠毒的嫔妃,肮脏诡诈的交易,触目惊心的死亡,玉座珠帘的诱惑,催生了人性的最阴暗与险恶。 诡谲无情的宫闱争斗中,缨络却同时沦陷于两个男人的爱十艮纠葛:一边是患难与共的亲王,悱恻缠绵;一边是莫测高深的帝王,霸爱狂情。所有的一切,女主缨络都一一亲历。在后宫这片惑人而肮脏的无情地,缨络在爱恨纠葛与死亡中寻回自我,最终凤飞冲天,独上玉座珠帘。 -
邪道 無限抱擁 (上)
出版社/著者からの内容紹介 大幅加筆&修正に未発表外伝を含む改訂版 ファン待望のシリーズ復刊! 友情と恋に揺れる紅蓮の瞳 少年元帥アシュレイの想いは届くのか? 天界の頂点の任を負うティアランディア。光り輝く美貌の彼は、東西南北に散る四天王を配下におき、人間界を脅かす魔族に目を光らせている。南領の武将・アシュレイは、ともに机を並べて塾で学んだ幼なじみ。ティアに変わらぬ情愛を感じていたが、いつしか2人の気持ちはすれ違って……。表題作ほか、書き下ろしの外伝「蒼風(かぜ)の地図(みち)」を収録。満を持して、熱く復刊! -
勇士归来拯救世界。 魔王狂笑,怒笑中带着不甘:“为什么,为什么我们这些游戏中的怪物不能得到公平的待遇?为什么我们不能自己去学技能,不能打怪升级,不能制作武器……为什么?” 痴迷网络游戏的玩家于天,被智能电脑圣魔雪克变成了植物人。当他醒来时,已经是在20年后的一款名叫《无限世界》的虚拟游戏中了,他无法退出游戏回到现实世界,只有从游戏中找到使神经恢复正常的方法。 在游戏中,于天被安排到一个最边远落后的村庄——失落之村。凶猛的怪物。荒凉的村落,各式各样的玩家。逐步拥有情感与智慧的游戏NPC。以及众多拥有强大力量的高级智能程序,这便是于天将要面对的一切。 能控制玩家和野兽意志的驭兽魔神。守护蓝玉山藏宝洞的地龙,以一人之力屠杀数千玩家的智能程序奇幻法神,于天将如何应战? 失去武器与信心的猎户阿宝,一心想要驱除魔神的老族长,为了让家人能过上好日子而成为佣兵的巨斧战士阿汉,于天与这些游戏中的NPC之间。发生了多少故事? 这一次,于天不会再在游戏里虚度光阴,而是要拿出全部力量,战胜自我,求得再生! -
有人说,爱恨情仇,都将在岁月的划痕中成为逝去的回忆。然而,真的有人忘得了心中那刻骨铭心的记忆吗?冷血无情路独行忘不了!有人说,所有的眼泪和拥抱,都将是一段虚无缥缈的回忆。然而,真的有人不再想起那灼热的年华了吗?无双流传人路独行忘不了!在他冰冷而丑陋的外表之下,其实隐藏着一颗炽热的心。浩瀚江湖,路独行独步PK,沧桑情海,侠义客莫名纠葛…… 目录: 第四十二章 慕容世家 第四十三章 无路可选 第四十四章 对决争天棒 第四十五章 承诺 第四十六章 无绪的迷茫 第四十七章 幸福 第四十八章 两强相会 第四十九章 华飞龙之死 第五十章 朋友的妻子 第五十一章 九幽谷 第五十二章 谭世鄂 第五十三章 方立东涉险 第五十四章 金牛头府 第五十五章 诛仙剑法 第五十六章 昔日丑闻 第五十七章 血屠 第五十八章 西门邦其人 第五十九章 叶潼之死 第六十章 条件 第六十一章 金瓜槌 第六十二章 武神毙命 第六十三章 最后的传说 -
有人说,爱恨情仇,都将在岁月的划痕中成为逝去的回忆。然而,真的有人忘得了心中那刻骨铭心的记忆吗?冷血无情路独行忘不了!有人说,所有的眼泪和拥抱,都将是一段虚无缥缈的回忆。然而,真的有人不再想起那灼热的年华了吗?无双流传人路独行忘不了!在他冰冷而丑陋的外表之下,其实隐藏着一颗炽热的心。浩瀚江湖,路独行独步PK,沧桑情海,侠义客莫名纠葛…… 目录: 第二十三章 惨剧 第二十四章 重逢 第二十五章 绝不放弃 第二十六章 为她而死 第二十七章 不要离开我 第二十八章 说书人 第二十九章 少林奇士 第三十章 爱意 第三十一章 黑水劫 第三十二章 再见父亲 第三十三章 攻陷天上会 第三十四幸 十二魔神 第三十五章 司马千世 第三十六章 追踪 第三十七章 爱如渴 第三十八章 抛弃 第三十九章 天下大乱 第四十章 杀手团 第四十一章 谁是傻瓜 -
穿越文史上又一浪尖力作,以母爱颠覆那段极致野蛮与血腥的岁月,当魂寄夜明珠,辗转今生来世的我们,能否一改千年的孤寂。 世上有永远相爱,不离不弃,此生不渝的爱情吗?抑或者生不同衾,死却同穴,魂亦相随,是否真能做到?在五胡乱华这段最黑暗的历史时期,这样的爱能存活吗?亦或者都只是黑暗的陪葬罢了,五胡乱华的黑暗由我来述说,由你来定论,冉闵皇帝究竟是罪大恶极的屠夫亦或是人人敬重的英雄! 绝望下,伊天雪那张血泪的面孔竟使她逃离牢笼,逃离当食物为胡人果腹的悲惨命运。只因天雪和民族英雄冉闵的女人神似魂似,但是命运并没有因此“殊荣”给予她完美的穿越爱情,仿若她的到来只是成就上天的严惩。 在后赵皇帝的石氏皇室里,天雪如眼中钉一般受尽皇室的百般刁难,直到她和冉闵揭开落泪佛像的骇人谜团…… 而神偷苏蔡是上天在坎坷的情路上为她安排的第二颗顽石,当行为荒诞的他逼天雪向人未发光的夜明珠起誓时,她的紫微显盘使被命运的轨迹所耸动…… -
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Book Description When the Quidditch World Cup is disrupted by Voldemort's rampaging supporters and the terrifying Dark Mark is resurrected, it is obvious to Harry that, far from failing, Voldemort is getting stronger. The ultimate symbol to the magic world of the evil Lord's return would be if the one and only survivor of his death curse, Harry Potter, could finally be beaten. So when Harry is entered for the Triwizard Tournament - a competition between three wizarding schools to find the ultimate magician - he knows that rather than win it, he just has to get through the trials alive. Amazon.com In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , J.K. Rowling offers up equal parts danger and delight--and any number of dragons, house-elves, and death-defying challenges. Now 14, her orphan hero has only two more weeks with his Muggle relatives before returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Yet one night a vision harrowing enough to make his lightning-bolt-shaped scar burn has Harry on edge and contacting his godfather-in-hiding, Sirius Black. Happily, the prospect of attending the season's premier sporting event, the Quidditch World Cup, is enough to make Harry momentarily forget that Lord