两个相互吸引的不羁灵魂,一场注定发生的惊天噩梦! 死神来了,你还会一直站在我身边吗? 你要找个足够长的时间一口气读完它,因为你停不下来的 英国畅销小说《死亡数字》第二部 英国地铁捧读率最高的小说!第三部即将问世! 15岁的少女杰姆是个先知,她能从对方的眼睛中,看到一组昭示死期的数字,年,月,日,分毫不差。 时光飞快流逝,杰姆的儿子亚当继承了她的能力,同样能读到别人眼睛里的死亡数字。 当他发现自己身边的人的眼睛里都出现同样的数字时,亚当开始陷入深深的恐惧——那一天究竟会有怎样的灾难?地震?战争?核爆炸?他毫无头绪,只知道离“大事件”的发生日期已经越来越近…… 正是在这个时候,少女莎拉走进了亚当的生活。这个怀孕的少女,不但有一段难以启齿的往事,而且还有一种让人痛苦的天赋:她在噩梦里能看到未来。 然而,这个将亚当和莎拉的命运捆绑在一起的未来,却并非是一个让人安心的景象…… -
《逃离无名岛》内容简介:这是一个荒凉的小岛,四周是茫茫的大海。这注定是一个发生故事的地方,之前发生的故事已经没有人知道,已经被海水淹没。但是此时此刻,这个岛上又即将发生一个故事。因为这个岛上来了很多人,凡是有人的地方就有故事,尤其是有很多人的地方。因此你可以期待,这将是一个精彩的故事。 -
《死囚的优雅》写了七年前,一名黑人枪杀了一名白人警察,看似平淡无奇的命案,却牵扯出种族歧视和反对死刑等政治斗争。作者不落罪案小说的传统窠臼,奇思妙想的层层巧设悬念,将严肃的政治主题寓含在一系列的谋杀案中,通过对命案的步步侦探,隐藏在命案背后的政治阴谋被丝丝缕缕地勾连起来,完整揭露了美国政治体制的种种黑暗。 这是一幅美国反种族歧视的画卷,部成功的另类编年史。作者宛如一名导游,引领你我穿梭于时空交错的诡异政治斗争之中,切实感受人性的善与恶、对与错、爱与恨的交锋对决。 -
《褒姒的诅咒》主要讲述了两千年前,这个女子一笑倾国、祸遗千古,两千年后,她的幽魂重现人间、涂炭生灵。 来自西周的幽魂降临人间,肆无忌惮的处罚世上的男子。远古的酷刑赫然重现,钢筋水泥的丛林已变成修罗杀场。 社会的地是步,却导致人心的败坏;沉沦的众生,面临末日的审判。 -
◎強力推薦 英國利物浦大學科幻研究碩士/林翰昌 推理部落客/顏九笙 囊括星雲、雨果、軌跡、側斜等四大科幻/奇幻小說獎! 突破類型藩籬、顛覆歷史想像的天才之作! ◎橫掃10大暢銷排行榜冠軍!熱賣突破60萬冊! ◎入圍愛倫坡獎、漢密特獎決選! ◎紐約時報、獨立書商協會年度選書! ◎即將由「險路勿近」金獎名導柯恩兄弟改編拍成電影! 對他們來說,這裡是神賜的樂土,也是神造的囚籠;他們信仰堅定,卻也充滿疑慮;這是嶄新的未來,也可能是黯淡的結局…… 「真的很抱歉,但我們不是在說故事。」 「不是嗎?」 「不是,藍茲曼警探,是故事在說我們。我們都在故事裡面,你和我都是。」 六十年來,阿拉斯加的席卡特區庇護著流亡的猶太人,除了《聖經》上的應許之地,這裡是現實世界中他們唯一可以安身立命的所在。然而兩個月後,美國政府即將收回特區管轄權,猶太人將再度踏上流亡之路。 席卡警局兇殺組的藍茲曼警探,是在此落地生根的第二代猶太人,他不信神、不守猶太傳統,什麼都不甩。這天,他住的旅館內有個西洋棋手被人對著後腦勺一槍斃命,這是管轄權移交前他接下的最後一件案子。然而在查訪過程中,他卻發現無人熟識這位不管是叫拉斯克、法蘭克或其他化名的毒蟲,但不管是俄羅斯藥頭,還是最虔誠的猶太教徒,卻都為他的死訊一掬同情之淚。就這樣,他一腳踏進了既陌生又熟悉的神話與犯罪世界,試著解出死者留下的詭異棋局背後隱藏的意義…… 繼普立茲小說獎得獎作品《卡瓦利與克雷的神奇冒險》後,謝朋再次以豐沛的想像力,為一個被世界所遺忘的民族平空創造屬於他們的歷史、城市與生活。這位文壇魔術師以幾近全能的華麗寫作技藝,示範了如何巧妙結合虛擬的歷史、冷硬派推理,以及異族風情等元素而成為一部令人驚嘆的傑作。評論與讀者的熱烈迴響,更證明了他被譽為是當代最擅長從類型題材中挖掘金礦的小說家,絕非浪得虛名! -
恐懼餵養出的怪物,稱為和平。 暴力羅織出的謊言,稱為正義! ★讀者驚呼:這是伊坂幸太郎最恐怖的作品! 以《死神的精確度》風靡文壇影壇 愛與和平好青年──伊坂幸太郎 最溫腥的英雄物語 「我一直在想我的超級英雄要用什麼武器, 最後決定,就是『這個』了!」 「神祕武器」+「不完全的正義」=好青年式奇想「超級英雄」 在陷入恐怖統治的日本,正義使者一舉突入! ★日本《達文西》雜誌2015年度5月白金選書 ★日本iBook 2015年度 最棒小說 【故事簡介】 親愛的日本市民們,聽著! 遵從警察才能和平;互相密告才有安定。 為了讓明天更美好、更安全, 送給小市民的「獵巫行動」 即、將、開、始! 恭喜!施行「和平警察制度」的日本部分地區,有了前所未見的和平生活,只是鄰居會互相密告,莫須有的罪名扣在無辜人士身上,而站上斷頭台的犯人,則在眾人嗜血的喝采聲中被公──開──處──刑──♪ 在剛實施這項政策的仙台,恐懼的市民選擇沉默,任憑警察無故帶走鄰居,或告發他人以求自保;不甘默默承受的民眾密謀反抗,卻陷入危機。在絕望的時刻,一名奇裝異服又帶著神祕武器的「正義使者」登場救援! 神出鬼沒的正義使者,自此在仙台大活躍!警方不堪其擾,日本中央因此派來了本領高超但性格古怪的特殊搜查官──真壁鴻一郎。這名熱愛昆蟲,高窕修長,氣質宛如音樂家的青年,和身手矯健的仙台警察二瓶,組成如同福爾摩斯和華生的搭檔。他們驚覺正義使者的行事詭異,因為更多的人命竟都被他一一捨棄……他的目的究竟為何?此時,小小的正義火苗已在人們心中燃起,然而,正義與邪惡,異常和正常的界線,卻逐漸在這場混沌的正義大火中愈加不清…… 和平警察:「什麼正義使者,這是哪門子稱呼?那我們是邪惡的一方嗎?」 真壁鴻一郎:「怎麼會?世上沒有邪惡這種東西,甚至可說一切都是正義的。 就像世上沒有害蟲一樣。站在昆蟲的立場來看,自己就是益蟲。」 -
