China Pop
China Pop is a highly original and lively look at the ways that contemporary China is changing. Jianying Zha, hailed by The Nation as "incisive, witty and eloquent all at once," examines a wide range of developments largely unknown to Western readers: the careful planning of television soap operas to placate popular unrest after Tiananmen, the growth of the sex tabloid and pornography industries, and the politics of censorship and commercial success of the film directors Chen Kaige (Farewell My Concubine) and Zhang Yimou (Ju Dou and Raise the Red Lantern). Review One of the twenty-five best books of 1995. -- Voice Literary Supplement Perceptive. . . What China Pop so brilliantly chronicles is the commercialization of China's cultural world and the anxiety that change is causing in China's intellectuals. -- Christian Science Monitor [A] photograph, a freeze-frame, of a country in rapid motion. . . [Zha is] a young writer with many arresting ideas and, from the evidence of China Pop, a bright literary future as well. -- The New York Times From Publishers Weekly Zha, who was born and raised in Beijing, examines the ways in which the proliferation of pop culture and mass media is changing traditional Chinese society. From The New Yorker This eye-opening book is a breezy and stimulating look at the explosive cultural changes that have followed recent economic reforms in China. From Library Journal As one who fundamentally believes that culture, not economics, will "save" China, Zha (a Chinese journalist who now lives in Chicago and works for the Center for Transcultural Studies) writes about how popular culture has developed in Beijing, China's cultural capital. She discusses the major individuals involved in the production of the nation's most popular soap opera, Yearning; the development of contemporary Chinese architecture; the production of such award-winning movies as Farewell My Concubine and Raise the Red Lantern; the transformation of the Ministry of Culture's China Culture Gazette; pervasive corruption in the journalistic world; the wholesale promotion of the novel The Abandoned Capital; and, from Hong Kong, the proliferation of the avante-garde via the CIM investment company. Much of what Zha discusses is supported in other recent accounts (e.g., Frank Viviano's Dispatches from the Pacific Century, LJ 4/1/93; Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's China Wakes, LJ 7/94; and Orville Schell's Mandate of Heaven, LJ 8/94). However, since her stated intention is to portray China in a "minute fashion," the result is that the book reads more like an extended gossip column than a serious analytical work. An optional purchase. -
张柠(文学评论家) 卢江良的小说,通过他特有的叙事形式和故事结构,将当代农村的信息、故事.农民的命运,以及各种精神秘密,“置顶”在人们的阅读视野之中。 朱其根(青年诗人) 在他巳经完成的数十个短篇小说中。卢江良无不借助他非凡的洞察力和扎实的语言感悟和文字功力,一次又一次真诚地向我们展示了社会底层的客观生活及人物命运遭遇的真实,更让我们从中看到了文学青年致力于当代社会生活批判的决心。 丁雷(中文系学生) 他小说里的故事很好读,人物几乎都是像刚从农村走出来的简单朴实又带着傻气的最底层农民,情节动人而曲折,感情饱满而又有节制地批判。 明月共潮生(大学教师) 小说的语言风格不是那种尖利的,具有挑战性的,但正是悲剧性的结果。如一把利剑,刺向了某种愚痴的,简单化的百姓思维。 吴洋忠(自由撰稿人) 近年来很少见小说作者如此准确地展现出这类急需怜悯和同情的愚昧群体的精神犹豫以及精神犹豫带来的行为的犹豫和滑稽可笑。 -
《局外人/鼠疫》内容简介:中篇小说《局外人》是加缪的成名作。小说塑造了一个惊世骇俗的“荒谬的人”——对一切都漠然置之的主人公默而索,他对身边发生的一切事情都漠不关心,他母亲的去世,甚至自己被判处死刑,他都没有感觉。这一荒诞主题实际上是作者对二战后人类荒诞的生存境况的呼喊。此作是荒诞小说的代表作,同时也是存在主义文学的杰出作品之一。 长篇小说《鼠疫》,一部被法兰西文学界奉为经典的长篇巨著,一部被译成28种语言,畅销1000万册的作品。该作是全球畅销书上的传奇,半个世纪以来常销不衰,被认为是加缪最有影响力和现实意义的文学作品。作品生动地描写了在与世隔离并面临死亡的绝境下,各类人的不同表现。最终,以医生里厄为首的不同背景的人们团结起来抗击鼠疫。在遭受鼠疫对情感和生存境况折磨的时候,人类仍能用“知其不可而为之”的大无畏精神面对死神。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友