Voldemort and his sinister familiars--the Death Eaters--are out for murder. Readers, we will cast a giant invisibility cloak over any more plot and reveal only that You-Know-Who is very much after Harry and that this year there will be no Quidditch matches between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Instead, Hogwarts will vie with two other magicians' schools, the stylish Beauxbatons and the icy Durmstrang, in a Triwizard Tournament. Those chosen to compete will undergo three supreme tests. Could Harry be one of the lucky contenders? But Quidditch buffs need not go into mourning: we get our share of this great game at the World Cup. Attempting to go incognito as Muggles, 100,000 witches and wizards converge on a "nice deserted moor." As ever, Rowling magicks up the details that make her world so vivid, and so comic. Several spectators' tents, for instance, are entirely unquotidian. One is a minipalace, complete with live peacocks; another has three floors and multiple turrets. And the sports paraphernalia on offer includes rosettes "squealing the names of the players" as well as "tiny models of Firebolts that really flew, and collectible figures of famous players, which strolled across the palm of your hand, preening themselves." Needless to say, the two teams are decidedly different, down to their mascots. Bulgaria is supported by the beautiful veela, who instantly enchant everyone--including Ireland's supporters--over to their side. Until, that is, thousands of tiny cheerleaders engage in some pyrotechnics of their own: "The leprechauns had risen into the air again, and this time, they formed a giant hand, which was making a very rude sign indeed at the veela across the field." Long before her fourth installment appeared, Rowling warned that it would be darker, and it's true that every exhilaration is equaled by a moment that has us fearing for Harry's life, the book's emotions running as deep as its dangers. Along the way, though, she conjures up such new characters as Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, a Dark Wizard catcher who may or may not be getting paranoid in his old age, and Rita Skeeter, who beetles around Hogwarts in search of stories. (This Daily Prophet scoop artist has a Quick-Quotes Quill that turns even the most innocent assertion into tabloid innuendo.) And at her bedazzling close, Rowling leaves several plot strands open, awaiting book 5. This fan is ready to wager that the author herself is part veela--her pen her wand, her commitment to her world complete. (Ages 9 and older) --Kerry Fried From Publishers Weekly In our Best Books citation, PW wrote, "The fourth Harry Potter adventure, centering on an inter-school competition, boasts details that are as ingenious and original as ever. A spectacular climax will leave readers breathless." Ages 8-12. (July) From School Library Journal Grade 4 Up-Harry is now 14 years old and in his fourth year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where big changes are afoot. This year, instead of the usual Inter-House Quidditch Cup, a Triwizard Tournament will be held, during which three champions, one from each of three schools of wizardry (Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beaux-batons), must complete three challenging magical tasks. The competitors must be at least 17 years old, but