詹姆斯•N•弗雷是一系列畅销全球的写作指南的作者,常年执教于高校和写作工坊。本书将引导你进行头脑风暴、制订计划、设计情节,直至最终完成一本悬疑小说。其中的第一步,就是创造出迷人而立体、动态而富有戏剧性的人物。一旦你让这些人物在笔下自主地活动起来,他们将为你制造出复杂而可信的情节,充满神秘、威胁和悬念。接下来,本书将为你演示如何写出扣人心弦的场景和令人激动的叙述。然后,它还将告诉你如何改写和润色加工,以及将手稿委托给代理商时可采用的策略。 那么,阅读这本书,并按书里的原则实践,能保证你写出一本很棒的悬疑小说吗?抱歉,不能。这里有太多因素取决于你自己了。但是,如果你能把书中的技巧认真地应用起来,让你的人物展开属于各自的旅程,然后你写,写,写,然后改写,改写,改写,直到你的故事磨出烟儿来,那么你就可能获得巨大的成功。这将是一次充满乐趣的冒险之旅。 -
Deception Point
Amazon.com Penzler Pick, December 2001: In the world of page-turning thrillers, Dan Brown holds a special place in the hearts of many of us. After his first book, Digital Fortress, almost passed me by, he wrote Angels and Demons, which was probably one of the half-dozen most exciting thrillers of last year. It is a pleasure to report that his new book lives up to his reputation as a writer whose research and talent make his stories exciting, believable, and just plain unputdownable. The time is now and President Zachary Herney is facing a very tough reelection. His opponent, Senator Sedgwick Sexton, is a powerful man with powerful friends and a mission: to reduce NASA's spending and move space exploration into the private sector. He has numerous supporters, including many beyond the businesses who will profit from this because of the embarrassment of 1996, when the Clinton administration was informed by NASA that proof existed of life on other planets. That information turned out to be premature, if not incorrect. (This story is true; I repeat, Dan Brown's research is very, very good.) The embattled president is assured that a rare object buried deep in the Arctic ice will prove to have far-reaching implications on America's space program. The find, however, needs to be verified. Enter Rachel Sexton, a gister for the National Reconnaissance Office. Gisters reduce complex reports into single-page briefs, and in this case the president needs that confirmation before he broadcasts to the nation, probably ensuring his reelection. It's tricky because Rachel is the daughter of his opponent. Rachel is thrilled to be on the team traveling to the Arctic circle. She is a realist about her father's politics and has little respect for his stand on NASA, but Senator Sexton cannot help but have a problem with her involvement. Adventure, romance, murder, skullduggery, and nail-biting tension ensue. By the end of Deception Point, the reader will be much better informed about how our space program works and how our politicians react to new information. Bring on the next Dan Brown thriller! --Otto Penzler From Publishers Weekly Struggling