

  • Dali

    作者:Gilles Neret,Robert

    Almost half Dalí's illustrations in this book have rarely been seen This publication presents the entire painted oeuvre of Salvador Dalí (1904-1989). After many years of research, Robert Descharnes and Gilles Néret finally located all the paintings of this highly prolific artist. Many of the works had been inaccessible for years - in fact so many that almost half the illustrations in this book have rarely been seen.
  • 上海屋里厢(中英双语)


    《上海屋里厢》以本市20世纪建造的民居为对象,记录了本地房子、石库门里弄住宅、新式里弄住宅、花园洋房和公寓大楼中百余户居民的生活空间,给城市文化研究带来了一个新的观察视角,及一份难得的图像史料。 Inside Shanghai presents the latest works of Xi Wenlei, the freelance photographer. He aims at the local residence built in the 20th century, including scenarios in villas, Shikumen houses, lane houses, and apartment homes. The collection of photographs offers a very valuable new perspective for the investigation of urban culture, while they will most probably survive us as historical records.
  • 微笑的柴犬


    对!没错!就是那只会笑的柴犬! 玛鲁·MARU 超萌狗明星 以微笑汇集170万粉丝!! 向全世界传播正能量 —————————————————————————— 全世界最著名的柴犬——玛鲁,以真挚的微笑感动全球170万粉丝。对!没错!就是那只“会笑的柴犬”! 玛鲁的主人小野慎二郎用照片记录玛鲁的生活点滴,樱花树下、油菜田中以及日本各地的美景中,玛鲁都拍下了纪念照片,照片中,玛鲁的唇边总是挂着那抹淡淡(魔性)的微笑。生活中的玛鲁面对冰镇西瓜,脸上似乎满是疑惑的表情——“这是什么鬼!”路遇一只猫咪,虽然玛鲁很想跟猫咪玩耍,但是猫一脸敬谢不敏。面对桌子上美味的年糕小豆汤,玛鲁脸上的表情更是让人忍不住笑出声来。小编不想再用文字描述更多玛鲁的萌态(蠢状),快快翻开这本书,加入玛鲁庞大的粉丝团队吧!
  • L's Bravo Viewtiful 日本版


    INFINITEのLによる、初めてのDVD付きフォト&エッセイ 2010年6月に韓国でデビューした7人組ダンスボーカルグループ、INFINITE(インフィニット)。 シンクロ率99.9%のダンス・パフォーマンスやアイドルらしからぬ楽曲クオリティ、さらに個性豊かな7人のキャラクターで視聴者を魅了し、2011年9月に韓国歌番組初の1位を獲得。 それ以降はリリースのたびに1位に輝くという人気グループになり、その人気は日本にも飛び火。 同年11月に日本デビューを果たすと、翌2012年には全国5ヵ所7公演7万4千人を動員した初のアリーナ・ツアーを開催するほどに。 2013年6月には待望の日本1stアルバムのリリースも決定している。 なかでも、俳優としても活動するL(エル)は、グループの顔といっても過言ではないビジュアル担当だが、寡黙な彼の一番の魅力は、少し“不思議ちゃん”ともいえる独特の感性。 そんな彼の感性をカタチにしたのが、このフォトエッセイ「L's Bravo Viewtiful」。 18歳のデビュー以前からカメラに興味を持ち、日々の活動を日記を撮るように写真に収めてきた彼の、2012年9月28日からの93日間の記録であり、INFINITEのメンバーとしても、Lとしても初めての本となる。 タイトルのViewtifulは、カメラのViewfinderとBeautifulを掛け合わせた造語。 本に納められた写真日記のような1日1日は、INFINITEとしての自身の活動やメンバーの様子、来日したときのこと、ただカメラを持って街で見かけたもの、日常で何気なく撮ったものなど、彼の感性で切り取った「絵」に、短い文章や手書きのイラストが添えられており、まるで1ページ、1ページが、作品のよう。 すべてのページから20歳の青年の瑞々しい感性があふれ出し、じんわりと人肌の温かさが感じられる1冊に仕上がっている。 はっきりと語られていはいないが、本のタイトルのようにL自身が「人生は美しい」と日々の些細なことから感じているのがわかるはずだ。 また、実際にLが写真撮影をしているシーンや、本を作る過程、Lのインタビューが収録されたDVD、メモ帳、Lが撮影したINFINITEのメンバーのポストカードというファンには嬉しい豪華な特典付き。 ●付録 メイキングDVD(26分)、メモ帳、ポストカード
  • No Smoking