the Goblet of Fire that determines the champions mysteriously produces Harry's name, so he becomes an unwilling fourth contestant. Meanwhile, it is obvious to the boy's allies that the evil Voldemort will use the Tournament to get at Harry. This hefty volume is brimming with all of the imagination, humor, and suspense that characterized the first books. So many characters, both new and familiar, are so busily scheming, spying, studying, worrying, fulminating, and suffering from unrequited first love that it is a wonder that Rowling can keep track, much less control, of all the plot lines. She does, though, balancing humor, malevolence, school-day tedium, and shocking revelations with the aplomb of a circus performer. The Triwizard Tournament itself is a bit of a letdown, since Harry is able, with a little help from his friends and even enemies, to perform the tasks easily. This fourth installment, with its deaths, a sinister ending, and an older and more shaken protagonist, surely marks the beginning of a very exciting and serious battle between the forces of light and dark, and Harry's fans will be right there with him. Eva Mitnick, Los Angeles Public Library From Beliefnet There are some Christians who view these two activities as a contradiction--who think that Hogwarts is worse than hogwash, and that the magical scenarios of J.K. Rowling's imagination are inherently un-Christian. I would counter that, instead, these books have the potential to be profoundly Christian if readers can see past the medium (magic) to the novels' deeper messages about self-sacrifice, the triumph of good over evil, and the glorious possibility of human redemption. (Beliefnet, July 2000) From AudioFile What's wonderful about the Harry Potter stories is the believability of the world Harry and company inhabit, imagined by J.K. Rowling and fully realized through Jim Dale's portrayal. At first, we were as awed as Harry to learn about the wonders of the magical world; now we're as comfortable with what has become familiar. Dale fosters this expectation, bringing his symphony of voices back to each book even as he's adding more. There's an epic game of Quidditch, brought brilliantly into play as Dale narrates spectators and announcer alike, but overall, this is a darker adventure. As the Tri-Wizard Tournament unfolds, innocence gives way to knowledge and experience, trust is betrayed, and there's as much horror as hilarity. (Some gruesome events near the conclusion might be frightening for younger listeners.) Harry's growing up, and, with this installment, he's firmly on course to his destiny. J.M.D. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award. The New York Times Book Review , Stephen King I'm relieved to report that Potter 4--Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire--is every bit as good as Potters 1 through 3.... The most remarkable thing about this book is that Rowling's punning, one-eyebrow-cocked sense of humor goes the distance. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1 -
公元2043年,恩古米战争横扫整个地球,战场上作战的士兵是“兵孩 ”,它们是由人类士兵在数百英里之外的地方遥控的战争机器。朱利安· 克莱斯是操纵兵孩的人类士兵中的一员,对他来说,战争就像地狱一般残酷。大脑与兵孩联接在一起时所产生的心理压力,以及他们给敌人带来的可怕的种族灭绝,这一切让他越来越无法忍受。现在他和他的情人阿米莉亚·哈丁博士有了一项可怕的科学发现,这个发现有可能让整个宇宙重新返回到刚刚开始的那一瞬间。但是,对朱利安来说,这个发现并不可怕,它充满了诱惑力…… -
Goosebumps Let's Get Invisible! (平装)