to rebound from a series of embarrassing blunders that have jeopardized its political life at the start of this lively thriller, NASA makes an astounding discovery: there is a meteor embedded deep within the arctic ice. And it isn't just any meteor. Inside the huge rock, which crashed to earth in 1716, are fossils of giant insects proof of extraterrestrial life. Yet, given NASA's slipping reputation, the question arises: Is the meteor real or a fake? That uncertainty dogs NASA and its supporters in Brown's latest page-flipper, a finely polished amalgam of action and intrigue. Trying to determine the truth are intelligence agent Rachel Sexton and popular oceanographer Michael Tolland, both among the first to suspect something is amiss when the meteor is pulled from the ice. Their doubts quickly make them the targets of a mysterious death squad controlled by someone or something that doesn't want the public to hear the meteor may be a fraud. Together, Sexton and Tolland scramble across arctic glaciers, take refuge on ice floes, are rescued by a nuclear submarine, then find themselves trapped aboard a small research vessel off the coast of New Jersey. All the while, the nation's capital is buzzing as to whether NASA has engaged in deception. Or is NASA just a dupe for aerospace companies that have long wanted a bigger share of space contracts? Brown (Angels & Demons) moves into new territory with his latest. It's an excellent thriller a big yet believable story unfolding at breakneck pace, with convincing settings and just the right blend of likable and hateful characters. He's also done his research, folding in sophisticated scientific and military details that make his plot far more fulfilling than the norm. From Booklist The phrase mixed bag was probably invented to describe novels like this one. It has characters that range from inventive to wooden, dialogue that bounces between evocative and cliched, a narrative structure that is sometimes serpentine and sometimes childishly simple, and a plot that lies somewhere between bold and ridiculous. While most readers will accept the author's premise--that a remarkable discovery in the Arctic may offer proof of extraterrestrial life--others may have trouble with his casting of NASA as a murderous villain. Still, this is pretty exciting stuff (Can an intelligence agent and a scholar blow the lid off a massive conspiracy before they are assassinated?), and Brown certainly does have a knack for spinning a suspenseful