    作者:Luc Sante

    Can you imagine Groucho Marx without a cigar? Do you remember that a few years ago smoking was allowed in airplanes? Can you tell when New York stopped smoking? In the not so distant past, posing seductively with a cigarette was de rigueur for Hollywood types. How many celebrities today dare to even hold one? No Smoking is a tribute to the 20th century, a century that created, promoted and glorified the cigarette and then suddenly declared war on it.
  • William Eggleston

    作者:Herve Chandes,Willia

  • 跟亚当斯学摄影


  • Hiromix


  • 惊现自然


    班尔特•瑞撤尔以山为家。盖比瑞拉•施达比勒热爱非洲。诺贝尔特•霍森则热衷北极和德国。卡斯腾•彼得前往人迹罕至的地方进行拍摄。汉斯•施特汉特简直就是一位艺术家,他用哈苏相机拍出的照片,美若图画。 摄影师带领我们前往世界二十大风景胜地。可能是德国雄伟的楚格峰,或者世界另一尽头的巴塔哥尼亚,或者马达加斯加的热带雨林,或者夏威夷蒸腾的火山。 你会看到各种自然奇迹,有大有小:娇弱的花朵、巨大的冰川或者正在玩耍的极地狐狸。 每位摄影师都有自己的风格,他们将在本书附录中对自己的摄影作品进行解密。通过阅读本书,摄影爱好者一定会受益匪浅。就算自己不拍照,也可以饱览书中美景。
  • The Great LIFE Photographers

    作者:The Editors of LIFE

    The Great LIFE Photographers is the most comprehensive anthology of LIFE photography ever published, featuring the best work of every staff photographer who worked for the famous magazine, and that of a handful of others who shot for LIFE. It was always the photographers who made LIFE great, and this is the most vivid and exciting portrait of those men and women that has ever been produced. The book offers more than 100 portfolios including those of Alfred Eisenstaedt, Margaret Bourke-White, Carl Mydans, Gordon Parks, W. Eugene Smith, Robert Capa, Ralph Morse, Nina Leen, Harry Benson, Philippe Halsman, and Joe McNally, whose work for LIFE in the aftermath of September 11 was in the finest tradition of the magazine. Each portfolio includes a short biography, offering an intimate look at the people behind the lens. Here are the defining moments of the 20th century, including MacArthur wading ashore by Mydans, Capa's D-Day landing at Omaha Beach and, of course, Eisenstaedt's sailor kissing the nurse. Here are the first pictures taken from inside the womb and the first taken from outer space. Here are powerful scenes from Tiananmen Square and from the American South during the Civil Rights movement. LIFE helped make icons of Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe, the Beatles and Michael Jackson, and those indelible photographs are here too. This attractive new paperback edition is an affordable way to own some of the most memorable photographs ever made, stunningly reproduced in black and white and full color.
  • Nobuyoshi Araki: Self Life Death

    作者:Nobuyoshi Araki

    •Arguably Japan’s greatest living photographer – and certainly its most controversial – Nobuyoshi Araki (b.1940) consistently challenges artistic and social conventions in postwar Japan by referencing the country’s rich history of restraint, commercialism and eroticism •This new abridged edition includes all of Araki’s major bodies of work, such as Sentimental Journey (1971), Winter Journey (1991) and Erotos (1993) •Araki’s prolific 48 year career is represented through his finest and most iconic images all in a lavishly produced, large-format book •Araki’s writings, widely admired in Japan, are also included, providing a unique opportunity for the English reader to discover the artist and his motivations •In this affordable and accessible format, a new audience of photography students and enthusiasts will be able to own the definitive work on this influential photographer
  • Brassai, Paris