Goosebumps is a series of children's horror fiction novellas created and authored by R. L. Stine. Sixty-two books were published under the Goosebumps umbrella title from 1992 to 1997, the last one being Monster Blood IV. When a magic mirror holds twelve-year-old Max invisible for too long, he fears that he may be changed forever by a reflection of his real self. length: (cm)19.5 width:(cm)13.5 -
变态灵异学园 06
變態靈異學園6,ISBN:9789867051745,作者:蝙蝠 -
变态灵异学园 05
变态灵异学园第五部,ISBN:9789867051288,作者:蝙蝠 -
变态灵异学园 04
变态灵异学园第四部,ISBN:9789867105981,作者:蝙蝠 -
白娘子的故事是流通很广的一个民间故事,几乎家喻户晓。而通过上世纪90年代赵雅芝精湛的演出,人们更是对西湖边的这个爱情故事津津乐道。 本书为“中国传说故事”系列之一,采用中英文对照的方式,通过思凡下山、游湖借伞、端午惊变、嵩山盗草、水漫金山、断桥相会、雷峰塔倒等情节讲述一段生动曲折的爱情故事,文字简洁,译文生动。本书不仅可以成为青少年读者的休闲读物,还可以成为青少年读者学习英语的绝佳图书。 -
苏州少女顾锦盒是个狂热的“张迷”,口头禅就是怎么能见张爱玲一面呢, 天才摄影师兼电脑专家沈曹对她一见钟情,并让她提前使用自己新发明尚未推广的“时间大神”,一次又一次送她穿越时空去拜见张爱玲——第一次,她看到的是八岁的小爱玲,刚刚跟着父亲从天津来上海等待母亲归国,第二次,是被父亲囚禁病得奄奄一息的张爱玲,第三次,是在胡兰成登门之前,锦盒力阻张爱玲与他见面,然而无论她怎么样的努力,终究改变不了已经发生的历史,反而因为窥破天机,改变了她自己以及身边人的命运。 锦盒的外婆死了,父母离婚了,青梅竹马的男友在翻越神山时遇到雪崩,锦盒自觉罪孽深重,而张爱玲的灵魂也一再告诫她毁掉时间大神,不要改变历史! 她终于拿起大锤将曾经视若神明的“时间大神”砸烂,将沈曹的心血发明砸烂,将自己一生追求的理想爱情砸烂——沈曹的爱太高远太金贵,她到底还是,选择了初恋男友裴子俊,虽然平淡,然而塌实。也许生活中幸福的爱情,大多如此。 -
很久以前,耶路撒冷城内的所罗门王有一枚能召唤魔王的指环,有一天他为兴建神殿而召大唤大魔王阿胥玛戴入城并将之囚禁…… 国王即是乞丐,真相竟说了谎言,梦想却已绝望相伴…… 伊齐以说故事为业,总是说着代代相传、寓意深远的故事。有一天,他自己的故事也出现了令他措手不及的变故――他失去了他的声音! 如同在迷宫中丧失了方向,他慌张地试图逃离眼前的困境,然而有哪个故事的主角,能真正逃出属于自己的故事呢? -
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Book Description Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , the sixth book in J.K. Rowling’s bestselling series, picks up shortly after we left Harry at the end of The Order of the Phoenix. Lord Voldemort is acting out in the open, continuing his reign of terror which was temporarily stopped almost 15 years beforehand. Harry is again at the Dursleys, where the events of the previous month continue to weigh on his mind, although not as much as the impending visit from his Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Given their last meeting, Harry is understandably confused as to why the old wizard would want to visit him at home. Rowling opens with a chapter she had wanted to use for the first book, of The Philosopher’s Stone--Lord Voldemort has been creating chaos in the Wizard and Muggle communities alike, the war is in full swing and the Wizarding community now lives in fear. The press have been questioning the events at the Ministry which led to the admission of Voldemort’s return, and of course Harry’s name is mentioned a number of times. Harry’s got his problems, but his anxiety is nothing compared to Hermione’s when the OWL results are delivered. There’s a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, an assortment of new characters and creatures, and startling revelations about past characters and events. Gone is the rage-filled Harry of The Order of the Phoenix--he’s not being kept in the dark any more, his unjustified Quidditch ban has been lifted and he has matured considerably in his short time out of school. Half-Blood Prince follows Harry into the world of late-teens, and his realisation that nobody is infallible has made his growth that much easier. Accepting his destiny, Harry continues to behave as teenagers do, enjoying his time with his friends, developing his relationships outside of his usual circle, and learning more about how he must, eventually, do what he is destined to do. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友