yarn. On the other hand, his writing style is merely adequate. In the end, what does Brown's mixed bag add up to? Those who require only that thrillers deliver the requisite number of chills will have a good time here, but those looking for a little artistry, a little panache, are likely to be disappointed. David Pitt From Library Journal Brown's dazzling high-tech adventure opens with NASA personnel making a startling discovery. An ancient meteorite is found buried within an Arctic glacier. Samples taken from this meteorite reveal that it contains fossils from life forms not previously seen on Earth. Could this discovery prove that we are not alone in the universe? To answer that question, several civilian scientists are dispatched to the site in order to investigate the origin of the fossils and verify NASA's findings. Before any official announcement can be made, however, one of the scientists dies under mysterious circumstances. The remaining scientists quickly realize that all is not what it appears to be as they struggle to separate truth from deceit. With this latest story, Brown (Digital Fortress) proves once again that he is among the most intelligent and dynamic of authors in the thriller genre. He has skillfully blended his own wit and style with the rip-roaring adventure of Cussler and the modern technology of Clancy. Highly recommended for all public libraries. Jeff Ayers, Seattle P.L. -
画家哈特菜特与富家少女劳拉·费尔利坠入情网;然而劳拉早被亡父许给了风流倜倘的珀斯威尔爵士。一人个晚上,哈特莱特在路上偶遇一位长相酷似劳拉的白衣女子,她刚逃出疯人院。她宣称掌握珀斯威尔爵士的一桩可怕罪行,并警告说劳拉与珀斯威尔结婚会是极其危险的 -
“使人毛骨悚然的恐怖小说,悬念叠出,极具挑战性。” ——《纽约时报》 “不可错过的一部恐怖小说。托马斯·佩里刻画了一个情感极其复杂,却独具魅力的‘女魔法师’形象。” ——《波士顿环球报》 -
这是美国作家威廉.迪特里希创作于2001年的畅销小说。 地质学家刘易斯向往南极纯净的冰雪世界,想体验独自在世界尽头面对星空的感觉,于是应聘来到南极科学考察站从事气象研究。考察站上的人感到莫名其妙,都对他怀有戒心,只有天体物理学家米基.莫斯例外,因为刘易斯是他请来的。原来米基.莫斯发现了一块坠落在南极的太空陨石,把它私藏起来,想让刘易斯评估一下价值。可是不久莫斯就被发现死在一个坑道里,陨石没 -
歇洛克·福尔摩斯是世界上最著名的侦探之一,他是伟大的侦探小说家柯南·道尔笔下最典型的人物。本书精选福尔摩斯塔探案经典案例,情节离奇曲折,内容扣人心弦。世界上最聪明的侦探,人间最诡秘的案情,福尔摩斯——令人在黑暗中热血沸腾的名字,像猎犬一样跟踪罪犯的蛛丝马迹,在烟斗和小提琴的陪伴下让思路重现凶案现场。 -
(英)阿嘉莎 克莉丝蒂小说选(全10册)(特价)
东方快车谋杀案; 此夜绵绵; 假戏成真 -
都说毫发无损,所以我才抱着好奇试试看的心情去做那件事的,谁知自尊心还是受到了伤害……自我怜悯是最没用的,因为它不会让你向前向上有任何进步。 此刻,我仿佛又变成了我所喜欢的夏丝汀,一个从瑞典去美国留学的高中女生。 还我!还我!!还我自尊心!!!我知道,佐野,是不会还我自尊心的。再说,自尊心这东西,也不是靠别人赏给你的,而是要依靠自己去找回来的。说起来,和不讨自己喜欢的人做那事,不管是怎样的形式、出于怎样的好奇心,总归是错的。 阿修罗佛教传说中非常特别的神,男的极丑而女的极美,集有恶与极美于一身。天龙八部之一。 -
多年前,“我”曾经因为一场事故遗失了记忆。 多年后,“我”偶遇一美丽女人, 依稀觉得与她似曾相识。“我”差点爱上她,却发现她是谋杀我的凶手。“我”偷窥她,想找出她杀“我”的动机。 小说力塑了马南这个人物。 它摒弃了同类作品雷同的悬疑元素,另辟悬疑蹊径,对读者的阅读具有挑战性,是中国 首部严格意义上的精神悬疑小说。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友