    作者:Jean-Claude Gautrand

    Leichte Mädchen und schwere Jungs in Brassais Paris. "Brassai ist ein wandelndes Auge", schrieb Henry Miller über den aus Ungarn stammenden Künstler, der nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Paris zu seiner Wahlheimat erkor und zu einem der gefeiertsten Fotografen dieser Stadt wurde. Brassai (1899-1984), der als Maler begann, bevor er sich der Schriftstellerei, Bildhauerei, dem Kino und vor allem der Fotografie widmete, für die er berühmt wurde, gehörte der Pariser Kulturelite an und zählte Miller, Picasso, Sartre, amus und Cocteau zu seinen Freunden. Mit der Kamera in der Hand durchstreifte er die Straßen und Bars von Paris und portraitierte die Bewohner der Stadt ungeschminkt in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung. Prostituierte, Gauner und andere "Randerscheinungen" waren die berühmtesten Helden seiner stimmungsvollen Fotografien, die häufig bei Nacht entstanden. Neben einer umfangreichen Auswahl aus Brassais besten Fotografien und einem Essay, der Leben und Werk des Künstlers beschreibt, erkundet dieser Band Brassais Welt in thematischen Kapiteln: die Zeitschrift Minotaure, Paris bei Nacht, Das geheime Paris, Bei Tageslicht, Begegnungen mit Künstlern und Graffiti und Verwandlungen.
  • Street Photography Now

    作者:Sophie Howarth,Steph

    Here are forty-six contemporary image-makers who are noted for their candid depictions of life on the streets and in the subways, at shopping malls and movie theaters, on beaches and in parks. Included are luminaries such as Magnum members Bruce Gilden, Martin Parr, and Alex Webb (who are still “seeing what is invisible to others,” as Robert Frank put it), along with an international group of emerging photographers whose individual biographies illuminate the stories behind their pictures of New York, Tokyo, Delhi, or Dakar. Four thought-provoking essays and a global conversation between leading street photographers explore the compelling and often controversial issues in the genre. A select bibliography and a resource section for aspiring street photographers complete the book. 300+ full-color photographs
  • Jeff Wall

    作者:Wall, Jeff/ Vischer,

    The Jeff Wall Catalogue Raisonné traces the gradual evolution of Wall’s pictorial concept. In an allusion to Charles Baudelaire’s dictum on Manet, Wall describes his work as the “painting of modern life”. Wall’s color photographs consist of large-format transparencies, mounted in aluminium boxes and illuminated from behind. Since 1996, the artist has also produced large-format black-and-white photographs. This book is the first systematic compilation of information and materials on Wall’s individual works, comprising works from 1978 to 2004 and containing 120 catalogue entries. It includes technical data as well as information on their history and commentaries by the artist.
  • 想象的时空


  • 史蒂夫·麦凯瑞作品精选


    《史蒂夫•麦凯瑞作品精选》内容简介:美国摄影师史蒂夫•麦凯瑞是国际公认的当今世界最优秀的摄影师之一,他曾荣获多项摄影顶级大奖。《史蒂夫•麦凯瑞作品精选》回顾了麦凯瑞过去三十几年来,在世界各地拍摄的那些最让人印象深刻和最优美的照片。麦凯瑞独特的能力,使他得以跨越语言和文化的界限,捕捉人类生活稍纵即逝的瞬间。他用敏锐的双眼审视事物的结构和色彩、图案的形状和对称性,他为我们打开了一扇通往其他世界的窗口。 《史蒂夫•麦凯瑞作品精选》按原版图书大小印刷,因此书中麦凯瑞的肖像作品极具非比寻常的直观性和震撼力,他壮丽的风光作品中连最小的细节都跃然纸上。与儿童、朝圣者和农民的肖像一同呈现的,是古老的庙宇、繁忙的街景、瑰丽的山地风光和安静的日常生活——人们在他的画面里钓鱼、嬉戏、工作和祈祷。 为了获得最佳的视觉效果,《史蒂夫•麦凯瑞作品精选》不间断地以单页或双页大小呈现麦凯瑞的摄影作品。在书的最后,附有详尽的作品注释,并配合彩色小图方便读者参阅。 海报:
  • Looking In

    作者:Robert Frank

    First published in France in 1958, then in the United States in 1959, Robert Frank's The Americans changed the course of twentieth-century photography. In 83 photographs, Frank looked beneath the surface of American life to reveal a people plagued by racism, ill-served by their politicians and rendered numb by a rapidly expanding culture of consumption. Yet he also found novel areas of beauty in simple, overlooked corners of American life. And it was not just his subject matter--cars, jukeboxes and even the road itself--that redefined the icons of America; it was also his seemingly intuitive, immediate, off-kilter style, as well as his method of brilliantly linking his photographs together thematically, conceptually, formally and linguistically, that made The Americans so innovative. More of an ode or a poem than a literal document, the book is as powerful and provocative today as it was 50 years ago. Published to accompany a major exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans" celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of this prescient book. Drawing on newly examined archival sources, it provides a fascinating in-depth examination of the making of the photographs and the book's construction, using vintage contact sheets, work prints and letters that literally chart Frank's journey around the country on a Guggenheim grant in 1955-1956. Curator and editor Sarah Greenough and her colleagues also explore the roots of The Americans in Frank's earlier books, which are abundantly illustrated here, and in books by photographers Walker Evans, Bill Brandt and others. The 83 original photographs from The Americans are presented in sequence in as near vintage prints as possible. The catalogue concludes with an examination of Frank's later reinterpretations and deconstructions of The Americans, bringing full circle the history of this resounding entry in the annals of photography. This richly illustrated expanded edition of Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans" contains several engaging essays by curator Sarah Greenough that explore the roots of this seminal book, Frank's travels on a Guggenheim fellowship, the sequencing of The Americans and the book's impact on his later career. In addition, essays by Anne Wilkes Tucker, Stuart Alexander, Martin Gasser, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Michel Frizot and Luc Sante offer focused analyses of Frank's relationship with Louis Faurer, Edward Steichen, Gotthard Schuh, Walker Evans, Robert Delpire and Jack Kerouac, while Philip Brookman writes about his work with Frank on several exhibitions in the last 30 years. This edition also reproduces many of Frank's earlier photographic sequences, as well as all of the photographs in The Americans and selected later works. In addition, Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans"-Expanded Edition includes a wealth of additional materials, essential information for all interested in twentieth-century photography. It contains all of Frank's vintage contact sheets related to The Americans, a section that re-creates his preliminary sequence and presents variant croppings of the first and subsequent editions of the book and a map and chronology, along with letters and manuscript materials by Frank, Walker Evans and Jack Kerouac related to Frank's Guggenheim fellowship, his travels around the United States in 1955-1956, and his construction of the book. This groundbreaking 528-page catalogue is certain to be the definitive source of information on The Americans for years to come.
  • 大象·fotoyard


    邮购方式在此:http://www2.fotoyard.com/Photoshow/fotoyardbook/fotoyardbook.html 据说在北京798里一个书店也有卖?如果有同学看到在下面讨论栏目里确认一下也好。
  • Magnum Contact Sheets

    作者:Lubben, Kristen

    This special and important photography book presents, for the first time, the very best contact sheets created by Magnum photographers. Contact sheets tell the truth behind a photograph. They unveil its process, and provide its back story. Was it the outcome of what a photographer had in mind from the outset? Did it emerge from a diligently worked sequence, or was the right shot down to pure serendipity a matter of being in the right place at the right time? This landmark publication provides the reader with a depth of understanding and a critical analysis of the story behind a photograph, the process of editing it, and the places and ways in which the selected photographs were used. For anyone with a deep appreciation of photography and a desire to understand what goes into creating iconic work, "Magnum Contact Sheets" will be regarded as the definitive volume. It is presented with 435 illustrations in total, 230 in colour, including over 3,600 frames on 139 contact sheets.
  • 穿透黑暗


    夜景和暗光摄影是巨大的挑战也极具诱惑力。从黄昏到黎明,在我们平常生活的地方,你的眼睛会感受到全新的世界。本书带领你走入这个魔幻摄影领域,带你去发现难以置信的光线和影调、体味细腻的色彩,创造出独特的影像,预测不可见的景物。只要有耐心、有技巧,你就能将夜生活编织为细节丰富的“浮世绘”。 ·系统介绍夜景和暗光摄影的技术、思路、观察和预判方法、摄影器材、后期处理方法。 ·展示最具个性的光绘手法。 ·专门为数码夜景和暗光摄影定制,展示前期+后期的完整流程。 ·美国资深夜间摄影高手150多张精美作品展示。